How to grow a beard

Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 10 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
What I Wish I Knew Before Growing a Beard
Video: What I Wish I Knew Before Growing a Beard


Many people dream of having a noble mustache, or stylish beard. However, for some people the beard grows only sparsely. While you can't make genetic changes that cause little or uneven facial hair growth, there are ways to stimulate thick, even hair growth. To grow beard, you must focus on its growth, consider using an oil or a hair growth supplement, take proper care of your skin and nourish your body from the inside. If natural methods don't work, there are many medical methods you can use. Remember to have a beautiful beard is not an overnight thing, but you have to be patient regardless of applying any technique.


Method 1 of 3: Stimulate hair to grow faster

  1. Patiently wait for your beard to grow. It can be frustrating that your beard cannot be as thick as it should be, but the problem is not because of underdevelopment but because of lack of time. Beard takes up to four weeks to fully develop (in some cases longer). Many people give up before this time claiming they can't develop a full beard, but the reality is they gave up too soon.
    • Beard farming is a process that requires patience to follow. Must try for a long time! If after four or five weeks you still can't get the results you are looking for, then it's time to try a different method.
    • Do not shave at the first sign of itchiness. Newly grown hairs often cause the skin to itch, but as they get longer they will soften and no longer cause itching.
    • Using a steroid cream such as hydro-cortisone may relieve the itching somewhat.
    • Waiting for your beard to grow is a very uncomfortable time, especially if your beard goes through a period of uneven growth and is often criticized by others. The first time the beard seems to grow into incomplete patches. However, as your beard grows longer, the slow growing pores will also grow new beards. The difference between the patches of skin is gradually masked by long hairs and short beards that grow later.

  2. Let your beard grow naturally. Does not affect its development. This means that you shouldn't try to shape your beard too early during growth.When shaving, it is common to make the mistake of cutting more than the intended amount. That's why it's best to leave it alone while your beard is growing. You have plenty of time to tweak it to your liking after you're satisfied with the length of your beard.
    • As your beard is growing, brush in the direction you want it to grow, so that the beard will be shaped better in the future.
    • After about four weeks, ask a barber or makeup artist to reshape your beard. Explain carefully that you are growing a beard and only want to correct the shape, not shave.

  3. Use a beard oil. Beard oil moisturizes the beard and the skin underneath, because it has moisturizing properties, it also acts as a styling agent. This product is great even if you have less beard than expected, it will help your beard look better.
    • Experts recommend applying beard oil right after your morning shower. When the pores are clean, they can absorb oil better. Just pour a small amount into the palm of your hand and then apply it to your face and beard.
    • Beard oil helps make your beard look better, while also creating a clean image and a fresh fragrance. There are many different brands of oil available, so give it a try to see which one you like best. You can visit a booth that specializes in selling products to men.
  4. Use functional foods. There are a number of nutrients you can add to your daily diet to encourage faster hair growth. Consider taking a breakfast supplement, but it's a good idea to consult with your doctor before changing your health care routine.
    • Stimulate thicker facial hair with folic acid. This is essential for hair growth and repair. Most drugstores sell folic acid supplements.
    • You can also increase the amount of folic acid in your diet. Folic acid is found in whole grain breads and whole grains, green leafy vegetables, peas and nuts.
    • Increase the amount of biotin consumed. Biotin is a water-soluble B vitamin important for the formation of fatty acids and glucose, as well as for the metabolism of amino acids and carbohydrates. A lack of biotin can lead to hair loss, so consume the recommended amount of biotin.
    • Biotin is found in liver, oysters, cauliflower, beans, fish, carrots, bananas, soybean meal, egg yolks, cereals, yeast and other foods. Although you can take a vitamin supplement containing biotin, it's still better to eat fresh foods if you have a choice.

Method 2 of 3: Lifestyle changes

  1. Practice proper skin care. The skin is the largest part of the body and performs many important functions, one of which is to help you grow hair. Skin care is one of the most effective ways to support a thicker, more even hair growth.
    • Exfoliate your face. Pores can become clogged with dust and prevent hair from growing. Once a week, you should apply an exfoliating mask with eucalyptus extract. It is very good for the skin and can stimulate hair growth.
    • Use hair care products. Shampoos and conditioners that contain a blend of vitamin B are beneficial for facial hair.
    • Massage your pores. Light massages can stimulate pores. Use your fingertips to gently massage your face in a circular motion for 2-3 minutes. Apply moisturizer to your face for a smoother massage.
  2. Keep track of your diet. What you eat has a huge impact on all aspects of your health, including skin and hair growth. There are many vitamins that have been shown to promote hair growth, including beard. Pay attention to your diet and make sure you get enough of these nutrients.
    • Incorporate hair-healthy vitamins into your diet. You can always apply hair growth stimuli directly to your face, but an internal impact is a better option.
    • Consume vitamin A. This is a vitamin that stimulates sebum production to keep pores and skin moist. Vitamin A is found in eggs, meat, cheese, liver, carrots, pumpkins, broccoli and dark green leafy vegetables.
    • Consuming plenty of vitamin E has long been considered the key to healthy skin, boosting blood circulation and creating the optimal environment for beard growth. Foods rich in vitamin E are oils, leafy vegetables, nuts and beans. Most people get enough vitamin E from the regular diet.
    • Enhance blood circulation with vitamin B3. Good blood circulation has a positive effect on facial hair growth. Reports suggest that vitamin B3 is even more effective when taken with biotin.
    • Consume vitamin B5. Vitamin B5 is also known as pantothenic acid. It not only helps the body use fats and proteins, but is also needed for hair. It is known that vitamin B5 can reduce stress, which stress certainly inhibits hair growth. Vitamin B5 is found naturally in brewer's yeast, broccoli, avocados, egg yolks, organ meats, duck, milk, lobster, whole grain breads and more.
  3. Do exercise. Exercise has many health benefits such as increased blood circulation, which promotes hair growth. No matter how you exercise, just try to increase your heart rate for about an hour a day. Daily exercise can stimulate better hair and beard growth.
    • Choose an activity you enjoy. If you like sports, you can host a soccer or basketball match every week. When you are playing with other people, it becomes easier to follow a training plan.
    • Change the habit. There are many ways to be physically active every day, for example, you should choose to take the stairs instead of the elevator at work.
  4. Rested. Sleep a lot. Sleep is when your body grows and recovers. Teenagers need 8-9 hours of sleep per night, for adults it is 7-8 hours. You must schedule your work so that the body gets enough rest to properly perform its functions, including the growth of beard.
    • Try to go to bed and wake up at the same time each day. This can be difficult on the weekends as everyone wants to sleep more, but a steady sleep schedule is really good for general health.
  5. Relax. Master stress factors. One of the most prominent effects of stress is hair loss. That means avoiding stressful situations and finding time throughout the day to relax. There are different techniques for stress reduction. For example, talk to a friend or relative if you feel stressed because they are often a good supporter.
    • Focus on your breathing. Taking multiple deep breaths in and out during a stressful situation is a great way to lower your heart rate and clear your thinking.
    • Be patient. Remember that everyone has a different rate of beard growth, worrying a lot will not help but actually make the situation worse. Try to focus on doing other things instead of beard.

Method 3 of 3: Apply medical techniques

  1. Use Rogaine. Rogaine contains an ingredient called minoxidil that can stimulate new hair growth. It is one of the most popular hair growth treatments among men. You can buy Rogaine in drugstores. Remember Rogaine's formula is designed for hair on the head, not on the face, so this usage is not FDA approved.
    • Minoxidil is a health hazard if ingested, so be careful when applying Rogaine near your mouth. Consult with your doctor before using Rogaine for facial hair growth.
    • You may experience side effects such as eye burning or irritation, dandruff or itchy skin.
  2. Ask your doctor about testosterone therapy. Testosterone is a male hormone that can be administered by needle, applied topically or orally (though not recommended for its adverse effects on the liver). Low testosterone levels may be responsible for the stunted facial hair growth. For best results, testosterone therapy needs to be tightly controlled. Too much Testosterone is counterproductive because it inhibits hair growth.
    • If you have a lack of testosterone, you are more likely to experience other symptoms such as erectile dysfunction and decreased muscle mass. Your doctor will often have to do some tests to make sure you really lack this hormone. Don't trust a prescription based solely on hair growth.
    • Testosterone therapy can take a year to see results.
  3. Consult with a cosmetic surgeon. Some people are not favorably created, and even though they have tried everything, the beard does not grow as expected.When all other methods fail, the esthetician can transplant hair follicles from the scalp to the face. Hair transplants are very effective, but this method can be expensive in both time and money.
    • Hair follicle transplantation is usually done outpatient and causes mild skin irritation. It will also take a good deal of time, 1-2 years, before the procedure delivers the results you want.
    • Ask your general practitioner to recommend a trusted esthetician to do the hair transplant. Be sure to ask them for full advice and ask many questions regarding this procedure.


  • If you're not sure how you look with a chin, beard, or mustache but don't want to wait long, visit a store that sells theater goods. Actors often have to put fake beards on their faces, so here they will help you know what you look like when you have a beard.
  • Many methods take up to a year to produce satisfactory results.
  • There is no perfect substitute for the genetics, although maintaining a good diet and applying hair growth stimulants can be beneficial, there is no guarantee you will grow more facial hair.


  • Long-term use of hydro-cortisone cream can cause serious side effects, including blistering, skin damage, hair growth on the forehead, back, arms, and legs, and paler skin.