How to Control Negative Thought

Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 28 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Stop Negative Thoughts & Feelings? By Sandeep Maheshwari I Hindi
Video: How to Stop Negative Thoughts & Feelings? By Sandeep Maheshwari I Hindi


Do you often wake up unhappy every day? If you find that your negative thoughts are beginning to take control of your life, take action before the stress stops you. Learn how to identify and let go of negative thoughts, then replace them with positive exercises. In this way, not only will the opportunities appear, but you will have the power to change your mental state as well as your day.


Method 1 of 3: Eliminate negative thoughts

  1. Identify your negative thoughts. A few thoughts will immediately form in your mind, but if you have trouble identifying them, write in a journal. Write a sentence or two that describes your negative thoughts each time they come up.
    • Find thoughts that make you feel sad or depressed, such as: blaming yourself or feeling ashamed of yourself for things that weren't your fault, explaining the mistakes simply as a manifestation of personal failure, or imagining that the little problem is bigger than what it really is ("tore it up").
    • Note if your negative thoughts fall into common types of cognitive distortions such as "all or nothing", "over generalization", "hasty conclusion", 'the fallacy of the change ", etc ...

  2. Stop having negative thoughts right away. Once you have identified your negative thoughts, you can counteract it by saying something positive to yourself. For example, instead of saying, "My morning is bad," try to say something like "This morning was tough, but things will get better." Keep your mind on the positive things.
    • If you have trouble, keep this tip in mind: never tell yourself something you wouldn't want to tell someone else. Remind yourself to stay positive and it will gradually become a habit.

  3. Pay attention to your vocabulary. Do you often use absolute words? For example, "I will never can do this ", or" me always spoil everything. ”Absolute wording is often exaggerated and there is no room for explanation or understanding.
    • Your vocabulary includes words that you use to present to others, as well as to yourself, whether in your words or in your thoughts.

  4. Remove too negative words from your vocabulary. You should not use harsh words, such as "bad" and "disaster" for minor discomfort and inconvenience. Replace them with thought-encouraging words or expressions of encouragement.
    • When you find yourself using one of these words, immediately replace them with the less heavy word in your mind. "Bad" can be replaced with "unfortunately" or "not as good as I had hoped". "Disaster" can become "inconvenient" or "challenging".
  5. Convert bad words into good ones. In life, there won't be too many situations where you can say that they are perfectly good or bad. Seeking the goodness in an unpleasant situation can help minimize the effects of the negative experience. If you find that you are starting to think negatively, stop immediately and consider the more positive aspects.
    • Example: You can imagine that your computer broke down, forcing you to replace its internal components. While it is inconvenient, this experience gives you the opportunity to learn a new skill or re-establish an existing one.

Method 2 of 3: Create a positive day

  1. Start your day by thinking about 5 good things. They don't have to be too noble or too ambitious. They can be as simple as the scent of a cup of coffee or the tune of your favorite song. Thinking about these things and saying them aloud can help you start each day by focusing on the positives.This technique can form the foundation of uplifting for you throughout the day, making negativity difficult to develop.
    • While it can be foolish to say positive statements or verbal statements, many studies have shown that saying positive things out loud can actually help you believe in something. you are talking. This can make you happier and increase your concentration if you express your positive thoughts in words.
  2. Enjoy your day. While you can be quite busy, the little things will lift your spirits and your mind has less reason to wander into negative habits. Do not take things seriously. Allow yourself to relax, laugh, and smile. Seize opportunities to socialize and surround yourself with positive and supportive people.
    • If you feel stressed, take a break and think about something instead of the cause of your stress.
  3. Practice healthy habits. Negative thinking and stress reinforce each other. While negative thoughts can create stress, other unhealthy habits can also contribute to your problem. Make an effort to eat fresh, nutritious food whenever possible, get regular exercise and get enough sleep.
    • You will find that exercise is actually a good way to keep your mind away from negative thoughts.
    • Avoid smoking, drinking too much alcohol, or any other substance that causes your body to work too hard.
  4. Control your surroundings. You are not helpless by your own thoughts. If you are unhappy about something, change it. Turn on music, dress in layers so you never feel too hot or too cold, and adjust the lights in different ways so you can counter the feelings of helplessness associated with stress.
    • After making the change, congratulate yourself for trying to improve your mood. Actively adjusting to your thoughts will make it easier for you to get rid of negative thoughts in the first place.
  5. Relieve stress and relax at night. Find a quiet, comfortable place and take some time to relax. Take a look at your day in mind and identify 5 positive things you have experienced. Say each of the positive things out loud or write them down in a journal.
    • You can also write about something you are grateful for. This way, you will be more likely to see the positives.

Method 3 of 3: Seek outside advice

  1. Find a counselor or therapist. If you feel confused with too many negative emotions, besides practicing positive thinking exercises, talking to a counselor can be of great help. You can find a therapist trained in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. Your doctor will be able to help train your mind to think positively.
    • In order to find a therapist you trust, you can consult with a friend who has conducted counseling or therapy in the past. You can also get referrals from your doctor.
  2. Make a one-time appointment with your doctor. Think of it as your mental health checkup appointment. You have no obligation to stay if you do not feel comfortable and there are no rules that require you to see this therapist regularly.
    • Make an appointment with an open mind. Hopefully the consultant can help you. If not, you can always look for another counselor who might make you feel more comfortable.
  3. Describe your negative feelings with a counselor. Keep in mind that therapy is a safe and secure method, so be honest with the therapist completely. The more honest you are with the counselor, the more they will be able to help you.
    • Remember to describe how negative thoughts affect your emotions. Explain how often you feel them and what you usually do to deal with them.
  4. Make an appointment with your therapist in the future if needed. If you are comfortable with this therapist, you can schedule an appointment with your doctor again once or twice. Remember that you will need to go through one or two sessions to deal with your negative thoughts.
    • Don't get discouraged if you find that the length of time you spend with a counselor is not working. You can always find another therapist who can help you feel more comfortable.