How to fragrant clothes

Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 10 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
NO MORE Stanky, Dull, Bad Smelling Clothes! In Depth LAUNDRY SECRETS
Video: NO MORE Stanky, Dull, Bad Smelling Clothes! In Depth LAUNDRY SECRETS


Do your clothes smell bad sometimes, even after washing them? Are you in need of a quick fix for smelly clothes? Do not worried! There are many ways to fragrance your clothes, even if you only have a few minutes.


Method 1 of 4: Wash clothes

  1. Wash clothes regularly. The more clothes you wear, the more it smells. If you are going to wear the same garment more than once, do not put it in the closet with clean clothes, as the rest of the clothes could be contaminated. Dirty and clean clothing should be kept separate. Some items should only be worn once and then washed, but there are also items that can be worn over and over before they start to smell. You should try to wash sweaty or very dirty clothes immediately after wearing them.
    • Tight pants, shirts, socks, swimwear, tights, double-straps, sleeveless tops and underwear should be washed after each wear.
    • Skirts, jeans, casual pants, pajamas, shorts and skirts can be worn up to 3 times before washing.
    • Bra can be worn two or three times before needing washing. Consider buying multiple bras so you don't have to wear the same one twice.
    • You can wear the suit three to five times before you need to dry it. The suits worn in a clean environment like the office can stay clean longer, while suits worn in a smoke-free environment or in a smoggy environment will have to be washed more often.

  2. Use scented laundry soap or essential oils. Most laundry soaps are fragrant, but some are more fragrant than others. You can find labels that advertise scents on product labels. Always use the correct amount of soap as directed. People tend to prefer a little more, but this often leaves streaks of soap on the clothes and also makes the clothes smell more unpleasant. If you don't like the scent found in commercial products, you can try adding 10-12 drops of essential oil to the washing machine during the last rinse.
    • Be sure to pick your favorite scent before buying laundry soap, as scented ones are usually a little more expensive. You can open the bottle and smell it in the store.
    • Try a few essential oils to find your favorite scent. Don't be afraid to combine a variety of essential oils to create a distinct scent.

  3. Take the clothes out of the washing machine as soon as possible. When the washing cycle is finished, you should quickly remove clothes. Dry the clothes or transfer to the dryer immediately. Clothes that have been left in the washing machine for too long can cause mold to form, causing musty odors or unpleasant odors. If your laundry left in the washing machine becomes contaminated with mold, you can easily remove the smell with white vinegar.
    • Pour a cup of white vinegar into the detergent drawer in the washing machine and wash again.
    • This will eliminate unpleasant odors, but if you want your clothes to smell better, you may need to wash them again with soap.

  4. Thoroughly clean the washing machine every six months with vinegar. When used for a long time, the washing machine can smell unpleasant and can spread to clothes. Clean when washing machine has no clothes. Pour 2 to 4 cups white vinegar into the detergent drawer in the washing machine. Run the machine through a cycle of washing in the strongest and hottest mode. Add a cup of baking soda and run another cycle. Use a microfiber rag to wipe the inside of the drum and the lid of the washer.
    • If you prefer, you can use bleach or a washer cleaner instead of vinegar.
    • If using bleach, wash white clothes in the first batch of laundry after cleaning the washing machine.
    • Open the lid or the washer door when not in use. Moisture trapped inside a closed washer will cause mold and odor-causing bacteria to develop.

Method 2 of 4: Dry clothes

  1. Make sure the clothes are completely dry before storing them. If you fold and store clothes that are still damp, mold can grow and cause an unpleasant odor. If you find anything still damp when you take it out of the dryer, dry it for another 15 minutes or hang up to let dry.
  2. Use clothes drying paper or essential oils. Clothes drying scent paper makes clothes fragrant, soft, and also has anti-static effect. Just drop a piece of scented paper in the dryer with the laundry just finished and run as usual.If you like a certain scent in laundry soap, find out if the brand sells clothes drying scent paper with a similar scent.
    • You can also flavor your clothes by adding a few drops of essential oil to a cloth, then in the dryer with the clothes.
    • Always throw away fragrant paper after use.
  3. Dryer maintenance. You need to clean the lint filter bag after each drying. The fibers can pick up odors and spread to clothes. At least once a year, you should remove the lint filter bag from the machine and wash it with mild soap and warm water. Dip a microfiber rag in a 1: 1 ratio of hot water and vinegar to wipe the inside of the dryer cage, at least once a month.
    • You can also put a few towels soaked in vinegar in the dryer and run it. The vinegar kills the odor-causing bacteria.
  4. Clothesline. Some people like to bypass the dryers and fragrances by hanging clothes on an outdoor rack or drying line. Clothes dried outside will have a refreshing fragrance. Note that sunlight can discolor the fabric. If you dry your clothes indoors, make sure the drying room is well ventilated, or hang the clothes near an open window.
    • For white clothing, leave it outside in the sun. The sun whitens clothes, while the outdoor air brings a fresh and pleasant fragrance.
    • Note that the naturally dried clothes will not be as soft as the air-dried clothes.

Method 3 of 4: Put away the clothes

  1. Place scent bags and clothes drying sheets in drawers and wall cabinets. Fragrant your wardrobe and closet with scented bags of your favorite herbs, dried flowers, and spices. You can use commercially available or homemade aromatherapy bags with aromatic herbs put in a cloth bag and tied. Place the scented bags in the drawer or hang them on a coat hanger in a wall cabinet.
    • You can use scented paper to dry clothes in a similar way to absorb odors and flavor your clothes. Tuck in shoes, into closet drawers and wall cabinets.
  2. Use essential oils or perfumes. Place 2-5 drops of your favorite essential oil / perfume on a cloth, tissue or cloth ball, then place it in your closet or wall closet. You can also put a few drops of essential oil on the inside of the drawer. Wait for the essential oils to dry before storing the clothes in the closet. In addition, scented candles and soap can be used to create scents.
    • Place a box of scented candles or a piece of fabric-wrapped soaps in a drawer or drawer.
    • You can even use a tub effervescent to add a fresh scent in your cupboard.
  3. Use room spray or disinfectant spray. These products will usually only stink, not remove the smell. The most effective ones are often formulated with a mildly aromatic and aromatic formula, such as the Febreze brand. You can also make your own by combining ½ cup of white vinegar, ½ cup of water, and 10 drops of essential oil in a spray bottle.
    • Spray the solution into the wall cabinet every few days.
    • After a few minutes, the smell of the vinegar should be gone, leaving only the scent.
  4. Use scented wood as a natural deodorant. Cedar and sandalwood are popular with many people. Cedar wood is also used to repel insects and absorb moisture. Humidity is one of the main culprits causing the musty smell on clothes.
  5. Absorb bad odors with baking soda. Place a can of baking soda open on the bottom of the closet or in the corner of the closet. If you like, you can add a few drops of essential oil to the baking soda to add a fragrance. Make your own deodorant scent by holding baking soda in a small jar, adding a few drops of your favorite essential oil and mixing it with a fork. Use a hammer and nail to poke some holes in the lid of the jar and cover it.
    • You may not need to cover the jar, but if you have curious children or pets, it is still a good idea to keep it safe.
    • Sprinkle baking soda on your shoes to absorb the odor, and be sure to pour baking soda the next day!

Method 4 of 4: Fragrant clothes and prevent odors

  1. Dry the clothes in the dryer. If you are in a hurry and need to quickly fragrant your clothes, you can put the clothes in the dryer and run it for 15 minutes with some scented paper. This way, the clothes will not be clean, but will smell more fragrant and less wrinkled.
  2. Spray the clothes with vinegar solution. Mix equal parts white vinegar and water in a spray bottle. Turn clothes around and spray the solution onto the fabric. Hang up the clothes and wait a few minutes to dry. The smell of the vinegar should dissolve in a few minutes and should leave no trace once it's dry.
    • Try spraying the vinegar solution on a small area of ​​the garment before applying it all over. If you find that the fabric does not discolor and change anything, you can safely use it.
  3. Spray perfume. The best way is to spray perfume directly on your body and put on clothes after. You can spray perfume on clothes if the fabric is natural fibers like cotton and linen. Avoid spraying perfume on synthetic fibers like polyester. Remember that some perfumes can stain light fabrics and damage the silk.
  4. Keep the house clean. Clothes can absorb odors, so if your home does not smell good, so will your clothes. Sweep, clean and vacuum your home regularly, especially in the closet. Use room sprays and avoid smoking indoors.
  5. Hong clothes after wearing. When you get home from school or work, undress and hang it near an open window. Your clothes will smell less and refresh. This is especially useful if you're wearing a uniform and don't want to wash it every day.
  6. Keep dirty and clean clothes separate. Never put dirty clothing on top of clean clothes, as odors can spread. Place dirty items in the basket, preferably in another room. Avoid placing wet clothes in the laundry basket and dry them first. Wet items left in the laundry basket will allow mold and odor-causing bacteria to grow. advertisement