How to ripen peaches

Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 25 January 2021
Update Date: 2 July 2024
The Best Way to Ripen Peaches
Video: The Best Way to Ripen Peaches


There is nothing better than enjoying ripe and succulent peaches, but sometimes you will still be disappointed when you eat the wrong rock-hard peach. If you happen to be in this situation unfortunately, don't get angry! You can easily ripen peaches quickly for immediate consumption or for cooking.


Method 1 of 2: Use a paper bag

  1. Get a paper bag. Brown paper bags are perfect for ripening peaches. The fruit naturally produces ethylene gas and the thin paper helps to keep the air in without creating moisture. In contrast, plastic bags often cause the island to ripen very quickly and turn to rot.

  2. Put the fruit in the paper bag. Put the unripe peaches in the bag. To make the peaches ripen faster, add a banana or apple to the peach bag. These berries produce large amounts of ethylene gas, which helps the fruit ripen faster.
  3. Wait for the peaches to ripen. Place the bag in a dry, room temperature place for about 24 hours. The amount of peaches and initial ripeness will determine the time it takes for the peach to fully ripen.

  4. Digging test. After 24 hours, you will test your peaches for ripeness. If peaches have a faint scent and are slightly soft, they are ripe and ready to be eaten. If not, keep putting digging in the bag for another 24 hours. Repeat this process until the peach is ripe.
    • If the peaches are not yet ripe, leave them in your bag for another 12-24 hours.

  5. Enjoy peaches. Once the peaches are done, you can eat them right away! Peaches stored at room temperature will stay fresh for a few days, but will last longer if refrigerated. advertisement

Method 2 of 2: Use linen

  1. Spread a piece of linen. Choose a clean, dry place (such as a counter area) to spread out linen or cotton. Make sure the selected surface is flat to maximize the surface area.
  2. Arrange peaches on towels. Place the peaches with the stem facing down on the linen. Arrange the peaches so they are evenly spaced and not touching (even if you cook more than one at a time).
  3. Cover the peaches. Cover the peaches with a cotton or linen cloth. Try to cover it as much as possible and, if possible, tuck the edges of the towel inside to avoid the wind.
  4. Wait for the peaches to ripen. Ripe peaches with linen will take a few days, but will make the peaches more succulent. Check the peaches after 2-3 days, paying attention to the softness and familiar aroma of peaches. If the peaches are not yet ripe, continue putting them in a towel and checking them after a day.
  5. Enjoy ripe peaches. Once the peaches are soft and fragrant, you can enjoy them now! Eat peaches fresh or refrigerate if you have a lot of peaches and want to prolong the freshness. advertisement


  • The above mentioned peach ripening methods are applicable to other peach varieties, apricots, kiwis, mangoes, pears, plums, bananas and avocados.
  • When holding a peach, do not squeeze it hard, causing it to crush. Unlike other fruits, the stamping part of the peach will spread and cause the entire pod to fail in a day or two.