How to make a guy jealous

Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 12 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
5 EVIL Ways to Make a Guy Jealous
Video: 5 EVIL Ways to Make a Guy Jealous


If you want to make a guy jealous, make sure he has feelings for you. Look your best and show him you're having a great time Not available he. Keep busy and flirt with other guys. Try to ignore him gently or talk about another guy in front of him. However, don't turn out to be a bad guy entirely, and don't let it drag on for too long if you want to date him.


Part 1 of 3: Get ready

  1. Make sure he has feelings for you. Jealousy only works if the guy has feelings for you.If he is completely disinterested, you will have a hard time making him jealous. The good news is that almost every guy you have been dating will be interested in you, and the same goes for the guy flirting with you. If you're not sure if a guy notices you, you can also try making him jealous.
    • While it can be difficult to be 100% sure if he has feelings for you without asking directly the question, there are signs that he is interested in you. If he pays more attention to you in a group, tries to ignore you in the group, or is often caught staring at you, he may be interested.
    • Of course, if you do it the right way, you can get him to pay more attention to you by trying to make him jealous, but it would be even more difficult if he didn't care in the first place. friend.

  2. Looks the most beautiful. If you want to make a guy jealous, you can't come out with loose pants and a mess of hair. You shouldn't wear miniskirts and spiky heels either, but try to look pretty once you know he'll see you so he can notice. Just style your hair, wear stylish outfits, and look like you've taken the time to look for yourself.
    • This means you need to be the best version of yourself, not that you should try to look like a superstar or supermodel.

  3. Show him you're having a great time. The best you can do is enjoy a great time without the presence of the person you are trying to make jealous of. This could mean laughing at your girls, dancing at a party, or just doing something that makes you happy and free. Focus completely on what you are doing, and he will find you're having a great time - and think nothing of him! What else could make him jealous more than that?
    • If he catches you looking around the room looking for him, or trying to pretend it's just for him, he'll hardly be jealous. Make him think he's not always on your mind. It will drive him crazy.

  4. Keep busy. Do what you love to do. If you're busy and having fun so you don't seem to have available time with a guy, he will start to feel a bit jealous. This technique is especially effective for ex-boyfriends. It shows that you are moving on with your life and having better times without him. Even if this technique fails to provoke a feeling of jealousy in a guy, you will still get a good deal. If you don't keep busy, you'll spend all your time thinking about that guy and he will know it.
    • If you really can't stop thinking about a guy and have nothing else to do, try to fill your schedule more.
    • If he can see you busy and doing things that are important to you (more important than him), then great. He will be more excited.

Part 2 of 3: Action

  1. Flirting with another guy. Nothing can make a man more angry than when a girl shows interest or flirts with another guy. Men have a competitive nature, and if another guy seems to like you, even someone who didn't notice you before will be interested. Make sure your ex knows you're flirting by doing it in front of him or in a situation when you know it will reach his ear.
    • However, if you flirt with too many people in a short amount of time, he may have a clear understanding of what you are doing, especially if you are not usually flirting.
    • But don't make it too obvious, as he will think you are the kind of person he can easily get and flirt with. We don't want to leave a bad impression, do we?
    • Ordinary flirting and making fun of others are two different things. Don't flirt too much with a guy you know well that he likes you just to get revenge on others, because you will make the poor guy have hope.
  2. Date another guy. Actually dating another guy will force you to take flirting to a whole new level, and it will bring the same to his jealousy. Especially if you've just dated one guy or if you've just been kicked off by your partner, going out and meeting others is a great way to maintain your independence and get the person you want to try. try harder to win you over or if the person is an ex, it will make him regret losing you. Of course, you shouldn't date someone you don't like just to get revenge on your ex, as you're just hurting your emotions and making things more complicated than necessary.
    • If you and the person you are dating happen to be with the person you're trying to make him jealous of, act naturally. Show him you're having a great time instead of laughing madly or trying too hard to say, "Look at me! I'm having a great time without you!".
  3. Try to gently ignore him. If he and someone you know are sitting together on a bus, you can greet your friend and ignore the guy you're trying to make him jealous of. If he reacts immediately, he likes you. If not, he probably doesn't care. You don't have to be rude or completely ignore him, especially when he approaches you, but don't put in too much effort to talk to him or let him know you're paying attention.
    • If he texts you quite a lot, don't leave it right away. Wait for at least a day or two to show him that you have better things to do than reply to him right away (even if this isn't true!).
    • If he walks past you in the hallway and greets you, you can say hello again, but don't stop and talk to him; You are going to many other places!
  4. Go out with other male friends. Even if you're not really dating, hanging out with a few male friends is a good idea. Even if you're in a close relationship, there's nothing wrong with having friends of the opposite sex, but when you meet them, it will at least make your boyfriend a little jealous and anxious. .
    • Just ignore him altogether, and he will be jealous. Act as if you don't care about him. Do it and you'll have the perfect plan to make him jealous.
  5. Makes him a little nervous. If you are present for him all the time, you will soon lose your mystery, and the mystery can form a feeling of jealousy. For example, don't take his calls so often. When you call him back after a few hours - you need to call him back if you are interested - vaguely describe what you did. You can say you're hanging out with a friend or you're busy. Just not answering the phone and you will make him wonder what you are doing and who you are with.
    • Likewise, if he calls you to ask if you want to hang out from time to time, it's best to say you've got another plan, even if this isn't the case.
  6. Use social media. You don't have to post photos of you and 10 cool guys are playing volleyball at the beach. However, you can use Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and other accounts to let him know you are living a wonderful life without him. Whether you post a picture with a guy you know, mention a great party or museum trip you went to over the weekend, or just show the world your love for your best friend You can use social media to make a guy jealous or angry because you have a full life without him.
    • Don't post too often, however, otherwise he'll just think about the opposite - that you don't have your own life. Just posting two or three times per week should be enough.
  7. Don't be too clear about it. Believe it or not, many guys can tell when you're trying to make them jealous. Sometimes the best thing you can do is give another guy a flirty smile, and the person you want them to notice will be interested in it. The subtle elements will really catch the attention of the person you want him to be jealous of, so don't put too much effort into showing how much you don't need him.
    • If he shares a room with you, keep doing what you are doing. If you change your whole personality just to make a guy jealous, he will know.

Part 3 of 3: Know what to say

  1. Talk about another guy in front of him. You shouldn't do this too explicitly. Avoid saying something like "I've been hanging out with Nam-Nam this whole week so cool!" Or he'll find you just trying to upset him. Instead, you should say "Did you hear about the Arctic Monkeys group? Nam has recorded me their latest CD and I can't stop listening to it." Subtle reminders of a guy you know will make others even more jealous than if you kept talking about him.
    • Don't mention another guy's name too often. Just doing this once or twice during conversation is enough.
  2. Don't be a bad person. While making a guy jealous will require you not to be the nicest person in the world, you shouldn't go too far. If you are bluntly mean, talk too much about being with another guy, or generally don't behave like a nice, kind person just because you want to make him jealous, there will be times when he feels like he is. lose interest, and everyone else in your life is uncomfortable with the behavior you perform.
    • You can be a bit mean, especially if you want to get a guy back, but don't lose your personality.
  3. Keep the conversation short. If you have to talk to the person you want him to be jealous of, don't spend all of your time with him. Talk to him for a few minutes and then tell him you have to go - whether it's going to school, going to see a friend, or actually doing nothing. If he thinks he can chat with you for hours until he have to go, think who is in power in the relationship? (Not you). Even if you really like him and can't stop being caught in his gaze, force yourself to be lenient.
    • Don't pay 100% attention to him when chatting. You should let him know that you have other things on mind.
  4. Keep your plans a mystery. If he asks about your weekend, you can flash a flirty smile and say, "It's… great". You can let him guess what this statement means - he'll think you mean you've had a great time cuddling with another guy in the cinema instead of celebrating his 50th birthday party. age of the aunt. If you need to go, you don't need to say "Time to make an appointment with my dentist!". Instead, say "I'm late for ... I need to go". Maybe he'll think it's a date, and who are you to say differently?
    • Avoid being understandable if you want to make him jealous. Make him guess what you're up to and allow him to create his own situations that could make him jealous!
  5. Don't try to make him jealous for too long if your goal is to date him. If you want to make a guy jealous because he broke your heart and you want to get revenge on him then great. But if you want to make him jealous because you really like him and think that this action will grab his attention, you need to know the limits. A little flirting and making him jealous at first is okay at first, but if you go too far, he might think you're not interested, not a nice person, or the kind of person. like to fall into every man. Once you and your significant other begin to make real bonds, you can reduce this jealousy game.
    • If you date him, you can still keep him interested, but there is a better way to do this than to make him jealous! If you want to begin a relationship with him, it needs to be built on a foundation of trust, not skepticism or distrust.


  • Don't reveal that you're trying to make him jealous. If he suspects your actions were just meant to make him jealous, your plan will backfire. If he asks if you're trying to make him jealous, act like you don't know what he is saying, or if you are trying to get revenge on your ex, tell him. He's selfish to think that you're flirting with another guy because of him.
  • Remember to always look like you're happier without him. Laughing, smiling, and simply talking to other people will make him jealous.
  • If he asks you where you've been, just say you're hanging out with a friend. This will make him suspect and question the person you went with, and whether that person is a male.
  • Be sure to mention the guy you flirt with over and over again in front of the person you're trying to make him jealous of, but don't go overboard or he'll be upset.
  • Remember, it can be difficult to make someone jealous if they don't really care about you in the first place. And if the guy already has someone else, you're making people look at you with bad eyes.
  • If he calls, answer 3 hours after the phone rings. This will prevent you from looking hopeless.
  • Being too obvious will make you look hopeless, needy, and that you can't move forward. You should take it easy and go step by step.
  • Avoid making him jealous for too long.
  • Take a cute photo with your male friends or older people, post it on social media and wait.
  • Don't block him on social media - this will not work. Social media are great at fostering jealousy, and blocking him will only remove this option.


  • When you pass him in the hallway, don't look at him. If you do this often, he will think it's weird because you won't make him question.
  • On the other hand, some people respond to jealousy by giving up. If you're trying to get a guy to care about you and you make him jealous, he may decide that you don't deserve him in trouble.
  • Remember, when you try to make a man jealous, you are playing a game. Be prepared for the moment when he turns the tide. He will hang out and spend time with female friends. This effort can cause the other person to cheat and cause pain for everyone.
  • Occasionally, a man may feel unwelcome, and this will cause him to lose interest in you. You need to be careful not to go overboard.
  • Don't go overboard! Some people will think that you don't like them.
  • Jealousy affects some guys in a pretty bad way, making them mean, obsessive, or even violent. You need to be careful about making someone jealous, especially if he seems to take it too seriously. If you know someone who tends to be violent or violent, don't get involved with him, and you shouldn't try to make him jealous. If you feel threatened by a guy (or by anyone), stay away from them and report any intimidation or stalking to the police.
  • If you try to make a guy jealous by spending time with another guy, he might interpret the action in a way that you don't care about him anymore. Regardless of all the feelings he has for you, he will treat this as a "hint" to retreat and leave you alone. You will see unresponsiveness as a manifestation of being indifferent to you. Even if you have feelings for him, you have to move on. So when the game starts, you run the risk of confusing, sending false signals, and losing someone who once thought you were cool but didn't know how to confide in you.
  • Don't act too explicitly or he might think you still have feelings for him.
  • However, be careful. Some guys, especially those who aren't from Western cultures, may take this too seriously and become violent, or leave you in the blink of an eye.
  • Understand that a man has a variety of personality traits and someone with "jealous blood" will react to behaviors that make him jealous. Also, what about the person you used to make him jealous? Has the person been taken advantage of before? When you use a guy like that, who's the type that is easy to use, you show your selfish, insensitive nature that you don't want anyone to know. You are constantly destroying the person's reputation, making them people who would often steal other people's girlfriends.
  • When he is near or around you, flirting or touching another guy's arm, winking, or doing anything you know they'll upset him.
  • And there are a few men just enjoy the "chasing", and will enjoy you more once he knows there is no need to worry about you leaving.