How to tell your boyfriend that you are on a red light day

Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 6 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Red Light Green Light Interactive Game - Play directly on YouTube (SPOILERS)
Video: Red Light Green Light Interactive Game - Play directly on YouTube (SPOILERS)


Menstruation is a normal part of a woman's life and there's nothing to be ashamed of. Your ex will know you are on a red light one day, so it shouldn't be a shocking issue to let him know. However, this is still a private matter, and it might be uncomfortable or uncomfortable to tell someone you're menstruating, especially if that person is your boyfriend. This article will give you some tips on how to deal with a boyfriend of different maturity levels, and intimate actions while you are in your menstrual cycle. moon.


Method 1 of 3: Tell your boyfriend in junior high

  1. Consider how long you have been dating. This is a private matter, so it's not appropriate to share private matters with someone you don't understand well. Guys are not mature enough at this stage, and if that makes him embarrassed, confused or uncomfortable, he won't know how to react.
    • If you've been dating for a while and you feel like you know him quite well, you might want to bring this up naturally. It is not necessary to make it important because this is not a big deal either!
    • Recall how he reacted to troubling moments in the past. Did he panic, embarrass you, or tell all of his friends? If that is the case, you should abandon that intention.

  2. Think about why you want to tell him. Will this have any effect on your relationship? Are stomach aches causing you to lose interest in hanging out with him? Do you feel unhappy and irritable with him? If that was the case, it would be a good idea to tell him to let him know that there was nothing to hide.
    • If this doesn't really affect your feelings, it's up to you to tell him or not. If you want to keep it to yourself, this is fine. In case you want to let him know in the first place, go ahead and do it.

  3. Avoid using indirect expressions to refer to your menstrual cycle such as "falling week," "red light day," "coming month," or any other avoidance. Maybe he won't know what you're talking about and misunderstanding can make things awkward.
    • If you decide to let him know, use clear language but also make sure he knows you are talking about a personal matter. Say things like "I know you're acting a bit confusing this week. Actually I'm menstruating and it makes me a little sensitive sometimes. I just want to let you know what's going on with me. . I would be really grateful if you didn't talk about this to anyone. "
  4. Don't feel hurt if he avoids the conversation. For guys, menstruation can be confusing and a bit frightening. He can blush and say, "Oh. Yeah. Is that so" and never mention the matter again. However, it won't be fun if he makes fun of you and makes ridiculous words, but don't bring sadness to yourself. This is the problem of guy that is, he acts like an immature child. You have no problem at all or have nothing disgusting about red light days. In fact, that means you are very healthy and normal.
    • You can deftly offer him some important information about the menstrual cycle and say that all women on the planet go through this stage — even hot music star or female MC but both are idols.
    • If he is really impolite, don't hesitate to give him a verbal explanation. Tell him that going through menstruation means you're a woman, and you're not sure if you can continue dating an immature guy like this. Or tell him you are really there is no period, and that is just an excuse not to have sex with him.

Method 2 of 3: Tell your boyfriend to go to high school or higher

  1. Frankly speaking. You don't have to be too detailed or rudimentary. It is not necessary to use the power of words or anything else. Chances are that he has been in sex education and has a girlfriend (or sister or close friend) and they've mentioned this before, so don't take it too seriously.
    • Just say something as simple as "Hey, I'm getting into that red light day. I'm not in a good mood."
    • You can also say "I'm next month" and he will definitely understand.
    • Occasionally, couples often use funny or cute words during their period. So you can tell him that it's the "strawberry fall" period, and he will understand what's going on.
  2. Tell your boyfriend how much he can help. Even if he doesn't know much about menstrual cycles, he will certainly understand that it is a difficult period for some women. Your boyfriend will want to take care of you, so he'll want to know if there's something he can do to make you feel better. If a red light leaves you exhausted and has cramps, ask if he can sit next to you on the bench while you watch TV shows and eat ice cream.
    • If you have a stomach ache, you can ask him to rub his back or stomach to relieve the pain.
    • Let him know if you are extremely sensitive about being intimate. He may be trying to soothe you with a hug or other touch, and the right thing to do is tell him if you don't like being close when the red light comes.
    • In case you like to be alone while you're menstruating, (gently) tell him that letting you have some time alone is a big help.
  3. Think of it as a good way to get rid of an immature guy. If he can't accept the fact that you're menstruating, then he probably isn't the guy of your dreams. Guy sure not mature enough to do it together, if that's what you're thinking. At this point, boys have to accept the fact that this is a normal thing in women's lives, and the best they can do is motivate and help.

Method 3 of 3: Have sex while you're menstruating

  1. Tell your boyfriend that you're in the red light day and mention what you're both comfortable with. You can have sex on a red light day, although it's a bit sticky. Some guys will feel disgusted at this, while others will not care, but be sure to friend how do you feel. If you don't like being close during your period, wait.
    • If you want to have sex with him but aren't sure how he feels, try saying, "I want to have sex but I'm on a red light right now. How do you feel?"
    • Don't feel pressured to do anything you don't want to do.
  • If you don't want to go beyond the limit, you can still do other intimate actions, like cuddling or hugging.
  1. Remember to use protective measures: You can still get pregnant during your period. Although there is a strong belief that you cannot get pregnant if you have sex on a red light day, it is not true. Sperm can persist for up to 5 days in a woman's body, and if you ovulate earlier, fertility is very high.
    • Even if your chances of becoming pregnant are low on the day of your period, there is a high chance you could get sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). Because all sexual acts involve bodily fluids (STDs are often found in body fluids, such as semen, vaginal mucus, and menstrual blood), it carries a high risk of transmitting diseases through the body. sex route.
  2. Cover your bed with a towel to avoid getting dirty. If you don't want your menstrual bleeding to get on your sheets, lay a towel on the bed and a few extra tissues next to you in case you want to clean yourself.
    • You can combine it with a shower, because running water will help flush the menstrual bleeding from your body.