How to make a bruise go away quickly

Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 5 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Do You Bruise Easily? Learn How to Prevent and Fade Them!
Video: Do You Bruise Easily? Learn How to Prevent and Fade Them!


While there's no quick way to get rid of a bruise right away, there are a few things you can take to speed up the recovery process. With good control, an uncomfortable bruise will dissolve quickly within a few short days by diligently applying the methods outlined below. Read on to learn how to use home remedies and pharmaceutical creams to reduce the appearance of bruises.


Method 1 of 3: Wound Treatment

  1. Use a cold compress. Ice your bruise for 15 minutes for a few hours for the first few days after the bruise. A cold compress will reduce inflammation and swelling, helping to heal the bruise quickly.

  2. Cover with a warm compress after two days. After reducing the swelling with ice, you need to apply a warm compress (not too hot) directly to the bruise. This will increase blood circulation to tissues and speed up the healing process.
  3. Raising the bruise. If the bruise is on a part of the body that you can lift up such as your arms or legs, be sure to raise it above your heart to reduce the amount of blood flowing to the bruise. This will reduce swelling and increase blood flow to the damaged area and darken the color of the bruise. Lifting a bruise works best right after a bruise.

  4. Do not do heavy sports. For the first day or two after a severe bruise, avoid vigorous physical activity that will speed up blood circulation throughout the body. The more blood is pumped to the bruise, the worse the bruise will be.

  5. Gently massage the affected area. Use your thumb to gently rub around the outer edge of the bruise. Do not press hard or try to rub the center of the bruise, as this will hurt you. Make sure to make a small circle. Doing so will activate the lymphatic process so that the bruise naturally dissolves from your body.
  6. Exposure to sunlight. If you can let the bruise into the bruise directly for 10-15 minutes a day, the UV rays will begin to break down the bilirubin texture, which causes the bruise to turn yellow. Sun exposure speeds up this process and makes the bruise go away more quickly. advertisement

Method 2 of 3: Applying Home remedies

  1. Rub vinegar and water on the bruise. Mix a mixture of vinegar and warm water and rub it over the affected area. Vinegar will increase the amount of blood circulating on the skin's surface, making the bruise heal faster.
  2. Eat pineapple and papaya. Pineapple and papaya contain a digestive enzyme called bromelain, which breaks down proteins that block blood and fluid congestion in tissues. Eat more pineapple to absorb bromelain and help your body get rid of bruises.
  3. Apply and take vitamin C. Let's apply these two absorption ways to this vitamin C to quickly heal bruises.
    • First of all, make sure you get enough vitamin C with foods like oranges, mangoes, broccoli, and potatoes. You also need to get vitamin C from other sources to stay sure you get enough every day.
    • Crush up vitamin C pills and mix with a little water to make a paste. Apply the mixture directly to the bruised area and let it dry before rinsing it off with water.
  4. Use blueberry extracts. Substances include: anthocyanosides, which have antioxidant effects, may reduce the appearance of bruises by stabilizing collagen and strengthening capillaries. You can find blueberry extracts in products from health food stores.
  5. Crush parsley and apply it directly to the bruise. Parsley contains substances that have anti-inflammatory properties, which helps bruises disappear quickly.
  6. Eat fresh ginger. Just like parsley, ginger has anti-inflammatory properties and is beneficial for your immune system. Slice and steep ginger in hot water for a few minutes before drinking. You can also take ginger peels or crush ginger and apply directly to the bruise.
  7. Mix cayenne pepper with Vaseline. Apply this paste around the bruise area and let it sit for a few hours. Wipe with a paper towel as needed. Do this once a day until the bruise is gone.
  8. Use a bellflower root mixture. Crush the comfrey roots and add a little water to make a paste, or steep a cotton ball in comfrey root tea. Apply the paste or cotton pad to the bruised area once a day until the bruise disappears.
  9. Soak the bruise in witch hazel oil. Witch hazel can speed up the healing process and reduce inflammation. Apply oil and let stand for a few hours. Repeat at least once a day until the bruise is gone.
  10. Take bromelain supplements to speed recovery. Take 200-400mg of bromelain, an enzyme extracted from pineapple, three times a day to help the wound heal quickly and help the bruise dissolve.
    • You should avoid certain supplements to avoid making the bruise worse. Fish oil, omega 3, garlic, vitamin E, ginkgo biloba can all cause bruising. Avoid using them until you recover.
  11. Use a banana peel. Scrape off the inside of the banana peel to apply to the bruised area. advertisement

Method 3 of 3: Use Oral Medicine or Cream

  1. Take acetaminophen or ibuprofen, but don't take aspirin. Some pain relievers are anti-inflammatory and can reduce pain and swelling. However, aspirin should be avoided, as it can thin the blood and make the bruise worse.
  2. Apply marijuana grease or gel daily. Arnica is an herb that reduces inflammation and can cause bruises to dissolve quickly. It is sold in cream or gel form at most pharmacies. Apply the bruise twice daily until the bruise is gone.
  3. Take vitamin K8 locally immediately after bruising. Apply a coin amount of vitamin K8 to the wound immediately. This may prevent the bruise from forming or from becoming too dark in color.
  4. Use leech to suck bruises. If you are not afraid of leeches, you can purchase them from pharmaceutical supply stores that sell raw leeches. You can place the leech directly on the bruise. It will suck up the upper bruise immediately. Because the disc's saliva is an anesthetic, you won't feel any anxiety during this process. advertisement


  • It is best not to bruise!
  • Do not worry. Usually a bruise is not too bad and it will heal on its own without any medication.
  • The bruise heals very quickly, take medicine when it doesn't go away after two weeks.