How to keep coyotes out of campsites and farms

Author: Virginia Floyd
Date Of Creation: 13 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Make Your Property Predator Proof ~ Keeping Predators OUT !
Video: Make Your Property Predator Proof ~ Keeping Predators OUT !


Coyotes are highly intelligent, adventurous, and resourceful animals; indeed, they are so smart that they even learned to chase schoolchildren to throw their lunch bags! As the number of coyotes increases, they become more daring and adapt to our human environment, it is more difficult to scare them. Together with the emboldened coyotes beginning to move further and further from the forest into urban areas and campgrounds, we have a need and a duty to keep them away from built-up areas or those where human activity is taking place, in order to avoid harm to both humans and coyotes.


  1. 1 Use a fence. It is recommended that the fence is at least about 1.8 meters high and 30 cm dug into the ground. The width of the vertical spaces of such a fence should not exceed 10 cm. Since coyotes are very smart, sometimes they jump over, or dig under the fence. This happens very often on livestock farms, where the temptation is so great that a hungry coyote will do anything to get inside.
    • Barbed wire at ground level can stop a coyote from digging under a fence.
    • Yards and farms can be protected if they are surrounded by a high and deeply buried fence. Remember to keep your livestock behind a fence, or get your own guard when the livestock moves or feeds elsewhere.
    • More expensive fences have underground aprons and overhangs; they are used for feed yards, paddocks, shelter areas, closed areas and gathering places for the sake of economy.
    • An electric fence provides an excellent option at a reasonable price for fencing large areas of livestock farms.
    • Provide a safe haven for your livestock at night.
    • Llamas and donkeys can be used as guard animals to protect livestock. It is best to take a donkey or a castrated donkey; non-castrated ones can be too aggressive. If you have llamas or donkeys, make sure that they do not interact with other lamas or donkeys, otherwise they will neglect the herd. Multi-species grazing can provide protective benefits such as grazing sheep, goats and cattle together rather than separately.
  2. 2 Use sound. Sounds can have a profound effect on a coyote that has wandered into your yard or campground.
    • Try banging the bin lid or something else that makes noise and scares the coyote away.
    • Shout and make more noise in any way you can.
    • Motion sensors can be helpful. There is even a technically advanced anti-coyote audio system. This system is based on the fact that cougars sometimes kill coyotes. She mimics the sounds of a cougar and can ward off coyotes.
    • Propane detonators can be used to scare coyotes away from farms and ranches.
  3. 3 Use a negative boost on the element of surprise if a coyote happens to climb into your yard or campsite. In addition to footsteps, you can use other techniques when you spot a coyote in your area. Coyotes dislike unfamiliar cues and may initially be deterred by intimidation tactics. In any case, you should never make eye contact with the coyote, turn your back on it, or run away from it, as this will be perceived as a signal of aggression or a desire to chase and attack. If you want to leave, do it calmly, or try one of these intimidation tactics:
    • Hose the coyote with water.
    • Make your appearance hideous with noise and make as many movements as possible; swing your arms and legs. This will let them know that you are in charge and should be kept away from you.
    • Use toys that make noise, such as knocking, buzzing, ringing, etc.
    • Use traffic lights that turn on when the coyote crosses a certain area of ​​the yard. Lighting from dusk to dawn can keep coyotes from entering a lit area. There are also strobe lights with sirens that can scare off coyotes if used according to the manufacturer's instructions.
    • While a vehicle can temporarily restrain a coyote's behavior, especially if it moves a lot, it can also be used as cover (or blindness) before an attack, so be careful when using this method.
  4. 4 Eliminate food sources that coyotes love. Since they love meat (especially rodents), they are very unscrupulous eaters and can eat whatever they come across. Therefore, it is so important to make it impossible for them to find food in your neighborhood. First of all, never feed a coyote to try to tame it or help it; feeding will only reinforce his bad behavior and make him more cocky, so that he will come back without becoming tamed. Here are some ways to keep food sources with you in your backyard or campground:
    • Store all trash in coyote-resistant boxes or containers. Usually, if they are tightly closed and do not open easily, it will scare the coyote away. Contact your local authority if your local store cannot help you provide such a container.
    • Dispose of all food waste properly from home or camping. Also, the place of edible waste should be in a protected dustbin or safe compost bin. Don't leave food scraps all over the place.
    • Collect ripe fruits from your trees and clean up those that have fallen to the ground before they become the subject of a coyotes feast.
  5. 5 Keep pets away from coyotes. Cats, dogs, and other pets can attack, mate, or become potential prey. To protect your pets if you live in a coyote area or have your pets with you at the camping site, do the following:
    • Keep pets (cats and dogs) inside at night and monitor them during the day to prevent collisions and the possibility of them becoming the next coyote food or target.
    • Store pet food inside or away from where the coyote might wander. If you want your pets to eat outside, immediately remove the leftover food after the pet has finished eating.
    • Sterilize or neuter your dogs. When the dogs are ready to mate, the coyotes will try to mate with them.
    • Do not use your dog as a coyote guard unless it is trained to do so. Such a dog needs both education and training in order to be able to defend the livestock farm from the attacks of coyotes, otherwise it can become prey.
    • Cover fish ponds. Coyotes eat goldfish (ornamental carp) when they are defenseless.
    • Do not throw bird food around. Even if it doesn't look like food for coyotes, it will still attract them. Collect this feed after the birds have eaten, or use a different feeding method (when the food is high) for the birds.
  6. 6 Remove landfills from your property. They can serve as a hiding place for both predators and prey. Rabbits and other prey that coyotes like so much can use trash heaps to live and reproduce there, thereby attracting coyotes. Moreover, coyotes can hide behind these piles before attacking. Removing trash heaps has several other benefits, such as reducing habitat for snakes, poisonous insects, spiders or scorpions, while improving appearance.
    • Remove all sources of water in the yard or campground; they can attract coyotes.
  7. 7 Use wolf urine. The only natural and innovative response to the growing problem with coyotes is to use wolf urine as a deterrent. Wolves are one of those who hunt coyotes, and the population of coyotes begins to decline if wolves settle in the same area.
    • Another odor that can scare off coyotes is the smell of mothballs or a rag soaked in ammonia. Place them in strategic locations around your yard or campground.
  8. 8 If humane solutions do not help, then contact a professional. Many professional wildlife catchers use live traps so the coyote doesn't have to pay with his life to trespass. In any case, be aware that relocation is not considered effective, so it is much better to provide the barriers outlined above so that you can continue to live in harmony with the coyote population.


  • Teach your children to respect wildlife by keeping your distance from it. Always keep an eye on the whereabouts of your children if there are coyotes around.
  • When camping, follow all instructions provided by the gamekeeper or other person in charge of the camp, and treat coyotes in the area with respect. Do not feed or encourage them under any circumstances. Be sure to remove all food or anything that smells good, including makeup. The same actions are successfully applied to protect campsites from bears.


  • Coyotes are shy animals, but if provoked or they feel threatened, they will attack. Always keep your distance and remember that these are wild animals. Teach children to be respectful and careful.
  • Coyotes break down wire mesh easily. Do not use them as a barrier, keep animals only in within a barrier that works effectively.
  • Learn the rules for coyote protection in your area. In some states and areas it is illegal to kill them, while others have strict seasonal or hunting requirements.

What do you need

  • Fence
  • Repulsive odors, light, noise
  • Animal watchdog