How to Make More Money and LP in The Sims FreePlay

Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 23 April 2021
Update Date: 26 June 2024
How I Earn Currency in the Sims Freeplay | Simoleons LP & SP WITHOUT cheats or hacks
Video: How I Earn Currency in the Sims Freeplay | Simoleons LP & SP WITHOUT cheats or hacks


Are you lacking LP (Lifestyle Score) and Virtual Dollar (Simoleon) in The Sims FreePlay? You can use these two essential currencies to buy the best items in the game, but you will have to spend some time making the desired amount. If you want to cheat then there are many ways to help you make big money or LP on iOS and Android. If you enjoy playing games by the rules, there are ways to help you earn as much LP and money as you can. Take a look from Step 1 below to see how.


Method 1 of 4: Complete Quests and Activities

  1. Inspire your virtual human character (Sim). Inspire virtual people to earn more money while completing quests. You can inspire virtual people by fulfilling their needs. Click on the virtual person and observe the gauges to see their needs. If the virtual person is hungry, open the refrigerator to find food. If the virtual person is unhappy, relax by watching TV or playing on the computer. If the social needs of the virtual person drop, try raising a dog, talking to other virtual people over the phone or in person.
    • You can quickly and easily increase the virtual person's energy by drinking espresso. If the virtual person regularly drinks this coffee, it is not necessary to sleep!
    • When interacting with other virtual people, being funny is a way to increase the bar index to the highest level.
    • You can use LP to buy cupcakes if you want to inspire virtual people or spend money to buy Cocktail at a nightclub.

  2. Make cakes and then sell for money. You can buy an oven to sell scones. Start by making a cookie or a pancake. Once your baking skills have become more sophisticated, you can make chocolate pastries! You have to spend a lot of time and patience if you want to make a lot of money this way, but it is worth doing because you also earn LP.

  3. Use virtual man's dog to mine money and LPs. After your dog dug out the LP, reward him with the knowledge that he will be praised every time he dug out the LP. That means more rewards in the future. You can buy bones for 2 LPs for your dog to make money and faster LP.
    • The higher the price of your cat or dog, the more likely it is to make money and the faster LP.
    • If you don't see the digging symbol in your dog, have the baby play with the dog or let the young person praise the dog. Do this twice to get the dog to start running or move slowly. Usually the dog will find something. You can repeat this step to earn more.

  4. Go to work. When your virtual character goes to work, it will be able to make money and save. If the virtual person works regularly, they will be promoted, can earn more money and experience points (XP) after each working day.
    • Regular work also helps you to achieve many goals in the game.
  5. Grow vegetable. Once planted, you will earn money depending on the type of vegetables you have grown. While you sleep through the night, let your virtual human characters garden (including all virtual ones free or not yet working). If you let a virtual person garden, harvest 7 to 8 hours at night, when you wake up you will find that you make a lot of money and experience points. Make sure your virtual person is full of inspiration as they can then make a half of the normal amount.
    • Try growing bell peppers as they are free, just half a minute away and ready to go! After planting, you can sell bell peppers for some money.
    • You can dedicate a piece of land in your town to gardening. Build at least one garden on virtual human land in your town.You should inspire all or most of the virtual people at the same time and send them out to the garden all at once.
  6. Try to improve your skills and hobbies. Purchase the Community Center at the top left of the town map. Then, do hobbies like fashion design, ghost catching, and figure skating. All of these interests win you a reward. You can get a great reward for completing the collection.
  7. Competition at the Competition Center. You can earn some extra LP or exp by competing at the Competition Center included in the Supernatural update. You can compete in a number of subjects such as ballet, karat or ghost capture. You can choose a virtual person to play in the next 12 hours. You need to improve your skills to win higher rankings and then gradually win bigger rewards.
  8. Double the number of items. If you are half-baked a cake that takes a long time to cook and need to make money quickly, using two ovens will help a lot. Don't buy expensive ovens when you're not rich, because expensive ones won't make you bake faster.
  9. Driver. When driving the car, you can earn money and LP. If you quickly tap (tap) the notes then you can also earn extra money. Sometimes you have to get lucky to earn LP.
  10. Clean up waste from virtual people. If you don't let the virtual person go to the bathroom, their pants will get wet. After washing those pants, you will get extra points. Another way is to shake the device to get your virtual person dizzy and "spray," then clear the vomit to earn extra points. However, if you overdo this method, your device may freeze so please use it properly.
  11. Save money and LP. Be a wise consumer. Don't spend money on things that you never use. Just like in real life, this is the key to saving you a lot of money.
    • Keep reusable items. Put the crib in the inventory as soon as the baby is born. Other couples can reuse that crib later on and save money because you don't need to buy a new one.
    • There is no waste in case of uncertainty. Save your LP because some of the missions require you to have LP. After completing the quest, you will get some back. Surely you don't want to fall into the gossip of not being able to perform a task just because you miss all the LP on something you don't really need!
    • Be careful when spending real money in the game. Do not waste your real-life coins to make virtual money and LP in the game because if you are patient, you can make a lot of virtual money in other ways. In addition, if you keep using real money to buy virtual money, you may develop a habit that is not beneficial for you.
  12. Watch the promotional video. Go to the purple stroller section and click the Free button in the top left. You will find many short programs or videos that will help you earn 1 LP if you watch. Although not much, but because the videos are constantly changing, you can freely earn LP this way.
  13. Join social networks. The Sims FreePlay's Facebook page often has special offers and promotions (Special Offer & Giveaway). If you like (Like) their Facebook page, you will receive updates every time there is a new event. You can earn money, LP and many other items this way.
  14. Cook for your Sim human character. If you click on the stove, you can choose the cooking or baking mode. If you choose a cooking mode, you can start this hobby and cook for your virtual character. It feels like a job, but your Sim will enjoy a plate of food.
    • Make sure you have the correct kitchen equipment (3-star stove, 2-star toaster, etc.) to be able to cook the food you want, otherwise you will not be able to finish the dish.
    • You will lose money and time to buy ingredients to prepare dishes. If you need more time to prepare the ingredients, it will cost you more money to cook the dish.
    • Some ingredients can catch fire when you are done with them. Be careful when preparing these ingredients.

Method 2 of 4: Progress and Level up

  1. Level up. If you level up in Sims FreePlay, you will earn more LP and money. You can do this by establishing good rapport with the virtual person (eg being your virtual partner or best friend). This will help you make a turning point or do things that take a long time to complete. In addition, once you level up, you can build homes, businesses and workplaces to increase the value of the land and help you make more money.
    • Do things that take a long time to complete. This is how you can gain more experience points to level up. The higher the level, the greater the cadastral value and the more money you can earn and LP.
  2. Complete the goals. There are many goals in Sims FreePlay that relate to almost every aspect of the game, be it to help virtual people find jobs, build a business, collect taxes, etc. Earn money, exp and LP. Since the goals in the game often change, try to complete as many goals as possible.
  3. Increase cadastral value. The higher the value of a town, the more LP you will earn. Increase land value by building more homes, businesses and workplaces. Buy expensive furniture and other items to increase the value of your land. advertisement

Method 3 of 4: Play Cheat on iOS

  1. Download alternative save game data. You will replace the existing save data on your device with save data with 100,000,000 coins and 88,888,888 LP. Since your current data is deleted, you will have to start over.
    • Search for the keyword "sims freeplay hack iFunbox" to see the ZIP file containing the game data instead.
    • Don't download the file from any site that requires you to fill out a survey to access the file.
    • This method does not require you to jailbreak the device (jailbreaking is the process of making the device less restricted).

  2. Install iFunBox on your computer. This is a file manager that helps you to access files in your iOS device without having to jailbreak. FunBox can be downloaded for free from the developer. You can also use some other file manager like iFile or DiskAid.

  3. Plug your device into your computer via USB. Close iTunes if it's open.
  4. Proceed using iFunBox. Expand the Application section of the folder view (Folder View) on the left side of the screen. Double-click the Sims FreePlay game.
  5. Open the Documents folder. In this folder you will find a "savegames" folder. Right-click on the folder and select "Delete". You can also copy this folder to your computer to save a backup.
  6. Open the ZIP file to save the game instead. In the ZIP file, you'll most likely see a "savegames" folder. Click and drag this folder to the Documents folder in iFunBox.
  7. Open Sims FreePlay game. After opening the game, if you follow the steps above, you should now have 100,000,000 coins and 88,888,888 LP!
    • Note: This will ruin an engagement ring. If you want to use this ring type, you need to back up (backup) your new game data to iCloud, delete The Sims FreePlay game and download the backup game data.

Method 4 of 4: Play Cheat on Android

  1. Download an alternative APK. An APK file is the Android package format. This is the format type of all Android games and apps. You can download a hacked (edited) Sims FreePlay APK file from various sites, Piratebay site for example. You can learn by yourself how to use Torrent to download this file.
  2. Copy the APK file to your phone. Plug your phone into the computer via USB and copy the APK file to the root directory of the phone.You can also email the APK file to yourself and download the attachment to your phone.
    • If you are copying the APK to your phone, you need to have a file browser app installed on your phone to access it, for example using ESFileExplorer.
  3. Allows the installation of apps downloaded from unknown sources. To allow your phone to install apps, you'll need to set it up so that it can install apps that aren't downloaded from the Google Play Store.
    • Open Settings and click Security. Please check the box "Strange sources" (Unknown sources).
  4. Uninstall the original Sims FreePlay game. In order to be able to install a modified game, you will have to delete the original game. You will lose the current game play.
    • You can uninstall games from the Application menu in Settings. Click Sims FreePlay game in the list of Applications and remove the game (Uninstall).
  5. Install the APK file. If you have copied the APK file to the root directory of your phone, open the file browser app and find the APK file's location. Click on the APK file to begin the installation.
    • If you emailed the APK file to yourself, open the email on your phone and download the attachment. Once the download is complete, you can begin the installation by opening the notification bar and clicking on the APK file.
  6. Open the game. After completing the installation process, open the game. You may need to download more data as soon as you start playing the game. You will find that you now have loads of money and LPs. You may encounter a few errors during the game and sometimes not be able to log into Facebook. advertisement


  • Buy a bunch of free items and sell them in the new update. Thus, you can make a lot of money.
  • You should not sell too many items as your town score will drop.
  • Let your virtual person fall in love with fashion design. Click on the light bulb to earn extra money and exp.
  • Make sure your virtual person has work to do. You should regularly check on the status of your town.
  • To quickly upgrade relationships, get as many virtual people as possible, making sure they're not best friends or getting married. Go to the club and dance. This is easier than upgrading them one by one.
  • Furniture has more stars to help you complete the action faster.
  • Don't waste money on multi-star ovens because they look better, but baking isn't any faster.
  • Take control of the dog to dig out money.
  • Simoleon Sprout. No matter how you plant it, you will always make at least 250 virtual currency more than you spend.
  • Let the virtual person work while you go to work. If you've finished work and come back to the game, get the virtual person on a mission and plant a lot of money. Germs make money will work every 4 hours. You can take the daily earnings from the mailbox. Create more virtual people so they work harder and make more money. You should not cheat. Buy dogs and cats.
  • You can earn money, LP and SP (social score) by not touching the game for a long time, for example for a month. After that time, you'll earn money, LP, even SP and inspire the virtual person. This is not a cheat game.
  • If you click on the stroller and then click Free, you can earn a lot of LP. However, be careful because sometimes you don't get anything!


  • Do not waste time for virtual people hug and kiss. You still only earn the same exp as you dance. So, a little romance is fine.
  • If you sell things, you will only get a 10% refund for the previous amount and even reduce the value of the town. So, try not to sell things. Put those items in the inventory because you may need them sometime.
  • Do not let any virtual people be unemployed. Get to work on time, meet the requirements to get a promotion and make more money.
  • When searching for ghosts, catching fish, designing or collecting medals at the Swimming Center, don't use the Lucky Spin! You'll lose 3 LPs and even run the risk of not getting new ghosts, fish, design sets or medals.
  • Don't let the virtual person get too tired! When you go to bed, let the virtual person sleep if they are not working so that they will fully recover the next morning.