How to get rid of fat on the hips quickly

Author: Monica Porter
Date Of Creation: 16 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
LOSE HIP FAT in 2 Weeks | 10 minute Home Workout
Video: LOSE HIP FAT in 2 Weeks | 10 minute Home Workout


Everyone's body is in a particularly difficult position to lose weight. For some people, the weight is concentrated in the hips and thighs, while others have difficulty losing arm fat. Wherever your difficult weight loss position is, the only solution is to lose body fat. Losing fat, losing weight or increasing firmness in one position is impossible. There are several aspects to your diet, exercise regimen and lifestyle that you need to change to lose weight and tone up your abs.


Part 1 of 3: Eat right to lose belly fat

  1. Skip the rapid weight loss regime. A strict diet can provide immediate results, but if you cannot sustain this weight loss regime permanently, you will gain weight again when you return to a normal lifestyle.
    • In addition, many accelerated weight loss regimens, such as eating foods that go through too much processing, may be unhealthy in the long run.
    • Most health experts recommend not to diet, but to make small lifestyle changes. This is easy to do and maintain in the long run.

  2. Reduce caloric intake. Unfortunately, there is no way to lose fat in one place of the body. If you want to lose hip fat, you will have to lose body weight by reducing your daily calorie intake.
    • Calculate how many calories you eat for the day by reading food labels and keeping a diary. There are also a variety of online calorie calculator / tools to help you track your calorie consumption and look up the calorie content of a variety of foods.
    • If the goal is to lose weight fast, you should reduce your intake of 500-750 calories per day. Calorie consumption in this range can result in a loss of 0.45-0.9 kg per week if regular exercise is combined.
    • However, consuming less than 1200 calories is not recommended and is not sustainable in the long term. A diet that is too low in calories can lead to nutrient deficiencies in the long run.

  3. Eat a balanced diet. The diet should consist mainly of fruits and vegetables, whole grains and lean protein. A well-balanced diet that includes all of these food groups will help ensure a healthy intake of each of the nutrients each day.
    • In addition, you should eat a variety of foods. For example, don't just eat one apple a day. Should change between apples, berries or oranges.
    • A balanced diet means that you also need to consume portions of each food group appropriately. Adhering to the correct diet also helps to lose weight.

  4. Focus mainly on lean protein and fruits and vegetables. This combination of foods helps to lose weight, especially body fat accumulates around the abdomen.
    • Many studies show that a low-carb, high-protein diet helps to reduce fat build up in and around the abdominal organs. This eating routine can actually help reduce fat on the sides.
    • To get enough protein, you should eat 90-120 g of protein per meal and 30-60 g of protein with each snack. This helps to meet the daily protein needs.
    • The remainder of the meal should include a fruit or a vegetable. Some health experts recommend eating 5-9 servings of fruits and vegetables per day, while others think half of the plate should contain one fruit or one vegetable.
  5. Limit carbohydrates. If you focus primarily on protein and fruits and vegetables, you should also limit your daily carbohydrate intake. This will speed up the loss of fat on the sides.
    • Carbohydrates are found in many foods, including: dairy products, grains, starchy vegetables, fruits and beans.
    • Don't cut down on carbohydrates completely. Limiting your intake of starchy vegetables and whole grains is an easy way to maintain a low-carb diet. Many of the nutrients in these food groups are found in other foods as well.
    • Limit 1-2 servings of high-carbohydrate foods per day. The rest of the meal should include a lean protein or vegetable.
  6. Limit processed foods or “junk food”. Many foods that go through a lot of processing or "junk foods" contain more calories. Limiting these foods can aid in overall weight loss and loss of unwanted fat on the sides.
    • The best way to avoid unhealthy foods is to not leave "junk food" in your home. Buy healthy foods and eat healthy foods.
    • Cook yourself at home if possible as most restaurant foods are high in butter, sugar, and oil. When cooking at home, replace the butter with olive oil or a non-stick spray.
    • When ordering food out, you can cut down on calories by asking for dipping sauces or dipping sauces separately, and choosing high-protein foods over pizza and pasta.
  7. Add enough water. Adequate water supply is important to overall health. Not only that, drinking enough water every day can also aid in weight loss.
    • When you're looking to lose body fat and lose weight, drinking enough fluids can help you feel fuller and more satisfied with meals throughout the day.
    • Try to drink at least 8 glasses of water a day, or maybe even up to 13, depending on your age, gender and activity level.
    • To reduce hunger and lose weight fast, you should try drinking a full glass of water before each meal. This will help you feel fuller faster and eat less.
  8. Pay attention to snacks. Make a snack menu like carrot, celery, apple and yogurt between meals. High-calorie snacks can hinder weight loss or even cause weight gain.
    • If you want to lose weight, a snack should provide around 100-150 calories.
    • Only eat snacks if you are really hungry or have more than 4-6 hours between meals.
    • For many people, weight loss has nothing to do with what they eat at a meal, but what they eat between meals. Get rid of the uncontrolled snacking habit of standing in front of the refrigerator or rummaging through the kitchen cupboard.
    • Avoid late evening snacks by drinking tea or chewing gum in the evening, and also set a time, such as 7:00 or 8:00 pm, so that you don't eat more after this time.

Part 2 of 3: Combining exercise

  1. Do bicycle crunches. Cycling crunches are exercises that help tone the abdominal muscles, particularly the sides or intercostal muscles. How to do the exercise:
    • Lie on your back, hands behind your head. Raise your feet 0.3-0.6 cm above the ground.
    • Bend the left knee and pull it towards the head, at the same time turn so that the right elbow touches the left knee.
    • Next, straighten your left leg and do the same thing with your right leg so that your right knee touches your left elbow.
    • Perform 15-20 repetitions per set, increasing the number of sets when strong enough.
  2. Practice cross-section Russian crunches. This cross-legged exercise is a bit simpler than traditional crunches, but focuses on strengthening your hip and side muscles. How to do the exercise:
    • Sit on the floor with your back straight, feet stretched out in front of you. Bend your knees slightly and keep your feet flat on the floor.
    • Lean back slightly with your back forming a angle less than 90 degrees. Hold the 2.25-0.45 kg weight in your arms and then turn to the left side, and lower the dumbbells halfway down.
    • Return to starting position and do the same thing on the right side. Repeat 20-25 times.
  3. Do a side plank. Plank is great for toning the entire central muscle, but tuning into a one-sided plank will help tone the intercostal muscles. How to do the exercise:
    • Start a plank on one side, right elbow supporting body, left arm on hips. Make sure your whole body is in a straight line and stay in the pose for 30-60 seconds.
    • Repeat with the left hand supporting you. You can switch back and forth between the two sides.
  4. Join a body toning class. You should practice yoga and pilates to help tone the whole body and build strong lean muscles. These types of exercises are perfect for someone who doesn't want to be a "pauper".
    • Take a yoga class or sign up for a full body toning class at the gym (if you're a member of the gym).
    • Try watching yoga tutorials online. This is more economical than going to a yoga class or signing up for a membership in the gym.
  5. Aerobics. Adequate cardio not only improves overall health, but also helps burn calories and reduce overall fat.
    • There are many exercises for you to choose from. Try brisk walking, rock climbing, uphill hikes, dance or boxing.
    • It is recommended to do cardio 5 times per week for at least 30 minutes each time to maintain overall health and weight loss.
    • If you don't have enough time to do regular exercise, try to incorporate a variety of activities into your daily lifestyle. Walk to where you need to go instead of driving, doing housework, walking the shopping street, ...

Part 3 of 3: Tracking and staying motivated

  1. Measure. To know how far you are going, keep an eye on your metrics. This will help you see how much hip fat or belly fat you've lost.
    • Use a tape measure to measure around the smallest position on the hips, below the hips (5 cm from the navel) and around the hips.
    • Since muscles are heavier than fat, measurement can help track weight loss and be more helpful than the numbers on the scale.
    • Don't forget to take note of the original measurements to use as a reference point.

  2. Weight. Losing hip fat means losing more fat or overall weight. Regular weight loss can also aid long-term loss of body fat.
    • Weigh 1-2 times per week in the morning before eating. Remember clothes and shoes are heavy too, so you can weigh naked or just underwear.
    • Keep track of your weight so you can assess progress. If you tend to gain or lose too much weight, you can find out more quickly if you monitor your weight.

  3. Keep a food journal. Research has shown that people who keep track of the foods they eat lose more weight than people who don't.
    • A food journal helps you to eat organized and responsible for your decisions, so you will be more alert when you make your choices.
    • You can keep a diary using traditional pen and paper or download apps on your smartphone.
    • Keep track of every meal, snack, and drink. This can be useful information if you find yourself gaining or losing unwanted weight. You can see which foods are responsible for these changes.

  4. Find a partner to exercise or diet with. Losing weight with someone else can be a great inspiration. Research has shown that people who receive cheering lose weight more successfully.
    • kWhen you exercise with another person, you feel happier, and the two help strengthen each other's motivation when one person wants to give up.
    • Ask a friend, relative, or co-worker to cheer you on, or invite them to join a new exercise regimen or regimen.


  • Exercise alone will not reduce "stubborn" belly fat. Muscle toning exercises help build muscle underneath the fat layer, not at the fat area. The only way to lose fat is to eat less.
  • Always talk to your doctor before making any changes to your diet or exercise routine.