Ways to be lazy

Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 16 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
7 Proven Ways to STOP Being Lazy
Video: 7 Proven Ways to STOP Being Lazy


Laziness is a negative concept, but have you ever tried to stop and think why it is? Is it because all those already over-stressed workaholics think the world will collapse if they pause for a minute just to breathe? Or is it because your faith tells you that laziness is a sin? Or is it simply because it's one of the 7 most talked about sins, which have been loaded into your head since you were born? (7 sins - a group of major sins that humans are susceptible to, and the source of many other sins that arise, according to Christian conception). It's time to take a step back to see that being lazy isn't quite as bad as everyone thinks it is. In fact, at times, being lazy can be the way to happiness, relaxation, and even success.


Part 1 of 2: Adjusting Your Mind

  1. Define, for you, what "lazy" means. Depending on each person's beliefs and background knowledge, the concept of "lazy" can be different, but in the end, the term has almost all bad connotations, only those who refuse to do their part or do not. nothing while others have to do too much. The term is also used to refer to people who are not trying to improve themselves or their quality of life. However, why not try to see laziness differently? Here are a few ways you can do that:
    • See how lazy as it means when your mind and body want to rest. A lot of people will feel less stressed, happier and more in tune with the real rhythm of their body if they listen to their mind and body for the occasional "lazy little".
    • Being lazy means that you begin to get tired of the same things that repeat every day. And who said we must love those boring things in life? Of course, we all appreciate, cherish everything we have, everything around us. But that doesn't mean we have to feel the same with boring habits!
    • Laziness means you have a hard inner struggle over what you think you "should" do and want to do. Chances are, the things "should" do are actually due to external influences.
    • Laziness means that someone is not doing what you want them to do and vice versa. It doesn't really need to be called lazy. It is a matter of control (forcing others to do something) or of ineffective communication. And calling that behavior lazy is actually just an excuse.
    • Being lazy means something really relaxing in your mind. Like when you have nothing to worry about, nothing to do, including leaving a pile of dirty bowls and chopsticks in the sink. Is that an abnormal, spontaneous evil act? What about the benefits it brings, like a new vitality or a sense of happiness?

  2. Your own definition of laziness will help you figure out how to do less. When did getting a job done with less effort become a bad thing? Do you like how hard it is to get things done all the time? If so, for what? If you can achieve the same result with less effort, why not do it and let yourself be a little lazy? Think about this before coming to the stern statement: all today's technological achievements are the result of laziness. Here are a few things to think about:
    • We drive instead of walking because we are too lazy. We use washing machines because we are too lazy and don't want to scrub our clothes. We use computers because we are too lazy to write by hand (and besides, typing is a lot faster, so we get things done faster and can take a break early. than).
    • The good side to being lazy is that there is nothing wrong with finding a better way to make our work less stressful, with less energy and time. However, it is also important that you appreciate the traditional ways of doing things, because by doing so, you can really see the positive aspects of laziness.

  3. Consider who or what benefits from the busy and non-stop you. Every time you complain that work takes your soul away and makes your life always a timetable, you are actually complaining that you don't have time to rest. As a sum of sums, lazy people are perceived to be unproductive. And judgmental terms like "sticking", "futile", "being unjust," or "wasting time" are often used to refer to those who are supposed to not contribute as expected. wait. We constantly worry that someone will give us the label of laziness, and we ourselves are willing to give others that label whenever we find ourselves working too much.
    • And when a person is well rested, he will practically work more productively and happier. But ironically, a lot of people always work longer than necessary because they focus only on how to look busy, not on being more productive in shorter periods of time.
    • Finally, a society that promotes work-life balance, a society that encourages people to realize when that's enough, is a more productive society.
  4. Realize that taking time off from work will help you renew your energy and spirit. The "virtue" as opposed to "laziness" is "diligence". For some, they have a blind and fervent belief that working hard means working harder, earning more money and impressing others. But that's not how everyone sees the world. For example, Danes work 37 hours / week; most of their wages go to the tax fund (in return for a great social welfare); They have an average of 6 weeks off per year, and Dan Manh is always on the list of the happiest countries in the world.
    • For many people, they spend time outside of work doing the things they love. They find that if there is only work, no time for entertainment, people will become dull and less lucid. Perhaps, the "industrious" should learn a little from the "lazy", to allow the mind and body to be fully rested, ensuring regeneration of energy and arousing inspiration.
    • Laziness is only relative, just like diligence - neither good nor bad, and each concept has its place to some extent. Insisting that this is good, that that is bad is too simple and will rob you of your chances of having moments of complete peace.
  5. Redefining productivity. How to be lazy? Very simple (it should be). At first, you might think that working less (being lazy) and being more productive is a paradox. However, what you need to do is change your definition of "productivity". If you think that being productive means "doing more", "getting more done" or even "never getting caught doing nothing," the idea of ​​laziness can be will shock you.
    • On the other hand, if you define "productivity" as a means of getting the most out of what you do, a way to make the most of the time you spend on work (or anything else), or "Productivity" is trying to be as productive as possible within the time and energy limits you set, so doing less or being lazy may be the best way to work with productivity. higher.
    • Consider: you can work all day with a bunch of frenetic jobs, just to take in a tiny bit of work, especially in cases where your performance will be judged as a whole. long term process.
    • Or, you can do only a few small things per hour, but those are important things, bringing real results. The second way, doing less, but the time you spend is more effective. At this point, take a serious look at your working method and be honest with yourself: is it half your time to "look busy" rather than to do one thing Productivity way?
  6. Know how to stop when no longer productive at work. It's important to keep in mind that if you sit at a table you have to do serious work, or if you are cleaning a fairly clean table, then you are doing chores. However, to be lazy, you need to be aware of when you are unable to finish a task or continue working. That way, you will save a lot of energy, to be able to get things done, and to be more lazy in your work.]
    • If you've finished your work at work and are just sitting there to take attendance, then ask if there's anything else for you to do, or go home. Sitting back, fiddling with your mailbox and trying to be busy isn't going to help you or everyone else.
    • Imagine you are writing a novel. You've written some great ideas in the first 2 hours of being at the computer, but then you find yourself stuck. If you feel like you don't have the motivation or the idea to move on right then and there, stop staring at the screen and give yourself a little rest before resuming your novel that day. after.
  7. Know that it is a good thing to enjoy precious time with people you care about. You don't always need to be "versatile" or do as much as you can. If your spouse, best friend, neighbor or new acquaintance wants to be with you for a bit, be with them wholeheartedly. Don't ask if your best friend wants to buy food with you, or don't send work-related emails while watching a movie with the whole family. Instead, you should learn to feel comfortable just enjoying your time with others, even though that means you won't get a job.
    • Spending time with those around you and being wholehearted with them will help you improve your relationships, make you feel happier and give you time to relieve any stress at work.
    • Don't feel disappointed in yourself for just taking a little time to be happy; That's totally good for you!
  8. Don't try to plan everything. While it would be great to work in an organized manner and know what to do, if you want to be more lazy, don't try to plan your whole life, precisely to the minute. It's great if you can schedule meetings, schedule a task to get done on time, even schedule entertainment activities a few weeks in advance. But if you plan to put more pressure on the things you don't know, step back a bit and forget about your need to control everything.
    • If you find it stressful that the job of planning things in a dark way is making you feel stressful, it's time to learn to be content with a few surprises, something unexpected on your schedule. If you do that, you'll feel a little more relaxed, and of course, allow you to be a little more lazy!
    • Plus, if you stop planning everything, minute precisely, you will have fun spontaneous moments. This will help you relax and be ready for whatever is ahead.

Part 2 of 2: Action

  1. Work less intelligently. If you already have a lazy personality, it becomes a lot simpler. Do less. But do it wisely: lazy people know how to use their every minute effectively. If something doesn't work, doesn't save you time and doesn't get you off work earlier, don't do it, or figure out how you can do it in a costly way. Less time and energy so you can be working less. Here are a few ways to do that:
    • Send less messages but know how to make your messages more important to your recipient's eyes. That way, the recipient will pay attention and handle your message more carefully than you would just send a bunch of emails to evade responsibility or prove you're working.
    • Stick the following tagline on your forehead (okay, just write it on a piece of paper and stick it somewhere so it's easy to see): Being lazy doesn't mean doing a little, but being much; Being lazy means doing less and doing better.
  2. Enjoy nature. When was the last time you sat in a field and gazed at the beautiful surroundings? If the answer is "when I was a kid" or even "I never did", then the time is right. Even if you are not the type of outdoors type, try to spend a few hours wandering the fields, rivers, beaches, forests, or mountains. You will feel much more relaxed, your mind and body will be younger.
    • Going with a friend, some good books, some snacks or anything that makes you feel more comfortable. Don't bring anything related to work and don't try to do multiple things at once. Be satisfied with not doing too much.
  3. Allow me to sleep in the weekend. There has been a lot of sleep research showing that it is important to maintain a regular time of sleep each day, and sudden changes in sleep habits are not recommended. However, a few minutes of "deep sleep" is not for sleep. That "is" lying in bed and pampering yourself a little. You can read, eat breakfast, draw or do whatever you like just to relax in your bed.
    • Invite pets and kids to work with you. First of all, your pets are very good at knowing how to be lazy at the right time; Second, you will never be able to teach your young children that relaxation is an important part of being able to live a full and healthy life.
    • Call a few old friends and see how they're doing.
    • If every day "sleeping" in bed makes you feel lethargic, you can go for a walk to breathe fresh air. However, just stop there, don't do more.
  4. Shop less. Less shopping means more time to do rewarding and relaxing things, such as spending time with friends, spouse, kids, or going for a walk on the beach. , along with a list of items to buy and go shopping only when needed. That means you will spend less, ask for less, have less ownership, require less cleaning and maintain your belongings, and your financial space will be more comfortable. So what is the use of laziness?
    • If you only go shopping once or twice a month, you will save a lot of time, and of course, you will have more time to be lazy.
    • You can ask someone in your family to do some shopping for you, or buy it over the Internet.
  5. Keep the busy bee inside of you. Busyness is a habit (often undoubted), not a pathway to success.The need to stay busy or appear busy will reduce your productivity dramatically because you are only attentive to being busy, not performance. Instead of running back and forth and doing lots of things, slow down. Do less and live a slower, more peaceful life. Be content to sit down and do nothing. Relax and be happy.
    • Look back at your to-do list and ask yourself how many things on this to-do list really need to be done. Do a few things on the list, but don't cross out the rest or let them take up all of your free time.
  6. Simplify life. Own less: less clothes, less cars, less furniture, etc. because owning means you have to spend time, effort, and effort to preserve. Try giving or throwing away clothes you don't wear anymore, cleaning up your kitchen cabinets, cutting down on your social media schedules, and working on making your life as easy as possible. This may take a lot of work at first, but in the future you will have more time to be lazy.
    • Ask yourself if you've signed up for so many activities, volunteered to help too many friends, forced yourself to cook too many fussy dishes, or made yourself do too many things. that there's no time for laziness. Consider maybe cutting back on a few activities to give you more time, just to relax, do nothing.
  7. Let someone do it for you. This is not a ploy, it is about getting the right people to do the right thing. If someone is the best at something, and they are willing, happy to do it, let them do it and don't be disturbed. Many of us feel guilty about letting others succeed at something, even though that person has proven he is the one to do it best, and do it alone, because we feel we need to help them; But sometimes, our help is not helpful, even obstructive and unwelcome.
    • For those in a managerial position, trust that your staff, your children, and your volunteers are qualified to do so, and reduce your management.
    • Less management will give your employees, your children or volunteers more freedom, the opportunity to explore their creativity; creating space for them to learn, succeed and fail.
    • The less you do, the more people will have a chance to figure out how things are going for themselves. You can guide them, but don't disturb.
    • It's best to share cleaning, cooking, organizing, and taking out the trash with everyone. Most of us see these as tiring jobs, so let's share it with everyone, at least to get the feeling of having someone work together, and then, to make these jobs more pleasant. . It seems that chores like that are the biggest rival to laziness!
    • Assign the job and trust the person assigned to it. Many people do it, making the work lighter, for everyone. Give everyone the chance to go home a little earlier by sharing work for everyone, whether it's work at work, a night at a local church, or a big get-together. .
  8. Ignore the movement of broad communication. The endless, limitless interaction on the internet can take up all your time, not be fun and productive anymore. Communicate less to give yourself a lazy amount of time. Speak less, persuade less, yell less, argue less, email less, text less, call less, check-in less. If you can do that, you will be surprised at how quickly you will feel "lazy" and more relaxed.
    • We live in a world where so many people don't know or don't want to know when to put limits in communication, so much so that communication seems like a dull job, a responsibility. And if we don't continue to communicate, we feel guilty, even as if we are looking down on everyone when we withdraw from the conversation. Most of the conversation was nothing interesting, just chattering, and there was almost no listening. It's not talking, it's just making a noise.
    • Allow silence to have a place in your life. Let stillness fill your mind. Allow yourself to be lazy with your online "obligations", social media, and texting.
    • Use email effectively. Only text the phone when absolutely necessary.
    • Spend less time using your phone, Twitter, Blackberry, Android, and iPhone. Instead, add time to… people, for yourself, for a good book, and for the present.
  9. Do things to do. Sounds like work! The reality is, there are so many things, it's best if you can do it right away to avoid having to spend a lot of work afterwards. A true follower of low-work and lazy-work will find that much of the work comes from trying to do well in the first place. Remember the proverb "A stitch in time saves nine". Here are a few ways you can save time by getting the job done the right way the first time around:
    • Learn how to write a good draft quickly. This can be done with practice.
    • Fold the clothes as soon as they are removed from the dryer or unplugged from the clothesline. After that, store immediately in the cabinet. This will result in less wrinkling of the clothes than you would leave them in the dryer or in the basket for a few days afterwards.
    • Paint the house beautifully right from the first time. If not, then you will have to fix it over and over again. Most constructions and renovations share the same principle: do it right from the start and you won't have to waste time making repairs afterwards.
    • Read and reply to messages as soon as you see them. If you just leave the letter and say "will work later", at some point they will become a very heavy task that you don't want to face, and then you will get frustrated, and you will feel bogged down. If it's an email that doesn't bother you, delete it. For emails you can reply to immediately, do it immediately. Try to limit the number of emails you need to research further down to about 5% of the total number of messages in your inbox, and you should have a good reason to spend more time on those emails (for example, responses are needed. correct, or put aside to avoid sending an angry reply).
    • Prepare gifts carefully before donation date. You won't have to fidget and get annoyed. The lazy person has enough time not to rush.
  10. Stop whining. The lazy people don't lament; first, it takes too much energy, and second, lamenting is the result of feeling unfairly treated, abandoned, or exhausted. Less whining and criticizing will give you more time, open your mind, and room for creative thinking, so you can react more resourcefully in situations, including work. Find more effective ways to solve the problems. Instead of focusing on blaming others, you are more interested in solutions.Image: Be Lazy Step 18.webp | center]]
    • Everyone complained and criticized, at one point or another. Don't make those things a habit and try to discourage yourself every time you intend to do so. Remind yourself how it wastes your time, and how much more efficient you will work if you spend that time relaxing and overcoming the things that are holding you back.
    • If you have a good reason to complain, take the time to do something constructive, rather than lamenting, like writing a letter to your agent or sitting on a comfortable cushion. roof and spray paint for your sizable signboard to prepare for the rally.
    • Cultivate compassion, tolerance, love, and understanding. It is an effective remedy against the habit of lamenting.
    • Don't dramatize all matters.Worst case scenario will never happen; or even if so, did your worrying so much make the situation better? By doing so, it seems that you are just trying to prove yourself right, to be able to shake your index finger and say "I told you". In fact, there are better ways to prepare for the future than to just worry and mess things up.
    • Learn to follow nature, seek opportunities, find the natural way of things, and do the necessary things in the present. You have no control over the results, but if you learn to work fluently and are prepared for any situation (such as putting the first aid box in the right place), you can change your mind. the impact of that result for you.

  11. Be more spontaneously lazy. Let's do things a little differently once in a while. Sleep in a salon chair without changing (just because you are too tired to move). Make a small tent out of blankets with the kids, crawl inside and get some sleep. Lie on the grass and count the clouds, count stars until you are fully focused, and let yourself float in it. You don't have to change into your home outfit, to put on a sundown on Sunday if you don't like; never mind what your neighbors mean.
    • Follow nature. Let everything go on. Step back and let everything come to you naturally.
    • Don't force it. Be like water, find yourself a path with the least amount of toughness, and slowly erode the thorns on your way.
    • Find the bottom line of every problem in life and focus on solving it, instead of spending the effort hiding a giant brick wall. Find a way to solve the problem with the least amount of effort. That is clever intelligence, not evasion of responsibility.

  12. Put your feet up and rest. If you've been through a long day, or simply want to sit and rest doing nothing, do you want with pride. Sit in a chair, in front of the TV, or sit anywhere that makes you feel comfortable, lean back, put your feet up somewhere, and enjoy the feeling of doing absolutely nothing. Don't think about what you have to do or fear being judged by people. Instead, think about what makes you smile, or think about nothing.
    • Lazy people love to have company. If you have a good friend who also likes to rest and do nothing, invite him over and you can be lazy together.
    • While sitting and playing, you can listen to your favorite music, take care of your cat, eat ice cream or do what you really enjoy.


  • Consider setting aside a time to be lazy once a week. It could be a Sunday, an afternoon, or an evening. Take that time for yourself, to be completely relaxed, not responding to any outside requests, no matter how guilty it might initially feel. You will grow into that space over time and will preserve it to the end to maintain balance in your life.
  • You will pay the price of being lazy all the time if you are not smart enough to be able to do little and still be effective.
  • Many hunter-gatherer tribes have a way of organizing life by doing as little as possible, just ensuring the basic requirements of life. Minimizing your basic needs is an effective way to have more time spent on other activities and thinking about what you want to do.
  • Doing the things you love does not mean your laziness is abandoned. If you just roam the internet and chat with friends about birds or ship models, you don't have to be a workaholic. Everyone has a different way of relaxing. Dancing, or sitting motionless, can all be a way to relax. The important thing lies in your state of mind. It is important that you do it for your enjoyment, not for the results.


  • Some people are born with work addiction. They always have to keep me busy and complain if the people around them aren't busy enough. For such people, busyness and a habit and a moral judgment. The best advice is to stay away from them if possible.
  • Don't equate laziness with long-term sloppy negligence, otherwise cockroaches will become new residents of your home. Sometimes it is okay not to wash the dishes immediately or wash dirty towels right away; you can then open the kitchen window so that the smell of dirty dishes can fly out, avoiding serious health and hygiene problems, instead of forcing yourself to work.
  • Don't torture just because you allow yourself to relax; that is completely normal You can call it “soul restoration” if necessary, but don't feel like you need to apologize to someone for doing less and getting more out of life.
  • If you've been attached to a hobby for years, like drawing, you may have reached a level where people think you can become an expert in that field. Seriously ask yourself if you want to turn the hobby into a career and change its place in your life. If you change your career to pursue a hobby / passion, having a new hobby is very important, so that you can entertain, pass the time with that new hobby without having to worry about it. good or not. However, hobbies are only really relevant when your budget is within the limit, as it is part of a plan to keep your life simple.
  • Do not manipulate or intimidate others to do the work for you. That is not laziness. It is manipulation, intimidation, and an attempt to control others. Like all controlling actions, this takes a lot of energy to plan and maintain. That is not the way of the lazy person. That is also a bad karma.