Ways to make her excited

Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 12 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Use This “Flirty Sentence” To Get Her Excited 👅
Video: Use This “Flirty Sentence” To Get Her Excited 👅


Your girlfriend seems to know how to fascinate you ... how about you, are you ready to turn the tables? Whether you are a new lover or just want a new relationship in your relationship, wikiHow can help you make her fall in love and sublimate. Check out our article to get started!


Part 1 of 4: Seducing her

  1. Warm up your girl. The key to getting women excited is to spend time with them. Unlike boys, women generally take a long time to foreplay. This means that you have to patiently lie down and cuddle her body slowly and skillfully.
    • The most important factor in this process is, of course, making her comfortable and safe. You will see a lot of steps below about respecting her, seeking consent, and many other things that you might not consider necessary when "foreplay". Do not ignore them because they are so important. Sex means a lot to women and if you keep them nervous, you win half the game.

  2. Make her attracted to you. You will feel warm and light-headed when someone thinks you are beautiful. That is the feeling you should give her. The truth is that in the eyes of her friend she is very cute, that is a basis for excitement. Communicate without overdoing it by:
    • Say "Hi, you're beautiful" or "Hi, cute girl" when you meet her. This is a short, simple but direct (and potentially heavily implied - don't overdo it).
    • Praise her. Using a low and low voice, say something like "You look great today" or "I like your eyes."

  3. Improve yourself if you can. Become a sincere, kind, respectful person and treat her beauty like a perfect picture. Becoming the man who carries the burden for her, is a safe fulcrum for her. This will help enhance your own worth in the eyes of your girl!

  4. Be confident, even if you don't show it that way. Some girls like men who are anxious and eager to be around, but don't overdo it. If she's shy, you're confident; If she's confident, be comfortable and maybe a little shy. Always hold your head up and keep your shoulders straight, don't be afraid to look her in the eye. Your body language should always be strong, brave and worthy of her attention.
  5. Clean. Take a shower, use deodorant, shave, brush your teeth, and wear decent clothes. If you want you can stroke the gel and spray some perfume. When your body is in its best shape, you will act with more confidence and control.
  6. Know how to treat your girlfriend like a lady. Abstain from overly natural jokes and stories about the female body. That is only suitable when you sit with guys, but for girls, be polite. Take care of her appearance, open the door for her, thank you and sorry. Being well-behaved doesn't necessarily bring attraction, but being good-natured does sure Unattractive, so choose the safe solution.

Part 2 of 4: Heating the air

  1. Start with slow, slow touches. You can do this when you are both crossing the street, at the movies, any time - the point is that these small actions don't need to be moderated once you're ready to cuddle. This shows that you want to get closer to her.
  2. Whisper in her ear. The ear is an area that brings a lot of sexual vibes, blowing gently in it feels great. Say things she likes to hear. For example: "I can't stop thinking about you".
  3. Caressing her. Gently stroke her face with the back of your finger. Combined with looking deeply into her eyes at the same time.
  4. Touch the back of her neck. If you are resting your hand on her neck, slowly run your hand through her hair or stroke the back of her neck. Keep things slow and gentle.
  5. Touch the wrist. Confident and proactive; Hold her hand. If in hand, gently stroke her palm or wrist. A few light kisses on this area will also work.
  6. Play with her hair. The scalp is a sensitive area for many people, and the feeling of a slight tug (repeat: light, not strong) as your hand moves through her hair will be delightful. Slip your hand into her hair, stroke it or twist it gently.
  7. Touching her feet. If you're not sure you're allowed, try placing one hand on her thigh. The best time is when you are both sitting. Place your hand gently on her lap. If she seems to accept, keep your hand still but try wiggling your fingers a bit.

Part 3 of 4: Narrow the gap

  1. Give her a sweet kiss. If it goes well, a kiss is the most effective way to inspire. Keep your breath fresh with gum or mouthwash and gently open your lips. A kiss with pursed lips is how you kiss your grandmother! As for girls, you should keep your lips and tongue active (at first). The movements should be gentle, soft, and fast, depending on the time.
    • Know where to put your hands. On the back of her neck, her face or waist is the perfect place to put your hand while kissing.
  2. Seek consent. If you touch certain areas without her consent, it will be considered sexual harassment. Simply ask "Is this okay?" is enough. If she says okay, congratulations; If she says no, stop right.
  3. Tell her what you want. Many girls are even more interested in sex than you are. Give them confidence in it, and there's nothing wrong with letting the person know how much you desire them (when the plan is half-successful). This will be really exciting! Obviously: when you feel aroused, you also feel lust. Don't be too rude, but don't be afraid to tell them how attractive they are to you and you can't wait for both of you to have sex.
  4. Focus on areas prone to sexual inspiration. If you touch the following suggested positions and she seems to agree, expose them with soft, gentle touch and slow kiss.
    • Neck, pharynx, collarbone and shoulder
    • Legs and ankles
    • Lower back (toward vertebrae)
    • Behind the knees
    • Inner thighs
    • Ear
    • The inside of the arm
  5. Diversify your movements. If you find a place she likes to be touched, don't overdo it. Instead, go to other areas and slowly return to that spot, caressing around and touching that place last. As expected, she will become more intense if you know how to emphasize her movements.
  6. Makes her want you more. Stopping before others get bored is a common social rule, and it's especially important in this case. If you break the connection while she's excited, make sure she thinks about you more often.

Part 4 of 4: Leading her passion

  1. Pay attention to the lubrication problem. Since girls take a long time to heat up, friction can cause the skin to become sensitive or even painful. Consider using a good quality lubricating gel to keep things smooth and sexy for extended fun, however, this is not necessary for young girls if they are lustful. Don't forget that the lack of natural lubricants is another sign that your girl is not really getting on. The same goes for your lips.
  2. Kiss around her mouth. Try raising your hand and gently touching around your lips. How do you feel? The skin around the mouth is also quite sensitive. Kiss her on the lips and avoid it lightly every time she wants a couple of minutes of face-to-face kiss (even if she tries). You will drive her crazy.
  3. Drop kisses on the abdomen, waist and pelvis. The neck and inner thighs seem to be pretty obvious places. However, there are still equally conspicuous places that we sometimes forget that they are also very sensitive. Kiss along her ribs (this area is easy to tick), the curves of her stomach, and the protruding bones of her hips (usually slightly above or below the back of her pants).
  4. Take some time to undress her to make sure your girl is happy. Don't undress her too quickly, do it skillfully as part of the fun, not merely taking it off quickly. Women take a long time to look beautiful. If you take things off her without appreciating it, it's like opening a present without worrying about wrinkled wrapping.
  5. Suggest a little bit of weird test. There is no need to be too weird, simply cover her eyes with a shawl or tie her arms behind so she has to focus on what she feels. Make sure she agrees before proceeding!
  6. Learn about the body. If you're really serious, the best way to get your girlfriend physically excited is to target her sensitive body parts. The clitoris is one of those places. Find it and "explore" it. However, do not ignore the surrounding irritating areas. Good luck!


  • Hug her from behind, kiss her on the neck. Put your hands on her hips and begin to caress.
  • Never force her; This just makes her angry or scared are not excited. If she tells you to stop, stop. Once you get too much, she won't trust you anymore.
  • Makes her long for you.
  • Make her feel proud of her body.
  • Don't be rude or do anything that makes her uncomfortable.
  • Be skillful.
  • Don't touch her "sensitive" area too much - she will feel uncomfortable. Instead, hold hands - girls like who holds hands. Or you can also place your hand on her waist while you kiss (this works great when you're standing).
  • Move your fingertips down the back of her neck, caressing it gently with your index and thumb. Then lightly touch down on the back, but don't touch the bottom!
  • Hug her from behind and rest his head on her shoulders.
  • Close the gap by placing your hand on her face while you kiss and move as close as possible. If she seems comfortable, you can put your hand in her chest.


  • If she wants to stop, stop.
  • If she doesn't respond, stop and ask what's wrong. Unless she gives you a clear "I agree" answer, it is a sign of "disagree".
  • She can't give you a sober, drunk consent, so consider if you don't want to be charged with sexual harassment.