How to make a friend love you

Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 24 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Make a Friend Fall in Love with You | animated video
Video: How to Make a Friend Fall in Love with You | animated video


It's common for people to fall in love with your best friend, but if you fall in love with one of your friends, it's also a challenge to get that person back in love with you. While there is no guaranteed way to change a person's feelings, there are things you can do to increase your friend's chance of reciprocating your love. For example, taking the act of suggesting your feelings, being a shoulder for the person to lean on, and knowing when to step back can all motivate this friend to look at you with romantic eyes. than.


  1. Try to be their best friend. Not just being a normal friend, but someone they can't live without, someone who listens to all their problems and always helps out when needed. You need to build a special bond that both of you cannot live without. Becoming best friends means creating trust in her. If she believes in you she will more likely give you a chance when it comes to love.
    • Spread your heart.Talk about yourself: dreams, wishes, and sadness. Love can thrive in unprecedented places, but she has to think of you as a person with goals, success and difficulties, rather than just being a friend. The more hidden corners of your life that she sees in your life that others don't, the higher your chances of success will be.
    • Make them feel special. Let her know that you really value her in a special way. Thank her for always being with you in times when you need comfort, when you feel sad and completely alone. Show gratitude for the peace and joy they bring. Always dream with her, build a future and encourage and motivate her.

  2. Suggestions. Before you two get too close and cross the "I love you as a friend" line, or develop an overly brother-sister-in-law, you need to signal that you prefer her to be your girlfriend. are normal friends. Harmless flirting gestures, comments, or something to make her realize you're sweet, but also make her think more about your comments and wonder if there's any deeper implication in the words. say that.
    • This is hard to do with words, because you don't want her to think that you make friends just to fall in love. Start by flirting with only body language. Don't miss the opportunity to sit shoulder to shoulder with her. Look her in the eye and laugh a lot. If you feel really comfortable around her, try tickling (flanks or armpits) or carrying her on your back.
    • Slowly move towards flirting with words. Tell her how much you admire her. Show her how special she is to you, that you feel time passing faster when you are around her. But remember, just a small hint can make a big difference! If you don't stop flirting every few minutes, she will begin to feel uncomfortable and withdrawn from you.

  3. Make a shoulder to lean on. You should be the person they can always seek advice from. If you show up at a difficult time and help her get through, she will see you as someone to lean on and trust you to more. You will also be someone with whom she feels safe and secure around.

  4. Continuously trying. When you notice the signs being sent by her, that's when you have had some success. But if she still doesn't understand what you mean, try harder. Being more obvious can be helpful because some girls get flirted too often.
    • Meet her privately. This is very important. If you've never met her when it's just the two of you, work towards that goal. One trick for you is to do it are not must be a date when she asks, but the space is like a date when she arrives. Tell her you're studying in a Starbucks and want a pretty girl to distract her instead of saying, "Ah, would you like to go have a drink with me, just you and me?".
    • Send her your favorite songs. The music you listen to shows her the other side of you, helping her to understand you better. It also implies that you enjoy sharing personal things with her. Remember to include songs you think she likes. You can clear your own path of failure if she just loves listening to Beethoven music and you send Metallica music again. After you've submitted your favorite set of songs, ask her to resend the songs she likes.
  5. Back down. This is an important step because it helps her realize what she is missing when she is not seeing you. She will have to think about what you do to give her a fuller, more affluent, and happier life. Soon she will be eager to see you again.
    • When you are sure you have made a step forward, take a step back. If you still see her every day, you should stay away for about two days, completely out of touch! She will miss you and truly understand how deeply your feelings are for you. However, you must have a good reason to avoid it when she asks. You shouldn't be caught lying down, or look like you're avoiding your face on purpose.
    • If you think it works, you can go out with another girl for the day, just to pique her interest. Women are attracted to men surrounded by beautiful girls. The goal here is not to make her overly jealous. You just want her to think that girls like being around you, and that you have a variety of options when it comes to women.
  6. Just hear her response. Never mind what friends say about her feelings for you, as as we all know, information can be distorted. It's like a game of phone talk. She says something to a friend, one person talks to another, another chats with an acquaintance of hers, and soon the information is completely changed from the original. Filter out any noise that isn't coming from her side.
    • Be consistent and continue to do what makes her happy. Studies show that when two people do interesting, adventurous or adventurous things together, a chemical (called norepinephrine) is released in her body and you are involved in romantic feelings. . So don't listen to what her friends or yours say, and go with her to the haunted house or play some cool game - anything that makes her jump or scream. full of excitement.
  7. If you really want to take the relationship further, you can let her know. Remember that Only do this if you accept the possibility of losing a friend; The atmosphere can be awkward and uncomfortable if she knows you want to be in a relationship but she doesn't. Since what you're doing is trading your friendship for love, some girls will get mad at you for this. The friendship may end after you say it.
    • If you are sure of this decision, you need to say it. Be honest with her and speak your mind. You could say, "I have really appreciated our friendship over the past months, and have finally realized how special a person you are, and I feel that life is richer with you. I value our friendship above everything, but I really like you. I can't hide my feelings for you anymore. Would you agree to date me? ".
    • Give her a way out. Let her know it's okay if she doesn't have the same thoughts, and you can take it. You want to know how she truly feels, not what the sugarcreams you want her to say. If you created a way out by saying, "I know you might not have that love for me, and I will respect that", you've done a great deal to save the friendship if she don't want to pursue a loving relationship. And if she really wants to date, this quote will confirm that you are a sweet and respectful person.
    • Don't be too soft. No matter what you do, you can't get involved. Emotions are powerful, and she may think that you are using your emotions to manipulate you, making her want to stay out of the situation. If you act too weak, she will hurt you and go back to the friends you are trying to leave. Show toughness even if you're boiling inside. Smile at her no matter what she says, being as cheerful as possible.


  • Don't say "I love you" unless you really feel that way.
  • Don't lie. A relationship must be built on trust.
  • Make eye contact with your partner as you speak; The eyes contain real feelings for them.
  • Don't be with her every minute of the day. She might get annoyed. Give her some private space.
  • Great if she shares everything with you! If she does not share, do not force it.
  • Let her know she is loved even just as a friend.
  • Be a polite man: don't swear, don't get drunk by her side, open the door and act polite to others.
  • Never forget to call her, even if she hardly expected it.
  • Happy when she's sad.
  • Do not play brainstorming tricks like making it difficult for each other. Girls hate that.
  • When you see someone you like, feel free to walk over and start talking.


  • When you confess your feelings, you should speak directly instead of texting, writing, or similar. You need to speak face-to-face to create the most personal atmosphere possible.
  • If two people move in the same house, be careful because some things may change; that could be a big step away from friendship.