How to Stop being preoccupied with unwanted thoughts

Author: Monica Porter
Date Of Creation: 18 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Intrusive Thoughts and Overthinking: The Skill of Cognitive Defusion 20/30
Video: Intrusive Thoughts and Overthinking: The Skill of Cognitive Defusion 20/30


If certain thoughts or memories make you feel sad or anxious, you may be looking for an outlet to stop preoccupying them. Find distractions that can help stop you from having negative or negative thoughts. Everyone has stressful things that they don't want to think about. However, sometimes these thoughts point to a serious problem such as anxiety, depression, or post-traumatic stress. Remember that often the only way to truly get over unpleasant thoughts or events (like abuse, catastrophic accident, mental illness, etc.) is to discuss them with a mental health professional. . You can begin to address the causes of your preoccupation with negative or unhelpful thoughts by exploring them.


Method 1 of 5: Calming your mind

  1. Write diary. One reason it is difficult to stop thinking about something is because we keep trying to force those thoughts out of our mind. Unfortunately, this often makes them even deeper, and brings in vain emotions like guilt or shame ("Why can't I stop thinking about it?"). Keep a mental health journal to give yourself space to explore your thoughts and feelings, even those that make you sad and worried.
    • Journaling allows you to acknowledge your thoughts and feelings, and gives them space just to exist. Keep a journal whenever you feel overwhelmed by things you don't want to think about.Write them down on paper, then close your diary, walk around and do something else.
    • Try to think of times when undesirable thoughts begin to appear. Did something provoke them? Are there any experiences related to them? Do your thoughts come in hindsight from your ability to enjoy everyday life?
    • Journaling can improve mental stability by releasing symptoms of anxiety and depression. Writing these thoughts in your journal can also create awareness of unpleasant thought patterns and help you understand potential triggers.
    • Journaling about unwanted thoughts can help discuss repressed memories. If you have experienced a lot of abuse or a difficult childhood, keep a diary with the help of a specialist.

  2. Break the cycle of reflection. To meditate means to think back and forth about a problem. Basically this has to do with a negative thought or anxiety. If you feel like you want to distract yourself from some thoughts, you are probably brooding. It is important to overcome this habit because reflection is closely linked to severe depression. Here are a few ways you can get rid of brooding:
    • Find other sources of self-esteem. Perhaps you are constantly thinking about an acknowledged downside because you see it as an important part of your concept of self and individual originality. Aside from one downside, highlight the other aspects in which you have talents and strengths. That way, any criticism (from others or yourself) won't stress you too much.
    • Solve each problem. If you find yourself brooding about a problem, make an effort to fix it. This may seem overwhelming at first, but if you break the larger problem into smaller chunks, you can work on solving them one at a time. Well then, the problem doesn't seem too frightening.
    • Give up strict expectations and standards. Some people expect 100% perfection at all times or an effort from themselves or others. They are unreasonable and unattainable expectations that prevent you from adapting to the challenges of life. If you are one of those people, then you may begin to feel inferior or frustrated when you are unable to meet your standards. Control yourself to have reasonable expectations about yourself and others. Remember, everyone is just human - and humans are not perfect.

  3. Join mindfulness meditation. Mindfulness means paying attention to the present moment. This is the practice of living for the present. Ideas are slow and conscious thoughts about thoughts that are constantly in your mind.
    • If you're a beginner, choose a quiet place with less distractions. Sit comfortably in a chair or on the carpet on the floor. Cross your legs (if sitting on the floor). Sit with your upper body straight and put your hands on your thighs. Breathe deeply and purify, inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth. Focus on the breath - just focus on the breath. When you find yourself losing your attention to your breath, just take note and refocus your breath and stay still.
    • For beginners, aim for about 5 or 10 minutes of mindfulness meditation before the exercise for a longer period of time.
    • Some forms of mindfulness meditation encourage you to focus solely on your breath while others acknowledge every thought that comes to mind. To determine which kind of mindfulness meditation is right for you, check out the Greater Good article in English.
  4. Continue mindfulness exercises in all activities. A great way to live in the moment and avoid going astray with negative thoughts is to get into the habit of practicing mindfulness. This is very effective in minimizing brooding and not thinking about worries or concerns.
    • When you wake up in the morning, take a deep, calm breath. Do some gentle muscle tension and think about how the muscles and joints of your body feel with each tension. Drink a glass of filtered water and pay attention to temperature, stability, and how you feel as the water runs down your throat. Be realistic about each activity during the day such as bathing, brushing your teeth, eating, drinking, working, etc.
    • As you complete each activity, refrain from making criticism about what you are doing or distract from your mind. When you find your mind wandering, refocus on what you are doing and consider how the activity affects your senses.

Method 2 of 5: Be creative

  1. Write, draw, or color. Use your hands and imagination to create something out of nothing. Being creative can maximize your happiness and give you positive feelings about what you are taking the time to do. Besides, some studies suggest that creativity can improve cognitive dynamics and problem solving skills. Therefore, exercising your creativity can really help you find a solution to the problem that is upsetting you.
  2. Cook or bake a cake. If you enjoy cooking or baking, these activities can help you avoid unpleasant thoughts. Preparing a meal can provide a sense of accomplishment and build confidence. Furthermore, you can share what you interact with others to convey good feelings.
    • One warning to consider when cooking or baking is not to let this activity become an unhealthy behavior, when you overeat to ease your uncomfortable mood or distract yourself from your thoughts. boring. Invite others to join as you cook to reduce the risk of you emotionally eating - and to help you clear your dishes later.
  3. Try solving the puzzle. Quizzes are often used in educational therapy because they require concentration, patience, and creativity. They are effective for distraction, disorganized thinking, and motivation problems. For this reason, they are also effective temporary distractions, because you have to focus on solving puzzles.
    • Find favorite puzzles and you want to focus. Puzzle games and Sudoku are common puzzles that are easy to find almost anywhere.
    • You can also try jigsaw jigsaw puzzles, if you like putting things together. Seeing the pieces arranged can also give you a sense of success.
    • Many mobile apps and websites have jigsaw / puzzle games, so you can play this healthy distraction anywhere.

Method 3 of 5: Use recreational media to distract

  1. Watching TV or DVD. Watch funny TV shows or movies. Humor is very effective at keeping you away from negative thoughts or memories. Understand that watching too much TV is a passive sitting behavior that is associated with shorter life expectancy and obesity.
    • Avoid snacking while watching TV as this can lead to thoughtless eating, and may only make you feel worse.
    • Try balancing the amount of time you spend watching TV with physical activity such as watching TV while exercising on the treadmill or the elliptical. If you don't have those, you just need to do a few exercises while watching the commercial or every 15 to 20 minutes.
  2. Listening to music. Music has been used to express emotions since people first found a way to create it. Research has also demonstrated that music is effective for reducing stress and enhancing relaxation.
    • Music with about 60 beats per minute can encourage brain waves to synchronize with that rhythm, bringing a state of comfort.
    • While many have suggested that only "light" music, such as classical music, jazz, or New Age music, is relaxing, new studies suggest otherwise. A recent study demonstrated that listening to "Heavy Metal strong background music" helped participants in the study deal with angry emotions and regain feelings of positivity and even be inspired. inspiration.The most important thing is what kind of music suits you best. Listen to your favorite music and feel the connection.
  3. Online. Moderate computer time can keep you entertained and relaxed. When you go online, you can play games, visit clothing or accessories shopping pages, connect with old friends on social media, read many interesting articles on your favorite topic or write articles for the site. wikiHow. Make a note of how much time you are spending on the computer.
    • Research demonstrates that more than 2 hours of technology use can potentially harm children's health, lead to weight gain, agitation, and sleep or startles. Try to limit your time using technology to other things like spending time with friends or family or going out.
  4. Reading books. Find a compelling novel, comic book, or magazine that interests you. Reading in your spare time creates an escape from everyday life, helping you to develop your creativity and imagination. Reading also enhances cognitive skills and vocabulary.
    • Make sure you read something light or humorous instead of a heavy, upsetting topic that preoccupies you with unwanted thoughts.

Method 4 of 5: Exercise

  1. Go to the gym. Exercise can ease feelings of anxiety and stress by releasing endorphins, the natural mood-enhancing chemicals the body makes. Many studies have proven that people only "feel better" after doing moderate aerobic exercise. So the next time you find yourself wanting to avoid any unwanted thoughts, put on your sneakers and go for a run, or go to the gym to lift weights.
  2. Garden. Practice some gardening jobs. Planting plants, growing botanical gardens or decorative flowers. Gardening has three possible benefits. First, being outside the body enhances positive feelings and reduces stress. Second, physical activity when gardening will create endorphins that help you feel comfortable and avoid obesity. Third, if you grow herbs or food then you will save money and ensure you are on a nutritious, balanced diet.
  3. Take a warm bath or bath. Studies show that just taking a warm bath can help reduce anxiety. Just feeling warm in your body can help you feel more comfortable and even more interested in your social relationships. Focus on the bodily sensation you experience in the shower or bath: like the water on your skin, the warmth all around you. Take a deep breath. Allow the experience to become a mindfulness exercise while paying attention and enjoying a pleasant physical sensation.
    • You may find that adding a few drops of lavender oil to the shower makes you feel more comfortable and relaxed.

Method 5 of 5: Spend time with others

  1. Call or visit a friend or family member. Whether they are near or far away from you, whenever you want to stop preoccupying negative thoughts in a positive and healthy way, you can call them. You can even let a friend / relative know in advance that you plan to call them to forget a particular topic - so they won't accidentally mention it.
    • If your friends, parents, siblings, or someone you love live near you, schedule a date out together. Going out together. Go to the movies, go bowling, swim, or enjoy a common hobby.
    • Spending time with others not only helps you feel happy, but it also prolongs your life. Right now, scientists are comparing loneliness to smoking - it's bad for your mental and physical health.
  2. Play with your pet. When friends or family are not around, a great distraction is to spend time with another companion, your pet. Specifically, dogs and cats help reduce depression and prolong life. Plus, if you take your dog to the park, you can practice the necessary physical activity by walking a few laps or throwing Frisbee discs around.
  3. Volunteer. Visit a place that needs help and use your skills and time for a worthy case. This will not only distract you, but can also help you realize that there are more people experiencing problems than you, animals that need your help, and an environment where you can help improve.
    • Volunteering also has many health benefits. It can eliminate loneliness and depression, and also help you feel more connected to your community. Research has also shown that people with a genuine reason to want to contribute to their community (ie helping others instead of helping themselves) live longer.


  • Surround yourself with positive people and pursue hobbies to avoid becoming preoccupied with unwanted thoughts.


  • If turning yourself away from a thought that leads to unhealthy behaviors like binge eating, drinking alcohol or taking drugs, you need to see a mental health professional. They can help you develop healthier coping strategies to overcome frustrated thoughts or stressors.
  • Repeatedly annoying thoughts may represent the obsession associated with Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). In addition to mandatory behaviors such as exams and repetitive rituals, OCD is also associated with phobias such as excessive anxiety, preoccupation, or fear. psychiatric if you are experiencing these symptoms.