How to prevent a dog from urinating indoors after he has gone outside

Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 8 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Stop Your Dog From Peeing Indoors
Video: How to Stop Your Dog From Peeing Indoors


You've just allowed your dog to pee out, but as soon as he gets in, he pee again? This scene will probably make anyone who has a dog to be frustrated and depressed. There can be many causes for a dog to pee indoors after passing out, including health problems (such as diabetes, kidney disease) and lack of proper toilet training. Don't get discouraged, try a few ways to prevent this bad habit of peeing in your dog.


Method 1 of 3: Get the dog out

  1. Maintain a consistent toilet schedule. This is an important factor in proper toilet training. Following a consistent toilet schedule will train your dog to pee outside at certain times, such as after waking up, after eating, and about 20 minutes before bedtime. This is especially important for a puppy when his bladder muscles are weak and he is still in the process of getting used to where to go to the bathroom.

    The toilet schedule is also very important for an adult dog. Remember Even an adult dog can pee indoors if it is not properly toilet trained since childhood.

  2. Specify the toilet area outside. This will teach your dog that he needs to defecate outside, not indoors. If you have a yard, use a leash and take the dog to an area in the yard that is not affected by weather factors (rain, wind). In this area, let your dog choose a specific toilet seat.
    • Praise your dog for pee in this area or show that he likes to pee there.
    • This does not matter if your dog has chosen a toilet seat or if you have no yard.

  3. Don't play with dogs. Play can distract your dog without urinating. This is common in puppies because they are easily distracted. When you take your dog outside, let it focus on solving its needs without playing around.
    • You should stand still until the dog is finished peeing.

  4. Give your dog 10‒15 minutes to pee. Unless the bladder is full of urine, the dog may not completely urinate as soon as you let him go. It will take time for your dog to let his bladder muscles relax and excrete his urine. At the same time, the puppy will likely need a few minutes to focus on pooping.
    • Don't be surprised if you see your dog pee a lot. It may take 'going to the toilet' a few times to pee all.
  5. Reward your dog after peeing. You can use words, or treats, to compliment your dog when he is done peeing. This will make your dog understand that it is a good behavior to urinate outside. If you want to give your dog a treat, keep it hidden until the dog pee is done. Seeing a treat first will distract your dog.
  6. Do not go inside immediately after the dog pee. If you are in a hurry, you will want to bring your dog inside as soon as it is finished peeing. For the dog, however, it is a sign that the 'play time' is over. She will not urinate all the time to prolong play time and will continue when she returns home. Instead of going inside right away, give your dog more time to play outside or continue taking it for a short walk after peeing.
    • If the weather is bad, you don't have to spend extra time with your dog outside, as he may want to get in as quickly as you do.

Method 2 of 3: Treat when your dog pee indoors

  1. Do not put the dog's face in the urine. It may take a while for the dog not to pee indoors after it has gone outside. If you continue to see pools of urine in your home, do not punish your dog by placing his face in the urine. This is ineffective in teaching and will only scare you away.
    • Your dog may think it is wrong to pee in front of you, not because of pee indoors, so he will pee in more secret places.
  2. Punish the dog at the right time. Don't punish your dog for pee indoors if you can't make it do it. If you try to punish him after he pee, the dog will not know what was being punished for. When you see a dog peeing in the house, seriously say 'No!' And immediately take the dog outside. Be sure to compliment your dog after he has finished peeing.
    • Don't yell or scold your dog.
  3. Eliminate smell of urine. If the dog smells the indoor urine, it will turn around and pee in the exact same spot. To completely get rid of the smell of the urine, you need to use an enzyme-containing pet urine cleaner that breaks down ammonia molecules. Conventional cleaners will are not Eliminate smell of urine.
    • Ammonia gives urine a strong odor.
    • Do not let your dog go into an area with urine until you are done with cleaning and the area is completely dry.

Method 3 of 3: Learn about dog's misbehavior

  1. Research what causes your dog to urinate indoors. Surely the dog is not peeing in the house to annoy you. Instead, it may be having health problems, such as diabetes, that cause him to urinate more often due to increased water intake. Your dog may know he should pee outside, but he still needs to pee after he has entered the house.
    • Your puppy will urinate indoors after going outside for a variety of reasons, including weak bladder muscles or having not learned where it should and shouldn't urinate.
  2. Get your dog checked by the vet. If your dog continues to pee indoors after you have let him go out, see the vet.Your veterinarian will check and perform tests (blood tests, urine analysis) to diagnose and determine if your dog's behavior is caused by health problems. Knowing the cause of your dog's pee indoors will help you come up with the correct way to prevent this behavior.
  3. Get medical treatment if necessary. If the dog pee indoors due to health problems, treatment will help stop it. For example, a veterinarian may develop a dog regimen for diabetes or kidney disease. You can also give your dog medicine to make his bladder muscles stronger. advertisement


  • Preventing your dog from urinating indoors after going out will take time, so be patient.
  • Puppies have better control over bladder muscles as they mature.