How to get to know a "granny plane"

Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 28 April 2021
Update Date: 26 June 2024
"How Often Will I Die?" - "Yes" - The Deadly Grandma • Elden Ring
Video: "How Often Will I Die?" - "Yes" - The Deadly Grandma • Elden Ring


“Granny planes” is a common definition of U40 (or older) women dating boys 10 to 15 years younger than they are. Ancient culture depicted the image of "granny airplanes" as pitifully miserable and desperate, but women today are gradually redefining that concept: "granny plane" is true. that is, women in their 40s, single, successful and confident, fed up with the dryness and short-sightedness of men of the same age, they date younger people, guys full of life and like adventure. This article will show you how to recognize and attract an "old lady plane" - aka (formally) an older woman.


Part 1 of 2: Recognizing a "granny plane"

  1. Forget everything you think you know about "granny planes." In fact, let's ignore all limits. If you are interested in dating or having a romantic relationship with an older woman, you need to treat her like a true woman - not as a role model of prejudice on the surface. and the behavior of an "sexually active" older woman.

  2. Estimate the age of the woman. Age groups 40 and over are generally acceptable; however, some even look 35 years old. Today, with the advent of advanced creams and techniques, many men and women look younger than their real age. Some of the following details you can observe (applicable to both men and women):
    • Dry, frayed and / or less hair: both men and women's hair deteriorate as they age. You can see that the hair of an older woman will break more easily, no longer thick and shiny like younger people. In addition, her hair may also be gray.
    • Sparse eyebrows, eyebrows: as we age, the amount of hormones decreases, causing hair growth, hair growth slow, eyebrows and eyelashes no longer dense. Some women can overcome it with a tattoo or drawing of their eyebrows - so it's difficult to tell their age based on this factor alone.
    • Lips thinner and eroded tooth enamel: as people age, lips become wrinkled and thinner, teeth dull and corrode. You can spot an older woman by creases around her mouth, thin lips (which may not be visible because part is obscured with lip liner) and slightly discolored teeth.
    • Thinning skin: As men and women age, the soft skin on the neck becomes rippled and wrinkled - unless they get Botox injections or plastic surgery. The same goes for other areas of skin, but also tendons and knuckles to begin to emerge and become visible.
    • Dry, wrinkled skin on the knees and elbows: over time, the skin around the knees and elbows begins to dry and wrinkle around the joints. The skin around the elbows in particular can become darker and drier than the surrounding skin.

  3. Evaluate makeup. Evolutionary psychology has proven that when evaluating a woman's desire, physical attractiveness is a more important factor than when evaluating male libido. This means that while a less attractive man may still have sexual desire through intelligence, sense of humor and income, etc., a woman still has a desire to be judged on the surface. out. For this reason a woman puts on a lot of make-up to try to hide the signs of aging that could make her less attractive.
    • You can spot an older woman through her use of thick foundation, multiple powder coatings and massaging techniques to make her face smoother and sharper.
    • She can use lip liner to make her lips look fuller, eyeliner pencils to highlight her eyebrows, and blush to make her cheeks look rosy and youthful.
    • Blocking is a popular makeup technique nowadays favored by most women of all ages, from teenagers and up.
  4. Don't think that you can judge her fashion sense. The "Old Lady Airplanes" in comics often wear very youthful and tight clothes with blinding colors such as animal prints. In fact, women of any age can dress so tasteless and boring.
    • A woman's way of dressing - rarely depending on her age - is largely based on her personality and her fashion sense.
    • If breast enhancement bras are the choice of most women of all ages, then for older women it is even more useful because their breasts are no longer toned.

  5. Pay attention to her self-confidence. In general, the older a woman is, the higher her personal awareness is, so self-confidence is also proportional to this. Some signs that she is confident are:
    • Beautiful posture: whether standing or sitting, she is always in a confident position with her back straight, her head balanced, her chin held neither too high nor too low.
    • Relax: a person with confidence who looks quite comfortable, looks around the room from time to time, grins unpredictably or exudes a calm and relaxed expression. She won't be too fidgety.
    • Eye contact: confident person makes eye contact and maintains it in social contact. Maintaining eye contact is different from suddenly looking at someone: the time you look into the person's eyes is almost 60% of the time you are talking.

Part 2 of 2: Attracting an older woman

  1. Know what you want and be sincere about it. Whether it's just a “one night” or a long-term relationship, knowing what you want will help you find a way to get there. It's very important to be honest with women about what you want - don't act like you want a love when what you want is only sex. Women are also interested in sex; She can accept non-binding relationships for fun.
    • Some issues to consider: Is this for sex - is she just one on the list you want? Or are you really interested in something lasting, with someone more mature than your ex? Maybe you already have something in mind and are wondering how to get her attention.
    • If you only want to have sex with an older woman, you can target women who are also looking for younger guys and vice versa. There are also tours with the purpose of connecting the "old lady planes" and the "pilots".
    • Dating is also an ideal option if you are looking for a lasting relationship with women older than you. Again, you just need to be clear about your resolve from the start.
    • Women over the age of 40 also lead normal lives; This means you can meet them anywhere - from a gym, a badminton club to a language class or even a convenience store. Interest-sharing places are great places to meet people, regardless of age.

  2. Forget the pattern. Of course, some older women may coincide with the traditional "granny plane" stereotype, but others do not. Different people have different desires and behaviors depending on the individual. If you approach a larger woman for the sake of love, forget the “granny plane” stereotype and just treat her with the respect and care you give to everyone. .
    • Some websites may have led you to believe that there are certain types of older women: the rich, the hot-tempered, the sweeter, and the opposing personality.
    • Because reality is not like a role model, it's best to get to know the woman rather than frame her in negative, myopic, and general negative notions about how a Mature women should behave.
  3. Show her that you are attractive. If you like a mature woman, let her know. How you show your interests depends on the circumstances - including where you met and how well you know her.
    • If you meet a woman at a bar, you can show her interest by smiling at her and waiting for her to smile again. If she responds to your gaze, she may be interested in you too. Reach out and offer her a drink.
    • If you prefer a woman who is in the same running club, the approach may be different. Get noticed by starting a conversation with her before you run - nothing too big; Just start with idle things like the weather or who will be on the run today.
  4. Be prepared if rejected, accept it calmly. If you approach the other person and get rejected, don't be upset about it. Frustration is common, and you can even express it in a polite, witty manner; Never call her by name or threaten her.
    • So: "It's sad, but if you change your mind I'm always right here!"
    • Shouldn't: “What's the matter with you? You are very lucky to be noticed by a young man like me! "
  5. Keep the "youthful."If you want to draw attention like a grown man, don't try to behave in the way a man her age behaves. Most women in their 40s look for younger men because young men are open-minded, adventurous and romantic.
    • When you date, show interest in exploring and be ready to try something new. Share your interests with her and learn about her interests. Like any relationship, the willingness to learn and grow together is the foundation.
    • You will also benefit from being explored and eye-opener about sex. The great thing is that the "granny plane" knows what the "pilot" likes very well, so be willing to listen and follow her instructions.
  6. Be honest about who you are. If an adult woman says that her last relationship with one worker ended because the other person was too dry and stubborn, think about you right away. If you are in a critical moment where you need to prioritize your work over everything else, this is not the right time to enter this relationship with this "granny plane".
  7. Be realistic and not too complicated. Most women (and men) of this age are experienced enough to know what should and shouldn't be in a relationship; they won't be interested in childish behavior. Changing your plans at the last minute or "forgetting" to call all week, such behavior is forgivable for young girls, but not for adult women. advertisement


  • If you are looking for a long term relationship with an adult woman, be more realistic about her expectations. If the woman is over 40 and already has a baby, she may not want anything more.


  • Prepare yourself for judgment. Obviously it's unfair, but if you choose to fall in love with an older woman, everyone will say it. It is important that both are happy; When friends and family members see that, they will sympathize and accept the relationship.