How to make friends online

Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 8 May 2021
Update Date: 25 June 2024
How to make friends online
Video: How to make friends online


Tired of talking to yourself? Are you stuck in your own home, or shy about going out into society alone to meet new people? The Internet is a great place to let go of shyness, meet new people from around the world, and establish friendships with people who share your interests and passions. Learning how to make friends online doesn't have to be difficult.


Part 1 of 4: Choosing like-minded people

  1. Check out the website first. When you join the online community, it's best to look at the site or "stalk" (at a glance) forums, comments, and message boards. As if when you step into a social event, you want to feel a little bit from this place and the way people interact.Through the comments, you'll know if these people are people you can relate to.
    • Some online communities require you to register before you can read any message boards or comments. You can do a little research on the site by looking at the comments or referencing the site itself to see if you think this is the right site for your personality.

  2. Identify users who share your interests. Once you've signed up on a website, it's time to find users you think will become your best friends. The easiest place to start is to identify people who share your interests. If you notice a comment other people have written about their love for football and baking, and you love them too, you can try to build a friendship with that person.
    • You can get in touch with them immediately using the means provided by the site (like clicking on their username to open a chat window, or clicking on "new message" next to their name).
    • You can also cut and paste their names somewhere on your computer (or write them down) to text them when you feel more comfortable.

  3. Decide on a username. Even if you prefer to join more than one website - meaning you'll have to set up multiple user accounts - you'll want to remember them. Creating a username that you can use for any website will be quite helpful. You will have to adjust the names for different websites, but in general, similar names will keep you from getting confused.
    • If a site already has a user with the same name you choose, adding a number, word, or special letter will allow you to use that name. For example, hoang_anh already has an user, but hoang_anh may not yet have one.
    • Use different passwords for each website to protect your identity.
    • Create files on the computer (like Word or Excel) and save any username / passwords so you don't need to constantly change your passwords.

  4. Join the conversation. In addition to private messaging (PM) to users you get along well with, you can start writing comments on their existing posts. This way, others will notice your interests and may contact you first.
    • Use smart, unbiased comments so you can get help from people who often write comments. Jumping in with an overly strong opinion or judgment will cause others to split factions and contribute to a bad reputation for you on that site.
  5. Introduce yourself. Some online communities have information boards for referrals. You can write a few short paragraphs showing your name, address (city or province only, do not give specific details), age, gender, and some interests. This information will give other users a way to connect with you. For example, another user from your city or similar age may be keen to get in touch with you.
    • You can also search for users with similar interests by looking at the dashboard.
  6. Set up the group based on your interests. If you want to build relationships with users who have some specific interests, but don't want to deal with the bias that exists on other dashboards, setting up your own group or dashboard is a good idea. good. You can get other users to join the group by commenting on it in the same post.
  7. Gaming. An easy way to make friends is to play online games. Today, many types of online games include a voice chat element, so that you can both play games and chat with other users at the same time. You can build verbal relationships rather than texting through games like Minecraft, Call of Duty, and more.
    • Since you can join a certain group in the game, this often contributes to a stronger bond since everyone is working together towards a common goal.
    • Be aware that starting your own group and recruiting participants can create hostility in the game, so wait until everyone is excited and willing to agree before starting your own group. me.

Part 2 of 4: Maintaining online friendships

  1. Use standard writing techniques. Maintaining a rule of writing helps people to like you more as this standard is widely accepted, even internationally. Write in all capital letters, a mix of upper and lower case letters, or typography will be difficult to read and make you seem bragging or needy if no one else does it.
    • This can make you look like you're trying to draw attention to yourself, and whether online or in person, it will only bring about the same results: it often alienates others. friend. This is because it shows that you are someone who cannot take care of yourself.
    • Avoid using "net language" like using another word to replace a regular word (such as fá káck instead of "breaking way") because it will look unprofessional or lazy, not to mention making people other hard to read.
  2. Maintain kindness and courtesy. In your comments, don't be biased or rude. Even though you can express yourself, jumping into a conversation with restless chattering will keep people away from you, especially if they disagree with you. Instead, maintain a polite and kind attitude - to avoid factions in conversation and lose friends right before you start.
    • You should set aside your own ideas for a one-on-one conversation with your sympathizers, or with a discussion forum.
    • Do not attack others personally. Online spaces also require this, similar to real-life space. It's easy to forget this fact online, where you can't see other people's body language.
  3. Ask questions. To get to know others, you need to show interest in their lives just as you would in real life. Show concern by asking the right questions, without embarrassing or embarrassing answers. You will find that the other person asks you the opposite question.
    • As in real life, listening is the key to building online friendships.
    • Be open about your life when others ask you questions, because, as in reality, being shy will turn most people away from you. You cannot build friendships without the giving and receiving process.
  4. Exchange of email addresses. Once you have established a strong relationship with someone and feel that this is a secure friendship, you will want to exchange email addresses with each other. This is especially useful if you won't be able to contact the person (except via email) while traveling.
  5. Maintain open communication. As in real life, you will need to communicate with the person in order to maintain a friendship. This means replying to messages, posts, and asking questions and asking about others before they ask you a question. This process is called friendship chasing.
    • Quickly reply to messages. If you wait days or weeks for a response, you run the risk of losing your online friendship, as it makes you look like you're not excited or too busy.
  6. Regularly post comments. Not only PM (private message) to others regularly, but forum comments and discussion threads will keep you up to date with your friends' new information. It also helps you keep your reputation in front of them so they won't forget you.
    • Tag others in your comments to add them, share ideas, and encourage conversation.
  7. Thinking about making a phone call. If your friendship is going pretty well and you are sure someone isn't doing you harm, you will want to consider chatting on the phone with them. Although this type of communication is present in almost every online game, it is not really popular for many websites.Talking over the phone is fun because they help the conversation happen instantly, making your friend's friendship even deeper.
    • Think about meeting in real life, but only if you've chatted over the phone or over video to verify the person's identity. You should slowly move forward to meet the person in real life.
    • Both phone chats and face-to-face meetings are common parts of the dating site.
  8. Deal with conflict. Conflicting with friends online is inevitable, just as it is in real life. And just like in real life, you need to deal with it in order not to damage your reputation in front of others. You can ask for PM or chat over the phone / video with your friends so you can deal with the conflict, instead of trying to settle it on the public forum or via email slowly.
    • It's best to take the time to calm down before trying to deal with conflicts with your online friends, as well as discussing the situation with others to gain a deeper perspective.

Part 3 of 4: Stay safe online

  1. Trust your instincts. You are often able to sense once online interactions have become insecure by paying attention to how the person is wording. If they often urge you to provide your personal information, billing information, or specific address, this is a red flag. You also have the ability to tell when someone is lying about your identity by the way they talk about their career or the learning environment, especially if you are quite familiar with it.
    • For example, if someone says they are 16 years old but usually uses the vocabulary of a college student; or if someone says they are from the UK but often uses an American phrase.
    • Exit an online conversation if you feel uncomfortable. There aren't any rules that say you can't turn off chat or delete emails without explaining. This is wise practice if you feel even a little uncomfortable.
  2. Be serious about age. Even when quite a few people lie about their age in order to visit certain websites or cheat others for personal gain, there are still a lot of people who are honest about their age. Do your best to build friendships with someone your age so you won't be discouraged from doing something dangerous for your age.
    • For example, if you are 16 and you chat online with someone saying they are 25, your 25 year old will want to talk about illegal things your age, like smoking and drinking alcohol. Talking about topics like this will make you want to do them so that you can impress your friend, but this is not wise as it may lead you to enter the youth re-education camp. .
  3. Never share location-specific information. You will want to share about your school, ward, commune, province, or city in the online community so that you can find friends who live in a similar place or have been there, but you should not share your location. only yours. This is a basic rule to prevent you from accidentally letting an abuser know your location.
    • Ask an external website not to give you your address so that others cannot search for your name on the internet and find out where you are.
    • Make your profile private so that you cannot share contact information with anyone.
  4. Create vague username. Try not to use your real first name - at least not your last name - so that other people cannot find information about you on the internet. Instead, you should create a username that follows an activity or TV show you love, like cogaibongda or nguoihammo_Sherlock.
    • The same goes for your profile picture, you should use a subtle picture or avatar. Avoid using your real photos, but upload your favorite nature or movie character instead. You can also create an avatar on the internet to use for the image section of your profile.
  5. Refuse to transfer money. If someone asks you to send money through the online community, this is a warning sign that you are dealing with scammers or identity thieves. Always remember to refuse to pay for anything, especially if they ask questions about your card number or bank account number.
    • Do not share any payment information. You can tell about PayPal, but make sure the website you are signing up for is a real one, if they make the request on behalf of the company or organization.
    • Avoid lending money in general to people you meet online, as it can create information security problems.
    • Nor should you reveal that you are easily tempted to give money to others, because if you give them a little money, you will give more, leaving you in a situation where you are constantly forced to give. finance.
  6. Stingy about personal information. You should never be given any personal information such as your identity card number, date of birth, and passport number, as these are factors people use to steal your identity. Research has shown that most teenagers are usually quite good at protecting personal information and setting privacy policies for their profiles, and people should follow their example.
    • You should also avoid online descriptions of your appearance.
  7. Be careful about chatting over the phone or over video. If you decide to chat over the phone or video, make sure that the person you agree to talk to is a real person, not a scammer or similar abuser:
    • There is a lot of activity with kids on their account
    • Ask questions about the person you want to talk to
    • Seems to be a respectable member of society
    • Flattery, praise and undue assertiveness
    • Try to turn you against someone you trust, like your parent or spouse
    • Threats
  8. Meet in public if you decide to meet. If you've thoroughly researched someone you meet online, including both with each other's phone numbers and have a video chat to confirm that they're not the abuser, you'll probably want to meet up. direct. If you do decide to meet up, do so in a public place (like at a shopping mall or coffee shop) and go with someone who can protect you, like your parents or siblings, even including an older friend.
    • If your companion knows self-defense skills or has a reputation for identifying hurting or dangerous situations, it can be helpful.

Part 4 of 4: Searching for online communities

  1. Use a general interest website. There are quite a few general interest websites designed for different audiences, like learning, comics, instant messaging, virtual reality, art, and more. Most of these sites have forums where you can post your comments. In addition, there are also websites that only focus on information boards. Some examples of these sites include:
    • DeviantArt
    • VN-zoom
    • VozForums
    • Wikihow
    • Wikipedia
    • Second Life
    • IMVU
    • Webtretho
  2. Find friends in online classes. You can also find friends while taking online classes. Almost every class requires participation on group discussion forums, allowing you to get to know students like you. The online forum for these classes also allows you to email other students to chat outside of the classroom.
    • Currently, almost every college and university has online learning functions for their courses, so you can do a search on your school's website.
  3. Use social media. Today, social networks like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram are all familiar names. Most of the "friends" people have on this site are people they know well in life, but that doesn't mean strangers can't "befriend" each other.In fact, teens say they often find more friends this way.
    • Use dating sites, like vietnamcupid and Although they are dedicated to helping people find love, you can make friends with men and women, whom you won't end up dating.
    • Visit sites for pure friendship, like Patook and Bumble BFF. They are structured like dating apps but only own members who are looking for friends.
    • Use a website designed for kids to teach them how to build healthy friendships online. Websites like webthieunhi will allow children to build friendships based on safety elements like comics and TV shows.
  4. Join the blogosphere. Start a blog and promote it through social media. Once you start to have readers and followers, you can post a comment on another blog page, which will help you get comments on your posts by other bloggers. This is a great way to connect with other like-minded authors and discuss issues related to your daily life, as well as provide you with space to free your thoughts.
    • Blogging is also becoming a pretty good measure to help many people earn more income.
    • Websites like,, and Tumblr are good sources of blogging.
  5. In the US you can use the local meet up website tang. Almost every major city has a website so community members can easily find people with similar interests. Meet up sites tend to focus on real-life meeting, but since they are group activities, users with friends are generally safe.
  6. Visit the game website. As shown in the previous step, joining the online gaming community is an easy way to make friends. However, to be able to play almost any type of game, you need to purchase a game disc and subscribe to an online service, and own a home device to use it. There are a few types of games that are free to play, but often there is little or no interaction because the player doesn't like them.
    • Typically, you'll need a fast, high-capacity desktop or gaming system like PlayStation or Xbox, with a controller and headset that incorporates high-quality microphones to really enjoy the game. play and make friends.
  7. Use the freelance job site. Why don't you make friends while still earning extra income? Many freelance websites allow you to chat with clients and other freelance job seekers so you can talk about jobs quickly. These conversations quickly turn to personal matters, developing into friendships as you work out your work.
    • Some websites include,, and


  • Several sites of online role-playing games (MMOs), first-person shooters and mini-game communities can help you make friends. You should create a steam account if you haven't already. Find a few free multiplayer games and find the right service / group. Remember: always active and friendly!
  • In Vietnam, a few friends websites for all ages include:
    • ketban
    • webtretho
    • vozforum
  • Treat people the way you want to be treated.


  • Don't plan to meet alone with people you meet online. Always remember meet in public, and go with a friend or relative. Choose a public place and be sure to let others know.
  • Remember that you can always block people from forcing you to do something or not stop texting you after you've asked them to stop.
  • You can trust your online friends to some extent, but don't make yourself vulnerable to attack. Remember to keep yourself safe in the way you choose your friends.
  • If your friend is insulting or harassing you, save the conversation or copy the entire word. Report to website administrator. If you are a minor, you should let your parent or other responsible adult know what is going on.
  • If you are planning on meeting people of the opposite sex, make sure that they are only looking for pure friends. If they are in a relationship and their partner is unaware of your meeting, this could be a red flag.