Ways to No longer invisible to others

Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 5 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Become Invisible Online
Video: How To Become Invisible Online


Each of us sometimes feels that someone or the whole society is deliberately treating us as invisible. This could be due to our own interaction (or lack of interaction), or it could be simply because we misunderstood someone else's implications. Fortunately, however, you have the ability to stop being invisible and be noticed by everyone.


Method 1 of 4: Situational assessment

  1. List examples from your real life. To solve a problem, you first need to understand it. Make a list of moments when you feel ignored by others. Record it all, from seemingly trivial things (I said "Hello!" And no one responded) to seemingly clearer examples (I went to a party without anyone talking to me). Try to describe the event as detailed as possible.
    • Perhaps this list is just for you, so you don't need to be elaborate. It's just for personal reference, so you should pay attention to the content rather than the form.
    • Keeping track of your emotional responses to each situation can also help you understand the emotional stages involved in being ignored or ostracized. Often at first, the isolated person feels confused (is I really going through this?), Followed by anger and rage when no one seems willing to step forward to improve the situation. . Identify and understand your feelings before they prompt you to take anti-social action just to get attention.

  2. Find the rules. Are you in the situation of "the invisible person" at work or at home? In a social or private situation? Does someone seem to appear multiple times on your list? Do people start ignoring you after a certain point? For example, people who make complaints at work may be boycotted by their colleagues.
    • Don't take your behavior lightly. You should also find patterns in your actions. For example, you can easily talk to people, but not leave a deep impression? Or do you feel the thrill of being forced to talk to others?
    • Take notes about the patterns you observe and set personal goals accordingly. If there is a problem with your home life, work to improve that area. This also allows you to see (and celebrate) positive changes over time.

  3. Responsibility. To make change, you must believe in the possibility of improvement, even if it progresses slowly. Understand that you can control your own actions. The feeling of being ignored can be a self-fulfilling prophecy. If you believe you are not worth the attention, the results will turn out to be true.

  4. Ask a soulmate to help you set your social goals and work towards reaching them. Maybe it's someone you trust and admire. Ask them to come along with you when you're out and about and ask them to see how you interact with others and give you advice. advertisement

Method 2 of 4: Focus on happiness

  1. Understand your personality. Acknowledge that your past feelings and actions are real, but you must decide on a new path in the future. Often times it helps if you think about all of your unique features and all the accomplishments you made. Love yourself, and others will love you too!
    • A journal about your own victories can help you stay on top of a positive mindset. The journal will also give you ideas for a chat. Most people will sincerely congratulate you in situations like when you get promoted. Alternatively, feel free to express gratitude in a journal. There's no such thing as "the right" way to record your itinerary.
  2. Create your own "temple". Capture your life and accomplishments in a place in your home or office by displaying pictures that capture beautiful moments, inspirational quotes and adventure mementos .
    • If you've ever climbed to the top of Machu Picchu, let everyone know by placing a photo on your desk. Surely this will be a cue to chat. Studies have shown that taking possession of a space with personal objects can help increase positive emotions.
  3. Protect your favorite things from others. It can be easy to make sacrifices and give in in exchange for peace. Although the attitude of "please others" is kind, it is easy to be forgotten if repeated repeatedly. Think of yourself as your PR (public relations) representative. Then you must encourage positive things and react to the attacks directed at you.
    • Straightforward but not challenging. People often dim themselves and become invisible to avoid conflict. This is understandable, but it can also cause problems in the long run. Instead, in the face of a stressful situation, try to stay calm, collected, and goal-oriented.Ask a colleague, "What should we do to fix this?" or "Why do you think so?" Those who are looking for a good leader will look to you for guidance.
  4. Learn to say "no.“When you struggle with being invisible in front of people, it's easy to be tempted to take all the opportunities to gain attention and gain recognition. Resist this impulse. When faced with an opportunity, ask yourself if it is in line with your current and future personal and career goals. If that doesn't help, you can give yourself a day to ponder and respond. This type of thinking puts your needs first and sends a clear signal to people that you are important.
  5. Do something yourself! Buy a new outfit and matching accessories. Create your own "brand" with the outfit of your choice. For example, you can choose a unique or impressive piece of jewelry and wear that personalized jewelry on special occasions. Dress perception process means: you will find confidence from clothes that remind you of strong and powerful people. In this case, a simple necklace could be the best weapon for achieving your goals!
  6. Eat right and exercise. Make sure to maintain a regular and healthy diet. This is another area where you can show your personality and broaden your "social circle" by joining a society of people who love to cook, or even blogging for food. Likewise, exercising is not necessarily a solitary endeavor. Sign up for a gym class, join an outdoor workout group or track your progress with an online support group. All of these activities will result in you getting more attention.
    • As another benefit, exercise has been shown to stimulate the production of endorphins, which in turn enhances positive emotions. When you feel good with yourself, others are also drawn to your excitement.
  7. Find silence. You should also enjoy the "invisible" state and disappear from the social scene from time to time. Not only does this make people appreciate you, but it gives you the opportunity to recharge and reassess the goals you are aiming for. It could also be an opportunity for adventure! Take a trip and practice your social skills by making a bold new person, even if only for a short time. advertisement

Method 3 of 4: Develop and demonstrate confidence

  1. Make a positive affirmation. Tell yourself how confident you are. You may not believe that at first, but the more you tell yourself, "I am a confident person," the easier it will be to feel confident. Your subconscious will really believe it if you repeat it over and over again. In fact, Carnegie Mellon University researchers have found that self-affirmation can improve a person's problem-solving abilities, even increasing a person's grade point average in school.
  2. Commendation. Share affirmations with others by recognizing their talents. When talking to someone, you can say something like, "I totally agree with you" or "I think your choice is correct." If you notice someone wearing a unique jewelry or wearing a stylish perfume, make sincere comments, such as “The bracelet is so beautiful. Where did you buy it? ”
  3. Demonstrate strong body language. Hold your head up, keep your back straight, and walk in a determined manner. When traveling, try to make eye contact with other people and smile. People who emit an aura of confidence often have a strong charisma. People look in and feel their self-esteem, and it's a quality that deserves respect.
    • Occupies space. To avoid conflict, people often show signs of shrinking as small as possible in front of others. Do not indulge in this urge. For example, you can occupy the space on the meeting table. Put your material on your table and show the space is yours.
  4. Avoid hiding behind the phone. It is easy to cling to the phone to hide your embarrassment when being ignored. Instead, force yourself to put away your phone. Try to interact with a group of people (or set a time limit for yourself) before pulling out your phone.
  5. Humor! Not everyone has a natural sense of humor like Robin Williams or other comedians, but that doesn't mean you can't be witty. Try to find your own brand of humor. Do you like happy replies? Or do you like to satirize the bad habits of society? Or do you like funny and hidden comments? Spend time exploring the different types of humor so you can bring your own style to everyone.
    • Humorous anecdotes are also a great way to talk. You can read "fake news" pages online and collect stories to chat with people. This is a means of letting go of initial embarrassment and a gentle way to bring up sensitive political issues when you trigger a conversation. Surely people will ask questions and then you will be in power.

Method 4 of 4: Be wholeheartedly in conversation

  1. Pay full attention to the conversation. Show yourself as an active listener and a caring speaker. Listening to the person you are talking to (or whoever is speaking) means that you are showing respect, and in turn will help them feel noticed. Active listening will create a common ground, leading to deeper understanding and sympathy between the two sides. Asking questions is one way to turn a conversation from passive to active.
    • Avoid "yes or no" questions, replace "how and why" questions. For example, if a friend says they have just returned from a foreign country, instead of asking, "Did you like that trip?", You could ask, "What did you like most about that trip, why?" Continue asking relevant questions to show that you are still interested.
  2. Take your stance and don't be afraid to raise another opinion. If you have a contradictory but reasonable opinion, state it with courtesy. In fact, you can sometimes defend the opposite opinion to make the conversation more active. Furthermore, the recognition of both sides of a debate is also an expression of flexible and flexible thinking, a precious quality.
  3. Challenge the limits. Raising your confidence may be essential for getting people to see it. Do something crazy, weird, and fun to get the attention of people you'll probably never meet again.
    • Your impromptu actions need to be positive. For example, banging a hand at a random person on the street or giving someone a little fun by offering them a cup of coffee. With these actions, you will be able to impress (and significantly influence others) at least for a day. What's more, Stanford University studies have shown that such beautiful gestures also encourage social interaction and compassion.
  4. Live an active life! A busy schedule will greatly increase your chances of getting social attention. Ask friends, family, and co-workers to recommend activities and events that may be of interest to you. Look for new opportunities, and don't hesitate to step into the adventures!
    • At work, you can join corporate intranet groups. For example, there are groups of colleagues who meet by age or field. This will help you increase your chances of getting noticed by the common ground among the members. You can also participate in activities that serve the community, such as organizing corporate parties or charitable activities.Helping people is always a positive way to get attention.
    • Interest groups are another option so that you won't feel invisible to everyone. These could be groups of like-minded members (student groups, outdoor groups, board enthusiasts, etc.) and those who met on a scheduled schedule ( usually organized via social media).


  • Social relationships are not just about people of the opposite sex. Sometimes people think that their whole social life revolves around hunting for "the other half". It is easier to expand the group of acquaintances in a "just friends" relationship and can be an effective way to help you lead a new lifestyle that is noticed by everyone.
  • Even if you pay attention to you, people will not ring I recognize you already. There are very little signs that you are getting noticed by others. Look for those signals and start talking when you meet them.
  • The "invisible" is sometimes beneficial as well. The opportunity to act without worrying about the reactions of others and not be influenced by societal perceptions of beauty is often thought to be positive results when you are not in the eye of others.


  • Note that people's ignorance at work can escalate to a boycott. If you find yourself being deliberately ignored and undervalued, you may need to report the incident to a higher level for help. Canadian researchers have found that boycotts make up more than 70% of people experiencing the feeling of being considered invisible in the workplace. Some experts believe boycotts are more common (and possibly more problematic) than obvious cases of bullying.
  • A boycott can leave a feeling of severe and persistent suffering. If you feel like harming yourself or others, seek help with friends, family and health professionals.