How to Get rid of Dandruff Quickly

Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 4 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
HOW TO TREAT DANDRUFF AT HOME - Dandruff Medical and Home Remedies.
Video: HOW TO TREAT DANDRUFF AT HOME - Dandruff Medical and Home Remedies.


Dandruff is often not as noticeable as one might think, and a few quick precautions make it harder for others to detect. In general, dandruff appears on the scalp from a mild level and in the form of flakes of dandruff to a severe level in the form of a hard crust adhering to the skin. Dandruff occurs to people of all ages, but affects mostly men throughout life. Medically speaking, dandruff is the result of an inflammation of the skin that produces sebum on the scalp. Seborrheic dermatitis, and especially dandruff, is the result of a chronic and recurrent rash on the scalp surface. There are many techniques and methods you can follow to get rid of this common problem.


Method 1 of 4: Coping Dandruff Quickly

  1. Comb the dandruff from your hair with dry shampoo. Dry shampoo can clean and moisturize the scalp when you use it before going out. They are available at supermarkets or online and come in spray or powder form. To use, you should spray the product on your hair a few times or sprinkle a little powder on your scalp. Brush your hair afterwards, which will help you brush off the dandruff. Wash the comb after each brushing.
    • You can also use talcum powder instead, but it will cause dark or dark hair to turn gray, white, or speckled.

  2. Cover the area with severe dandruff by styling your hair. Find the spot with the most dandruff on your scalp, and brush your hair so that it covers this area. Hair styling products will help, but messing up your hair so messy can serve as a temporary improvement.
    • Covering the dandruff area won't really help you get rid of the condition, and it's important to remember that this is only a fix for the immediate problem from a visual perspective. The best way to get rid of dandruff is to conduct treatment to address the underlying cause.

  3. Choose light-colored clothing. You can choose to wear dresses, dresses, or other tops in white, gray, or metallic. These will make the flakes of yellow or white dandruff more difficult to see.
    • Patterned and styled clothing will also help you hide dandruff.
  4. Wear a hat or scarf. Any type of cap, hat, or headscarf can be used to mask dandruff marks on your scalp. They will also help minimize the amount of dandruff falling on your clothes. Also, other people won't be able to see any dandruff flakes in your hair.
  5. Bring a lint roller. You should keep a small clothes roller in your pocket before going out. Whenever you notice dandruff on your clothes, go to the toilet and roll this roller over the clothes you are wearing.
    • If you can't roll them on the back of your shirt, ask a friend or loved one for help.

Method 2 of 4: Minimize Dandruff in One Day

  1. Apply warm mineral oil. Warm up a bowl of oil and massage them into your scalp. The oil will help moisturize the scalp and reduce dandruff. If you want to use natural oils, an essential oil containing 5% tea tree essence has been proven to be effective. Extra virgin olive oil and peanut oil are also sometimes recommended, but their use is controversial as they could feed the fungus that causes dandruff.
    • Rumors about the harmful effects of mineral oils, such as whether they contain toxins or clog pores, are unwarranted, as long as you should be sure to use the pure mineral oils that are available for purchase. form of skin care products. Products claiming to help reduce dandruff have been tested by the FDA association and will not be marketed if they contain toxic or harmful substances.
    • Warm the oil. Don't let the oil get so hot that you can't use it, especially don't boil the oil until it fumes.
  2. Leave the oil on your hair for a few hours. While this treatment can reduce severe dandruff faster than a regular dandruff shampoo, you should leave the oil on your hair for a few hours to increase its effectiveness. A shower hood will be quite helpful in maintaining the hair clean during this process.
  3. Wash your hair with mild shampoo or cleanser. Using water alone will not be effective in removing oil from your hair. Instead, you should wash your hair with shampoo several times. If this is not enough to wash the oil off your hair, you can leave the conditioner on for 10 minutes, then rinse it off. A small amount of dish soap can also be used as a last resort, but it can damage your hair or make it dry out.
    • Pitch-based shampoos are also quite effective, and will help you get rid of more patches of dandruff, but some people find they smell rather unpleasant and can easily stain.
  4. Use overnight treatment. Many treatments from oils and shampoos for long-term care are also very effective in reducing dandruff if left in the hair for 8 hours, usually overnight. Look for dandruff shampoos that contain tar and keratolytic (keratolytic). If you can't find products that contain this substance, or a substance that helps to remove dead skin cells, look for products that contain urea, salicylic acid, or sulfur.
    • Find a suitable shower hood before applying the product to your scalp if you plan to leave them in your hair overnight.

Method 3 of 4: Use Dandruff Shampoo

  1. Choose an oil called dandruff for mild dandruff. There are many substances that help treat dandruff. For mild dandruff that doesn't cause inflammation or itching too much, choose a shampoo that contains salicylic acid or urea, which will break down dead skin cells. However, since they are still more likely to dry out the scalp and cause dandruff more, you should combine the use with a moisturizing conditioner to neutralize their side effects.
  2. Look for shampoos for severe dandruff. If the flakes of dandruff are thick, white, and concentrated on the scalp (whether on the scalp or on the hair), your problem may be caused by a yeast called malassezia. . Malassezia is a yeast that occurs on the skin and is known to contribute to dandruff in some people. They also play a role in affecting the body's immune system. In some serious cases, look for a shampoo that contains ketaconozole (at least 1%) or ciclopirox. Selenium sulfide (at least 1%) is also quite effective, but users often do not like the amount of its oil build up on the scalp.
    • Your doctor may prescribe stronger shampoos than the types available on the market, including an anti-fungal shampoo that contains 2% ketaconozole. This product is often prescribed by a doctor in the form of a foam / shampoo to be used twice a week to relieve initial dandruff. After that, you will have to reduce your usage to 1 time per week or every other week. You may also be prescribed a shampoo that contains 1% ciclopirox, which is usually used twice a week.
    • If you have dark, coarse hair, and are prone to over-drying, from washing your hair every day, consider using a steroid-based topical alternative such as fluocinolone acetonide. You can apply them to dry hair just as you would when applying wax.
  3. Use shampoo. To use, wet your hair, then gently massage the dandruff shampoo onto your scalp. Let it sit for 5 - 10 minutes before rinsing your hair. You should wash your hair with an anti-dandruff shampoo once a day, until flaking, itching and inflammation are lessened.
    • If your dandruff doesn't improve after a few days of using an anti-dandruff shampoo, switch to a product that contains a different ingredient. Since dandruff is often caused by a yeast, an anti-fungal shampoo will help you to solve the problem in the other direction.
    • Many people see results when they take turns using two shampoos, and use different types for each shampoo.
  4. Minimize the number of washes as the condition improves. Once you notice a noticeable improvement, you should reduce the number of shampooings to 2-3 times per week, or less if your dandruff condition is maintained at acceptable levels. Once the severe dandruff flakes have been removed, it is not necessary to continue washing your hair every day.
    • If you use prescription strength shampoo, or more than one treatment, you should minimize the frequency of washing your hair or stop using this product completely after 2 weeks, or if not, Adverse side effects are likely to arise.

Method 4 of 4: Managing Dandruff in the Long Term

  1. Terminate use of hair care products. If the flakes of your dandruff are thin, transparent, and stick to your hair and not on your scalp, they could be the only reaction of your scalp to the styling product. Check to see if the product you use contains Paraphenylenediamine, which is the ingredient that causes dandruff. In addition, you should also be careful before the harmful chemicals or alcohol contained in the hair dye. Dandruff can also be caused by using too many different products.
    • You can solve this problem by eliminating or changing styling products and washing your hair more often.
    • If you are unsure of what type of product is the culprit, you should proceed to remove each one until you can identify it.
  2. Wash your hair more often. Seborrheic dermatitis, which is an irritating, oily condition to the scalp, can be made worse by the release of oil from the hair and pores. Shampooing regularly will help remove irritants and keep the scalp free of dandruff.
    • Even quick washing and rinsing before going out can do wonders for your dandruff.
  3. Get more sun exposure. Allowing the scalp to be exposed to moderate amounts of sunlight is beneficial. Ultraviolet rays will help you reduce dandruff flakes on the scalp. However, too much sun damage your skin, so don't lie down or stay in the sun for too long. Instead, be sure to apply sunscreen before you leave the house and take a moment to let your scalp "sunbathe".
  4. Discuss treatment with your doctor. If you are dissatisfied with your dandruff after a few weeks of treatment, you should see your doctor. Dandruff rarely forms other health problems, but if you want to get rid of them for some personal reason, your doctor will prescribe stronger medications for you. Your doctor will also recommend additional steroid treatments to reduce inflammation and itching.
    • In severe cases, isotretinoin may be prescribed by your doctor, but this drug can cause severe side effects, so it should only be used as a last resort.


  • If medical treatment does not work, you should research some remedies or folk remedies that use kitchen-based ingredients instead. Scientific research has yet to test their effectiveness, but many say they have been successful in treating them. If your scalp becomes drier, itchier, or becomes red, you should stop using them immediately.
  • Always remember to follow the directions for all prescription medications. Taking the medicine too often or for too long can cause negative side effects.