How to Make Her Return Your Love

Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 24 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Make him or her regret leaving you and return to you with much love and care
Video: Make him or her regret leaving you and return to you with much love and care


Most of us who do not want to have someone by our side to love and be loved. If you truly love a woman and want to be sure your feelings are reciprocated, you can start by seeing if she cares about you. If you prove yourself worthy of her love, ignite her passion, support her, and build a trusting connection, you will make her reciprocate and love you forever. Just like in life, you won't be able to say anything about love, but these suggestions can give you some ideas to win her heart.


Part 1 of 4: Understanding Attraction

  1. Learn a little chemistry. Do not worry; There is no test here. However, the attraction all is in the chemical mechanism, and in particular a group of chemicals called "monoamine". These chemicals transmit signals between the brain and the body, and they explain why love makes you feel a tingling sensation on your skin - literally - or so thrilled that you forget your name when you're with her. your dream.
    • Dopamine (from which we have the term "doping") is a "happiness" neurotransmitter, responsible for motivation and reward among other sensations. When you are around the person you like, the dopamine released in your brain makes you feel interested in your time with that person and want to prolong the moment.
    • Norepinephrine, sometimes called noradrenaline (but not adrenaline) is responsible for transmitting signals to the central nervous system. It helps the brain decide to focus on what's most important at a given moment. When you've forgotten all the time you spent up to 5 hours on a date with your crush, norepinephrine decides that the woman you are in love with is more important than anything else around you.
    • Serotonin regulates a wide range of functions, including mood, sleep, body temperature, and libido. You start to feel a tingling sensation on your skin when you meet the "person", it is because serotinin has lowered its body temperature, making the skin more conductive of electricity. Something quite magical.
    • Humans also secrete pheromones like other animals, though scientists are not sure if they work exactly like animals. You can't consciously smell pheromones, but your body recognizes it in others and determines what is attractive.

  2. Understand that it's not all about you. Because there are many factors that determine how each person's body's chemicals react, if your lovely woman doesn't reciprocate your feelings, don't take it personally. . Perhaps that has nothing to do with you personally. Studies show that the brain determines that attraction is "secondary", and that it is not really within the person's control.
    • Research has shown that taking hormonal birth control pills can cause a woman to change her "favorite type" at certain times of the month. Biochemistry is something that seems a bit crazy.

  3. Learn the language of love. No, these are not winged words you can utter in a conversation but identifying the messages that body language exposes when we have a crush on someone. There are a few basic messages that body language displays when you like someone:
    • I "have no one"
    • I am an easygoing and open person
    • I have feelings for you
    • I am full of energy

  4. Notice how she looks. Imagine that you ran into her by chance at a coffee shop. You don't know if she is interested in you. Observe her posture for clues:
    • “Open” body language includes: arms and legs relaxed and not crossed, eyes occasionally looking up. “Closed” body language means crossing your arms or legs, straining your body and focusing on something like your phone.
    • Wherever her foot is, it can reveal a few things. If they are directed towards you, she may feel like socializing with you.
    • If she places something between the two of them, such as a purse or a bag, it could be a sign of the distance she wants to signal. If she returns your gaze, smiles and pulls her bag out of the opposite seat, she is probably implying "I don't have anyone".
  5. Make eye contact. The eyes are the windows to the soul. Eye contact is really a good clue to whether a person likes you or not. Eye contact conveys a wide range of messages, including things you might not be aware of.
    • Look for her eye contact and pause for 4-5 seconds. Smile at her. If she returns your gaze and smiles, you're probably in luck.
    • Making eye contact when you speak signals interest and attraction. If she looks at you 70% of the time and 50% of the time she talks, that is a good sign that she likes this conversation. (You can apply that to show your interest.)
    • When we get excited (due to stress, physical desire, etc.), the pupils in our eyes dilate. If the pupils in her eyes dilate, she might be excited to see you.
  6. Putting a seductive smile on her. If she smiles back, that might be a signal she likes your communication style. But some people also laugh when they are nervous or uncomfortable. Watch the muscles in motion when she smiles.
    • Real smile, or smile duchenne, using the muscles around the eyes and around the corner of the mouth. Fake smiles usually only use the muscles around the mouth (although some people are very good at pretending). If she smiles without smiling eyes, she may be feeling uncomfortable or just trying to be polite to you.

  7. Learn a little bit about biology. People have certain physiological responses when you fall in love with someone. While not all, these reactions can give you hints that tell you if she just smiles or likes you just as much as you like her.
    • Blushing or flushed cheeks. When our hearts flutter, the blood in our body goes to the cheeks. (This is one reason that women hit blush.) However, people can also blush when nervous or embarrassed, so don't rely solely on this single sign.
    • Lighter, redder lips. The blood not only rushed to the cheeks, but also rose to the lips, making the lips look fuller and fresher. (That's why women wear lipstick).Licking your lips is also a good sign that someone is attracted to you.

  8. Come a little closer. You shouldn't invade other people's private spaces, but if she gets up to get the whipped cream for coffee, you can stand up and go get a tissue. That way you will have a chance to let her "catch" your pheromones (don't forget that those chemicals send signals to other people's brains like saying "Hey! I'm hot!"
    • If you have begun to interact with the woman of your dreams, lean a little closer or tilt your head. This gesture not only shows that you are enjoying the encounter but can also emit "love chemicals" aimed at her.

  9. Boldly take the first step. This step is also called "flirting", or "talking". However, you don't have to be flattering or flattering to get an effective opening. As suggested by the scientists, there are three ways to start with different effects:
    • Direct: This is a straightforward way of opening, not talking miscellaneous things but getting straight to the point. For example, “Hello beautiful girl. Would you like to have a drink? " or "I am quite shy, but I really want to get to know you". In general, men prefer to be acquainted with their future lover this way.
    • Innocent innocence: This is used to start the story, but not directly at the target. For example, "What kind of coffee would you recommend?" or "I have an empty chair at my desk, would you like to sit here?" In general, women prefer this type of acquaintance with their future lover.
    • Shrewd / bold: This is humorous, but it can also be flattering or even rude. This is a typical "flirting", like "Did I fall from the sky like that hurt?" or “Do you know what's most beautiful on your body? That's me. " In general, both men and women feel that this is the least popular way when the other gets to know them.
    • The nature of the relationship you are heading towards also plays an important role in choosing how to initiate. Studies suggest that people who aim for long term relationships use honest and supportive introductions, while those looking for interim romantic relationships tend to use tricks and lies. If you are looking for love then be honest and supportive at all times.

Part 2 of 4: Getting Started

  1. Make a point to grab her attention. Do something to get her to notice you, but don't try to turn yourself into someone else. Expressing yourself (maybe the best "version" of yourself) is the best way to make sure she likes you, really likes friend, not someone you are trying to role-play to get noticed.
    • Take care of yourself. Eat healthy, exercise, and dress to reveal your personality. Even though you are not a fashion model or a sports star, keeping your body clean and in good shape will help you show off your physical health that is often seen as instinctive appeal.
    • Studies show that women value social qualities like compassion and friendliness as high as physical attraction, even higher. Do something that shows you care about people. Volunteer to participate in charity food distribution in the community, donate blood, help a friend get out of a difficult situation, organize a charity auction. Let her see that you still have a lot to explore. She will impress you and be curious about what else you might reveal.
    • Show her your funny side. Research has shown that both men and women believe that wit is one of the most attractive traits of a prospective partner. Joking around, making people laugh - just don't put people down or use stinging sarcasm, because it will definitely "kill" the mood. A little playfulness will also help.
    • Show your talents, especially in her presence. What are you good at? It can be anything from tennis, rock climbing, soccer to humor, good math or debate. Whatever it is, stand out from the crowd.
    • Signal in your own body language. Women are usually better at reading body language than men, which is beneficial if you know how to use it. Expressions like making your body look taller, opening your shoulders while standing, or playfully punching or nudging a guy when a group is out to play may signal her that you are trying to get attention. her idea.
    • Please step outside. Don't forget: the rewards are only for the brave. If you are indoors all the time, you may not be able to make the best use of your time. And if you don't take the challenge at least once, you will probably never see the results.
  2. Show confidence. Both men and women are attracted to confident people. But arrogance often quenches attraction, so make sure your confidence doesn't turn into arrogance.
    • True confidence emanates from within. It is a sense of who you are, accepting who you are and confident that you are great when you are. You don't need the recognition of others to feel good about you. Once you believe in yourself, you can instill that confidence in others.
    • Arrogance comes when you judge yourself against outside sources, such as compliments or accomplishments. It often comes from insecurity. You may feel the need to lower others to make yourself taller, or you may feel like you have to play against the world all the time.
    • Compliments and compliments are fully welcome, especially when you recognize the role of others in your success. For example, if you're a sports star then you probably have a great team behind. When you win a big game, accept praise for your great performance, but be sure to share that compliment with your teammates. Such gestures show confidence without arrogance.
  3. Planning. No, you don't need to write it down and you don't need to put an X or O on the board. Plan every action, and you'll have a good chance of winning her heart. If you do it in an amateur style, then your chances will be less.
    • If you love a girl, you can focus on winning her feelings, but when love hurts you, it becomes a heavy weight on you, and you often feel powerless. That is normal.
    • However, if you want to find a love Generally speakingTry to interact with many different women. You have a much better chance of finding someone you really bond with and pulling away from someone who looks bad if you know that there might be someone behind the scenes waiting for you. There are also many other benefits of sticking to this strategy:
      • You will have a better understanding of what you want. We often don't know what we want without seeing it. Go out and you'll have a better chance of finding your true woman instead of focusing on someone you think you know them well.
      • Socializing with many women is not becoming one hand play. If you are looking for love, you can date different people, but focus on only one woman at a time. Don't get into a relationship with the intention of taking advantage or dominating.
  4. Try to get to know her. You should really know who she is, what she believes in, and where she came from. She will appreciate you being interested in the things that interest her. Ask open-ended questions, listen proactively, focus on her answers, and don't make guesses or hasty conclusions about her.
    • People love to talk about themselves. That is also natural. Don't forget to join the conversation and keep her informed about you, but encourage her to talk about the things she likes, and you will find the conversation easier.
    • One way to do this is to ask good questions.For example, ask about her passion (“What activities do you like?), Her inspiration (“ What are you interested in? ”), And her goals (“ You want to achieve something?). Questions about her future may make her envision your figure in it. The question of what's going on seems to be superficial only.
    • Social psychologist Arthur Aron has a list of 36 creative open-ended questions that you can apply to quickly get to know a person better.
    • Now is not the time to make harsh comments about your ex or to complain about your boss. Such negative stories can upset her. If you say bad things about another person, she should also wonder if you would do the same to her. Stick to positive topics.
  5. Do not rush. These things take time. Don't expect to win her heart for a few days. Slow but steady on the track. Set realistic goals so that you won't be disappointed if you can't "fall over" her quickly.
    • If she gives you her phone number that's great, but don't begging for it. Call her when you have her number, but don't overdo it. Sometimes you have to give her a chance to call you!
    • Don't reveal all of your life stories at once. If you really like the woman, you are more inclined to show her that you are a worthy man for her. But take it easy. Leaving a little bit of your mystery to her has something to ask you about, and that also keeps you from sounding too urgent - or worse - as if you don't know what the line is.

Part 3 of 4: Making Connections

  1. Compliment her. Offer real and specific compliments to be most effective. And so it makes sense. Give her enough praise to let her know that you like her better than a friend, but don't be too much for her to think you're too hopeless or want to be praised again. Studies show that women like men show an interest, but not too aggressively.
    • Her talents and abilities are the first and most important thing for you to focus on complimenting. The appearance is a godsend, intelligence and talent must be labor new have. Praise her when her wonderful qualities make her shine.
    • If you want to compliment her on the way she looks, try to offer specific, not generic, compliments like, "Oh, your eyes are so beautiful." For example, you could say “Her eyes are a strange blue. Are your parents' eyes probably also green? " Show her that you pay attention to her "work" as well. Example: “Did you just get a hairdo? You look beautiful with such short hair. "
    • Consider her compliments that you find interesting and unique. Most women have heard the phrase "You have a beautiful smile" hundreds of times. Look for points that show you have a special interest in her. Eg:
      • “Talking to me is soothing. I feel like I can talk to you all day. ”
      • "I like that way of thinking of you."
      • You are so brave to speak up like that. "
  2. Start flirting. Find a way to gently start flirting with her. It can be difficult at first because you are so infatuated with her, but it will get easier once you get in the habit and get to know her better.
    • Smile and maintain eye contact. Women will know how much you care for her just by making eye contact with you. Likewise, smiling is equally important. Smile to show happiness and make eye contact to show confidence.
    • Follow her body language. Don't try to accurately imitate her posture. If she is relaxed and open-hearted instead, act the same way instead. If she poses a lot when she talks, then you should also be more in tune when talking.
    • Exploit internal jokes to make fun of them. Internal jokes are also a great way to flirt and bond at the same time. It is something that outsiders do not understand, meaning that you both feel like you are participating in something, and only with you. Make a joke about anything you both go through.
      • When teasing, you need to guaranteed that she knows you're joking. Wink at her to indicate that you're teasing, or tell her you're joking. It's better to tease her about something she's really good at, so she won't have to guess if you're serious about it.
  3. Occasionally touch her. In general, friends of the opposite sex don't touch each other much. They may exchange hugs, but usually do not show gestures such as holding hands or stroking others. Occasionally reach out to touch hers, gently caress her arms or tuck her hair behind her ears as if to say "I really like you."
    • Of course you should only do that when you are confident that she likes to be with you. Don't make rough contact with a girl the first time you meet, and avoid touching any sensitive parts unless you have explicit permission.
    • If she doesn't appear to like or react well to your touch, don't try again. Always respect her boundaries, even if you don't understand them.
  4. Suggest a date with her. When you are ready to take the last step, you need to invite her out on a date. The date is a perfect opportunity for two people to get to know each other and can even "steal" a kiss.
    • When you invite her out, speak normally, but be clear, not vague. You may fall into a dangerous "friend zone", and it is often difficult to switch from friendship to love. The best way to avoid this is to be upfront about your interests. You don't have to overwhelm her by immediately declaring your love (you shouldn't actually be), but rather say something as natural as, “I really love going out. with you. What if we "really" date? Please! ”. This way, she will know that you want to move beyond the friendship without seeming to be proposing.
    • Do something exciting. A good date - like going into a haunted house, or going to a theme park with adventure games, or a sporting event - can help release the intense hormone (called oxytocin) responsible for the love. love and a sense of connection.
    • When the time is right, get ready for a kiss. If you feel like she's a bit hesitant, it's best to go for a second or third date. The kiss should be short but sweet, and no matter what, don't try to put your tongue in her throat.
  5. Listen actively. Good communication skills can help you win the girl of your dreams. Active listening shows that you are genuinely interested in what she thinks and feels. This is very attractive. Try the following tactics:
    • Repeat and clarify. Don't assume you understand what she's saying. Instead, ask again if necessary: ​​“I am not sure I understood what you mean. I heard it was _____. Do you want to say that? " Then give her a chance to explain.
    • Encourage her. Ask small questions like "Then what happened?" or "How did you react?", small encouraging gestures like nodding and "uh, uh", or "Tell me more" also help.
    • Summarize the important points. If there is a conversation where both sides share a lot of information, recap. This shows your attention and gives her an opportunity to make anything clear again. For example: "Okay, so tomorrow will be a terrible day for me and I don't want to get stressed, so I want you to pick me up when I leave work, then we go to the movies, right?"
  6. Use reliable communication techniques. Listening is part of communicating, but you also have to know how to talk. You should learn to ask questions, communicate honestly and honestly, and avoid blaming. This can make a whole lot of difference, and can make her fascinated by you and for your excellent communication skills.
    • Ask questions. This is especially helpful if you are not sure you understood the situation.For example, she may say that she is in need of advice, but it really just needs a sympathetic person to listen. Ask her: “Do you want me to try to help you find a solution or do you just need someone to relieve you? You are both good at both things ”.
    • Use a sentence with the subject "you" instead of "you". The sentence with the subject "em" sounds like a reprimand, it can make people self-contained and defensive. For example, saying "You always make us slow, I hate it so much" can clearly convey your feelings, but it also hurts her and avoids talking to her. friend. Try saying something with the subject "you" like "I know you need more time to prepare, but I get very nervous when I'm late." What can I do to help you get enough time and eat on time? "
    • Speak honestly and frankly. Do not go around the three kingdoms and do not have passive aggressive attitudes. Say what you think, and think what you say, be kind and respectful at all times.
  7. Be mysterious, but always be ready. Women like men with a little bit of mystery. It doesn't take much effort, but getting it right is not easy. Don't share every detail, don't boast about your achievements and ask people to "like" (and testify) for you. In the meantime, though, be willing to be with her. There is nothing worse than how much effort you spend and only leave her a feeling of inadequate because she cannot find you anywhere.
    • You should think of this as maintaining independence. A healthy relationship allows the two to live their own lives and pursue their own interests, while still spending time together. If you don't spend all day longing and thinking of ways to follow her, you show her that you are independent and confident, both of which are very attractive.
    • You don't have to play brainpower in this. If you want to call her, just call. If she calls you when you're busy, tell her you'll call back later. You don't have to wait for exactly a few minutes to text a text or exactly a few days to make a phone call. You just need to live your life and make her a lovely part of it.

Part 4 of 4: Deepening Your Bond

  1. Create trust. You don't have to be her best friend, but show her that you are trustworthy to her. Show up when she needs you. If she tells you to keep it a secret, do so. If you say what you will do, do it to the end. Trust is the key to developing intimacy, a lasting relationship, and can also be shattered in the blink of an eye.
    • Don't use this for the purpose of getting her to bed. By doing this, you will put your name on the untrustworthy guy in her "black list". Don't force her to do the things she doesn't like - it's like driving her away.
    • If you have to step back from something, give her an honest explanation. She probably won't be disappointed if you tell her what happened and tell her that you're sorry to miss it. And don't make a habit of not keeping promises.
  2. Learn her love language. Not everyone expresses and understands love in the same way. Some people like to receive gifts. Others are happy if you wash the dishes every night. Psychologist Gary Chapman thinks that people have "love languages" to express their love and interpret other people's love. Knowing her love language will help you show interest in a way she can truly feel.
    • The five languages ​​of love are "affirmation", "act of service", "accepting gifts", "precious time", and "physical contact".
      • An “affirmation” includes complimenting, encouraging, or expressing your feelings.
      • “Act of service” includes actions such as doing chores around the house or chores for the other person to show interest.
      • “Receiving gifts” is quite clear: gifts, cards, and expressions of affection with concrete objects.
      • "Precious time" is an uninterrupted and undistracted time for the person you love.
      • “Body contact” includes all expressions of physical affection, including hugging, kissing or sexual intercourse.
    • Chapman's website has a quiz that you can take. You can also ask her friends to observe her reaction to guess her love language. (Another way is to ask her to take the test together, but you might not feel ready to say 'love' yet.)
    • Look at how she treats you. People often default to using their love language in dealing with others. So, if her main love language is "accepting gifts," then she might surprise you from time to time with things like small gifts or cards. Pay attention to what expression she seems to emphasize and respond in that way.
  3. Please win over her family and friends if possible. Family and friends can be very important and have a big influence on her. Get their affection, and you'll be closer to winning her heart. Furthermore, doing so means showing her that you want to stick with her for a long time.
    • Dress well, be demeaning, and show respect for her family and friends.
    • Be yourself when you are with them. This can be difficult, especially given how much pressure you feel when meeting her parents. It is important that you are sincere, honest, and yourself. She will notice if she sees that the guy when she is with her relatives is different from the guy when it's only two people together. And the "notorious" family is adept at detecting that untruthful behavior.
    • Be sociable, considerate and kind. If her friends make fun of you or make jokes, smile and act like a happy guy. When the opportunity arises, ask questions about their lives and be genuinely interested in the story. Make cute gestures to her friends, like pairing a girl with a guy, or promoting them.
  4. Correct after mistakes. During a date, you will probably make mistakes. The way you correct your mistakes shows who you are, and gives your woman a chance to love you.
    • Don't be afraid to apologize or admit mistakes. When you do something wrong, you need to recognize your mistakes without blaming others. For example: “I'm sorry to make you sad. I know you're angry because I forgot the date with you. I really care about you but my memory is too bad. Next time I will set up a calendar reminder to make sure I don't miss the chance to be with you. "
  5. Maintain romance. The first time dating was great. The couple discover new things about each other and the chemistry in your body seems to be messed up by the charms of love. But once the relationship settles down, the other flames may go out. (although it does come back often). Try to continue building your friendship and relationship.
    • Spend time together. You might be busy. You may have tough times. But make sure to spend time with your partner, even when you're tired or upset. Don't let things go so badly that you curse, resent or despise each other.
    • Choose a hobby or activity to pursue together. Working towards a common goal can help you feel more connected and engaged.
    • Turn off electronic devices. Occasionally you should create times where you don't have a phone, TV or computer but just two people together. It is very easy to find two people sharing the same room but never feel the real feeling together.
  6. Be the person you want. In the end you will have to show her who you are in the deepest part of your soul, giving her the chance to love you. If you play the role of someone else, she will only love your illusion. So don't be afraid to lift barriers, allow yourself to be weak and show her who you really are. Chances are she will fall in love with you for that. advertisement


  • Never say negative things about her friends, even if she does. Only listen when she needs someone to talk to.
  • Interesting surprises don't have to be a trade-off.
  • Don't make fun of her beliefs, even if you don't share the same belief system. Please respect things that are personal to her.
  • Spend more time meeting her. Even if she lives far away, you can use technology in this. You need to be willing to put more effort into it.


  • Try not to get caught up in arguing over little things.