Ways to Celebrate Father's Day

Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 28 April 2021
Update Date: 26 June 2024
How To Fold An Origami Shirt (Father’s Day Card)
Video: How To Fold An Origami Shirt (Father’s Day Card)


Father's Day has been celebrated for more than 100 years, and today has become an event held in many countries around the world, although there is a different time of year. In North America and the UK, Father's day is set for the 3rd Sunday of June. You can give your dad a great day by showing him how much you love him. Even if you can't go out for COVID-19, you can still organize a special day for Dad if you plan.


Part 1 of 4: Celebrating Father's Day during the COVID-19 epidemic

  1. Call (video chat) for dad if you don't live with him. Thanks to modern technology, you can still see him on Father's Day even if you can't meet him in person. Invite your dad to join you in a video conversation with you through Zoom, Skype, or FaceTime.
    • Plan ahead with your dad so he can download video chat software to your phone, computer or tablet. If your father is not very tech-savvy, you should call first to show him how to download software.
    • Some video chat apps like Zoom allow you to set a wallpaper. Surprise him by uploading a wallpaper of Father's Day onto your phone, or make a real sign and hang it behind your back.

  2. Order your dad's favorite food delivery restaurant. If you can't go to the restaurant with your dad, take the food home. Order a hearty meal and have them deliver it to your home.
    • If you enjoy cooking, you can cook your own meals to celebrate Father's Day. Prepare a beautiful dining table and give your dad a restaurant-like experience.
    • Even if you don't live with your dad, you can still order food delivered to his house. Call your dad video chat while you two are eating to share a virtual party!

  3. Go to the park or go for a walk if your dad likes it. If he doesn't like restraint, go with your dad to the park or go hiking. You can even invite some of your friends to join you for a walk, as long as you keep a safe distance.
    • If you plan to travel with other people, keep a minimum distance of 2 m. Avoid going to crowded parks that keep you from this safe distance.
    • Don't forget to bring picnic necessities, such as food, drinking water and hand sanitizer.

  4. Create a virtual tour or concert for your dad to enjoy at home. If your dad feels safer at home then you create a virtual ride for him. Go with him to the museum or the national park, or live stream a concert together.
    • You can explore many national parks and museums online with the Google Arts and Culture app. For example, join your dad on a 3D virtual tour through the Grand Canyon or Yosemite Park on their website.
    • If your dad loves animals, check to see if his favorite zoo or fish park offers a virtual tour.
    • To find out about live concerts or shows, check out NPR's list: https://www.npr.org/2020/03/17/816504058/a-list-of- live-virtual-concerts-to-watch-during-the-coronavirus-shutdown.
  5. Sign up for Dad an online class if he likes to learn. If your dad likes learning new skills, an online class could be a special gift for him - especially during a time when he's stuck at home due to a pandemic. Find an online class about your father's topic or hobby, or choose something completely new for the two of you to learn together!
    • For example, if your dad likes to experiment in cooking, then you can take him an online cooking class. Or if your dad likes art, find a painting or sculpture class.
    • If you want your dad to choose his own class then you buy a full access pass for him, such as a MasterClass or Skillshare card.
  6. Host movies or play games if your dad likes a cozy get-together. If your dad is the one who likes to stay at home, holding home gatherings is probably the best option. Let's play a game or make popcorn and open your favorite movie for the whole family to see.
    • If you have a projector and a large courtyard, you can have a movie outdoors! Hang a white cloth on the wall or aim the projector at an empty wall, then arrange chairs for the whole family to watch a movie outdoors.
  7. Camping in the yard is a fun and simple adventure. There are some special activities for you to join together. Let's make a campfire together, grill sausages, and tell ghost stories. You can also set up a tent in the yard and sleep in a cozy sleeping bag, or hang a hammock in the garden.
    • If your dad likes to bake food, then you can incorporate barbecue activities into the camp.

Part 2 of 4: Plan Father's Day

  1. Determine Father's Day. There is nothing as bad as forgetting about or making a great plan to celebrate Father's Day before you realize it is the wrong date. Father's Day is celebrated on different days depending on the country. However, in America and England, Father's Day is always celebrated on the 3rd Sunday of June, so it is not fixed every year.
    • If you are not sure what day of Father's day is, do a quick search on the internet with the keyword "Father's day + year + the country you live in", you will have an answer in the blink of an eye.
  2. Think about what makes your dad happy. Father's Day celebration is largely based on knowing what your dad likes and what activities will make the day full of joy. You can organize an exciting adventure or simply do all the chores around the house to give your dad a break.
    • Plan at least one activity your dad likes to have your kids enjoy together. Maybe your dad likes to go fishing, play catch, or hang out with the whole family playing board. Please choose an activity that your dad likes.
    • Fathers do a lot of things, from taking care of the house, taking their kids to school or training to staying with you and listening when you're having trouble. Remember something your father did for you and think about what you can do to repay him. Maybe this is simply mowing the lawn in your yard.
  3. Mobilize everyone to join. If you have siblings, you can invite everyone to come up with a plan to do something great for your dad. Father's Day will be even more memorable if you all join me in celebrating the holiday. If you don't have any siblings, you can ask your mother or grandparents for help.
    • For example, you could write a song together to sing on Father Diep's Day together or make a greeting card together.
    • Alternatively, you could assign each of you Father's day a job. For example, you could take a breakfast for dad, one of your siblings will be in charge of controlling the television to turn on his favorite sports show and favorite snack, another has can massage my father's feet.
  4. Plan a party or picnic for dad. If your dad isn't the type of person who likes to receive gifts but just likes to spend time with family, you can organize an activity so he can enjoy what he likes.
    • For example, if your dad likes barbecue, you can gather everything you need for a barbecue in the yard and invite some of his friends over to celebrate Father's Day.
    • If your dad is interested in fishing, you can schedule a full day fishing session with just two (or a whole family, if you prefer).
    • Remember to tell Dad the idea of ​​organizing big plans, okay? Surely you don't want the feat of organizing a party and then in the end you know that Dad doesn't like it.

Part 3 of 4: Celebrating with Dad

  1. Let me sleep more. If your dad likes to sleep well but doesn't get the chance to do so because of his work and his kids, then you can help him get a good night's sleep. Don't walk around and make noise that keeps Dad awake. Let me sleep for as long as you like and start celebrating when I'm ready.
    • If you're going to bring your dad's breakfast, you can still let him sleep for a few more hours than usual.
  2. Happy Father's Day. This sounds obvious, but don't forget to announce that today is Dad's Day. When you see your father in the morning, shout with a very cheerful voice, "Happy Father's Day!" Don't forget to hug my dad !.
    • This is your first thing to do in the morning, so your dad will know you haven't forgotten and you're excited to celebrate the day with him.
  3. Ask what you want to do. You can think of countless ideas to celebrate Father's right away, but don't forget that you are not the main character. Ask how he was feeling and what he liked to do that day.
    • Try to respect your father's wishes. If you've prepared a list of ideas for Father's Day, but your dad says he just wants to relax on the sofa, let him do what he likes.
    • Your dad may want to do something alone or with your mom for Father's Day. For example, maybe dad wants to fix his car by himself in the garage, or he wants to go somewhere quiet on the weekends. If he wants to, don't make him feel bad.
  4. Fill Father's Day with joy. One of the most important aspects of the day is that you are present and care. Gifts are great, but showing your love and reminding your dad that you are proud of him and for everything he does for you will be the most important thing to celebrate Father's day.
    • For many fathers, the biggest reward for a father is the feeling of being loved and valued by their children and their partner.
    • As long as you show affection or hug him and say he loves him, he will know how much he is loved by his children.
  5. Talk to Dad. This is quite simple, but you should not take it lightly. In everyday life, it is easy to forget the precious times with family. During Father's Day, pay attention to spending time talking to him. Tell your dad about school stories that you haven't told, and tell your dad about the things that happened in your life.
    • Don't just tell your story! Ask him how he's been working recently or about his childhood.
    • Try to avoid topics that could lead to controversy. Don't let Father's Day end in disagreement.
  6. Turn this day into a family event. Father's Day can become a wonderful day for the whole family. Please plan a family event that brings everyone together to celebrate Father's day.
    • However, please pay attention to your father's personality. Is your father the type of person who likes a crowded family? For some people, gatherings of people are tiring and uncomfortable.
    • Consider gathering all fathers in the family, not just your dad or partner. You may want to bring your uncles, brothers, grandparents, and even step-fathers together for a part of Father's day, such as a dinner packed with everyone.
  7. Create a photo slideshow. Create a slideshow with lots of pictures of your dad. You can collect pictures of dad from childhood; pictures of the whole family, pictures of dad taken privately with friends, even funny pictures. Reviewing the photo with me will be a great way for you guys to review happy memories together.
    • If the pictures are in the album; everyone can watch the album together.
    • This is especially helpful if you are close with your dad. Old photos will spark stories between father and son.

Part 4 of 4: Show love for your father

  1. Buy or make a card for dad. A card works great, and sometimes even more so than a gift.
    • If you are going to buy a card for Dad on Father's Day, do not wait until the last minute to go shopping, as there may not be many cards left to choose from. Buy a card that matches your personality; A funny card if your dad likes to joke around, or it's really touching to let him know how much you love him.
    • You can also make daddy cards. If you make the card yourself, you will have your own unique card and design it to suit your dad. In the card, you could tell how much you love your dad, or you could draw a portrait of the two of them together.
  2. Think of a creative gift. Father's Day doesn't necessarily have a gift, but if you want to buy or give him a present, try to find something creative. Don't just buy a tie or socks. When buying gifts, be sure to see something your dad often mentions or you know he likes but is hesitant to buy it.
    • Handmade gifts are also great. For example, you can think and list many things your dad taught you to do (like badminton, ride a bike or deal with people, etc.) and write a book. You can create a book online or just do it yourself. You can paste pictures of you and your dad in the book.
  3. Tell him that you are grateful to him. Fatherhood is a difficult task. If you have a party, please toast your dad in front of everyone and express your love and gratitude to him. If you don't have a party, just tell your dad.
    • Try to say insightful words. Although you can say a simple saying, "I thank you for being a very nice father," take some time to think about something deeper. For example, you might recall a few things Dad did during the past year that means a lot to you and says, “Last year I worked hard to keep you healthy and happy. I know I should have said this more often, but I don't take what you do for me for granted, and I love you so much. The day I miss the most is the day Dad took the day off to take me to buy a new game that I love so much.

  4. Do odd jobs in the house for dad. If your dad has a complete daily to-do list (like taking out trash, cleaning the bed, washing clothes, washing dishes, etc.), tell him you'll do it all. It gives me a break on Father's Day so I can rest.
    • If there is a task that you know your father is particularly dislike (such as mowing the lawn), you can say that you will take it on Father's Day.

  5. Cook a meal for dad. If you know what your dad likes to eat, make a plan to cook for him on this day. You can also make a dessert that Dad likes. For example, if your dad likes chocolate biscuits, you can make them just for him.
    • If your dad likes to cook, you can arrange for you to cook together.
    • You can also surprise your dad with breakfast in bed if you think he likes it.

  6. Don't put pressure on Dad. During Father's Day, you can make endless plans for him. If you know this, your dad can accommodate all your arrangements to keep you happy. However, don't forget that this is Father's Day, so please pay attention to his mood. If your dad seems tired or not really excited about your plans, ask him what he likes to do.
    • Don't get frustrated or frustrated when things don't go the way you want them to. Your dad would not be happy to see you like that. Be gentle, cheerful, and don't stress.
    • You don't have to celebrate every minute and every moment with Father's Day. You should give your dad time to do what he wants without your friends.


  • Take pictures of Father's day. The pictures will help you keep a memory of the day, and you can also use them as part of a present for your dad next year.
  • Don't hesitate to let him know how much you love him. Although usually men don't express their feelings as much as women, feelings are not inferior. Your dad will be very happy knowing how valued and loving him the whole family.
  • You don't have to play game after game. An activity or two is a good idea, but if it's too much then your dad may not have time to relax and will lose interest.