How to Treat H. pylori Infection

Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 7 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Helicobacter Pylori Infection | Gastric ulcer | Causes, Signs and Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment.
Video: Helicobacter Pylori Infection | Gastric ulcer | Causes, Signs and Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment.


Many people were surprised to learn that the ratio of bacteria in the body is 10: 1 out of cells. Significant amounts of these bacteria are part of an ecosystem that is essential to human health (or microbial populations). This microbial population can affect overall health and weight. In addition, it also affects the risk of diseases such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, obesity and stroke. Bacteria can also cause many infections that affect health. Heliobacter pylori good H. pylori It is one of those bacteria and it causes ulcers in the stomach or upper part of the small intestine or duodenum. Bacteria H. pylori causes inflammation in many people and also causes ulcers. Although ulcers are believed to be caused by stress, eating hot spicy foods, alcoholic beverages and smoking, in reality most ulcers are caused by H. pylori bacteria.


Method 1 of 5: Proven Natural Treatments

  1. Drink cranberry juice. Cranberry juice has the ability to prevent or inhibit bacteria from sticking to the stomach. One study recommends drinking 250 ml of cranberry juice per day. However, this study only had a 14% success rate after 90 days, so you may need to use a combination of other methods.

  2. Use licorice. Licorice is a traditional treatment for ulcers in Indian, Chinese and Japanese traditional medicine. Although more evidence is needed, current animal and human experiments have also shown promising results. Licorice prevents bacteria from sticking to the stomach, so it is very effective in preventing inflammation in the first place.
    • An ingredient in licorice has been linked to high blood pressure. Therefore, you should buy natural licorice tablets, also known as DGL (Deglycyrrhizinated Licorice), for which this ingredient has been removed.

  3. Practice good personal hygiene to prevent illness. To reduce the risk of infection H. pyloriYou should use warm soapy water to wash your hands and all kitchen utensils used for cooking and cooking. Do not share eating utensils and make sure the person who prepares you food is cleaning properly. Wash fruits and vegetables with warm water or use a fruit washing machine. advertisement

Method 2 of 5: Natural Treatments That Can Be Effective

  1. Understand the limitations of natural therapies. Treatments for bacterial infections H. pylori Focus on a nutritious diet using common hygiene principles, using herbs, probiotics and other dietary supplements. These treatments have not been shown to be effective in treating bacteria H. pylori but can help prevent and treat infections. In addition, these treatments can help reduce symptoms of the infection (if any).
  2. Take probiotics. Probiotics are a source of "good" bacteria and yeasts that are common in the body's microbial population. Probiotics include species Lactobacillus, Acidophilus, Bifidobacteria and yeast Saccharomyces Boulardii. You can take probiotics as a supplement (follow the manufacturer's instructions) or as a food supplement. Clinical evidence suggests that probiotics can help fight bacteria H. pylori.
    • Food sources of probiotics are fermented foods such as Kefir yeast, sauerkraut, pickled vegetables, Kombucha tea (fermented tea), soybeans, Kimchi and other foods like yogurt, Miso soup, Poi ( fermented pureed taro), asparagus, leek and onion. These foods should be included in your diet at least 2-3 times per week.
    • You can also take a pre-biotic 2-3 times per week to support healthy gut bacteria by providing a healthy food. Pre-biotic rich foods include whole grains, onions, garlic, honey, artichokes and leeks.
  3. Try edible herbs. Many herbs have antibiotic properties (kill bacteria). The following herbs have the ability to slow the growth of bacteria H. pylori in the laboratory. Although these herbs are not yet considered a complete treatment for bacterial infections, they are well worth a try:
    • Ginger, a herb that also has anti-inflammatory properties
    • Laurel leaves, herbs that have both antibacterial properties
    • Turmeric / Curry
    • Oregano Leaves
    • Cinnamon
  4. Consider using Korean red ginseng supplements. Korean red ginseng shows antibacterial abilities H. pylori when doing experiments on animals. Red ginseng is different from American ginseng and has many different uses. Not only effective in enhancing mental health and sexual ability, red ginseng also helps to lower blood sugar, increase heart rate and increase or decrease blood pressure. If you want to try red ginseng, you should consult a health care professional with knowledge of red ginseng.
  5. Try other helpful foods. Green tea, red wine, and Manuka honey also have antibacterial properties against bacteria H. pylori. However, research on the uses of these foods has been conducted with bacteria or animals in the laboratory, so there is no human dose. It is safe to incorporate green tea and Manuka honey in the diet, and red wine should be consumed in moderation. Besides being antibacterial, these foods also help treat infections.
  6. Eat a nutritious diet. There is currently no strong evidence to suggest a nutritional link with bacteria H. pylori. Even so, natural health philosophies recommend consuming unprocessed foods to improve immune system response and boost the health of microbial populations. Healthy diets include:
    • High quality protein:
      • Red meat in low or moderate amounts (herbivore meat would be better)
      • Poultry skinless in moderate amounts
      • Pork in low or moderate amounts
      • Fish in moderate or high amounts
    • Fresh fruits and vegetables (with different colors)
      • Broccoli sprouts can help treat bacteria H. pyloribut these results were only drawn from one study that included 9 patients.
    • Beans like lentils
    • Complex carbohydrates are found in:
      • Vegetables
      • Whole grain foods
      • Nuts like brown rice and quinoa
      • Kinds of bean
  7. Limit your consumption of processed and packaged foods. Although the concept of nutrition is not as easy to define as "natural is different from artificial", it is found that most processed foods are less nutritious and contain substances that cause side effects (possibly including suppression of immune responses). Avoiding packaged and processed foods will improve overall health but may not directly impact bacteria. H. pylori.
    • To see if the product is packaged / processed check the ingredient list. The longer the list, the more processed the food is. Processed foods are usually found in the middle of the grocery store. Less processed foods are usually on the outermost stall and include dried beans, fresh fruits and vegetables, brown rice, wholesale (bulk) foods, and single-ingredient foods .
    • Avoid consuming "fast" foods. These foods go through a lot of processing and contain preservatives and non-food chemicals.
  8. Combine many different methods. Treatment of H. pylori infection may be more successful by combining the methods above. You will feel better and fight off bacteria H. pylori It is better if you eat a healthy diet while taking the recommended herbs and spices, while adding fermented foods and a combination of probiotic supplements.
    • Test after 2-3 months using the above treatments to see if the infection remains. After 2-3 months, you will probably be better off with antibiotics and antacids prescribed by your doctor. Always talk to your healthcare professional and run tests to make sure H. pylori is being treated.
  9. Call your doctor. If none of the methods above help you get better, or you have severe stomach pain, have blood in your stool (black and tarry stools) or vomit blood or vomit like coffee powder, call your doctor right away. is a sign of a serious problem. advertisement

Method 3 of 5: Decoding Misconceptions

  1. Do not use water to treat H. pylori. Drinking water does not help treat bacteria H. pylori or ulcers caused by H. pylori bacteria because the ulcer is not caused by dehydration.
  2. Don't use garlic. Tests showed that garlic was ineffective against bacteria H. pylori and does not reduce the incidence of stomach cancer.
  3. Don't use fenugreek. Fenugreek does not treat H. pylori infections.
  4. Clearly define which treatment has no evidence to support it. The following home remedies are not proven to be effective either.
    • Cayenne pepper
    • Baikal Skullcap Root (Warning: Talk to a healthcare professional if you want to treat H. pylori with Baikai Skullcap root.This root can slow blood clotting, affect blood sugar and lower blood pressure. ).

Method 4 of 5: Treatment with Medicines

  1. Take an antibiotic. If confirmed, you have a bacterial infection H. pyloriYour doctor may give you antibiotics to fight the infection. Doctors usually prescribe more than 2 antibiotics to take for at least 2-3 weeks, depending on the body's response to the drug.
    • Some commonly used antibiotics are Amoxicillin, Clarithromcyin, Metronidazole, and Tetracycline.
  2. Take an acid-lowering medicine. Medications that help lower acid levels (Proton Pump Inhibitors or PPIs) or a class of drugs called H2 blockers are often prescribed with antibiotics. A decrease in acidity creates a less-ideal-looking field for the bacteria, while antibiotics help kill the bacteria.
  3. Take Bismuth. In addition to antacids and antibiotics, your doctor may recommend a Bismuth medication such as Bismuth Subsalicylate (eg, Pepto BismolTM). Bismuth drugs like Pepto-Bismol do not kill bacteria on their own, but combine antibiotics and antacids in the stomach.
    • About 70-85% of people treated with a combination of the above 3 drugs are diagnosed negative for H. pylori bacteria. There are many ways to combine antibiotics, Bismuth salts, and antacids, so talk to your doctor more carefully.

Method 5 of 5: Understand H. pylori

  1. Understand bacteria H pylori how to cause ulcers.H. pylori damages the lining of the stomach (the lining that protects the stomach from stomach acid - the acid that's needed to start digesting food). When the lining is damaged, the acid in the stomach will "erode" the stomach and duodenum, and eventually can cause pits (ulcers) that cause severe bleeding and pain.
    • The bleeding can cause anemia, fatigue and illness, and pain and discomfort can be debilitating.
    • Bacteria H. pylori have been linked to a type of stomach cancer and cancer of the lymph nodes linked to the stomach lining (MALT). H. pylori infection has also been linked to a reduced risk of another form of stomach cancer and another form of esophageal cancer.
  2. Understand the body infection H pylori how. The body can become infected H. pylori from contaminated food, drinking water, cooking utensils or from coming into contact with fluids from an infected person. For example, you can get H. pylori if you share a fork or spoon with someone who has the infection.
    • Bacteria H. pylori are everywhere. This bacteria is found in about two-thirds of all adults worldwide, and young children can also become infected. Infection rates are higher in developing countries than in developed countries.
    • To prevent infection, wash your hands well before eating, especially after using the toilet. Only drink clean water from a safe source and ensure that food is processed in a safe and hygienic manner.
    • You can't completely avoid the bacteria, but you can still reduce your risk of infection. If you eat healthy foods, your immune system will stay strong and ready to fight off bacteria.
  3. Recognize early signs of infection H pylori. The first stage of infection H. pylori may be painless and asymptomatic. In fact, without testing, you won't know you have the infection. Symptoms (if any) include:
    • Pain or burning in the abdomen (symptoms are worse when you are hungry)
    • Nausea
    • Heartburn and heartburn
    • Loss of appetite
    • Full stomach
    • Weight loss (not due to weight loss regimes)
  4. Get tested for infection H pylori. Your doctor can diagnose a bacterial infection H. pylori through symptoms and many different tests.
    • A urea breath test is the best way to diagnose bacterial infection H. pylori.
      • Your doctor may ask you to drink a solution that contains a “tracer” that may be slightly radioactive or non-radioactive, depending on the type of test. After a relatively short time, the breath will be tested for urea or not. The urea and ammonia produced are byproducts of bacterial metabolism and help determine bacterial infection. H. pylori.
    • A stool test will be done to determine if there are bacteria.
    • In addition, your doctor may also perform a stomach biopsy (less commonly used) to confirm the presence of H. pylori bacteria. Biopsy is usually performed when cancer is suspected but is the most reliable method of diagnosis and is used by many doctors.


  • Limit alcohol, chocolate, processed foods, and sugar. These foods are bad for the overall health and cause bacteria to grow.
  • Avoid undercooked foods like Sushi, eggs, undercooked or medium meats, and steaks.


  • Always consult your doctor before taking home remedies.