How to Get Famous on Facebook and get lots of likes

Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 11 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to get likes and famous in Facebook
Video: How to get likes and famous in Facebook


Today everyone has their own Facebook account, everyone wants to make lots of friends and get hundreds of likes! This article will help you become famous on Facebook!


Method 1 of 3: Make your site attractive

  1. Post interesting pictures. Personal page images that include avatars and cover photos are the first impression on others, so it is important that they look good. You can adjust your profile picture so that it is interesting and the colors of the two photos match well.
    • For example, use a black and white portrait photo as an avatar with a wide and narrow black and white photo as a cover photo, such as a photo of you walking in the woods or participating in a favorite activity.
    • The images are in harmony with each other to make your personal page look more professional when others visit.

  2. Character development. You want to be a great person, always doing interesting things and having interesting opinions. You should show others that you are yourself by posting comments, discussions, and things that are important to you. You need to give the other person a sense that they know you, so it's important to express yourself and your concerns in a way that is easy to understand.
    • Always be cheerful or positive. You must be cheerful or positive. Constantly complaining about your children, family, or whatever makes you uncomfortable will only keep people away. Everyone themselves has their own problems, and they want to see a person find a positive side even in difficult circumstances.

  3. Post great content. The content of the post needs to be interesting. Don't just post annoying chores in the house or whine for attention. Instead, post funny stories, jokes, great pictures, and interesting facts. Post relevant content or cheer people up instead of posting content that is annoying and boring.
    • If you have talent, you should make use of them! If you have a singing, drawing, writing, or other talent, you can show it to everyone! Record videos or post photos to get people interested in your exciting activities.
    • Alternatively, you can post your favorite content found on Tumblr, Reddit, Upworthy, and other popular sites if you don't have the time or ability to post your own content.

  4. Do not post cluttered content. Don't post too often, don't post social game content you're playing, or make Facebook a place to advertise. When a store asks you to mention them on Facebook for a discount, ignore it. When content that you are about to post goes into the spam folder in your email inbox, stop. Post cluttered will cause others to unsubscribe or unfriend you! advertisement

Method 2 of 3: Build a group of followers

  1. Make your profile public. If you want to make lots of friends on Facebook and attract the attention of more people to your content, you should make your page public. This helps people get to your post. Just remember not to post content that may affect you later!
  2. Make many friends. Make friends with people you meet in real life, if possible. Make friends at school and friends of yours (you now have a network of many people). If someone who hasn't made friends has commented on or interacted with the article, then you should make friends with them. When you see someone on a fan page that might like your page, make friends with them. The more friends you make, the more your article will get access and interact.
    • You can make friends with people you don't have much contact with or only meet once. No one really has 500+ friends, so don't be discouraged when you see other celebrity Facebook pages with a large number of friends.
    • Don't forget to make friends with people you haven't seen for a long time. Maybe the relationship will be reconnecting!
  3. Join communities and groups. Find a community that supports you and join it. Fan pages, groups, anything like that where you are the person they are known to because you are a great role model that groups of people find interesting. Groups and communities are a place to meet people and make new friends outside of close proximity, enabling you to reach out across the country and the world!
    • Joining a group is often easier than trying to interact with each person. You should find the right group and join them.
  4. Encourage interaction. Your post should attract people to comment, like, or interact with you. Post questions, comments on controversial topics, or quote sentences or stories. The more likes, shares, and comments you get, the more people will notice your Facebook page.
    • Some examples of the post are as follows: "I am not a political advisor, but the behavior in the East China Sea is wrong. What do people think?" or "Dong Nhi next month's show. I want to go too! Anyone with you? Or" I am selfish, impatient and a bit insecure. I make mistakes, lose control and sometimes have trouble coping. But if you don't accept my times in trouble, you don't deserve to be with me in my golden age. ”- Marilyn Monroe”.
  5. Many interactions. Interact a lot with others. This helps people feel like they know you and will give you a chance to meet new friends. Comment on status updates and photos, send birthday messages, and find other ways to interact with people on Facebook.
  6. Time to post important or interesting content. When posting content that is visible to many people, you need to pinpoint an exact time. Saturday mornings and weekday evenings are when most people are online! advertisement

Method 3 of 3: Extend the scope

  1. Use Twitter and Instagram. Post your content on twitter and Instagram so more people can see your content. You should create a link to Facebook so that they can find and stay connected with you to see more content and articles. Don't overlap content too much: you want others to feel like they have a reason to follow you across all of the web, not just one!
  2. Link Facebook to blog. To make connections with more people, you should create a blog. The blog page can be on Facebook, but it's more efficient to save it on a separate page because it helps increase the number of visitors. Make sure your blog content is interesting and personal so that people are interested in what you write. Link to Facebook and encourage people to make friends.
  3. Advertise yourself on other websites. If you have a blog, you should advertise on another site to attract more viewers. Find communities that are interested in the type of content you post and comment on, and ask them to make friends to access exciting new content. advertisement


  • Make friends with famous people.
  • Stay active!
  • The goal is to create an engaging and interesting self-image, someone with whom everyone knows or has a relationship. Then, to be sure, make people feel they know you well (even if you don't). They will enjoy making friends with people like you because it makes them feel more attractive, fun or interesting.
  • Don't forget to say happy birthday!
  • Be realistic. Read carefully the content of the updated page and verify the content before pressing the 'like' button. This makes you more discerning instead of just a shallow follower.
  • Log in every day if you can.
  • Ask public opinion questions such as "Who will enjoy this year's the Voice?".
  • Always tag more famous people on Facebook. This way often works!


  • Don't post content that you regret later. A lot of people lose their jobs, scholarships, and other opportunities because of the things they post on Facebook.
  • Don't call yourself a celebrity. Do not love yourself too much.
  • Don't ask for attention or someone else likes you on Facebook, because they avoid you altogether.
  • Don't be petty! You need to be kind and kind to everyone.
  • Popularity is not always entirely good. You should be prepared for inadequacies.
  • Do not write rude comments on the images or statuses of others and yourself.
  • Do not write racist / political or religious views on the status line.