How to make play dough without using tartar

Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 10 February 2021
Update Date: 28 June 2024
How to make Play dough without cream of tartar - none toxic, no cooking | Sugarella Sweets Party
Video: How to make Play dough without cream of tartar - none toxic, no cooking | Sugarella Sweets Party


  • Use white flour, not whole wheat.
  • Use fine table salt, do not use large grain salt.
  • Add some glitter to the flour if desired. You can use glitter the same color as the play dough you made, or you can use a different color. Fine glitter will work better than regular glitter.
    • The amount of glitter added is optional. First add a pinch, then add more if desired.

  • Stir the water and oil in another bowl. Fill a medium-sized bowl with 1/3 cup (80 ml) water. Stir in 1 tablespoon (15 ml) of vegetable oil with a clean spoon.
    • If you can't find vegetable oil, replace it with rapeseed oil.
  • Add 4 to 5 drops of food coloring to the oil-water mixture. Stir the oil-water mixture again to make the color evenly blend. If you want to make more than one color of dough, pour the oil-water into different cups first, one for each color. Next, add 1 to 2 drops of food coloring into each cup.
    • Do not add food coloring if you want the play dough to be white.
    • Add less food coloring for light play dough and more if you want a light play dough.

  • Use a spoon to stir the flour mixture into the oil-water mixture. Sweep the bottom and sides of the bowl often while stirring. Regularly use the bottom of the spoon to press the dough down. Continue mixing until the water and flour stick together to create a dough.
  • Knead the dough on the dough coat. Sprinkle flour on a flat surface or cutting board. Place the dough on the dough surface and knead the dough. Continue kneading until soft and smooth.
    • Remember to clean the leftover flour!

  • Store the play dough in a plastic container. Zippered plastic bags work as well. You can also use a plastic container with a lid, such as an old play dough container. This will keep the play dough soft while you are not playing with it. advertisement
  • Method 2 of 3: Use Flour, Salt, and Kool Aid

    1. Stir in water and lemon juice. Measure 3/4 cup (180 ml) of water, then remove 3 tablespoons (45 ml) of water. Stir in 3 tablespoons (45 ml) of lemon juice. You can use fresh or canned lemon juice. If you are using fresh lemon juice, be sure to filter out the lemons and seeds.
    2. Boil the mixture of water and lemon juice until it just boils. Pour the water-lemonade mixture into a microwave bowl or measuring cup. Bring to a boil, about 2 to 3 minutes. You can also put the mixture in a saucepan on the stove.
    3. Slowly stir more 2 packs of powdered Kool Aid water without sugar into the water-lemonade mixture. Choose the color and taste (fragrance) you like. Pour the flour slowly into the water mixture - hot lemon juice then stir well with a whisk.
      • Make sure to use only sugar-free Kool Aid water-based powder, as the powder will be very sticky if you use the sugary type.
      • If you can't find Kool Aid powder, you can use a similar aqueous powder.
      • If the color is not bright enough, add a few drops of food coloring. However, remember to use the same color as the aqueous powder.
    4. Mix flour and salt in another bowl. Pour 1 cup (100 grams) of all-purpose flour into a bowl. Then add 1/4 cup (68 grams) of table salt. Stir the mixture well with a spoon.
      • Use all-purpose white flour, not wholemeal flours.
      • Use table salt, not salt.
    5. Slowly stir the water-lemon juice mixture into the flour with a wooden spoon. Pour water - lemon juice into the flour while stirring. When you have enough ingredients, keep stirring until a dough is formed.
    6. Add oil and mix well. Pour 1 tablespoon (15 ml) of vegetable oil into the dough. Mix well with a wooden spoon. Once the dough has cooled to touch, you can switch to kneading it by hand.
      • The dough will be very sticky but don't add flour. The dough will become less sticky once it cools down.
      • If you can't find vegetable oil, you can replace it with rapeseed oil.
    7. Let the play dough cool before storing. When it cools, it becomes less sticky. Once the dough has cooled, you can put it in a plastic container and store in the refrigerator. advertisement

    Method 3 of 3: Use conditioner and cornstarch

    1. Fill a bowl with 1/2 cup (120 ml) conditioner. Choose your favorite scented conditioner. Your play dough will also be the same color as the conditioner, so choose carefully. If you want to gradually color the play dough, choose a white conditioner.
      • You can use conditioner of any brand. Cheap brands work best.
    2. Add some food coloring if desired. First add only 1 to 2 drops of color.Stir well, then add more if you want. If your conditioner is already colored and you want a darker color, be sure to add the same food color.
    3. Add some glitter for a sparkle. You can use glitter the same color as the conditioner or food color, or use a different color glitter. Pure glitter is most effective, but you can also use the regular, large size. Initially add a pinch, then add more if desired.
    4. Stir in 1 cup (125 grams) of corn starch. The dough will crumble at first but will slowly get smoother as you mix. When the batter looks like a covering, remove it on a flat surface or cutting board.
      • If you can't find cornstarch, replace it with cornstarch.
    5. Knead the flour, add water to the cornstarch if needed. The longer you knead the dough, the harder it will be. You should knead the dough for about 1 minute. If the dough seems sticky while you are kneading it, you can always add cornstarch.
    6. Store the play dough in a plastic container. This will keep the dough soft when you are not playing it and prevent it from drying out. advertisement


    • It is not advisable to add glitter to recipes with Kool Aid because of its nutty flavor. If you're sure the baby won't put play dough in their mouth, you can add a pin or two of glitter.
    • Sometimes, just using zippered plastic bags is not enough. Wrap the dough with food wrap, later put in a plastic bag with a zipper.
    • If you are allergic to gluten, you can replace it with rice flour. Note, however, that the play dough will have a different texture.
    • Cocoa powder will make the dough smell of delicious chocolate. Remember that the dough will turn brown like a chocolate color!
    • Add a few drops of essential oil to make the play dough have a pleasant fragrance. Peppermint or lavender essential oil is a great option.
    • For added fragrance, add a little essence or extract that smells like strawberry, lemon or vanilla.


    • All play dough will be hard or damaged. If your play dough starts to smell or look unusual, throw it away.
    • Do not add glitter to baby play dough.

    What you need

    Use flour, salt, and oil

    • 2 bowls to mix
    • Spoon
    • Plastic zippered bag or plastic box

    Use flour, salt and powdered water Kool Aid

    • The cup can be used in a microwave
    • Bowl to mix
    • Wooden spoon
    • Whisk eggs
    • Plastic bag / box

    Use conditioner and cornstarch

    • Bowl to mix
    • Spoon
    • Plastic bag / box