How to make apple pie from zero

Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 12 February 2021
Update Date: 2 July 2024
How To Make Apple Pie From Scratch Easy Simple
Video: How To Make Apple Pie From Scratch Easy Simple


While commercially available Pie can give you the rich sweetness you are craving for, nothing beats your homemade Pie with the basic ingredients. Pie making is not as difficult as you think it will be and it also saves you money, while creating the latest fresh cake. Homemade Pie is also healthier. You only need to make a crust, prepare the filling with apple sliced ​​pomegranates and many spices, then cover the excess crust on top of the cake. If you follow these instructions, you will find that making delicious Apple Pie is "as easy as pie".



  • 1/2 liter or 2 cups white flour
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 3/4 bar (90 g) of lard or animal butter helps to loosen the dough
  • 5 tablespoons cold water
  • 1 egg (to spread on top to make golden cake surface)
  • Milk (to spread the crust)

Cake filling

  • 80 ml or 1/3 cup white sugar
  • 80 ml or 1/3 cup brown sugar
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
  • 1/2 teaspoon nutmeg powder
  • 3 tablespoons flour
  • 6-8 medium-sized apples (Granny Smith apples suitable for baking)
  • 1 teaspoon lemon juice


  1. Preheat oven to 200 degrees Celsius.
  2. Make sure the kitchen counter is clean and spacious knead the dough and roll the dough.

  3. Fill a large bowl with flour, salt and butter. Use a flour whisk or a fork to break the butter into small balls and mix with the dough. Then, slowly pour in water.
  4. Sprinkle the powder on your hands Dough until the block is formed dough big. Divide the dough into two parts and wrap one part in a plastic wrap. Place the wrapped dough in the refrigerator.
    • Another way is to wrap both blocks and store in the refrigerator for about 30 minutes before proceeding to the next step.

  5. Sprinkle dough on the surface of the counter and start rolling the dough into a circle 5 cm diameter larger than the pie plate. Some people like to put a coating on top of the dough so that the dough doesn't stick to the roller while it's rolling.
  6. Slowly lift the rolled dough off the counter by wrapping it around the dough roller.
  7. Remove the dough and place it in the plate, being careful not to tear. Place the dough in the pan, while pressing the dough around the plate.
  8. Cut off the edge of the squeezed dough on the plate. Leave the edge of the dough on the top of the dish about 0.6 cm.
  9. Place the crust in the refrigerator.
  10. Making a cake. Peel and cut the apple into pieces about 0.3 cm thick, or cut into cubes of 1.3 cm high. Place the apples in a large bowl and mix with brown sugar, white sugar, salt, lemon juice, flour, nutmeg and cinnamon. Let the apples release water for about 20 minutes and then heat the water with 3 butter cubes in the microwave. Heat until the water is 1/3 and thicken (avoid making the crust soft).
  11. Roll the remaining dough on the dry powdered surface, just like you did above.
    • The top crust in the form of a groove. Gently fold the dough in half, then squeeze 4-5 lines of 1.3 cm along the dough and squeeze 4 sugar in the center of the dough. This will allow the filling of the cake to have more space and not break off the edge of the cake. Open the dough and set aside.
    • The top of the wheel is in a mesh shape. Cut the rolled dough into strips 2.5 cm wide as the dough will expand.
  12. Remove the crust and filling from the refrigerator.
  13. Pour the filling into the crust, use the back of the spoon to spread the cake evenly. The kernels should be sufficient to fill the entire dish and protrude at least 2.5 cm above the center of the plate.
  14. Spread egg has whipped up around the crust.
  15. Place the top crust on top.
    • The top crust in the form of a groove. Put the crust in the groove on top of the cake. Use a butter knife to cut off any excess edges. Press two thumbs together around the edge of the cake so that the entire rim is glued together.
    • The top of the wheel is in a mesh shape.

      • Place the dough diagonally over the apple core, then weave the dough together to form a mesh.
      • Cut off the excess dough on the rim of the plate, then press the edge of the dough down the edge of the dish as described above.
  16. Sprinkle the milk on top or spread the egg over the mesh. This step helps to brown the crust. Sprinkle more cinnamon powder and sugar over the top cake crust like the last step.
  17. Bake on heat at 200 degrees C for 15 minutes. Lower oven temperature to 190 degrees C and bake for another 45 minutes.
    • Remove the cake when the top crust turns golden brown.
  18. Wait for the Pie to cool for 45 minutes-1 hour until it reaches room temperature before serving.
  19. Finish. advertisement


  • Lard helps create a richer crust, while the butter gives more flavor.Use lard for the top crust, and butter for the lower crust.
  • You can add a little cassava flour to make the cake less melted.
  • To make the crust better, add 2 teaspoons of cinnamon powder to the flour and replace 5 teaspoons of water with 5 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar.
  • If you think the cake isn't sweet enough, you can add 1/2 cup of sugar.
  • You can use thick coconut oil to make pie for vegetarians.
  • If you don't have a dough roller, you can use a plastic soda bottle to roll the dough.
  • It is possible to make a cake with 6 apples of the same type, but it will taste better if you use more than one apple, for example 3 types, 2 each.
  • For the best results, freeze the butter or lard before cutting it into the dough.
  • Put foil under the pie baking dish. The filling usually spills out during baking, so the foil will make cleaning up easier.
  • To make sure the crust is fresh, don't overdo it.

What you need

  • 2 large bowls
  • Pie plate
  • Measuring cup
  • Measuring spoon
  • Dough mixer or fork
  • An apple peeler or knife
  • Tree rolling dough
  • Butter knife