How to say I love you

Author: Monica Porter
Date Of Creation: 16 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Say I Love You
Video: How To Say I Love You


You love her. You want her to know that you love her, but you don't have the confidence to confess to her. "I love you" is a great confession - but it's also three incredibly powerful words. Take a moment to reassess the situation and make sure you are doing the right thing. Read on to learn how to say "I love you" to a girl.


Method 1 of 3: Review the situation

  1. Make sure you love her. If you have never loved anyone, it will be difficult to understand the meaning of this statement. There are three types of love: affection between friends, affection for family, and love between couples. If you really feel like you love her, then go ahead and express - but understand how important it is when you say you love someone.
    • Love has always been known to be hard to define. Some people believe that young people tend to confuse "true love" with infatuation at the level of being superficial or "first love". Others believe you can feel deep and meaningful love at any age. That means: each person has a different definition of love.
    • If this is your first love with a girl, think twice before you say, "I love you". Sometimes, you "will know" when you love someone. However, if you are only with your ex for a few weeks — or months — then you should wait a while before you fall in love.

  2. Consider your intentions. Don't tell a girl "I love you" just because you want to spend the night with her, or want her to take care of you more. You should only say love words if you plan to continue pursuing the relationship. Couples love often involves a degree of concern and promise to the other person, and don't make a promise if you will "develop feelings" to someone else in a week.

  3. Put yourself in her shoes. Do you think she loves you too? Has she fallen in love with anyone yet, or is this her first serious relationship? Understand that "I love you" can be a statement that puts pressure on a relationship that just begins. If she's not willing to respond that she loves you too, you are probably making things more complicated by confessing your feelings.
    • Evaluate how she behaves around you. You can see if she likes you by the way she sees you and how much she cares about you. If you're trying to say that you love her then at least she has told you before that she likes you a lot.

  4. Try starting with less serious statements. You should be true to your feelings, but you don't have to rush to say "I love you". Express how much you like her, and use your words and actions to convey the message that she means a lot to you. Give her sincere compliments; You can buy a gift or make your own unique gift; and show my passion through physical contact.
    • Say this, "I want you to know that I really care about you. You have made my life happier, and I truly appreciate that."
    • You could also say, "I like you so much. You make me really happy". This way, she will know your feelings, but don't have to worry about the serious implications of the so-called "love".
    • Tell her you love something about her, not just simply love she. This is a great way to calm the conversation. For example, you should say something like "I love the way you laugh when you listen to your favorite song", or "I love your eyes. A beautiful pair of eyes really make me fall in love".

Method 2 of 3: Find the right moment

  1. Wait for a special occasion. "I love you" is a serious confession, and can completely change the nature of a relationship. Once you have decided to show her love, get ready for some intimate and meaningful moments. This can happen during a beautiful sunset after a great date, or when "your favorite song" is played during a school dance, or when both of you are laughing happily and very well. happiness is simply okay stay together. That moment can be extremely romantic or simply happy. Express your love when you really want it.
    • Watch romantic scenes on movies and TV shows for inspiration."The right moment" can give you an almost movie-like intensity - like a scene where a guy finds a girl, and they tell each other about their feelings.
  2. Keep calm. Don't just rush to confess your love the next time you see her. If you love her, and she loves you too, you'll have plenty of time to express your love - and repeat those loving words over and over again! Often times, you will feel the need to quickly confess love. However, you should be skillful, and that moment will become a more memorable memory if you know how to wait for something special.
  3. Express when you are both awake. Don't say "I love you" the first time when either of you is getting drunk or has been too drunk. You should avoid saying love right after sex - when you are under the influence of the post-sex happy hormone endorphins, you will often say or approve of things you didn't mean. Let that moment be simple, pure and sincere.
  4. Capture her full attention. Don't rush to say "I love you" the first time when she's distracted about something, or when she's worried about something else, or when she's about to leave. Loving words are more effective when you look into each other's eyes passionately. If you have a special occasion together, it won't be difficult to express your love for her. You can say "I love you" after a hug or a kiss, on an occasion.
    • Sometimes we have to admit that there is no such thing as a "right moment". You can get her attention by saying, "I have something important to tell you."
    • Full attention won't always be beneficial. Don't say "I love you" to soothe her when she's angry, or when she's trying to tell you something else important.
  5. Choose good times instead of sad times. If you really want to say, "I love you", the thing that needs to be said will be said, no matter what your plan is. It's probably best to let things go naturally, however, say love when you're both in a good mood. A true "I love you" can definitely make a girl happy when she's sad or upset - but a first love confession in these times will probably make her feel bad. feels a little pressure.
  6. Don't be too nervous. If she loves you too, it doesn't really matter how you confess your love. If she doesn't love you, then you have learned a valuable lesson about love. Either way, life is too short to contain our emotions, to hide love when it can be expressed. Be courageous, sincere, and do what your heart tells you. Everything will be fine.
    • If you need to reassure yourself, try taking a deep breath. Inhale slowly, hold it for as long as you can, and then slowly exhale. You should only focus on breathing: inhale and exhale.

    Elvina Lui, MFT

    Emotional consultant Elvina Lui is a licensed family and marriage therapist specializing in relationship counseling. She received her Master's in Counseling from Western Seminary in 2007 and trained at the Asian Family Institute in San Francisco and New Life Community Services in Santa Cruz. She has more than 13 years of consulting experience and training in harm reduction modeling.

    Elvina Lui, MFT
    Emotional consultant

    They say love is something worth taking risks. As a marriage and family therapist, Elvina Lui emphasizes: "It is a risk and you feel scared to tell your loved one that you have a lot of love for them - this. really scary What if the other person doesn't have feelings for you? What if they reject you? Although this is a risky affair, it is more healthy to confess than to hide your emotions. Often people choose to hide their feelings because they want to avoid conflict and rejection at all costs, but doing so will lose your chances of being happy.


Method 3 of 3: Say "I love you"

  1. Make eye contact with her when you confess. When you feel it's time to talk, give her a passionate look. You may experience a moment of silence - as if time has stopped, and nothing but you and her exists. Eye contact is a signal that shows you being honest. It can also help you instantly identify her feelings when you confess and help you both feel connected.
  2. Please say you love me". Just simple as that. If you truly love her, you don't have to explain yourself or do any other poses. However, if you feel ready, it shouldn't be a problem to add the romantic element and boost your emotions a bit. The most important thing is to be honest and sincere. Say you love her so much that you feel like you need to.
    • Consider explaining a story that led to your love for her. Tell the truth, sincerely and sweetly. Express it your own way and make her feel special.
    • Say love in your own words. You can choose to confess your love in a casual or formal way, depending on how comfortable you are. Make sure she understands you're being serious - unless you want yourself to fail.

    Elvina Lui, MFT

    Emotional consultant Elvina Lui is a licensed family and marriage therapist specializing in relationship counseling. She received her Master's in Counseling from Western Seminary in 2007 and trained at the Asian Family Institute in San Francisco and New Life Community Services in Santa Cruz. She has more than 13 years of consulting experience and training in harm reduction modeling.

    Elvina Lui, MFT
    Emotional consultant

    Don't let fear take your best away. Also a consultant for the couple, Elvina Lui explains: "If you want to have a serious relationship with the other person, then you've seen something about them that makes you fall in love - that's who you are you can share your life, someone you feel happy around with - then you need to act instead of letting love slip away. "

  3. Listen. Give her time. You said you love her, but that doesn't necessarily mean she's willing to respond. Be calm and kind. Hope, but don't deduce. Let her take your loving words and respond when she is ready.
    • If she doesn't reply to you right away, that's fine. She has her own feelings, and so do you. You will probably get hurt, but don't get angry. Respect her rights when she wants to keep her intentions private.
    • No matter how she reacts, be proud of you saying your feelings. You have the courage to tell someone that you love them, and that you really do. Either way: now she understands your feelings.
  4. Kiss her. If she says "I love you too": smile, hug, kiss her, and even spend the night together. This is a special occasion. Actively control the flow of your feelings of love and elevate it to an even more wonderful experience. Whatever happens, this is a milestone in your life that you will remember for many years. advertisement


  • Prepare what you'll say in advance. This is an important occasion, and you will probably keep it in mind as time passes.
  • Speak loving words confidently. Don't speak the way you are asking. If you love her, say I love you!
  • Try saying a cute jigsaw like this: "If the pupil of the eye is large and if it is not dark, he is just looking at the person he loves. I love you". This depends on the circumstances and how you judge it.


  • Only confess when you truly love her. Evaluate your feelings, but trust your intuition. You need to make sure you continue to follow what you say.
  • Don't say "I love you" unless you're confident that she loves you too. Don't say love when you're not ready to hear the answer!