How to get rid of pimples hidden under the skin

Author: Robert Simon
Date Of Creation: 21 June 2021
Update Date: 23 June 2024
How to get rid of pimples under the skin I 2 Natural Home Remedies that works all the time
Video: How to get rid of pimples under the skin I 2 Natural Home Remedies that works all the time


Acne is a hair follicle clogged with oil, dead skin cells, and bacteria. Some pimples will form white heads and black heads, others will not. Instead, the pimple will form a hard red spot under the skin. With the right care, you can prevent acne under the skin from getting worse and help it go away.


Method 1 of 3: Keep skin clean

  1. Rinse skin. Cleansing skin helps to remove excess oil and dead skin that irritates acne and contributes to the growth of bacteria. Acne can be painful, so use a soft cloth to gently wipe it off with warm water.
    • Wash your face at least 2 times a day. Do not rub too hard. The follicles are already stretched due to the infection, so you should avoid further damage to the follicles.
    • If you use soap, use a mild, oil-free, water-based product. Oily soaps can form a layer of oil that clog pores.
    • If the pimple is where your hair will reach you, you can use a hairpin, a headband, or a hair tie to prevent it from sticking to your face. Hair can get oily on the skin, making the skin condition worse. If you can't keep the hair from getting on your face, wash your hair clean to reduce the amount of oil on your skin.

  2. Do not touch or squeeze pimples under the skin. Acne does not open, so it is partly protected by the skin. Touching or squeezing the pimple can cause the skin above the pimple to break open.
    • Touching or squeezing pimples can cause the wound to open and become susceptible to infection and scarring.

  3. Avoid allowing the sun to irritate acne. Sunlight can irritate acne in some people. If you are prone to sun acne, protect your skin with an oil-free sunscreen or moisturizer with sunscreen ingredients.
    • In addition, the sun can also cause sunburn, aging skin and increase the risk of skin cancer.
    • This step is especially important when the sun is shining. This includes the area near the equator, on the beach where sunlight is reflected in the water, or during the summer months. Even on cloudy days, ultraviolet rays can still pass through clouds, so you need to protect your skin.
    • If you are concerned that the sunscreen irritates your acne, you can wear a hat instead of the cream, but remember that wearing a hat still exposes the skin of your neck and part of your face to the sun.

  4. Don't use makeup or just use oil-free cosmetics. Makeup can mix with skin oils and clog pores. For the most safety, you shouldn't put makeup on acne. If make-up is required, choose cosmetics on a label that says "noncomedogenic." In addition, you should choose cosmetics that contain water or minerals.
    • A waxy, oily foundation that easily causes bacteria and dirt to get stuck inside the pimple. The bacteria will multiply and put more pressure on the pimple, making it easy to pop out on a black or white head.
    • Do not go to bed without makeup removal. Wash your face well before bed to let your skin breathe and rest, and prevent bacteria from accumulating.
  5. Prevent clothing from rubbing on hidden pimples while exercising. This is an important step because the skin is stretched and swollen. Rough contact can tear the skin, while sweat-soaked clothing will stick oil onto the skin, into the pores and make skin infections worse.
    • Wear loose-fitting clothes made of natural materials to make skin easier to breathe. Natural materials prevent wet sweat from sticking to skin. Or, you can wear clothes made of material that absorbs moisture from your skin, which helps sweat evaporate more quickly. Read clothing labels to determine if the fabric is hygroscopic.
    • Take a shower before training. This will remove excess oil and dead skin cells.

Method 2 of 3: Apply over-the-counter medications

  1. Apply over-the-counter medications. These products aid in peeling, drying oil and reducing the amount of bacteria on the skin. Read and follow the manufacturer's instructions and do not exceed the recommended frequency. Consult your doctor if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or treating a young child. Products containing the following ingredients are generally effective:
    • Benzoyl peroxide (usually the most effective over-the-counter treatment)
    • Salicylic acid
    • Sulfur
    • Resorcinol
  2. Try alternatives and supplements. Talk to your doctor before taking any medication, especially if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or treating a young child. Although they are over-the-counter drugs, alternatives and supplements can interact with medications. In addition, the dosage of alternative medicines and functional foods is not strictly controlled as medicine and has not been studied well.
    • Lotion contains zinc
    • Lotion contains 2% green tea extract
    • Aloe vera gel 50%
    • Brewer's yeast, strain CBS 5926. This is an oral medicine.
  3. Crush Aspirin to use as a home remedy. The active ingredient in Aspirin is salicylic acid, which is similar to acne medications.
    • Pour an aspirin pill and drop 1-2 drops into the water. Apply the mixture to the pimple and wash off excess mixture that doesn't absorb into the skin.

Method 3 of 3: Use natural ingredients and make lifestyle changes

  1. Apply ice to the pimple. Ice will help reduce swelling and reduce the risk of skin tearing. Ice will also help make acne smaller and less red.
    • You can use an ice pack or a bag of frozen vegetables wrapped in a towel. Apply ice for 5 minutes, then wait for the skin to warm. You should see significant improvement in acne.
  2. Use tea tree oil to reduce bacteria on the skin. If the skin isn't exposed, tea tree oil can help the skin heal faster.
    • Tea tree oil must be diluted before applying it to the skin. For acne, you should mix essential oils with water to make a mixture of 5% essential oil, 95% water. Use a clean towel to apply the diluted essential oils to the skin, being careful not to apply it near the eyes, nose, or mouth. Wash off after 15-20 minutes.
    • Tea tree oil is not good for people with sensitive skin because it can cause contact eczema (dermatitis) and rosacea.
  3. Try using home remedies that are acidic. Similar to tea tree oil, the acidic ingredient kills bacteria in case of subcutaneous breakouts. Acids also help dry skin and prevent the buildup of natural oils on the skin. There are many options available in the home to you: lemon juice and apple cider vinegar.
    • Mix lemon juice with apple cider vinegar in a 1: 3 ratio and then use it to wash the skin with hidden acne. Do not get in nose or eyes. If the mixture gets into your eyes and causes pain, rinse it off with water immediately.
  4. Does not exfoliate. Exfoliating or using substances with strong exfoliating properties will make your acne worse. Do not use:
    • Exfoliating products
    • Astringent
    • Alcohol dries out the skin
  5. Use a cucumber mask to help your skin fight infection. The skin will absorb potassium, vitamin A, vitamin C and vitamin E. The healthier the skin, the more effective it will fight infections in the pores.
    • Peel and puree half a cucumber. Can leave the whole grain. Apply the paste to the pimple and let it sit for at least 15 minutes to absorb into the skin. Finally rinse with clean water.
    • Cucumber masks can be a bit sticky, so be sure to avoid dirt while you are applying the mask.
  6. Stress management. Stress causes psychological and hormonal changes in the body, including increased sweating. Strain control will help prevent blemishes under the skin from developing into blackheads and whiteheads.
    • Exercise several times per week. During exercise, the body releases the natural pain-relieving hormone endorphin. Endorphins help reduce stress, improve your mood and help you relax. The Mayo Clinic (USA) recommends at least 75 minutes of exercise per week. This can include walking, biking, rock climbing, playing sports or doing physical tasks like sweeping trash, gardening.
    • Try relaxation techniques. Each different method will have different effects for each person, but the most popular include: meditation, yoga, tai chi, visualizing calming images, continuously stretching different muscle groups in the body. or listen to relaxing music.
    • Get enough sleep. The amount of time you sleep will vary from person to person, but most need 8 hours of sleep per night. Teenagers need more sleep.
  7. Avoid foods that trigger acne. Foods that cause acne vary from person to person, but the most common are dairy products, sugars, and foods high in carbohydrates.
    • Contrary to popular belief, research does not suggest that high-fat (or greasy) foods and acne are related.
    • To be safe, you should avoid eating chocolates. The evidence is unclear, but most chocolates contain a lot of sugar, which is the trigger for acne.
  8. See your doctor if home remedies aren't working. Stronger prescription drugs can help. It may take about 1-2 months for the medicine to take effect. Options for you include:
    • Topical retinoids (Avita, Retin-A, Differin and others) help reduce pore clogging or antibiotics to prevent skin infections. If the acne is severe, your doctor may recommend Isotretinoin (Accutane). Follow the instructions of the doctor and the manufacturer when taking the medicine.
    • Oral antibiotics are used to kill bacteria, reduce inflammation, and aid in the healing process of the skin.
    • Oral contraceptives (Ortho Tri-Cyclen, Estrostep, Yaz) containing estrogen and progestin may be prescribed for girls and women. This medication is used to treat severe acne and is resistant to other medications.
    • Your doctor may also recommend other treatments like acne injections, chemical peels, squeezing them, super abrasion treatments or light / laser treatments to treat and prevent them.


  • Always consult your doctor before taking any medications, including over-the-counter medications, for pregnant women, nursing mothers, or young children.