How to tell when a guy loves you

Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 19 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
4 Signs that a Man LOVES you and Adores You (number 2 may surprise you)
Video: 4 Signs that a Man LOVES you and Adores You (number 2 may surprise you)


Sometimes one of the most difficult things about starting a new relationship is determining whether or not your ex cares for you. It's often difficult to predict a man's thoughts, and it's not easy to pinpoint their feelings. Even so, by the observation combined with the feeling and the frank conversation, you can still tell if it's love or not.


Method 1 of 3: Pay attention to guy body language

  1. Observe the eyes. A guy who has a crush on you will show it through his eyes. Some signs may be contradictory, but it depends on his personality.
    • People who care about you make an effort to maintain eye contact. He'll look you in the eye while you're speaking and you can catch him looking at you from afar.
    • A somewhat shy guy, however, will avoid eye contact because he feels nervous talking to you. If he looks around shyly, as though unsure of where to look, this could be a sign he likes you. If he just looks at the phone or the other person, he probably doesn't have any feelings for you.
    • Men's pupils often dilate when they have a feeling of interest. If his pupil dilates (the black dot on the pupil is larger than usual), he must have noticed you.

  2. Observe the guy's posture. Similar to many other mammals, men change positions as they try to impress women.
    • He won't cross his legs or cross his arms. These two poses mean "no, get away from me!".
    • He will lean toward you when talking to you.
    • He also stands upright with his shoulders extended to look taller and more impressive.
    • He may look like he's pushing his pelvis slightly forward. Other men also unintentionally (or knowingly) modulate their genitals when talking to someone they care about.

  3. Notice how he touches you. One of the surest signs that he likes you is the way he deliberately touched you. When you are both talking and he touches your arm or hand, he may be trying to see how you will react.
    • Get closer by responding to his actions. Touch or squeeze his arm gently and look him in the eye while talking. You will know if you are getting the attention or not by how he reacts.
    • Note that you should compare the touch he makes for you with your regular routine. If he hugs people often, then he hugs you doesn't say anything.

  4. Notice facial expressions such as blushing and smiling. The guy who is interested in you will often smile at you and laugh happily when he hears you tell stories with not really funny content.
    • If he's shy, he will blush when he talks to you. Notice if he blushes or sweats his hands (he will rub his palms over his shirt or rub his palms together).
    • He will usually say something weird or confusing and blush if he's worried. You should help him feel comfortable.
    • The thrill is a sure sign of concern. By being kind and encouraging him to talk, you will help him feel at ease.
  5. Notice if he's acting like you. Both women and men unintentionally imitate the actions of the people they like. This means that they act exactly like each other, implying that they are both alike and suitable for each other.
    • You can check it out by doing something you rarely do, such as placing your hand on your lips or stretching your shoulders. See if he acts like you.

Method 2 of 3: Recognize flirting signs

  1. Compare his tone and manner of meeting you and others individually. The key to determining if he is flirting with you is to notice the difference in the way he talks to you and with others.
    • Men often try to speak in a deeper and more masculine voice when talking to someone they are interested in.
    • Sometimes a man will whisper or lower his voice in a low voice to the person he is interested in. This makes you move closer to hearing him or imply that you both have a secret bond.
  2. Rate your guy's excitement towards your interests. If he is very interested in your actions or words, he may have feelings for you rather than just notice your interests. Not everyone has the same interests and passions, but people often try to find common ground with their subjects when starting a new relationship.
    • Remember to exchange information and get to know his interests. Showing an interest in what he cares about is a sign that you are interested as well. Also, if you encourage him to share, you will avoid a situation like talking alone.
  3. Notice your clothes and self-care habits. Before coming to see you, he may spend a lot of time taking care of his appearance. Try to see if he dresses well or does a better hairstyle than usual.
    • Your compliment at this point will be very meaningful as he makes an effort to make himself look better in your eyes.
    • He tries to be more thoughtful because you can be a better boyfriend than someone who isn't willing to try to impress you.
  4. Pay attention to flirting. A few jokes or winks are familiar signs of flirting and guys will still choose this way if they can't think of another way to flirt. advertisement

Method 3 of 3: Distinguish between love and infatuation

  1. Communicate deeply. In a relationship, two people who fall in love talk about a variety of topics. Make sure both of you are excited to join the conversation.
    • The subject of conversation can be anything from hopes and wishes to old relationships and famous people.
    • If the guy isn't interested in the conversation or doesn't care about your opinion, he may not feel like you or aren't the right person for you.
  2. Casual dating. Especially when you are already living together, you should both try dating and spend time together doing normal activities that don't involve having sex. Having fun together without romantic acts of affection is essential to a healthy relationship. In addition, this is also a way to help you realize if the person truly loves you or only cares for your body.
  3. Together to overcome difficulties. This is obviously something you cannot intentionally create, but if either of you is having emotional hardship, you can guess how he feels for you.
    • Share how you feel about your partner and the problems you have encountered.
    • Talk about your emotional needs and those of him, but note that men are reluctant to share feelings. That doesn't mean he doesn't care about you.
  4. Be frank about your feelings and see how he reacts. If you love and want to know if he loves you, let him know your feelings.
    • When you express your feelings, be aware that he may not respond in the same way right away. That doesn't mean your relationship has ended; Maybe he needs time to reflect on what you said.
    • Pay attention to his body language when you express your feelings. If he seems uncomfortable right away, he probably doesn't sympathize with you.
    • If he is unresponsive and doesn't show any special feelings, it might be because he doesn't really care about you.
  5. Talk about the future. You will talk about the future for two purposes. First, it is a way of assessing whether you both share the same goals and values ​​- a sign of long-term engagement. Second, it helps you recognize someone who just wants to keep a superficial relationship with you.
    • Start by talking about your goals and thinking about your personal future.
    • Finally try asking him if he has a picture of building the future with you.
    • Note that your goals and prospects for the future can change a lot, especially when you're young. It's better to reexamine these things from time to time.
  6. Spend time with his family. If he brought you home, he probably fell in love with you. He definitely wouldn't introduce to his family a girl he didn't have any feelings for. Getting to know his family also tells you more about the background and environment in which he will be attached.
    • Respond to this action and invite him to see your family.
    • Even if his (or your) parents do or say something embarrassing, it will be a happy memory to tell later.
    • The boys often bond with their mothers. If his mother was impressed and fond of you, he would be very proud to bring you to see the family.
    • Kind to his family. Sometimes people feel ashamed of family matters and you can make them alienate you if you make fun of their family even if it's just a joke.