How to get rid of buffalo flies

Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 16 February 2021
Update Date: 28 June 2024
How to Get Rid of Black Flies (Biting Buffalo Gnats, Turkey Gnats, White Socks)
Video: How to Get Rid of Black Flies (Biting Buffalo Gnats, Turkey Gnats, White Socks)


Horse flies are common distractions of horses and cattle. The female buffalo flies down the cattle, making painful cuts into the skin to suck blood. Unfortunately, buffalo flies are notoriously difficult to control, but there are a number of ways to get rid of them, including trapping, using chemicals and home remedies.


Method 1 of 4: Use physical traps to capture buffalo flies

  1. Buy fly traps. Traps that are based on non-toxic physical principles are most effective when used in areas with a lot of livestock, people or important crops. Here are some types of traps that are effective at catching buffalo flies:
    • Light traps "The light on these traps is particularly effective at attracting annoying insects. When the insect lands on a lamp, they get stuck on the glue-covered pieces of paper or be killed on the spot.
    • Fly trap paper. "This paper has glue to attract and capture house flies and buffalo flies.
    • Lure fly traps. ”These traps store food in plastic bags as bait. Flies enter the bag through a funnel and they will not be able to escape once they are inside the bag.
    • Buffaloes fly traps "These large-sized traps are specially designed to attract mainly visual predators such as buffalo flies and deer flies. When the flies approach the target and realize that they are there," he said. Not prey, they get trapped in the metal part of the trap and die from the heat of the sun.

  2. Make your own trap.
    • Hang a chair or stool from the ceiling of barns or places where buffalo flies are gathered.
    • Tie a medium-sized dark ball to a string, then tie the string under the chair so that the ball hangs below.
    • Attach fly-trap paper under the chair, and push the ball every few hours to swing. Buffalo flies are often attracted to dark color and movement, so they will fly towards the ball.
    • When the flies come and realize that nothing is interesting, they will soar and stick to the fly trap paper.

Method 2 of 4: Chemical removal of water buffalo flies

  1. Choose a chemical. Many chemicals are equally effective. To prevent insects from developing resistance, it is advisable that you alternate using different chemicals when handling the infested area. Options include:
    • The pyrethroid group (cypermethrin, fenvalerate, permethrin, resmethrin, tetramethrin, s-bioallethrin, sumithrin);
    • The organophosphate group (coumaphos, dichlorvos, malathion, tetrachlorvinphos)
    • The organochlorines group (lindane, methoxychlor)

  2. Direct handling on livestock. Always double-check the chemical you are going to use for the safety of your pet, and:
    • Use an aerosol spray or a hand-held spray to spray chemicals on pets.
    • If the animals bounce off the spray, use a sponge or gloves dipped in chemicals and rub them over them.
    • Always wear rubber gloves. Never let chemicals come into direct contact with skin.
  3. Spray insecticide around the property. Use spraying in rest areas or barns around key roofs, walls, ceilings and beams.
    • Pull animals out of barns before spraying. Some pets must be outside for a while. Remember to use the medicine according to the instructions on the package.
    • Spraying on resting areas. Remember to keep the nebulizer under low pressure.
    • Be careful not to contaminate the water and feeder of livestock. Do not allow farm tools to be contaminated with pesticides either.
  4. Spray on a large scale to protect many areas. Spraying on a large area is an effective method that does not require much time and effort. The sprayed area, however, is usually only effective for a short time.
    • Use airplanes, hydraulic sprayers or aerosols to spray chemicals.
    • Small chemical droplets will fall where the flies gather and destroy them.

Method 3 of 4: Unproven home remedies

  1. Mix 1 cup of dish soap with 4 liters of water and spray it on the flies. Soapy water will suffocate flies without harming plants and animals.
  2. Mix 5 cups water, 1 cup lemon-scented dish soap, 1 cup lemon-flavored ammonia solution, and one cup mint-flavored mouthwash. Dissolve in a 4 liter flask. Pour into a gardening spray, spray on grass and bushes. This solution is harmless to plants but can repel buffalo flies and other insects. advertisement

Method 4 of 4: Preventing buffalo flies and taking care of pets

  1. Keep the breeding area clean. Remove pet droppings, old pads and food spills. If necessary, you can spray insecticide on the manure pile to stop the larvae from growing.
  2. Remove standing water near livestock areas. Build proper drainage and clean puddles. Cover lakes during the buffalo fly's peak season.
  3. Prune tall grass and weeds. Buffalo flies can find suitable, moist and cool breeding grounds in tall weeds and grass. Insects often lurk in wooded areas during the hottest times. To avoid this, you should regularly trim the grass, especially along the raceways.
  4. Set aside a shade and sheltered area for pets and pets. Cattle sheds, lawn brothels or dog sheds are places where pets can shelter from being disturbed outdoors. Be sure to install screens to cover windows and doors to prevent buffalo flies from entering.
  5. Have pets wear ear nets, face masks or insect repellent patches.
  6. Conduct annual procedures (eg livestock sterilization) in winter. At this time, buffalo flies are the least common; so you will avoid the fly getting into the wound of your pet. advertisement


  • Wear long sleeves, pants, and hats when working in buffalo fly areas. You can stick cloth tape to your hat to catch the flies around your head.
  • Experts have mixed opinions on the effectiveness of chemicals that control water buffalo flies. Pesticides sprayed on animals can be ineffective because flies have not been exposed to the chemicals long enough for the medication to work. Some sprays containing DEET are a little more effective, but DEET melts the resin and can be uncomfortable to use.
  • Carry a fly racket with you.


  • If you are caught by a fly, stand still. Actions like flapping, repelling flies, and running away will only attract flies to come in.
  • Buffalo flies are not without biting people. They bite people and animals as often as mosquitoes do. Buffalo flies appear in abundance in the summer months, attacking many groups of people, especially on beaches in the US and other countries. They will bite anything that moves and release carbon dioxide because they know there is a blood source. If you are bitten by a buffalo fly, simply wash the wound with soap and water. Soak a cotton ball in alcohol and apply it to the wound. Watch for the bump to prevent worsening by allergies or infection.

What you need

  • Lamp traps
  • Sticky paper
  • Catch flies with bait
  • Buffalo fly trap
  • Dark colored recliner or stools
  • Rope
  • Ball
  • Chemistry
  • Hand-held spray or spray
  • Aircraft, hydraulic spray machines or aerosols
  • Grass or cattle barns
  • Ear net
  • Face mask
  • Adhesive tape to keep flies