How to Recognize Your ex is still interested in you

Author: Robert Simon
Date Of Creation: 18 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
4 Signs Your Ex Still Loves You
Video: 4 Signs Your Ex Still Loves You


Relationships are complex and can become more troublesome when they end. Perhaps you and your ex have broken up and you are considering rekindling the flames of affection or wondering if your partner wants it too. By assessing the person's actions and words and talking to the person, you will know if they still care about you, and even decide to reunite with them.


Method 1 of 3: Evaluate their actions

  1. Note friendly and regular communications. After a breakup, and the two of you still happily keep in touch, it means your relationship is still good. This means that they still seem to have feelings for you and want to appear in your life. Here are some signs that your partner may still have feelings for you:
    • Say hello to "Hello em" and "Hi em" regularly even when you meet that person more than once a day. These types of greetings may mean that they still want to talk to you, but they are too nervous and hesitant to go further.
    • Regularly take the initiative in asking you by phone or text message.
    • Regularly comment or share your posts on social networks.
    • Send you pictures of them having a good laugh, a great picture, or a picture of them doing something you enjoy.

  2. Beware of infrequent or disrespectful communication. Unlike a positive contact, you need to be careful with your ex if he or she stalks, controls or intimidates you. If your partner doesn't accept it when you don't want to get back to them, their emotion isn't love, it's about obsession and control. Be careful and stay away from ex if they don't respect your private space.
    • And if your ex only contacts you once in a few months, or only after they've terminated a new relationship, chances are they don't care about you and are just looking for attention.

  3. Observe body language. A reunite ex will try to approach you as often as they see you. They may hug you, kiss you on the cheek, or show other kinds of cuddling gestures to convey the message that they like you. If they are nostalgic about the breakup, perhaps their eyes will be sad, avoid eye contact or even cry.
    • They will probably show their feelings in action. They will laugh louder, laugh more, or speak emotionally. These are signals that are sometimes called fleeting expressions, when the person is still having feelings but they cannot control or they are trying to suppress it.

  4. Evaluate how often you are "the times you ran" or the times you went out. If your ex tries to plan meetings or makes an effort to find places you go to often, they are looking to spend time with you. Maybe they're trying to get your attention or they just want to meet you and remember the times when you were around. When they meet by chance, it can be understood that they are looking for opportunities to ask you about how you feel about them.
    • Take note of places you know they've never been to or loved before the time you were dating.
  5. Evaluate the gifts you have received. Your ex may continue to be unable to control themselves and give you kind things, such as sending birthday gifts, Christmas cards, or special occasions. It is a signal that they still value you and want you to be happy. For some people, giving gifts is a way for them to show love and affection. Perhaps your ex is trying to show those feelings to you.
  6. Pay attention to their use of social media. If they post forgetting and moving forward, they may be trying to forget you, or they are persuading themselves to forget the past. If they post something like, "I miss you - ex", this probably means they really miss you. Maybe they want you to read that post so you know their sincere feelings.
    • Check to see if they delete all the shared images. Erasing all the memories you had together is often a clear signal that they really want to forget you.
  7. Ask about mutual friends. While you shouldn't let your friends get involved in your relationship, you can act naturally to ask them how your ex has been living lately, especially if you haven't heard the news for a while. nothing from them. Your friends can tell you if the other person still cares about you. However, if your friends don't want to talk about it, don't force them.
    • You can say, “The other day I went to the library and remember when Dung and I were together. Well, how has he been these days? "
    • If you ask your best friend, you can ask directly. Ask this question, "Do you think Dung still likes me?"
  8. Recognize flirting signs. Your ex may be hiding the fact that they are still timid about you or that they will be very candid to you. Be aware of signs that the other person is flirting with you, such as frequently touching you, complimenting you, winking at you, or making jokes. If they do the aforementioned actions in addition to regular contact and kindness to you, they probably still have feelings for you.
    • If the other person is not a flirtatious person, then this is a sure sign that they still like you.

Method 2 of 3: Analyze their words

  1. Notice the times they say "I miss you". Sometimes your ex will say direct words that show they still like you. If your ex says they miss you or remember your times around, that's a clear signal that they still have feelings for you.
  2. Pay attention if they repeat old memories. Your ex that still loves you or still has feelings for you will also tend to repeat the past. Through that, they are trying to remind you of good memories you had in the hope that you will want to get back to them.
    • Consider times when they repeat trips together, private jokes, or just the funny things you have together.
  3. Realize if the other person is referring to the person they are dating. An ex that still cares about you will try to make you jealous to check if you care about them. If they regularly talk about their dates with new people or share a lot of details about the person, this could be a clear signal that they still have feelings for you.
    • Notice the times when they talk about the person they are dating in a completely random way. For example, if you're talking about your homework or family and they suddenly talk about a new person they're dating, they're probably trying to make you jealous.
    • You also need to keep in mind how they treat their ex. If they tend to flirt and comfortably keep in touch with their ex, they are probably just possessive and don't really intend to reunite.
  4. Pay attention to how often the other person asks you about your love life. If your ex still likes you, he or she will also make an effort to stay informed about the person you are dating. If they often ask you, "So who are you dating?" or "Did you watch that movie with a boyfriend you know?", they probably still care about you.
    • Recognize if they are sarcastic about the person you are dating. Maybe they're trying to blur the image of a new subject in your mind to make you feel less attractive.
    • If your ex has a grudge against people flirting with you or trying to manipulate your time with others, this is a signal of possession. They don't want you to move on without them.
  5. Analyze your compliments. If your ex praised you, especially your appearance, or something they praised you in the past when you were together, they are probably trying to highlight your strengths. Maybe they're making an effort to make you feel special or they want to relive the memories you two had together.
  6. Realize if they apologize to you often. If your ex is still interested in you, they may have thought a lot about the relationship and regretted it. In order to win the hearts of you, they'll probably apologize more often than when you were together. They can apologize for what they did and hopefully apologize will get you both back together. advertisement

Method 3 of 3: Chat with each other

  1. Be calm, straightforward, and friendly. You can ask, “Do you have time to talk to me? Can we go somewhere private? " It can be a difficult task that many people hesitate to do, but the best way to know the other person's feelings is to get a clear answer from them. You can find the person and talk to them face-to-face right away, but it's probably best to negotiate where and when to meet. If you are concerned, use communication methods that respect the privacy of the other person such as calling, texting, or texting to express your feelings.
  2. Choose a place that you are both comfortable and even familiar with. Talk to each other in a comfortable public place, like a coffee shop or a park. Perhaps your ex will be afraid to share their feelings for you and worry that their feelings will not be reciprocated. Make them feel as comfortable as possible by talking in a quiet, neutral place.
    • Give yourself and your ex plenty of time to talk. Avoid starting a conversation when you have to finish an important assignment or if you're going to have a meeting.
  3. Be the best version of yourself. If you want to mend with your ex, be the best version of yourself when you chat. Wear your favorite outfit and hairstyle that suits you best. You can use this opportunity to attract your ex and make yourself feel happy, confident, and worthy of respect.
  4. Express how you feel to your ex. The more sincere you talk about your feelings, the more honestly the other person will share their feelings. Tell them how you feel. Speak calmly and clearly. You can say "I still love you", or "I still love you, love you more than a friend".
    • Tell them if you regret the breakup and want to get back. Please give specific reasons like “I miss you because we had a really good time together” or “I really like being with you. You make me feel peaceful ”.
  5. Ignore their thoughts. You may have a lot of pent-up emotions that need to be expressed, but keep in mind that the other person may have similar feelings. Let them share with you how they feel. This will help you know for sure if they still care about you or want to reunite.
    • If your partner is openly stating that they want to get out of the relationship, let them go. Don't try to control or force them to say things they don't want.
  6. Calmly accept the results. If your ex is still interested in you and you both decide to reunite, move on and build a stronger, better relationship. Solve old problems to avoid them getting into trouble again. However, if you conclude that they no longer have feelings for you, that's fine. Go ahead without them by learning to live alone, spend time with friends and focus on school or work. You can date someone again when you're ready. advertisement