How to get rid of a mole quickly

Author: Monica Porter
Date Of Creation: 17 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
I got my mole removed in 5 minutes | Everything you need to know about getting moles removed
Video: I got my mole removed in 5 minutes | Everything you need to know about getting moles removed


Most moles are not dangerous, but they can be unsightly and make you lose confidence. Whether you want to remove it with surgery or with home treatment, most moles are very easy to remove. Here are some practical steps you can take to get rid of unwanted moles as quickly as possible.


Method 1 of 3: Surgery

  1. Consult your general practitioner or dermatologist. You need to be examined by a doctor before removal. Your doctor will determine if the mole is malignant and talk with you about the best way to get rid of the mole.
    • Most moles are benign. However, symptoms such as itching, bleeding, or changes in color and size may be a sign of a malignant mole.
    • Malignant moles should be removed as early as possible.
    • If the mole is not dangerous, it is not necessary to remove it. However, many people want to get rid of the mole for cosmetic purposes.

  2. Consider your options. There are many ways to get rid of moles and you should carefully consider which one is best. Consider the following factors:
    • Effective. Consider the effectiveness of each method. Does the method you choose to remove the mole completely? Is there a risk of moles regrowth?
    • Cost. Different treatments will cost differently, so you need to think about what is affordable.
    • Risk. What risks come with each treatment? Is a mole at risk of infection? Will surgery leave behind scars or nerve damage? Do you need an anesthetic injection?

  3. Consider getting rid of the mole with a simple cut or shave. This is most effective for superficial moles. The mole can be removed with surgical scissors or scraped with a scalpel.
    • The surgeon will first remove the mole so that the mole is no longer on the skin.
    • Getting rid of the mole this way doesn't necessarily have to be stitched. The wound will be burned or covered with a cream or solution to help prevent the bleeding. Then the doctor will apply an antibiotic on top.
    • The wound will be covered with a bandage and you can be discharged from the hospital after treatment.

  4. Consider getting rid of the mole by removing and stitching the wound. This method is most effective for dark or flat moles that are deep in the skin.
    • First, the mole and the surrounding skin will be disinfected and anesthetized.
    • The surgeon will then use a knife to cut the mole. The depth of the incision depends on the size of the mole and whether the mole is malignant or benign. For malignant moles, a larger area of ​​skin will be removed to ensure complete removal.
    • Next, the wound will be sutured. In one case, you need a follow-up visit to remove the wound, in other cases it will just end.
  5. Consider getting rid of moles using a freezing method. This is an alternative to mole removal, using liquid nitrogen to freeze and destroy the mole. However, this method is only used in some hospitals.
    • Liquid nitrogen can be applied or sprayed directly onto the mole.
    • Liquid nitrogen needs to be applied several times to completely remove the mole. Nitrogen will create a blister on the skin and the skin will return to normal as the blister heals.
  6. Consider getting rid of moles using an electrocoagulation or burning method. The method of electrocoagulation burns the mole using a shock current. This electrical current destroys the mole's tissue after multiple treatments. After treatment, the wound does not need to be sutured because the heat from the crazy stream burned the wound.
    • Two other special methods to remove moles are radiation surgery (using radio frequency waves instead of electric current) and laser therapy. Both methods work by burning the mole tissue.
  7. Ask your doctor about electrosurgery. Electrosurgery can be a good option that you should talk about with your doctor. Using this method to get rid of a mole can minimize bleeding, and as a result, reduce the risk of complications, the wound will heal faster and the scar left behind. advertisement

Method 2 of 3: Use home remedies

  1. Use aloe. Aloe vera can be an effective remedy for a number of skin conditions, such as psoriasis, mouth sores, hot burns and cold burns. Applying aloe to the mole daily can help get rid of it. To remove a mole with aloe, rub a lot of aloe on it, and cover it with cotton gauze. Leave the gauze in place for three hours, then remove and rinse the aloe vera. Just do this for three consecutive weeks and you will see results.
  2. Try apple cider vinegar. Apple cider vinegar is an excellent ingredient in many home remedies. The acids in apple cider vinegar, such as malic acid and tartaric acid, work by dissolving to completely remove the mole. Just use a cotton swab to dab some apple cider vinegar on clean skin every day.
  3. Garlic can also be effective. Garlic is another versatile ingredient that many people claim to help remove moles. You just need to crush a little fresh garlic and carefully apply it directly to the mole, avoid applying it on the skin around because garlic can cause burns. Cover it with bandages and leave it on for a few hours or overnight. This method is found to be effective only after 5 days.
  4. Use Iodine. Iodine is another great option for people with sensitive skin because it doesn't burn like garlic or apple cider vinegar. Use a cotton swab to apply iodine directly to the mole, up to 3 times a day. Do this every day until you notice a significant improvement in the mole.
  5. Try sour apple juice. Squeeze some sour apples, then apply directly to the mole. Like apple cider vinegar, the acid in sour apple juice dissolves the mole. Even so, it can take at least 3 weeks for the mole to see significant improvement.
  6. Prepare pineapple and sea salt. Pineapple juice can be applied directly to the mole, but you should mix half a cup of pineapple juice with 1/2 cup of sea salt to create a facial scrub. This mixture helps remove the skin above the mole.
  7. Try castor oil and baking soda. Mix 1 teaspoon of baking soda with 2 tablespoons of castor oil to make a paste. Apply a little of the paste directly to the mole and let it sit for a few hours or overnight and then wash it off.
  8. Try honey. Honey is known for being a deliciously sweet treat, while also having surprising antibacterial and healing properties. Dab some honey directly on the mole to get rid of the mole naturally and safely. Or you can add a few drops of flaxseed oil to help soften and sooth the skin if you want.
  9. Use home remedies responsibly. There are many natural home remedies available to remove moles. Although there is little scientific evidence to support it, many are assertive about the effectiveness of these ingredients. Even so, be careful when using natural juices that are acidic as they can burn your skin.To use safe and effective home remedies, you should only apply natural juice at least once and up to 3 times per day.
    • For sensitive skin, you should only leave the juice on the skin for 10-15 minutes to prevent skin irritation.
    • Try applying some moisturizing wax to the area around the mole. This prevents the skin around the mole from being unnecessarily irritated by the mole treatment.
    • The time it takes for the mole to light up or disappear will vary depending on the situation.
    • Be aware that home remedies do not work as quickly and effectively as surgery or medical creams. However, this is the right choice if you are looking for an inexpensive or natural solution.

Method 3 of 3: Use medicated cream

  1. Try using mole remover. Mole remover creams are affordable and quite effective at home mole removal.
    • Most creams work by lightening the mole until it is no longer visible, which usually takes a few weeks.
    • A stronger over-the-counter cream will focus on peeling each layer of skin until the mole is removed.
  2. Try whitening cream. Conventional whitening creams are also effective at reducing moles. This cream has the same effect as mole remover because it removes moles on the skin's surface by brightening the skin. advertisement


  • Monitor your body and see if any moles change over time. This is especially true for dark or flat moles. See your doctor if you are concerned about moles.
  • Always wear sunscreen when outdoors. This will help prevent cancer-causing moles development.


  • If you are treating a mole at home, be aware that certain home remedies like apple cider vinegar and garlic can cause skin burns and scarring. Apply moisturizing wax to the surrounding skin to avoid burning.
  • Many people will find ways to get rid of the mole for cosmetic purposes without realizing that each removal method can leave a scar. Before you decide to get rid of the mole, the surgeon can tell you the type and location of the scar after the mole has been removed.