How to win the hearts of teachers

Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 2 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Win "Hearts" | Avoiding Points
Video: How To Win "Hearts" | Avoiding Points


Although you cannot make all of your teachers love you, you can try to win their hearts out. If you actively participate in class by doing assigned assignments, listening to lectures attentively and contributing to building lessons, teachers will acknowledge and appreciate that. In addition, your good behavior is also a plus. Just by arriving on time with a willing mind, polite attitude, and good hygiene, will your teacher find you interested in the subject. You can also build relationships with teachers by visiting the teacher's office during business hours, showing that you value their opinions, even giving them small gifts to show affection. .


Method 1 of 3: Actively participate in class

  1. Concentrate listen to lectures and participate in discussions. Almost all teachers are passionate about their lessons, and you can sympathize with them simply by paying attention and being interested in the lesson. Don't be shy when your teacher encourages you to speak. Discuss with your classmates and teachers to show that you have a spirit of learning.
    • Even if you don't like your topic, being active in the discussion indicates that you are working hard, and your teachers will appreciate you more.
    • You will find that you are also more interested in the lesson as you try to participate in class.

  2. Complete assigned assignments on time. One of the easiest ways for your teacher to get along with you is to complete homework and class tasks on time. If you submit work in progress or ask for an extension of time, the teacher will find that you do not know how to schedule or care about the subject.
    • If you're having trouble doing your homework, don't hesitate to ask for help. Every teacher wants students to take care of their studies, so if you ask them for help when you have a difficult lesson, the teacher will find that you have a learning spirit.
    • Do the homework as soon as possible instead of procrastinating to the last minute.
    • Be honest with your teacher if you forget to do your homework. Maybe the teacher will not be happy, but still understand because you told the truth.

  3. Listen carefully to the teacher's instructions. Every time a teacher gives homework or test-taking instructions, you need to listen carefully so you don't have to ask again. When you have a quiz or assignment, read the instructions carefully so that the teacher sees that you care. That way the teachers will like you more.
    • If you ask again after being instructed, the teacher will think that you are lazy and will not listen when the teacher speaks.

    Advice: If you need clarification or do not understand something, ask your teacher so you can follow the instructions, such as “Ma'am, I want to make sure I understand. Can you instruct it again? "

  4. Answer the questions the teacher gives the class. Teachers will often ask questions so students can raise their hands to answer. Try to raise your hand if you know the answer. If you don't know the answer but have a good idea, just try to speak up. The teacher will love the way you try to learn and learn the knowledge of the lecture.
    • If you have no idea, make eye contact with the teacher so that the teacher is listening even though you don't know the answer.
    • Some rhetorical questions are not meant to be asked. You need to focus during class to know when the teacher really needs students to respond.
    • It's okay to say wrongly! This is also part of learning, and the teachers will appreciate your effort.
  5. Ask questions that are meaningful and relevant to the lesson. Questions that show you've read the material or have done the homework will show the teacher you're interested in learning, and they'll like you more. Be specific when asking questions, don't ask idle questions like "I don't understand, what does it mean?"
    • For example, you might ask in-depth questions about the text like "I understand that the main character has a tragic childhood, but why can't he give his all because the woman loves him?"
    • Ask subject-related questions to show you pay attention.
  6. Research references to expand and deepen knowledge. Teachers will be happy to know that they can inspire students to spend more time researching their subject. If you really want to please the teacher, take the time to learn more about the subject or subject so you can discuss it with the teacher in the class and show them that you are interested.
    • For example, many literature textbooks have additional readings at the end of the books that help broaden the ideas in the unit. You should read these supplementary materials to learn more about the lesson.
    • Go online for more information on topics that you can use to ask questions in class.
    • Ask your teacher for information or materials on the topic you are studying. The teachers will love it when you are interested in learning more about the lesson.

Method 2 of 3: Show good manners

  1. Get to class on time and prepare for the lesson. If you want to be liked by your teachers, there is a simple but effective way to be ready to go to class. Try to arrive 5 minutes before class so you can take out your textbooks and prepare for class.
    • Remember to bring all the necessary documents to class.
  2. Be gracious and open to classmates. Teachers will not like students to be upset with their peers or always dismiss all ideas and questions of others during discussions. Everyone comes to class to learn, so you need to be courteous and open to the opinions of other classmates.
    • Let other friends have the opportunity to speak up and ask questions.
    • Never ridicule or make fun of classmates.
    • You may have to work in groups with your classmates, so be kind and respectful.
  3. Respect teachers and be polite. Always show respect for your teachers, even if you disagree with them about something. If you want your teachers to like you, you must have a friendly and polite attitude in class.
    • Remember to greet the teacher every time you enter class.
    • Try saying some gossip to create a good atmosphere. For example, you could say something like "How did you feel about the weekend game?"
    • If your teacher says you are wrong about something, do not respond or argue back.
  4. Put your phone away during class. It's rude to look at the phone while you're talking to someone else, but talking or playing on the phone during class is even more rude and rude. Keep your phone on silent mode and keep it in your bag until class is over.
    • Comply with teachers' regulations on electronic devices.
    • If you want to record lectures for the purpose of taking notes, you need to tell the teacher in advance why you left your phone or recorder outside.

    Advice: If you need to leave your phone out because of an emergency or you are waiting for an important call, be sure to ask your teacher for permission.

  5. Maintain good hygiene and dress appropriately. The teachers will appreciate it if you pay attention to your appearance when coming to class. Be sure to keep your body clean and your clothes neat.
    • You don't need to wear a suit and tie, but a collared shirt or casual dress also shows that you are not sloppy going to school.
    • Wash your hair and use a deodorant. No one wants a stinking person sitting in class!

Method 3 of 3: Create relationship

  1. Say thank you whenever teachers help you. If your teacher extended your time or made an appointment to talk with you about how to improve your grades, be sure to thank you and show your appreciation. A simple thank you is very helpful when you want to get someone's love.
    • Wait until class finishes or come to the teacher's office and personally thank the teacher for your sincerity.
    • If you communicate with a teacher via email, always send thank you emails every time the teacher responds or replies to your email.
  2. Give a suitable gift for the teachers on the teacher's day. On Vietnam Teachers' Day 11/20, you can give the teacher a cute gift that you think the teacher will like. Make sure the gift matches the teacher and makes sense.
    • You can also give gifts to teachers on your birthday or the last day of the school year.
    • Pick a special gift for the teacher you want to give to show that you care about their interests. For example, if your teacher is a fan of the "Star Wars" series, your gift might be a movie poster that he can hang in class.

    Advice: You can give funny gifts such as a porcelain mug with the words "Tears of a student" or a trash bin that says "Room of Complaints."

  3. Visiting the teacher's office during business hours. Many teachers keep their offices open during office hours so students can come to talk about their studies, earn points or chat about topics that interest you. Visit the teacher's office once in a while to say hello, and the teacher will like you for taking the time to see them.
    • You can take advantage of the time you can meet with the teacher in the office to discuss relevant topics such as school activities or references that you might research.
  4. Ask the teacher to write a recommendation letter. If you need a letter of recommendation to take an advanced course or to apply for admission to another school, or even to apply for a job, ask your teacher to write a recommendation to show them that you like them and value them. their ants. As you write your recommendation, your teacher will think about your qualities that they appreciate and will appreciate you more.
    • Ask your teacher to leave the date open and say hello as "Dear employer" if you don't know when to use the letter.
    • If you plan to send a referral to a counselor or potential employer, ask the teacher to list the date and title of the recipient.