How to tell if a guy has a crush on you

Author: Monica Porter
Date Of Creation: 14 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
8 Signs Someone Has A Secret Crush On You
Video: 8 Signs Someone Has A Secret Crush On You


Knowing how to recognize a guy that has a crush on you is not difficult. You can easily determine if he is interested in you through his body language and how often he makes eye contact!


Part 1 of 3: Watch his actions

  1. Notice if he likes you. Did he bring you coffee? Will you drive you home? Unless he's such an exemplary citizen, chances are he's just acting according to what his heart tells. Surely he likes you and wants to receive love from you, not simply a "thank you" for the kind things he is doing for you.

  2. See if he makes an excuse to be near you. Does he suggest that he would like to help you with anything like fixing the furniture or clearing the snow in the driveway? Did he cook for you because you had a hard day? If he is always around you and finds ways to reach out and show up with you, chances are he will be attracted to you.

  3. Notice if he acts boldly in front of you. When a guy has feelings for a girl, he tries to impress her. Even these are risky behaviors that could seriously injure her, such as jumping from a cliff into the water or riding in the trunk while the vehicle is in motion, or anything else to get her attention and attention. whether he was injured. If he's not a more adventurous person or takes a higher level of risk when he's around you, he may be doing so just for the sake of impressing you. See if he tries to catch your eye or looks at you after a risky job is done - if he does, he is actually acting just to get your attention.

  4. Evaluate if he's flirting with you. A guy wouldn't flirt with a girl he wasn't interested in. If he flirts with you, he's probably groping to see if you like him too. Harmless flirting can help conceal your fear of being rejected when confessing to you. You need to realize if he enjoys being around you, teasing, and making you laugh.
    • You need to make sure he's not the type of guy who flirts with all girls. If he's flirting all the time and that's how he talks to a woman, it means he's not just flirting with you alone.
  5. Notice if he gets jealous when you're with other guys. Is he upset when you go out for coffee or have lunch with another male co-worker? Does he see who you are with? Assuming you have a male friend, is he a bit annoyed with that friend? Maybe he won't show his jealousy too clearly, but if he's really jealous when you're with another guy, he'll be very attentive to you hanging out with that guy or it will be cold. pale when you talk about your plans to go with others.
    • Each guy will have a different way of being jealous, but if he realizes that he is jealous, it's a sure sign that he has feelings for you.
  6. Check if he gives you small gifts. If he offers flowers or cute little fruits that make you laugh, that's a clear signal that he's attracted to you. Is there another reason for him to take the time to give you a gift knowing it will make you happier? Maybe he will be humble when giving gifts and pretend to be no big deal in case you refuse, but he did it because he likes you already!
  7. Evaluate if he behaves like a polite gentleman when he's with you. If he holds the door and opens the door for you, pulls the seat before you sit, gives you a jacket, and acts other polite and attentive around you, chances are he likes you and wants further. You need to make sure he doesn't behave like a gentleman in front of all the other women.
  8. See if he does grooming when he's with you. If he's smoothing his hair, dusting his clothes, curling his cuffs, correcting his harness, removing stains on his shoes, or generally caring about his appearance, this is a sure sign. that he has feelings for you. If you find that he is more interested in his appearance, like looking in the mirror, or more attentive to how he dresses when you appear, this is a sign that he likes you.
  9. Notice if he goes to the same beat as you. A study has proven that when a guy walks with a girl he likes, he will slow down or faster to match her pace. When the guy was walking with the normal girlfriends, they wouldn't slow down to keep pace with their companion. Next time you two walk, pay attention to how fast he walks! advertisement

Part 2 of 3: Learn his body language

  1. Check if he's staring at you. If he cares about you, you will easily catch his gaze staring at you from somewhere in the room. Of course, don't be too obvious to see if he is looking at you, otherwise he will think you are staring at him (you are the one who likes him). If he sees him staring at you a few times, he might be intrigued by you.Other signs are that he will quickly look away or appear embarrassed.
  2. Notice if you catch him staring at you. If the two of you look at each other and he keeps looking at you making you blush a little, he might want to see more because he is really interested in you and wants to go further. Of course, if he feels more shy, he will look away a bit, but if he stared at you for a few more seconds, chances are he has feelings for you.
  3. See if he leans toward you while talking. When a guy has feelings for you, he will be subtle - or obvious - leaning towards you when he talks. This is a basic principle of showing concern. If he likes you, he will lean his shoulders, face, arms, and body towards you. If he turns in the other direction or backs away, he may not be comfortable with you.
  4. Realize how often he fidgety around with you. If he keeps buttoning, blushing, peeling his hands, playing with something on the table, moving his feet, or in general fidgeting, chances are he is interested. These are the primary signals of anxiety, and if you make him a little nervous, he'll be more impatient than usual because he gets excited around you.
  5. Notice if he always makes excuses to touch you. If he is really interested in you, he will do everything in his power to be closer to you. Perhaps he will touch your back while entering the room, patting your back or arm, or even stand so close to you that he gently touches your foot or leg but doesn't curl up.
    • He'll even lift the hair off your face when he really wants to approach you.
  6. Notice if his face is "comfortable" when he talks to you. Watch to see if he opens his lips slightly. This is a fundamental signal of interest. If he likes you, he will open his lips a bit when you make eye contact or talk. Notice if he puffed his nose when you talk. Look to see if he raises his eyebrows a bit while he is talking. All these signs indicate that he has a comfortable expression on his face because he likes you very much.
  7. Evaluate if he is always looking at your face. If you are talking, see if he is tilting his head, shoulders, and feet toward you. When a guy likes you, he just wants to be closer to you. If he looks away, turns his face or points his feet in the other direction, he probably doesn't have a crush on you. advertisement

Part 3 of 3: Evaluation of his words

  1. See if he asks you questions about you. Have you ever heard him ask his friends about you? Did he ask if you had a boyfriend? If that's the case, he is definitely interested in you. You will need to ask the people around to see if he is asking about you, if so obviously you want to know because you like him too. However, if you hear a rumor that he is asking about you, chances are that he is interested in you.
  2. Watch to see if he talks chattering around you. Maybe he likes you so much that he keeps talking about the movie Star Trek His favorite or relationship with little sister. This cute act stems from the fact that he cares so much for you that he cannot control his words. Maybe he'll apologize for saying too much or saying, "I don't know why I'm talking to you" because he realizes himself that he looks like a clown in front of you.
  3. Find out if he's open to you. If he has feelings for you, he will probably reveal some personal information that he would not normally tell anyone. That's because he wants to get to know you and want you to get to know yourself better. If you find that he's open-minded, or even say, "I've never talked to anyone before" or "It's been years since I mentioned this again," it might be because he's real like you and want you to understand me better.
  4. Notice if he speaks in a lower voice. Research has shown that men lower their voices when talking to women they love. The next time you talk, pay attention to his voice. You can compare the voice he speaks to you and friends or other girls and identify the difference. If he sees a difference, he probably has feelings for you!
  5. Notice if he always gives you subtle compliments. Maybe he wouldn't say this frankly, "You're sexy. Me very Like you, though. ”However, he may give you subtle compliments to prove that he really has a crush on you. He can compliment your particular hair color, laughter, or mood. Always be optimistic. Notice if he's giving you a lot of compliments lately - he's probably trying to express his feelings for you.
  6. See if he smiles without a reason when he's around. If he likes you, he will definitely laugh more often because he is happy around you. When you say something funny, he laughs, or when you say something without being funny but he laughs just because he's confused. These are the signs that he has feelings for you.
    • However, perhaps he was too flustered will not laugh when you say a joke because he is so busy worrying about how you think about him that he won't pay attention to what you say!