Ways to study abroad

Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 2 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Best countries to study abroad for free ✈️🌎💸Budget-friendly study abroad destinations 🌈💰✨
Video: Best countries to study abroad for free ✈️🌎💸Budget-friendly study abroad destinations 🌈💰✨


Surely you are very excited about studying abroad and experiencing a new culture. This is not only an opportunity for you to embark on an unforgettable journey of discovery, but also an opportunity to learn and broaden your horizons throughout the learning process. You will probably feel nervous and anxious about having to step out of your comfort zone, but that is completely natural. If you want to prepare well for your study abroad journey, check out the tips in this article.


Part 1 of 2: Preparing for studying abroad

  1. Choose the right study program. The most important step you need to take is to choose the program that works best for you - not the 20 best friends in college. You will have to choose the program you want to study in and the city you will be studying in. Here's how to make a decision:
    • If you are not majoring in a foreign language or are not particularly interested in a particular culture, try getting information. Check out the guidebook and search the internet to see which city you like best. After shortening your list of destinations, you should consult people who have attended the program you are thinking of and ask more about that city.
    • If your major or minor major is related to a foreign language, you will probably want to study in the country where that language is spoken. Check how many credits you will receive from a study program related to your major or minor major.
    • Decide whether you want to study a program directly affiliated with your school or at another university. Both options have pros and cons. If you choose an affiliate program with your school, your credit will be easier to transfer, you will also study with a few acquaintances and feel more comfortable, and of course there will be no need to do too much defense. procedures for approval. If you choose to study at another university, you will have more options and new experiences as you will study with people you never know, but you have to spend a lot of effort to find information and apply to the program you want to study.

  2. After choosing your program of study, you will be required to take the required tests to receive your grades by the admission deadline. Next, you need to report the results to the faculty or school you want to study according to the admission instructions on their website.
  3. Once you have completed the tests and prepared the full admission documents, fill out and submit the application form. In addition, you should learn the procedure for a student visa and ensure your passport is valid. Each country has different visa requirements, so you need to find out the information first.

  4. Once your admission application is approved, ask the school to issue you a formal offer like the i20. Each country will issue a different document for the visa application and you will use this document to apply for a student visa.

  5. Begin to learn more about the culture of the place you are going to go. You can start preparing for your study abroad trip a few months in advance. This is not only a way to get ready for your trip, but it will also help you adapt quickly to the itinerary. Here are a few things you can do:
    • Cultivate foreign language skills. If you need to know the language in the country you choose to study in, take a foreign language class and practice communication by yourself. Watch the movies that speak the language to help you improve your skills.
    • Take a class about the culture of the country you are going to. If your school offers a history or art course related to the culture you are about to experience, take advantage of that opportunity to learn more.
    • Try some of that culture's food. It is not difficult to find food shops thousands of miles away from where you live. Sample a few items to get used to where you'll have to eat them every day.
    • Meet people you will study in that country or city. You can learn together and share your feelings about where you are going to be.
  6. Find out information about the city you will study abroad in. Once you know where you will live, read everything about that city. You can read the blog sites, travel books, and learn about the history of the city. This will help you better understand where you are going, and know the great things that you will experience as soon as you arrive.
    • Write a list of things you want to do. Before you leave home, make a list of at least 20 things to do when you get to that city.
    • Bookmark travel book pages that recommend interesting places for you right come.
    • Chat with people who have lived or studied in that city and take their advice.
    • Find out the climate of the place you're going to know what to wear.

Part 2 of 2: Creating memorable experiences in studying abroad

  1. Immerse yourself in the local culture. This is the most important goal of your study abroad experience. You chose to study in another country because you were interested in the culture and customs there, and you also wanted to open your eyes. Therefore, you should take every opportunity to try new things to gain a lot of fun experiences and step out of your comfort zone. Here's what you should do:
    • If you go to a country that speaks another language, live with that language. Try to speak and read the language as much as possible, even watching the TV shows on the local channel.
    • Enjoy the cuisine in a new land. You will definitely crave the taste of the dishes from home, but you should indulge yourself with familiar foods from time to time and take the opportunity to try local cuisine.
    • Understand the habits of local people. If you live in that place nap As a common operation, let's do this.
    • Enjoy local music and traditional dances. Go to an art show or concert.
    • Watch local movies. Explore movie theaters in the new city. You will have a good time even when you do not understand the content.
    • Visit museums, exhibitions and other cultural events. Find out everything related to that country and don't forget to take notes.
    • It is okay to take a break from exploring on occasion. Order a pizza, watch a popular movie at home and fall asleep to the tunes of the country. You don't have to be a cultural student all the time.
  2. Meet the right people. The people you meet will contribute to your perfect study abroad experience. Relationships can bring good moments or ruin your journey; So please choose your friends carefully. If you meet good friends, you can learn a lot from a new culture. There are a few things you can do:
    • Find a few trusted friends where you go. It would be nice to be able to make friends with students in the same program; This way, you will be more resilient, motivated to participate in interesting activities and not feel too alone.
    • Try to make local friends. You may find it difficult to meet new people or overcome language barriers, but native speakers are usually friendly and will enjoy your difference. Furthermore, they also know where to sell good food, interesting places to visit, and places where many tourists visit.
      • When meeting native speakers, make an effort to communicate in their native language. They may also want to practice speaking English with you, but in addition to following their wishes, don't forget to encourage them to speak the local language with you.
    • If you live in a homestay family, take advantage of yourself. You can learn more about culture through the host family's lifestyle.If they invite you to participate in outside events, do not miss this opportunity.
    • Your main goal is not to become a tourist. If you only take the time to meet with international students who are homesick, you will have less chance to open your eyes.
  3. Take advantage of travel opportunities. When you study abroad, maybe you will live not far from interesting destinations. The cost of going to other countries will probably be lower than when departing from home, so do not miss the opportunity to visit some special places that you have never been to. However, you should not forget that your main goal is to immerse yourself in life in the place you have chosen to study abroad, so the most important thing is to spend a lot of time exploring that country.
    • Travel around the country you are studying. This is your chance to learn more about the diversity and customs of different regions of the country. In addition, you will understand the artistic or historical value that you have learned about this place.
    • Plan to visit a few other countries. Better yet, visit the cities where your friends are studying so they can be your tour guides.
    • Ask one or two more friends to travel with you. As such, the trip is not only happier but also safer.
    • If you are unable to stay with friends while traveling, you can look for hostels - a more economical option than hotels. Hostel houses are a fun place to stay, giving you the chance to meet new people, but it's a good idea to book a room with a friend so you can take turns keeping your belongings, and don't forget to find out about the home Vacation before booking.
    • Many international students who enroll in the fall like to come to Munich to join the German beer festival - Oktoberfest. If you enjoy participating in this vibrant festival, book your tickets months in advance, or even before you leave to study abroad.
    • While studying abroad gives you a great opportunity to travel, make sure to spend a few weekends exploring the city in which you live, so that you get used to the pace and have a chance to better understand it. .
    • If you choose to travel abroad, don't forget to inform your friends, teachers, and the program manager in advance.
  4. Don't forget to learn. Right. "Studying abroad" means that you will spend half of your time studying in class or learning local culture through tours at museums, palaces, castles and other historical sites. Don't waste this great opportunity to get hands-on with a culture you've always enjoyed. Here are a few things you should do:
    • Don't skip class. Take the time to focus on studying, taking notes and completing exams as well as you did back home.
    • Take some time to talk to the teacher. They are representatives of the local culture and can give you a lot of valuable information.
    • Always pay attention when visiting cultural sites. Don't giggle behind the crowd while your teacher presents useful information at the Louvre Historical and Art Museum or Alhambra Castle. You may miss out on a lifetime learning opportunity and you will regret it.
    • Pay attention to the journey on the bus. If you are lucky enough to get a chance to take a trip in the curriculum, don't just close your eyes in the car and try to get some sleep. Instead, listen and take note of information from the tour guide.
    • Self-study actively. If you take a special arts class in Madrid, feel free to arrange a visit to the Prado museum. What could be better than exploring the museum yourself in another country.
    • When you have the opportunity to meet indigenous people, you should take advantage of this to get to know the perspectives and perspectives of local culture. You don't have to ask like a reporter, you just need to ask native speakers how they feel about certain issues in their own country and around the world.
  5. Get over the feeling of homesickness. You have been looking forward to your study abroad date since the moment you received your offer, so it can be difficult to imagine yourself feeling unhappy with the experience. However, there will come a time when you miss your family, friends, customs and food back home. Preparing in advance will make it easier to cope with homesickness. Here are a few things you can do to help overcome homesickness:
    • If you feel homesick, make a list of all the wonderful opportunities you get from studying abroad, such as meeting new people and trying delicious food. This will help you feel grateful for your experience.
    • Talk to other international students. Maybe they have had a similar experience and they will give you some helpful advice.
    • If your family does qualify, you can plan them to visit you after the second half of the school year. Meeting with them will help you feel less homesick and make it easier for you to pass the rest of your study abroad journey.
    • Get in touch with everyone back home. Email or interact via Facebook with friends back home, and call family when you can. However, don't get into the habit of talking to them too much; otherwise, you will be engrossed in thinking about what happened at home instead of focusing on the once-in-a-lifetime study abroad experience.
    • Don't forget to bring some reminders of your homeland. It could be just your stuffed animal, CD or your favorite movie. Bring some photos of your friends and family, but don't bring too many of them or you will feel more homesick.
    • If one of your best friends is also studying abroad, plan to visit them or invite them to visit your new home.
    • Write your signature to reflect on your homesickness and all of your wonderful experiences.
  6. Protect yourself. Although you can study abroad with a few or many students from the same school or from another university in the country, don't forget that I am in guest land. Yes, but this also means that you should not behave like you did in old school. You're in a new environment with lots of people you've just met or never met, so you must always be on the alert. Here are some things you can do to have a fun overseas study experience both safe:
    • Don't drink a lot of alcohol. Although drinking alcohol is a recreational activity enjoyed by many international students, you should not drink as much alcohol as you did when you were studying back home. You can still relax, but don't drink so much alcohol that you don't know what's going on, because then you can go astray without remembering the address to find home and even carry paint on your body.
    • Memorize your address. You should save the address on your phone, write the information on a piece of paper in your wallet and remember.
    • Do not indulge in the guest land. While studying abroad does require you to be reckless and not afraid to experience it, remember that you are abroad and should avoid going home with someone you just know. People in foreign countries aren't as dishonest as people back home, but the risk of getting you into awkward situations is higher because you are outside your comfort zone.
    • Don't do stupid things just to impress your friends. Don't turn your study abroad experience into the craziest contest to impress strangers. You don't need to behave unusually abroad, drink three strange drinks, or get intimate with a native on the dance floor just to attract the eye.
    • Regulatory compliance. You can still be adventurous and obey the law. The police force on the foreign land will probably not be as lenient with your antics as the police back home. So, behave properly.


  • If you are going to be staying with a homestay family, send them a letter before you arrive to say that you are looking forward to seeing them.
  • If you are a reader and live in a place where English is not your primary language, bring enough books for your study abroad trip. Although you do not need to carry a luggage full of books, you certainly do not want to be in the situation where English books are rare and expensive.
  • Chat with international students where you study. Social media sites like Facebook and IvyTies can help.