Ways to Raise Children

Author: Robert Simon
Date Of Creation: 19 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to raise successful kids -- without over-parenting | Julie Lythcott-Haims
Video: How to raise successful kids -- without over-parenting | Julie Lythcott-Haims


Everyone has to admit that raising children as human takes time and effort. While having a child is almost natural, being good as a parent is much more complicated. If you want to know how to raise children, follow these steps.


Part 1 of 4: Developing Healthy Habits

  1. Put parenting first. This is difficult in a world where there are so many things to do. A good parent takes the initiative in organizing and taking care of the children. They put child development first. As a parent, you must learn to prioritize your children and make sacrifices and spending more time with yourself. Of course, you shouldn't neglect yourself, but get used to the idea of ​​putting your child's needs first.
    • If married, the two take turns taking care of the child so that the other has "time for me."
    • When you schedule weekly tasks, focus must be placed on your child's needs.

  2. Read books to children every day. By the age of 15, the child will be especially aware of this. Nurturing feelings for the world of writing, children will develop feelings for reading in the future. Schedule a time to read to your baby each day - usually at nighttime or during naps. Set aside at least 30 minutes to an hour to read to your child every day if you can't spend more. Children will not only develop a love for writing, but also have a good chance of academic and behavioral success. Studies show that children who are read to a book every day are less likely to have bad behaviors in school.
    • When your child starts to learn to read or write, let him do it himself. Do not fix the child's mistakes every few seconds because this will be frustrated.

  3. Dinner with family. One of the harmful trends in modern families is that family meals are fading. The table is not only a place to eat and do housework, but also a place to teach and pass on our values. Styles and family arrangements will be subtly imbued through the dining table. Eating together in the house should be a time to convey and preserve the ideals that children will stick with for life.
    • If your child is picky about eating, during mealtimes you should not keep blaming the child's eating habits and stare like a poodle at the things they do not like to eat. This way the child becomes negative during meals with the family.
    • Give your child a role in the meal. Dinner will be more fun if your child "helps" you choose food at the grocery store or helps you set the table or does small food-related things like washing the vegetables you are about to cook. Older children will certainly do more than wash vegetables. Should let the whole family participate in making menus for the whole family.
    • Talk openly and gently during dinner. Do not be too serious with children. Just ask as simple as "What's so fun today?"
    • Please refer to the article "Spending time with family dinner".

  4. Set a fixed sleep timer. Although it is not imperative that your child go to bed within the same five minutes each night, it is a good idea to schedule a bedtime schedule for your child to follow. Studies show that a child's receptive ability drops two full steps after an hour's sleep, so it's important to give your child as much rest as possible before going to school.
    • The schedule must include leisure time. Turn off the music on TV or other electronic devices, coo with children or read stories to them.
    • Do not offer sugary snacks before bed, as this will make it difficult for them to sleep.
  5. Encourage your child to develop skills every week. While it is not mandatory to offer ten different activities for your child each week, you should find at least one or two activities your child likes to do and make a list of things they do frequently during the week. You can choose from everything from football to painting - nothing to worry about as long as a child shows a talent or a hobby. Ask your child what career he will like best in the future and encourage him to stick to that will.
    • Having your child attend different classes will help him get along with other children.
    • Do not be lazy. If your child grunts not wanting to go to piano class, but deep down you know he still likes music, don't give in just because you don't like to drive there.
  6. Give your child time to play every day. "Playtime" does not mean letting a child sit in front of the TV or sit with a puzzle in his mouth while you are washing dishes. "Playtime" means allowing your child to sit in a private room or play area and be infatuated with attractive toys and you show your child how to help children discover new games. Even if you may be very tired, you need to show your child the benefits of playing with toys so they enjoy and learn to play on their own.
    • It's okay if you don't have 80 million toys for your kids to play with. What matters is the quality, not the quantity of the toy. And you may even find that the toy that your child likes for the month is the empty toilet paper tube.

Part 2 of 4: Love Children

  1. Learn to listen to children. Making an impact on a child's life is one of the greatest things you can do. Often we don't listen to what children say, and once like that, it takes an opportunity to give meaningful guidance to the child. If you never listen to your child and only give them commands, then your child will not feel respected or cared for.
    • Encourage your child to speak. Helping children express themselves early from a young age can help them develop good communication skills later in life.
  2. Respect children. Don't forget that a child is a real living, breathing, needs and wants like many others. If the child is a picky eater, don't indulge it forever on the table; If the child is still slow to sit in the potty, do not talk about it to many people and embarrass him; If you have promised to take your child to the movies if they are obedient, do not take back your promise because you are too tired.
    • If you respect your child, they are more likely to respect you again.
  3. Remember that love for children is never too much. It will be wrong to say that loving children "too much", praising children "too much", expressing "too much" feelings to children can spoil children. Giving your child love, love, and care is a positive way of encouraging them to develop a human being. Giving children toys without love, or not scolding children when they have bad behavior will lead to spoilage.
    • Tell them you love them so much at least once a day - but better, say as many times as you can.
  4. Get involved in your child's daily life. Yes, it takes a lot of work to engage with your child every day, but if you want to encourage your child to develop interests and personalities, you have to create a solid set of supports. This does not mean that you have to follow every minute, but that you have to be present at every little moment, from the child's first ball game to the family beach play.
    • When your child starts school, you need to know what class your child is in and the names of his or her teachers. Review with your child, help them solve difficult problems, but don't do it for the child.
    • As your child gets older, you can step away a little and encourage them to explore their own interests, without you always having to be around.
  5. Promotes independence. You can still be with them to encourage them to explore their own interests. Don't tell your child what lesson to study; Let your child choose from many different options. You can help your child get dressed, but when shopping for clothes it is advisable to have them accompany so they have a voice about their appearance. If your child wants to play with friends or with toys, give them a chance to express themselves.
    • The sooner the child promotes independence, the more likely he or she will be able to think for himself as an adult.

Part 3 of 4: Getting Children to Discipline

  1. Be aware that children need limits. Children sometimes ignore those limits as well. Correct punishment of children is one of the ways of human learning. Children must understand the purpose of discipline and need to know the discipline that comes from parental love.
    • As a parent, you need a number of cognitive tools to correct unwanted behaviors. Instead of giving an unrelated confusing punishment like “If you ride a bicycle to the street, you have to balance a book over your head,” you should use disqualification. Naturally children will see a link between loss of entitlement and their unauthorized behavior: "If I ride my bike out on the street, I won't be allowed to ride the bike anymore today."

    • Do not use violent discipline such as slapping or hitting a child. Slapped or beaten, the child did not listen more. Parents should not hit a child in any situation. Children who are slapped, beaten or beaten will easily develop a fight with other children. They easily become the hands of brothers and sisters who like to use the violent way to resolve disputes with other children. Children in abusive families are very vulnerable to psychological trauma ..
  2. Reward when the child is good. Rewarding a child for a good behavior is more important than punishing a child for a bad behavior. Letting your child know when he or she is doing a good deed encourages good behavior in the future. When your child has a good behavior, such as sharing a play day toy or being patient in a car race, let him know that you have recognized the good behavior; do not keep quiet when your child is behaving well and punish them for not.
    • Don't underestimate the importance of giving praise when a child has good behavior. Saying “I am very proud when you…” can make your child see that his or her good behavior is appreciated.
    • There are times when you give your child a nice treat, but don't make them think they deserve a toy whenever they do a good deed.
  3. Keep it consistent. If you want to punish children effectively, be consistent. Don't punish your child for doing something today and another day giving him candy so he / she won't do it, or even saying nothing because you are too tired to fight. If your child does a good job like using the bathroom properly during potty practice, be sure to praise him every times children do that. Consistency in punishment is a way of enhancing children's behavior.
    • If both parents take care of the child, two people should agree on how to behave with the child, and should apply the same disciplinary measures. There should be no way of teaching children in the house good police, bad police.

  4. Clearly explain the rules. If you really want your child to recognize disciplinary measures, you must explain to them why they cannot do certain things.Do not just stop at telling children not to appear inferior to other children or telling them to clean toys; Let them know why the behaviors are good for them, for you and for society. Connecting your child's actions to their meaning will help them understand why you have to make that decision.
  5. Teach your children to take responsibility for their actions. This is an important part of practicing discipline and build a child's personality. If the child did something wrong, such as throwing the food on the ground, get the recipient to do so and explain why to blame instead of blaming others or denying it. After your child does something naughty, talk to them about why they did it.
    • It is important for children to know that everyone can make mistakes. Mistakes are not as important as how children react to them.

Part 4 of 4: Character Building

  1. Character education just by words is not enough. Virtue is formed through practice. Parents should help children improve their moral behavior by being disciplined, keeping good working habits, keeping kind behavior, knowing "I am for everyone, everyone will be for me". The floor level in character development is the child's behavior - behavior. If your child is too young to have true humanistic behaviors, you can still teach your child to stay decent with everyone, regardless of their age.

  2. Be a good example. Look to good examples: people learn mainly through good examples. In fact, you can't avoid being a child's example, good or bad. Then being a good example is probably your most important job. If you yell at children and tell them not to scream or kick against the wall when angry or slander your neighbors, they will think that the behavior is acceptable.
    • Start to be a good example day by day. Children will feel your moods and behavior sooner than you think.
  3. Develop children's eyes and ears as they learn. Children are like a sponge. Most of the things that children absorb must have moral values ​​and good qualities. Books, songs, TV, the Internet, and movies continually transmit messages - appropriate and unethical - to our children. As parents, we must be in control of the flow of ideas and images that influence our children.
    • If you and your child see something disturbing, like two people quarreling at a grocery injection or a violent video in a news show, don't miss the chance to talk to your child about it. .
  4. Teach good manners. Teachings like "Thank you", "please", and respect for others will accompany your child in the long run and will help him succeed in the future. Do not underestimate the power of teaching children to behave properly with adults, respect the elderly, avoid fighting or toying with other children. Good style will follow your child for the rest of your life, so you have to be a style role model for them as soon as possible.
    • One of the best ways to do this is to clean yourself after doing something. Teach children to clean toys while they are in place, by the age of twenty-three they will keep their house tidy like visitors.
  5. To want your child to speak, you have to say that. Whether you even want to swear, disparage or say some bad things about an acquaintance in front of your child, or even talk over the phone, remember that your child is always listening. If there is a harsh conversation with your spouse, it is best to shut the door of the room tightly and tell them otherwise the child will imitate your negative behavior!
    • If you said a vulgar word and the child heard it, don't pretend you didn't have it. Apologize and make it clear that it won't happen again. If you don't say anything, your child will think it's okay to say those words.
  6. Teach children to be sympathetic to others. Empathy is an important skill and one that you cannot say yet taught because it is too early. If children sympathize with others, they will be able to see the world with a non-strict perspective and be able to put themselves in other people's shoes. For example, the child comes home and tells you that his friend Jimmy played badly; Try to talk to find out what happened and try to figure out how Jimmy felt and what led Jimmy to the negative behavior. Or if the waitress forgets the items you ordered in the restaurant, don't tell the child she's lazy or stupid; Instead, make sure she is too tired from standing all day.
  7. Teach children to be grateful. Teaching your kids to really thank someone is not the same as forcing them to say "thank you" all the time. In order to teach your child real gratitude, you always have to say "thank you" at all times to show your child good behavior. If everyone in school has a new toy that you will not buy for your child, you should let them know that there are many less fortunate people than your child.
    • Give your child a chance to see all the paths of life so they realize they still have many privileges, even if it means they will no longer receive a Nintendo DS Christmas present in the future.
    • Saying "I did not hear you say thank you ..." after the child has passed it will not really work as much as saying "thank you" yourself and make sure the child has heard you clearly. to speak.


  • Meet the parents of your child's friends. You may develop close friendships during this process, but at least you need to make sure your child will be safe at play in their homes.
  • Read the “instructions” carefully. Today it may be the parenting method, tomorrow they may be the title of the mistakes that parenting methods often make.