Ways to make her laugh

Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 22 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
13 Essential Tips - How To Make A Girl Laugh (Ultimate Cheat-Sheet To Get Her Laughing)
Video: 13 Essential Tips - How To Make A Girl Laugh (Ultimate Cheat-Sheet To Get Her Laughing)


WikiHow today gives you tips and tutorials on how to make a girl smile.


Part 1 of 2: Developing a sense of humor

  1. Stay optimistic. Humorous people always possess a positive attitude. The spirit of optimism will help you look pregnant, witty and attractive to every girl.
    • Showing optimism even in negative situations shows that you are a pleasant, considerate, and kind person. All of these qualities are attractive to girls. Although it may not be easy at first, the positives will quickly manifest itself. For example, if you spill alcohol on your shirt, you might wittyly complain, "Well, I'm going to be shopping soon."
    • Think of guys who bring everyone a happy atmosphere. If you're not good at making others comfortable, why not try doing what these guys do?

  2. Have fun. One of the keys to being funny is the love to joke. You just need to be able to see the humorous aspects of the situation and gently tease. Be a serious man at the right time, have fun with your best and you will see your partner gradually become attracted to you at times.
    • If you are feeling down, try to keep the negativity to yourself. Reschedule your appointment with her until you feel better. Her impression of a sad or negative boy is not your ticket into a further relationship with her.
    • You can have fun with your girl by moderately teasing her or tickling her if she is comfortable with it.
    • In addition, swirling her into passionate and happy conversations is also a good way to create a humorous atmosphere.

  3. Develop jokes skills. Whether we have a natural sense of humor or not, we can still practice our joking skills. You can develop a funny side any girl finds by thinking about funny things or situations.
    • Don't try to be funny because it doesn't work very well. Instead, try to identify amusing details within the matter and use them as a springboard to a joke or gossip. For example, if you see a big dog pulling the woman on the street, instead of making up a story based on this fact, it is enough to just tell the dog about the dog taking the woman for a walk.
    • Keep everything natural. You can be a natural witty if you are confident enough to let your sense of humor shine through.
    • The more you practice, the more subtle jokes you tell, and will naturally manifest each time you want to impress a woman.
    • Be prepared that there are times when your jokes fail. In such times, you can use that bad joke to start another and keep the conversation going.

  4. Use body language to show wit. Your facial expressions, posture, and body movements along with your tone of voice will show your crush how humorous you are. Use your body shape to make her laugh and enjoy her.
    • You can use goofy actions to make her laugh. For example, taking advantage of slipperyness, being dizzy, falling, pretending to be surprised, or hitting something.
    • Making eye gestures when you look directly at her can also get her to notice and laugh.
  5. Avoid inappropriate jokes or bitter satire. Lack of insecurity is very close to the boundaries of insults, insults or rudeness and can keep her away from you. Avoid talking about sexism, race, religion, or anything that would push the story closer to that line. Doing that will strengthen the relationship of the two.
    • Don't joke about other girls, her friends, her family, or about women in general. Likewise, stay away from stories about weight, appearance or clothing size.
    • Maybe for you, that inappropriate humor is extremely funny, but no matter what, women will still misunderstand you. Although personal matters have always been a rich source of humor, we should not touch that category of danger.
    • Crude jokes can make her wonder if she will ever be your next victim.
  6. Show off comfortably. Never make her feel pressured or compelled to laugh. Refreshing smiles are spontaneous and arise from funny situations. Believe in your natural ability to make your girl - and yourself - laugh.
    • Trying to laugh when you're not funny or interesting can negatively affect and lose interest when you are with her. Don't try too hard to become… too late!
    • A refreshing smile can come out easily when you feel relaxed and comfortable together.

Part 2 of 2: Focus your attention on your girl

  1. Show respect for her. Respecting her unique qualities and personality is at the core of building trust with her. Trust makes it easy for us to find excitement in company with the other party, this is the basis for her to laugh.
    • Each girl has a unique personality and sense of humor. Understand that what makes one girl smile may not make another girl happy. Getting to know your girl will help you understand what you should do to make her smile.
    • Make sure you don't say anything that offends her. For example, saying "This girl has her eyes swollen, she looks like an eggplant," may not amuse most women. Furthermore, what if she or someone close to her had just experienced a traumatic event related to that sensitive topic.
    • If your girl doesn't seem happy about anything, it could be a sign the two of you aren't getting along. It was also possible that she had gone through a tough time and found it insignificant with everything. Watch how she reacts to others. If she laughs at everyone's jokes but finds that you are boring, then you should give up.

  2. Listen to what she says. Listening attentively to your crush is an important factor in creating an amusing atmosphere. Good comedians often gather details in the events going on around them and then reflect them by highlighting them in an aspect that few people think about.
    • By listening attentively, you will learn about her concerns, worries, and interests and turn them into comments that will potentially make her laugh. They are also a great resource for you to apply and keep the conversation going.
    • Use reminder humor to recall an incident that happened in a previous event or conversation. This will make her laugh and strengthen you two by showing her that you care.
    • For example, if the two of you are walking on a slippery road and she tells you to be careful, you can tease her, "Be careful not to pounce on frogs like you did when the two of us went on a picnic in April?"

  3. Laughter together. Laughter is contagious, and the two of you enjoying a funny situation together will bridge the relationship and make her more attracted to you. You can enjoy random situations or even proactively create situations where you know you will both laugh at ease.
    • Imitating her sense of humor is a way to laugh together. For example, if she talks in a "dark" way, use a little "mundane" humor. You have to keep it natural: if you are a polite and polite person, the way of speaking that is a bit "dark" and sarcastic can become strained.
    • Only follow her lead if you are sure of her sense of humor. Generously ignore her lack of sophistication if at that time she seems uncertain about her behavior.
    • Ask her what comedians, movies, or entertainment programs she likes. Watching them every time you are together makes the atmosphere fun and comfortable.

  4. Tickle her when appropriate. If the two of you have a level of intimacy and closeness, you can tickle her to bring laughter. Tickling is a great way to break boundaries and get you both to laugh. You can ask her if she has sad blood, smile and then tickle it off.
    • For example, ask her if she has tickles on her feet. Whatever her answer, ask her to let you try it. If she agrees, take off her socks and start tickling. You can also aim for a higher area like the breast or neck.
    • Allow her to tickle you.
    • If she tells you to stop or is uncomfortable, stop immediately to avoid upsetting her.
  5. Do interesting things together. Interesting activities can bring laughter. By doing things you both enjoy together, you will create a fun environment for a healthier relationship.
    • Make a joint decision about something interesting and risky you want to do together. Both can practice skateboarding, go to water park, play adventure games; Or even watch a funny movie.
    • You can go alone or in groups. If you stand out from the crowd because of your wit, she will pay more attention to you.
  6. Send her funny stuff over the internet. Collect a bunch of cool things you can send her when you're not together. Whether it's chatting online or via email, jokes, funny articles or videos can strengthen your relationship by creating short conversations and letting her know you're thinking about it. she.
    • Look online for funny pictures of animals like a kitten sitting in a big shoe or a dog chasing its own tail. Send her pictures that you believe she will laugh at once you see them, which will be a great encouragement if she has a bad day.
    • Send her jokes about topics she likes. You can collect them online or make your own.
    • Send her funny pictures of yourself when you were little or just taken.
    • Share with her funny websites that you like.


  • Show a sense of humor that is appropriate for girls and communication situations.
  • Use fresh inspiration along with current events to add to your sense of humor.
  • Learn how to develop dramatic statements or hidden cues that new insiders understand so she can repeat, which will make her feel involved in your joke.
  • Watch some monologue comedy shows to learn how to time a sense of humor. Jot down anything that might be helpful in your situation.