How to recognize the signs of fat tumors

Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 6 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Defining Fatty Tumors, including Liposarcomas - Mayo Clinic
Video: Defining Fatty Tumors, including Liposarcomas - Mayo Clinic


Fat tumors are the names of fat tumors. This type of tumor usually occurs in the body, neck, underarms, biceps, thighs and internal organs. Fortunately, adipomas are not life-threatening. However, you need to know how to recognize the signs of a fatty tumor and how to treat it. The following article will provide you with information on how to detect adipose symptoms and how to treat it.


Method 1 of 5: Recognize symptoms

  1. Observe for small particles under the skin. Fat tumors are usually domed and varied in size, usually pea-sized and 3 cm long. Fat tumors that appear in places like the back usually grow larger. These tumors are caused by the rapid growth of fat cells at the site of the tumor.

  2. Distinguish the difference between adipoma and cyst. The cyst has a fixed size and is stiffer than a fat cyst. Masses formed from adipose cysts are usually not more than 3 cm long. Meanwhile, the cyst can be larger than 3 cm.
  3. Check the tumor's softness. Fat lumps are usually quite soft to the touch, which will flatten down when you press your finger up. These lumps are slightly attached to the surrounding skin, so even though they usually lie in one place, you can still cause fat tumors to move under the skin.

  4. Pay attention to the pain. Although usually painless (a tumor without nerves), a fat tumor can also be painful if it grows out of place. Fat tumors that are close to nerves and begin to develop can put pressure on the nerve, causing pain. Talk to your doctor if you experience pain near the site of the fat tumor. advertisement

Method 2 of 5: tumor monitoring

  1. Track when you detect adipoma. You need to know how long the fat tumor has been around and if there has been any changes during that time. As soon as you find a fatty tumor, make a note of the date. This step will be useful in case you want to get rid of the fat tumor. Note that the tumor can stay in place for years with no side effects; Most of the time, you want to get rid of fat cysts for cosmetic reasons.
  2. Keep track of if the tumor is growing. The longer you spend under the skin, the more likely it is that the adipoma will develop. However, it can be difficult to notice a large growth of adipoma because this type of tumor grows very slowly. As soon as you find a fat tumor, you should use a tape measure to measure and monitor the growth of the tumor. A fast growing tumor may be a sign of something else, and you should see your doctor right away.
    • The initial size of a fatty tumor may be the size of a pea and gradually grows larger. However, the maximum size is usually around 3 cm in circumference. Therefore, a tumor larger than 3 centimeters may not be a fat tumor.
  3. Determination of the tumor structure. As mentioned above, adipomas are usually soft and can move under the skin if you move them. Softness and portability are good signs. Meanwhile, melanomas are usually rock hard and stationary (don't shake or bend when you touch them.

Method 3 of 5: Identify risk factors

  1. Recognize that age plays an important role in adipoma development. Fat tumors usually appear in people between 40 and 60 years old. However, keep in mind that people over the age of 40 are at higher risk, and fat tumors can develop at any age.
  2. Know that certain illnesses may increase your risk of developing fat tumors. Several health problems can increase your risk of getting fat tumors, including:
    • Bannayan-Riley-Ruvalcaba syndrome
    • Madelung's syndrome (benign symmetrical fat tumor)
    • Adiposis dolorosa (painful adipoma)
    • Cowden Syndrome
    • Gardner syndrome
  3. Understand that adipoma is linked to a genetic predisposition. Research shows that there is a link between genetics (a family's genetic health problem) with your health. If your grandmother has a fatty tumor, your risk of having a fat tumor is higher because she shares the same gene.
  4. Be aware that being overweight can increase your risk of getting fat tumors. Adipoma is the rapid growth of fat cells in a number of locations. Thin, thin people can also develop fat tumors. On the other hand, obese people have more fat cells than normal people, so there is a high risk that these excess fat cells combine to form fat tumors.
  5. Pay attention to injuries caused by participating in contact sports. Players of contact sports (continuous collision in the same place) have an increased risk of developing fat tumors. If you have to collide in a position more than once, you should wear protective gear for that location when participating in a sport. advertisement

Method 4 of 5: Treating fat tumors with home remedies

  1. Use Chickweed. Chickweed is a small plant that is often referred to as grass. Not only is the weed climbing rose stem, Chickweed can also be used to treat fat tumors. Chickweed contains saponins - chemicals found in some plants - that help break down fat cells. You can buy Chickweed solution at most pharmacies. Drink 1 teaspoon, 3 times daily after meals.
    • Can speed up recovery by using Chickweed ointment. Apply the ointment directly to the tumor once a day.
  2. Try a neem tree. Neem is an Indian herb. When used in food preparation or in supplement form, this herb helps break down fatty tissue to form tumors. Thanks to the neem plant's ability to stimulate the metabolism of the liver and bile, these organs can easily break down fat, including fat in the tumor.
  3. Try cold seeds. Flaxseed oil is rich in omega-3 fatty acids that help dissolve tumor fat while preventing fat cells from continuing to grow. You can apply flaxseed oil directly to the tumor three times a day to make sure it works.
  4. Drink plenty of green tea. Green tea contains nutrients rich in anti-inflammatory properties that help reduce the amount of fat tissue in the body. This anti-inflammatory property has indirect effects on the tumor, helping to reduce tumor size. Drinking a cup of green tea a day will help get rid of fat tumors, or at least make them harder to see.
  5. Increase turmeric supplements. This Indian spice contains many antioxidants that help reduce inflammation and prevent fat cells from multiplying at the site of the tumor. You can mix turmeric with olive oil (one teaspoon each) and apply it to the tumor every day. Repeat until the fat cyst is completely gone.
  6. Drink plenty of lemon juice. Lemon juice contains citric acid and antioxidants (substances that help remove toxic substances from the body) that stimulate liver function and destroy toxins. When liver function is enhanced, the body will burn more easily fat, including fat cells in fat tumors.
    • Add lemon juice to water, tea or other drinks.

Method 5 of 5: Medical treatment for fat tumors

  1. Get surgery to remove the tumor. The most effective way to remove fat tumors is surgery. Usually, surgery is only for a tumor that grows nearly 3 centimeters.Fat tumors usually do not return after being removed by surgery (but can also regrow in rare cases).
    • If the tumor is just under the skin, the surgeon will cut a small cut in the skin to remove the fat tumor, then clean and sew the incision back.
    • If the fat tumor is in your internal organs (very rare), you will be under anesthesia before removing the tumor.
  2. Learn liposuction methods. This technique uses a liposuction tool. Usually, people choose this method for cosmetic reasons. In addition, liposuction is also used in the case of a softer fat tumor than usual.
    • Note that liposuction can leave a small scar, but it will disappear once it heals completely.
  3. Talk to your doctor about steroid injections. This is the least invasive method of removing fat tumors. A steroid mixture (triamcinolone acetonide and 1% lidocaine) is injected into the center of the tumor. If the adipoma has not gone away after one month, the procedure will be resumed until the tumor is gone. advertisement


  • It is best to see your doctor if you see a tumor of any kind and even if you think it is a harmless adipoma.