How to befriend a stray cat

Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 26 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Guy Tries To Befriend A Stray Cat For Over A Year | The Dodo
Video: Guy Tries To Befriend A Stray Cat For Over A Year | The Dodo


Many cities often have a lot of feral cats. In the United States alone, it is estimated that more than 70 million cats roam. Many municipalities are unable or unwilling to take any action other than capturing and destroying them due to lack of time, money and neglect. There are very few resources available to rescue feral cats, and they are at risk of death from injury, illness and lack of nutrition, so you may feel the need to help them out. This process takes time, so be very patient. However, this can also provide a sense of satisfaction in bonding with and helping a struggling cat.


Method 1 of 2: Call the cat closer to you

  1. Distinguish between a stray cat and a stray cat. Stray cats have been adopted by someone previously and now they have no place to live; feral cats are born in the wild and are very wary of humans and cannot be pets because of their incompatibility with humans.
    • Stray cats are more likely to get acquainted with people; feral cats are very difficult to adapt to human life even though they are aware of your presence.
    • Whether stray cats or feral cats, you should capture them and bring them to your vet for vaccination and sterilization. Once "disposed" of a feral cat can be released back to where it appeared. You will be more comfortable knowing that they are no longer fertile and increase the number of feral cats.

  2. Take precautions. Wild cats tend to be unpredictable, so take some precautions when trying to approach them. Your cat's bite can become infected and / or severe, so wear long sleeves and pants when trying to get acquainted with a stray cat.
    • Another concern is rabies in cats without you knowing about their vaccination status. When trying to help a stray cat, be careful and use common sense. If your cat begins to squeal or growl, looks sick (has a slimy nose or eyes, sneezes / coughs, has trouble breathing), or behaves differently, don't befriend him. Contact your veterinarian to send a staff member to your home.

  3. Begin bonding with the cat. If the animal looks healthy and is not defensive or aggressive, you can try approaching it. Find a place where the cat is most likely to appear, and wait nearby until the cat gets close.
    • If possible, sit or lie down, or bend over. When you see this in your pose, your cat will feel that you are less likely to threaten them. Stay still for a while and let the cat know that you won't harm it.
    • In order not to scare your cat, stay about 3 meters away from them.
  4. Feed the cat. You can have delicious food (wet form) or a can of tuna to attract the cat while you wait for it to approach. You need your cat to associate you with good things, like free meals.
    • Just keep some delicious food on the first day, then prepare dry food for your cat to come back for more.
  5. Continue to put some tuna near you. Whenever your cat comes to eat food, you should move the food about 15 cm closer to you. If you hold the food in your hand, your smell will stay on it. This does not prevent your cat from eating the food, it can cause him to associate you with the food, which is generally a good thing. Hold out your hand to let the cat sniff.
    • If the cat starts to squeal, or closes its ears, etc., you're too close. Slowly and gently pull your hand away.
  6. Show your cat affection. Eventually, the cat will come close, and then hold out your hand to let it smell its breath. Continue to feed your cat, sit close and remain silent, and the cat will eventually trust and approach you to get food and petting. Don't expect this to happen immediately, don't even expect them to eat food right away. advertisement

Method 2 of 2: Take care of a stray cat

  1. Find the cat's owner. Ask your neighbors if anyone has lost a pet. Cats that go out may get lost or roam around. You can contact your local veterinary hospital and pet store to see if anyone is losing a pet; Take pictures of animals by phone and post them online to help locate the owner.
    • If that cat is not strayed but is a feral cat, it will not have an owner to return it to.

  2. Take your cat to the vet. After you have approached and cuddled your cat, you should have it examined and sterilized. If your budget does not allow it, you can contact your local humanitarian aid society to find out if funds are available to support this kind of expense.
    • Cats need to have a blood drawn to test for the feline leukemia virus. If the result is positive, the veterinarian will discuss treatment, including isolating the animal from other cats or terminating their life. If the results are negative, the veterinarian will test the stool sample to determine if the cat has intestinal parasites and prescribe the right medication.
    • In addition, the veterinarian will check for parasites on the cat and provide treatment if necessary, vaccinations (rabies, viral illness, and possible cat leukemia) and conduct surgical sterilization. If asked, the doctor will also implant the cat's microchip; This is absolutely necessary procedure.

  3. Find a home for your cat. Now you can bring your healthy pet home after its sterilization and vaccination. Your efforts will pay off when you have saved a cat in the street from a difficult situation. You can raise or find another owner for them. advertisement


  • If you have a cat, buy a toy for it. Your pets can entertain them with squeaking toys, grinding poles, or wool rolls when you don't have time to play with them.
  • If you find your cat's fur is shiny and the cat is well fed, make sure it doesn't belong to someone.
  • If your cat is afraid of you, leave it alone. Have food ready for them, and eventually the cat will take the initiative to get to know you.
  • If your cat blinks slowly at you, blink again. This behavior means 'Love you' in the cat language, and shows that the cat has fully accepted you and is ready to be your pet. However, if they glare, you should step back and look away. This gaze means 'Getting out of my realm'.
  • If the cat is young, there may be a pack of kittens present. You need to be careful!


  • Keep in mind that you should only adopt cats if you are willing to take care of them for the rest of your life, otherwise find a new home for them. If you need to find a new home for your cat, look for a different owner instead of putting stray animals away. These places are often overcrowded, especially cats, and some cats must be destroyed if there is no room for other animals. Even if the cat you bring is not terminated, you could make another one lose their life.
  • Be sure to always wash your hands after handling cats until you bring them to the vet.
  • Do not post your cat's information online. You can find its owner, but on the other hand, it is possible to facilitate hunters, those who collect and keep large numbers of cats in confined conditions, and those who sell cats for experiments. If you do not want to be published online, you should not post pictures or description. The true owner will accurately describe the trait of the cat.
  • Do not run towards a standing cat. These are aggressive behavior and they can scratch and bite you.
  • If your cat is aggressive, don't approach it. Even with control, they are feral cats and are difficult to tame.