How to make deep-fried meat wrapped with eggs

Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 3 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Scotch Eggs | Egg Recipe | Crispy Mince Wrapped Soft Boiled Egg | Nick Saraf’s Foodlog
Video: Scotch Eggs | Egg Recipe | Crispy Mince Wrapped Soft Boiled Egg | Nick Saraf’s Foodlog


Scotch egg is an easy snack to bring to a picnic or as an appetizer at a party. This dish is both delicious and easy to make and you can also easily customize with your favorite sausage and seasoning.


For 6 servings of fried egg wrapped meat

  • 6 eggs, used for boiling
  • 2 eggs, used for dipping step
  • 300g raw bratwurst meat or other sausage meats
  • 300gr minced pork or add meat to make sausage
  • 60gr (1/2 cup) flour
  • 120gr (2 cups) deep fried flour
  • Salt and pepper, depending on taste
  • Vegetable oil, enough to pour 2.5cm high oil in a pan

Other spices (choose one or not use):

  • 3 tablespoons chopped fresh parsley, sage leaves and / or thyme
  • 1-2 tablespoons curry powder or mustard powder
  • 1 tablespoon minced ginger, with chili, depending on taste
  • 1 tablespoon each of cumin powder, cilantro powder and bell pepper powder


  1. Boil 6 peach eggs. Bring the water to a boil in the pot, then reduce the heat to a simmer. Put 6 eggs in the water and cook for about 6 minutes. Boiling the eggs when the water is boiling instead of the cold water will make it easier to peel the eggs.
    • Boiling a lot of eggs at a time can affect the timing. You should divide the eggs to boil twice if you want the finished product.
    • Choose quality eggs from a reliable source. Boiling peach eggs cannot kill salmonella; therefore, eggs from an infected source can cause serious illness in children or the elderly.

  2. Refrigerate eggs. Soak eggs in ice water or soak them in a bowl of cold water and then refrigerate them to prevent them from continuing to cook. Refrigerated eggs are usually easier to peel.
  3. Mix meat and spices. The simplest option is to buy 600 grams of meat to make sausage, and that's it. However, you can still choose fatty meats, some chefs prefer to mix half a sausage with half a lean ground pork. You can take advantage of the taste of the seasoned sausage meat or choose the unspiced and seasoned sausage meat to your taste.(See suggestions in ingredients above.)
    • You can also replace it with raw sausage - just cut the outer wrap and squeeze the meat into the bowl.
    • The sausage meat is usually seasoned with enough salt and pepper, but you will need more seasoning if you use minced meat.

  4. Peel the egg. Use the back of the spoon to tap around the egg, then peel the shell.
  5. Arrange the ingredients in order. Arrange each bowl of ingredients in a row on the counter.
    • Peach eggs
    • Meat
    • 60gr (1/2 cup) flour
    • 2 raw eggs, beat well
    • 120gr (2 cups) deep fried flour
  6. Wrap the meat around the egg. Divide the meat into 6 equal parts and make a circle. Dip the eggs in the flour to help the meat stick. Use your thumb to press a hole in the meatball, place the egg in, and wrap it around the egg.
  7. Topped with egg-coated meatballs. Use the ordered ingredients to crisp the outside of the egg-coated meatball:
    • Roll the egg coated meatballs through the flour
    • Dip further into beaten eggs
    • Then roll over the fried dough
    • Dip the eggs one more time
    • Roll over the fried dough one more time
  8. Fry in hot oil. Using a special fryer is easiest, but you can add vegetable oil that is about 1/3 to 1/2 of the height of the pan. Heat the oil to 170ºC, then fry the egg wrap for about 10 minutes. If using a pan, fry only two or three egg-coated meatballs at a time and stir frequently so that the entire surface is crispy and golden. Then, take the eggs out of a bowl lined with a paper towel to absorb excess oil.
    • If you don't have a kitchen thermometer, drop a small piece of bread in the oil to check the temperature. The oil reaches the right temperature when the bread sizzles and the stork is brown, but does not burn.
    • The time to fry will vary depending on the amount of sausage meat on the egg and the consistency of the meat on the outside. If you are concerned about frying the meat fully, you can place the meatball in an oven that has been heated to 190C for a few minutes.
  9. Enjoy immediately or refrigerate. You can eat the fried meats while it's still hot, or put them in the fridge to eat later. To keep food safe and hygienic, do not place fried meat wrapped in the refrigerator for more than 2 hours (in hot climates, it is one hour). If you take this with you on a picnic, you should store it in a cooler. advertisement


  • Dab with a savory sauce when eaten, or add Greek or Ceasar salad to the surface
  • You can grill it for a healthy treat, but the meatballs are often prone to cracking. Try reducing the amount of meat to 450g and bake in the oven at 200C for 25-30 minutes.


  • Don't use fresh fried dough made from breadcrumbs, as this will absorb a lot of oil. Dry crumbs or flat rice are often used to make a dish crisp.
  • Fresh eggs are difficult to peel. If your domestic chickens lay eggs or you buy them on the farm, choose eggs that are at least 1 week old.

What you need

  • 1 large bowl
  • 3 small bowls
  • Frying pan
  • Small pot