How to make your ex miss you

Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 27 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Make Your Ex Miss You Like Crazy
Video: How to Make Your Ex Miss You Like Crazy


Whoever left you first, perhaps you are finding yourself wanting to make your ex miss you. If your motivation is to take revenge, that's probably not a good idea. However, if you are trying to get the person to miss you so you can get back together, you may have some success.


Part 1 of 3: Give the person time to miss you

  1. Do not initiate contact first. As a general rule, you should wait 2 weeks to a month before contacting your ex again. Making contact first or making contact early will show that you miss your ex, and that is probably not the message you want to send to make your ex miss you. Plus, staying in touch with the other person will not give your ex a chance to miss you because you are still talking.
    • At the beginning of a breakup, your ex may feel confident that you will give in and be the one to call first. After about a week or two without receiving any action from you, the person will begin to wonder why you did not call and will probably even feel angry. After a week or two, you will appear in your ex's mind so much that he / she will be more than willing to admit that he / she misses you.

  2. Don't take calls or reply to the person's text. For the first few weeks after breaking up, you shouldn't answer calls from your ex even if he / she contacts you first. Your ex may call you hoping to find a quick, temporary fix to help him / her get through the initial pain. However, if you want your ex to truly, genuinely miss you, you need to extend the amount of time you wait so that stronger feelings of nostalgia can develop.

  3. Consider leaving the city. One way to completely cut contact is to travel. That way, you won't be able to accidentally meet your ex somewhere. Plus, it will give you the rest you need.
  4. Take time to calm down. Another reason for disconnecting is that it takes time to ease your sadness. If you broke up, you would definitely feel pain. It takes time to evaluate where the problem lies, especially if you're trying to get back together, and keeping your distance from the other person can give you the time you need.
    • During this month, get out of the house. Go and do something you enjoy, alone or with friends. Get used to being independent and single. Regaining your independence can help you bring a new perspective to your relationship if you are truly together.
    • Plus, you'll become happier and healthier, which will make your ex miss you more.

  5. Do not follow your ex. If you are spying on that person, you won't get the space you need. In addition, if caught, you will be seen as too depressed, which is not at all attractive. Perhaps you will push the person further instead of making him / her miss you.
    • Tailing involves "real life" stalking (sitting outside your ex's house when you know he / she is going home or leaving, calling at 3 a.m. and not saying a word, following follow your ex around) and online (obsess about new pictures on his or her social accounts, secretly snooping on an email that you know the password for, and so on).
  6. Don't report your sadness. That is, don't be sad on social media where your ex can see it. In fact, don't say anything about the breakup. In the end, silence will win over your ex and he will start missing you. advertisement

Part 2 of 3: Treating yourself better

  1. Make many new friends. Making new friends will help you feel confident and strong, plus it will give you a chance to change and grow. In addition, it shows your ex that you can create a social life without him. If you had a few mutual friends before the breakup, any sadness you expressed while being with them could reach your ex, and severing the relationship will also become more difficult. if you regularly meet old people.
  2. Feel free to date. Now you have the right to meet anyone you want, so go out and go on a date. Plus, if the information accidentally gets to your ex, the better. Your ex will find that he misses you more than he thinks.
    • In addition, you may even begin a new love and realize that you are no longer interested in making your ex miss you or want you to come back.
  3. Start a hobby. You need to feel happy about your life again. You also want your ex to miss you. The more knowledge and experience you have, the more interesting you will be. If your ex sees that you are doing something new, she may miss you more.
    • This can make your ex feel jealous about how happy you are without him / her.
    • This action can also make familiar things new. By displaying attractive and enjoying yourself in life that your ex has never seen before, you will probably make your ex wish that she is still there for you. you can learn about those aspects from you.
  4. Focus on your health. After breaking up, you will probably want to indulge yourself with familiar, healthy foods. Do not give up. Instead, force yourself to eat healthier foods and take some time to exercise. You will feel better and become more beautiful, whether you lose weight or not, this will make your ex miss you.
  5. Reward yourself with a new look. You don't need a brand new wardrobe or a head-to-toe change for a new look. Just try a new hairstyle or choose a jacket that is slightly different from your normal outfit. Even wearing a scarf with a different style can make you look different and feel more confident. Just changing the look will make your ex feel jealous, but it will also increase your confidence, and this will definitely make your ex miss you more.
    • The important thing is to avoid going crazy about it. You can improve your appearance to make your every step more confident and show your ex how beautiful and longing you are, but if you have to borrow to try to improve yourself, you will regret it later.
    • Plus, now isn't the right time to make important decisions about your body. Avoid any type of plastic surgery and take some time to think carefully before getting a tattoo.

Part 3 of 3: Getting in touch

  1. Be so sweet. When it's time for the two of you to meet again, be polite. Smile and talk in a friendly way. You will both remind your ex of your strengths while also hinting at her that you are no longer deeply affected by the breakup.
  2. Try texting first. A text is a great way to start communication again. It doesn't have the pressure like a phone call, and it gives your ex the chance to answer when they're ready.
  3. Let's start with a real thing. When you decide to get in touch with your ex, send a text or start a conversation with a part of it being true. After ignoring your ex for about a month, your first conversation should feel comfortable, not awkward.
    • For example, you could say something like, “I see a movie (say the name of a certain movie) is about to show a second season. I know how much you liked the first part and I immediately thought of you when I heard about that news. You can also say, “I just heard your favorite song on the radio today and thought about you. It really made me smile, I just wanted to let you know ”. Reminding him or her of the good times will make them miss you more.
  4. Start a conversation about the good old days. After the two of you have started talking normally again, mention a familiar memory that will remind your ex of the good aspects of your relationship. Reminding him of the good times will help him remember why he loved you in the first place, and this will increase his / her nostalgia for you.
    • Consider something like, “Do you remember when we tried to go to that great restaurant, but ended up getting lost? I can't believe we missed it again, but I'm glad we did. Eating sausages on the beach with you is one of the most memorable memories for me ".
  5. Act like the person your ex fell in love with. When you first met the person, you probably behaved differently from the time before your relationship ended. By acting like the person your ex fell in love with, you have a better chance of getting him or her back. That means, try to rekindle those initial feelings by showing her who you were, the relaxed and interesting person that might have disappeared in the turmoil. of the relationship of both.
    • Of course, the effect of this approach will depend on how you've changed while you were dating in the past. If you have spent a lot of attention trying to flirt with your ex but are less considerate in your relationship afterward, maybe this method will work.
    • However, if your attitude changed 180 degrees and from a sweet person you turned into a physical and verbal tyrant, perhaps this method will only remind your ex of how crazy that change is.
  6. Keep calm. Even after you initiate contact again, you should still avoid talking to your ex excessively. Make sure your ex knows how much you miss him / her, but don't be too passionate about being present in his / her life.You want to remind your ex why he or she likes you, but you also need to give that person space to miss you.
    • Try this golden rule: Let your ex contact you twice as much as you contact her / him.
  7. Show that person pictures of your new life. Once the two of you have started contact again, feel free to show pictures of your new life to your ex. Of course, the best way to share photos is trickier than simply sending them via text; Try posting them on social media, as long as your ex is still making friends with you. If not, you can sometimes send him / her a message about what you are doing.
  8. Show your interest in special occasions. Memorizing special dates like your ex's birthday or Christmas is an effective way to discreetly show affection. These small gestures can let your ex know that he / she is still on your mind without giving the impression that your ex is the only thing that comes to mind.
    • When considering a special occasion, it's best not to include any anniversaries between you two.
    • Keep your actions in moderation. A Christmas or birthday card works well, but a pair of sports tickets or expensive jewelry will be overkill.
  9. Don't beg for attention. Jealousy can be effective if done properly, but usually, people are too obvious about trying to make the other person feel jealous. If you are doing something just because you know it will get your ex's attention, chances are you will be seen as overly depressed. For example, don't date someone your ex knows just to make him angry. advertisement


  • Try to avoid focusing on revenge. If your ex has truly hurt you, you will probably yearn for a chance to get revenge, and you think that making him miss you is the most effective course of action. You will probably have some success, but chances are you will make yourself miserable in the process. If the main purpose of getting him / her to miss you is to take revenge, you better just let go and move on.
  • Understand that there are times when everything you do won't make the person miss you. Maybe you will apply these suggestions and do each method perfectly, but if your ex has truly forgotten you, you probably won't be able to do anything to change your mind. of him or her.