Ways to treat nausea

Author: Monica Porter
Date Of Creation: 22 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Perform Acupressure for Nausea and Vomiting | Memorial Sloan Kettering
Video: How to Perform Acupressure for Nausea and Vomiting | Memorial Sloan Kettering


  • Relax. Anxiety makes nausea worse, so don't worry too much about whether illness is interfering with your plans. Remember to get enough sleep at night and take a nap to regain your health. Regardless of whether you feel better after waking up or not, at least you should not experience nausea during the time you sleep! Practice deep breathing to treat mild stomach upset, as this breathing technique induces a different rhythm of movement in the stomach.
    • Sit in a quiet place.
    • Inhale slowly through your nose, letting your chest and lower abdomen stretch while the air enters your lungs.
    • Inhale until your abdomen is fully stretched, then exhale slowly through your mouth.

  • Create a pleasant fragrance in the surrounding space. Research has shown that steaming from essential oils like peppermint and ginger can reduce nausea, but so far this result has not been conclusively confirmed. However, many people actually feel better when there are scents around, such as the evaporation of essential oils or scented candles.
    • Eliminate odors from the living environment. Ask others to take out the trash and avoid sitting in a hot room.
    • Open a window to let air circulate or open a fan toward your body.
  • Self-distraction. Sometimes just walking and getting some fresh air can help you feel better. The effectiveness of this method is even more apparent if you go for a walk when you first feel sick. However, do not be distracted by activities that make the nausea worse. Stop doing anything that worsens your condition.
    • Try to relax and forget the nausea. For example, watching movies, chatting with friends, playing video games or listening to your favorite music.
    • "Better vomit than keep".Be aware that you can vomit and that a good feeling will come after it. Sometimes trying to resist vomiting is worse than letting up and not feeling uncomfortable. Some people intentionally induce vomiting so that the discomfort quickly passes when they are in a convenient position.
  • Method 2 of 4: Reduce nausea with food

    1. Eat meals and snacks. Using anti-nausea foods is probably the last thing you want to think of. It should actually be on the first line of the list of treatments! Skipping meals, whether it's a meal or a snack, can make you more hungry and nauseous, so try to get over your cravings temporarily to get back to normal.
      • Eat several small meals throughout the day or snack to help keep your stomach moving. Even if you avoid overeating, stop when you're full.
      • Avoid spicy and greasy processed foods like french fries, fried foods, fried foods, pizza, and more.These foods cause more nausea.
    2. Eat a BRAT diet. BRAT stands for “Banana, Rice, Applesauce and Toast” (Banana, Rice, Apple Sauce and Bread). This bland diet is recommended for people suffering from diarrhea or stomach upset, as bland foods are easy to digest. The BRAT diet won't cure nausea, but it will limit symptoms and prevent negative reactions if you eat bad food.
      • Do not use the BRAT diet for a long time.
      • Usually you can slowly switch to a normal diet within 24-48 hours.
      • You can add other easy-to-digest bland foods to this diet (clear soups, crackers, etc.).
      • Remember, if you want to actively induce vomiting, drink only clear liquids. The BRAT diet is only recommended after you've gone six hours without vomiting.

    3. Use ginger. Many studies show that 1 gram of ginger has the ability to significantly reduce nausea. Use up to 1 gram of ginger each time and 4 grams per day. If you are pregnant you should consult your doctor before use - the recommended amount of ginger during pregnancy is about 650mg to 1 gram, but never more than 1 gram. There are many ways to incorporate ginger in your meals, but don't use as much ginger in one meal.
      • Nibble on ginger jam.
      • Make ginger tea by steeping grated fresh ginger in boiling water.
      • Buy and drink ginger ale.
      • Not everyone responds well to ginger. For some reason, some people cannot relieve nausea with ginger.
    4. Use peppermint. Although scientists have not agreed on the effects of peppermint, a few studies have shown that peppermint can effectively reduce nausea. Peppermint has long been used to treat digestive problems such as heartburn and indigestion, and stop stomach cramps that cause vomiting. Peppermint-flavored candies like Mentos or Tic-Tacs should only be eaten in moderation as the sugar in them can make you more nauseous. Sugar-free mint-flavored gum is a solution, but be careful because chewing air will get into your stomach, causing bloating and leading to nausea. If you're on a liquid diet, peppermint tea is a great option.
    5. Drink enough water. The average person needs to drink 8-10 glasses of water a day, but when sick this need is even more important. Take special care to stay hydrated if your nausea is accompanied by vomiting.
      • Sports drinks work well when properly adjusted. Vomiting causes the body to lose water and electrolytes like potassium and sodium, while sports drinks contain these. However, sports drinks are too concentrated for anti-dehydration needs, contain more sugar than needed, and harmful chemicals like artificial colorants - are substances that help to attract users rather than wear. benefits for health. But you can easily dilute a sports drink by:
      • Replace half or 1/4 of the capacity with filtered water.
      • Or for every part of your sports drink, drink some water. This method is useful for those who are lazy to drink filtered water but prefer to drink soft drinks.
    6. Soda drink has effervescent. Despite its high sugar content, effervescent soda can help ease stomach discomfort. To get this type of soda, pour the can into a closed bottle with a lid, shake and then open the lid to let the gas escape, close the lid and continue shaking until no gas is produced.
      • For a long time people used to use chocolate against nausea, even before it was used to make soda.
      • Ginger marinated drinks contain real ginger, not just ginger flavor, making it a good antiemetic.
    7. Stay away from harmful drinks. It is important to keep your body hydrated, but there are some drinks that cause more nausea. For example, alcohol, caffeinated or carbonated drinks are not good for nausea because they stimulate the stomach more. If your nausea is accompanied by diarrhea, avoid milk and dairy products until the illness is over. The lactose in milk is difficult to digest and makes the diarrhea worse or take longer to go away. advertisement

    Method 3 of 4: Treat nausea with medicine

    1. Use over-the-counter medications. If you're sure the cause of your nausea is temporary and it's not a symptom of another underlying problem, you can take an over-the-counter medication. Before buying any medication, you should determine the cause of your nausea - whether it's an upset stomach or motion sickness. These medications are used to treat nausea of ​​a specific cause.
      • For example, nausea caused by an upset stomach or gastroenteritis can be treated with Pepto-Bismol, Maalox or Mylanta. But nausea caused by motion sickness should be treated with Dramamine.
    2. See your doctor for medication if needed. Certain medical procedures, such as surgery or treatment for cancer, can cause severe nausea and require medication as prescribed by your doctor. Besides, nausea can also be a symptom of many other medical conditions such as chronic kidney disease or peptic ulcer. There are many different types of medication for nausea, and you need to see your doctor so that a doctor can prescribe the correct medication for the specific cause.
      • For example, Zofran (ondansetron) is often used to relieve nausea caused by chemotherapy and radiation therapy.
      • Phenergan (promethazine) is prescribed after a patient undergoes surgery and treatment for motion sickness, and scopolamine is used only to treat motion sickness.
      • Domperidone (Motilium) is used when the stomach is very upset, and it is also sometimes used in the treatment of Parkinson's disease.
    3. Take medication as directed. For over-the-counter drugs you must carefully read the dosage information on the label and follow them strictly. Prescription drugs also have instructions on the packaging, but it is preferable that you follow your doctor's instructions. They may vary the dosage slightly based on your medical history.
      • Because of their strong potency, prescription drugs can cause serious side effects if taken incorrectly. For example, overdose of Zofran will cause temporary blindness, severe constipation, hypotension, and fainting.

    Method 4 of 4: Address the cause of your nausea

    1. Consider if you have a medical problem. Illness is one of the main causes of nausea, such as the flu, stomach illness and a few others.
      • This is an essential time to check your body temperature. Although not all illnesses cause fever, it will help you narrow down the list of causes of your nausea.
      • Is food the cause? Food poisoning is quite common these days, so you should pay attention to other family members, if all of them have stomach upset after eating last night's dinner then it is likely food poisoning.
      • If the problem persists for a few days in a row, it is more likely that you have a gastrointestinal illness rather than the usual "abdominal pain". There are generally many reasons for nausea, from simple to complex, so you may need to see your doctor. Even severe and prolonged nausea can sometimes be the cause of people going to the emergency room (discussed in more detail later).
    2. Consider the cause of a food allergy or intolerance. If nausea attacks are frequent, keep a journal for several weeks to find the culprit. When you suspect that your body is intolerant or unresponsive to food, avoid or limit your intake of such foods and let your doctor know.
      • Lactose intolerance is a common cause of nausea. Almost only people of European descent have the ability to easily digest milk, yet many of them are intolerant of milk. Use medications like Lactaid or Dairy Ease to aid in the digestion of dairy products, or just eat products that have been processed with enzymes like yogurt and cheese.
      • Food allergies or sensitivities also cause problems. If you feel nauseous right after eating strawberries or strawberry foods, this could be a sign of a food sensitivity.
      • Only a specialist can diagnose food sensitivities and intolerances.
      • In some places people tend to self-diagnose as "gluten intolerant" or to reach similar conclusions without medical testing. Be careful with such trends! There are people who react violently to gluten, but sometimes the "cure" is only through a psychotherapy or simply after a while the person gets better, and they automatically attribute this result to change. diet, while nothing proves that conclusion or simply the body repairs itself.
    3. See if the medication is the cause of the nausea. Before taking medicine to treat nausea, first make sure that the medications you are taking are not the cause of the problem. Many drugs, like codeine or hydrocodone, can lead to nausea and vomiting. Check with your doctor to see if any medications you are taking have nausea as a side effect. They will either replace it with another drug or indicate a lower dosage.
    4. Consider the cause of motion sickness. Some people feel nauseous when riding in an airplane, on a boat or in a car, which also occurs when you are sitting on a procession during festivals. To prevent nausea, choose the seat where you feel the least movement - either the front row of the car or the window seat on the plane.
      • Get some fresh air by pulling down a window or going out for a walk.
      • Avoid smoking.
      • Don't eat spicy or greasy foods.
      • Try to keep your head as fixed as possible to prevent motion sickness.
      • Antihistamines such as Dimenhydrinate or Vomina are effective motion sickness medications. You should take the pill about 30 minutes to 1 hour before the car is going, but the side effect is drowsiness.
      • Scopolamine is a prescription drug for severe cases.
      • Ginger and ginger products work well for some people, such as gingerbread (with natural flavors), ginger root or ginger candy, all of them help.
      • Avoid riding the train when your stomach is too full or too hungry.
    5. "Morning sickness" during pregnancy will go away on its own. Although known as "morning sickness", this condition, which usually occurs in the early (sometimes later) phase of pregnancy, can occur any time of the day. Usually the nausea goes away after the first trimester, so you have to stay strong and wait. However, if the condition is too severe, occurs often, or progresses, you should see your doctor.
      • Eating crackers, especially savory crackers, can help you feel better, but avoid overeating during meals. Instead, eat small meals 1-2 hours apart.
      • Ginger products such as ginger tea have also been shown to be effective in reducing morning sickness.
    6. Stay hydrated after drinking alcohol. If you drank too much the night before, the next morning you must replenish water to recover your health. There are also medications like Alka-Seltzer Morning Relief that are formulated to speed up the recovery process from drinking.
    7. Hydrate to treat gastroenteritis. Gastric flu can cause mild to severe nausea and vomiting, often with abdominal pain, diarrhea and fever. Vomiting and diarrhea dehydrate the body, so make sure you stay hydrated and stay hydrated. If you can't drink a lot of water at once, take it into small sips and drink it more often.
      • Signs of dehydration include dark urine, dizziness, and dry mouth.
      • Seek treatment if you are unable to absorb water.
    8. Consider the cause of your dehydration. In many cases of stress from hot weather and dehydration, nausea can be a symptom of dehydration.
      • Don't drink water too quickly. Drink a few small sips at a time, or suck on ice cubes to prevent the vomiting reaction.
      • Best drinking water are not too cold, cool or warm is ideal. Especially when your body is too hot, drinking cold water causes your stomach to constrict and vomiting.
    9. Know when to see a doctor. There are many serious illnesses that also cause nausea such as hepatitis, ketone acidosis, severe head injury, food poisoning, pancreatitis, intestinal obstruction, appendicitis, and so on. See your doctor if you:
      • Cannot absorb food or water
      • Vomiting 3 or more times a day
      • Nausea for longer than 48 hours
      • Loss of energy
      • Fever
      • Stomachache
      • Unable to urinate for 8 hours or more
    10. Go to the emergency room if needed. Nausea is not the reason you need to go to the emergency room in most cases. However, if you experience any of the following symptoms, you may need to go to the emergency department:
      • Chest pain
      • Severe abdominal pain or cramps
      • Blurred vision or fainting
      • Lethargy
      • High fever and stiff neck
      • Severe headache
      • The vomitus contains blood or is like coffee grounds


    • If you feel like vomiting, you should not resist, because this is the body's reaction to push things that do not belong to it. You will likely feel well after the vomiting stops.
    • If you can't sleep because of nausea, try lying on your left hip and bending your knee like the fetus is in the abdomen.
    • Take dried ginger tablets (sold at the grocery store) to combat motion sickness and nausea, and it is very effective without causing side effects.
    • If chemotherapy or any other illness is the cause of nausea, in some parts of the world people may use marijuana. In this regard, you should find out the law in your area.
    • Cooling body. Nausea sometimes occurs when you are too hot, then drink cold water or turn on a fan.
    • Put lemon juice on the ice cube and hold it in your mouth, you will feel better.
    • Don't think gagging because the nausea can come easily when you are cleaning with smelly products, such as bleach. This has a significant impact!
    • Do not eat spicy foods or foods that are too pasty because they make the situation worse. Eat less during this time, sometimes causing nausea.
    • Sitting with your head back and legs raised, the nausea should go away until you get up.
    • Avoid loud sounds and strong lights. Relax in a quiet, dark room with fresh air in the air.
    • Do not chew gum. Chewing gum not only bloates, but also makes your stomach think you're trying to digest food, so it will release acid and cause more nausea.


    • See your doctor if your nausea is accompanied by fever, especially in older adults.
    • Chances are that the cause of your nausea is pregnancy, and you should avoid taking any medications or alcohol, or anything else that could harm your baby.
    • Persistent or persistent nausea can be a symptom of a variety of illnesses, such as the flu, food poisoning, intestinal disease, tumors, and so on. . Even if you know the cause, such as motion sickness, see a doctor if your nausea doesn't go away in 1-2 days.