How to Stop Absorbing Another Person's Emotions

Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 17 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Emotional Check-in and How to Not Absorb Other People’s Emotions
Video: Emotional Check-in and How to Not Absorb Other People’s Emotions


Many people are extremely sensitive to other people's feelings. It is easy for you to empathize with other people to the point of causing you trouble for being too sensitive. You should set boundaries and learn to prioritize your personal emotions. This will create your own emotional, social, and physical space where you can thrive without being negatively affected by the emotions of others.


Method 1 of 4: Understanding Your Reactions to Others' Emotions

  1. This reflects whether or not you are sensitive. An extremely sensitive person (HSP) is emotional and excited. Some of the features of an extremely sensitive person are:
    • Sensory Acuity: You appreciate the details of the 5 senses that pay attention to: delicate fabric materials, beautiful colors, rich sound, etc.
    • Deep: You understand the implications and are in no hurry to make a decision.
    • Emotional awareness: You align with your emotional health and have the potential to take better care of yourself through this awareness.
    • Creativity: You are very creative but introverted.
    • Empathy for other people: You are extremely sensitive to other people's feelings.

  2. Determine if you are an "empathetic" person. Empathy is a person who is especially sensitive to other people's emotions in general, much more sensitive than ordinary people. Sympathy people are HSPs, but not all HSPs are empathetic people. Here are some signs of empathy:
    • You can sense fear, anxiety, and stress from others. You absorb those sensations into your body and find ways to deal with them like your own problems. Not necessarily people you don't know or like. You are influenced by friends, family and colleagues.
    • You quickly feel exhausted, tired, and unhappy in a crowd.
    • Noise, smell, excessive talk activate your nerves and anxiety.
    • You need to be alone to recharge.
    • It is difficult to intellectualize your feelings. Your emotions are easily hurt.
    • You give, be generous, have a spiritual disposition and are a good listener.
    • You tend to plan your escape, to run away as quickly as possible, such as driving to an event, etc.
    • The intimacy in the relationship makes you feel suffocated and lose your privacy.

  3. Determine when you are most likely to absorb other people's emotions. Not everyone is influenced by others to the same degree, even in similar ways. But everyone is sometimes influenced by the emotions of those around them. Try to find out what types of situations you face regularly.
    • Keep track of your feelings when you are around others. At the same time, regularly take note of the emotions that occur most often. Are your emotions affected when someone tries to impress you? Or are they affected when someone threatens you? Do you feel overwhelmed when you're in a crowd?

  4. Find out who makes your mood worse. Those who make it difficult for empathetic people are critics, victims, people who only know themselves and who are in control. These people are often referred to as "emotional vampires".
    • Evaluate the people around you. Do people criticize you? Are they trying to control you? Are they constantly talking about themselves? Have they ever asked how you feel?
    • Once you know how to spot these behaviors, you can protect yourself from them. Meaning separating yourself from their existence and saying to yourself, "I respect this person's nature even though I don't like what he is doing".

Method 2 of 4: Set Boundaries with Others

  1. Determine your needs and values. Find out what you really need and you won't compromise. This is the number 1 priority and cannot be negotiated, such as health, children, etc. Once you've determined what you really need to live in peace, start setting boundaries.
    • The other hand is to define your flexible scope. What makes you willing to compromise, give in, or give up?
  2. Express needs with loved ones. When you need space to deal with your feelings and repressions, talk to them. Communicating your own needs also helps the other person understand how you behave. When they understand your dynamics, you can both strengthen the relationship and have a private space.
  3. Make a plan to deal with a difficult situation. When you are faced with a difficult situation, you find yourself relaxing the boundaries. You can plan ahead for better control.
    • For example, how do you react when your friend needs someone to listen to her complaining about work? You can "I'm glad you shared with me about my work, but today I only have 10 minutes to talk". Then calibrate for 10 minutes.
    • As another example, if you have a colleague who always leaves a project at the last minute, take this opportunity to limit their stress absorption. You can create boundaries with words “Now I need to get my work done. I'm sorry but I can't help you ”.
  4. Set a time limit. Realizing your limits and sticking to them is a way to keep yourself up. Set meaningful boundaries with people who overwhelm you.
    • For example, don't stand by and listen to a conversation for 2 hours when you only endure 30 minutes. Make an excuse and leave the conversation.

Method 3 of 4: Create Your Own Space

  1. Learn how independent. Learn about your own feelings, feelings, wants and needs. Be assertive to others to get what you need to live happily and fully. If you depend on others to determine your feelings and actions, you will be more receptive to their feelings and actions. Instead, prioritize your own needs and wants by learning how to act on your own.
    • Don't wait for someone else's permission to act. You can make your own decisions without anyone's permission. Start small. Do not ask other people if this item is right for you before buying it. Buy it if you like. Gradually make bigger decisions without the intervention of others. This helps build your confidence and creates a space for your own feelings and needs to shine through.
    • Make sure you don't depend on others to get through a difficult situation. Drive yourself or know how to get home easily when needed. Have enough money to negotiate a replacement when feeling overwhelmed.
  2. Create a private space in a shared house. Ask others to respect the times when you were unhappy because you might be a bit childish then. Create your own space when you need to run away from situations or places that make you feel vulnerable, like when you're tired. This is especially important to prevent you from talking too much about the other person's feelings., Find places to help you feel at peace.
    • Keep a photo of a waterfall or jungle by you and take it out when you feel overwhelmed.
  3. Give yourself some private space in public. Finding your own space when you are in a crowded place can help you find space for your emotions. When there are many people around, seek shelter, like sitting in a corner or standing far away.
    • If you are extremely sensitive and particularly sensitive to things around you, try to choose a place that can provide space for your emotions. For example, if you are in a restaurant, find a table where you can sit with your back to the wall. Do not sit in the center table, near the toilet or the trash can.
  4. Develop a sense of peace in your mind. Learn how to engage yourself in stressful situations by focusing on your breath or imagining somewhere that makes you happy. This can help when you feel like you're about to absorb another person's feelings. Inhale and exhale for a few minutes.It can help you calm down and manage any fear or difficult feelings.
    • Visualize the negativity as gray mist escaping from your body, and hope it is the golden light your body receives. This method can yield quick results.
    • Try yoga and breathing techniques. These exercises help focus your emotions and calm yourself down in the event of a storm. Your breathing routine develops your own rhythm of life. They sometimes prevent the optimal amount of oxygen from entering the body at the right time. Interchangeable breathing, yoga and breathing techniques help you control your negative emotions as soon as they are born.

Method 4 of 4: Making Positive Changes to Make Yourself Stronger

  1. Cultivating positive emotions promotes inner strength. If you are surrounded by peace and love, you will thrive, otherwise negative emotions will corrode you. Research shows that when you feel positive, you feel more satisfied with your life.
    • Think about someone you love. Think about the warmth and joy of being with the person. Now apply that feeling to someone you know through the speaker. Find traits about the person that makes you happy. Then apply that feeling to those around you. As you learn to see the positives of others, you can shape your own positive feelings to help you focus on the good things in life, thereby stopping the negativity.
    • Develop positive feelings. Smile often. When you smile, your brain produces chemicals that increase the positivity of your mind.
    • Do what you love. When you do something you like, you will feel positive.
  2. Look for positive people and situations. Being around people makes you feel happy and supported. Optimism and pessimism both affect your health. You can't completely rule out another person's emotional sensitivity, so it's better to choose optimistic people instead of pessimistic.
    • Call your friend to see the good side of people. Spend time with a colleague who always looks at things positively. Listen to hopeful people. Enjoy words, songs or any other art that contains hope.
  3. Managing emotional overload. Because some people are overly empathetic, or are inherently more sensitive to what's happening around them than others, they may feel overwhelmed in situations that others don't even feel uncomfortable with. However, no matter how sensitive you are, you don't need to be thankful for your ability to absorb other people's emotions.
    • Acknowledge a situation that makes you feel overwhelmed. Detach yourself from the situation. For example, if you know you will absorb stress from Christmas shoppers, avoid shopping during the holiday season.
  4. See your inner creativity. Extremely sensitive people often have great creativity in artistic activities. Some philosophers describe the ability to be creative as essential to growth and transformation. Creativity is ability regardless of whether we hold a brush or not. Art, in this sense, can take shape every time you talk to others, or every time you cook breakfast. Learn to be more creative in everyday life.
    • Experiment with personal style or everyday activities. This is a great way to turn your extreme sensitivity to the environment into a gift instead of a curse.
  5. Turn empathy into positive action. When you feel overwhelmed by the other person's feelings, turn this feeling into your advantage to pursue something positive. Choose the cause related to your feelings.
    • For example, passing by a homeless person on the street also makes extremely sensitive people feel pain. This feeling prevents them from taking frequent walks or walks around the neighborhood to avoid pain. Turn emotional energy into something constructive. You can volunteer at a homeless gathering or buy them a meal. Listen to their stories.
  6. Be compassionate to yourself. Learn to use kindness to protect yourself from overwhelming emotions. Kindness allows you to empathize with others, but to be kind to yourself. That is, you don't need to feel guilty because you need to rest when you're overwhelmed.
    • Be aware of human nature. You are not alone. When you realize that your feelings are a common human experience, you won't feel isolated. For example, if you feel overwhelmed, you could say to yourself, "Everyone feels overwhelmed."
  7. Accept yourself your character. Sometimes being extremely sensitive to the environment helps you get in tune with everyone around you, especially if they are open and social. Because people who are extremely sensitive and empathetic are often introverts. In fact, 70% of extremely sensitive people are introverts, so you might feel conflicted with those around you, but since sensibility is physical, you should learn to accept these feelings. as part of you.
  8. Put yourself in a variety of situations. Empathy tends to happen spontaneously and produces a variety of emotions depending on the situation. If you are in contact with a specific person on a daily basis, it can be difficult to determine exactly what kind of emotion is being elicited by whom. When you try to put yourself in situations you normally avoid, you will find yourself reacting differently.
    • Try a new hobby or join a party that you don't know many people. Placing yourself in a new environment can give you the freedom to react differently.