How to Train Your Rabbit When Called

Author: Monica Porter
Date Of Creation: 16 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Teach Your Rabbit to Come When Called! (& Other Commands)
Video: Teach Your Rabbit to Come When Called! (& Other Commands)


Rabbits are great pets, but they behave differently from cats or dogs. In contrast to dogs, rabbits have no instinct to listen to natural humans. Rabbits are super intelligent and independent, and so they need encouragement to do what we want them to do. To train your rabbit to come to you, you will need to find ways to motivate and apply repetitive and kind treatment to help your rabbit find the action on request quite attractive.


Method 1 of 2: Building Trust in Rabbits

  1. Meet your rabbit's basic needs. You need to provide enough food and shelter for them. You must make sure your rabbit is healthy and in a good mood before you start training. If the rabbits are unhappy or sick, they will not be interested in completing the course.

  2. Always be gentle and calm with your rabbit. Rabbits, and all other pets, often do not respond well when the owner is angry and aggressive. The saying "treat others the way you want to be treated" works when training animals. Having a positive attitude and being kind will build trust in your rabbit, and make them obey your commands, rather than forcing them or showing hostility.

  3. Spend lots of training time. Take a moment to do the training every day. Should be divided into several short sessions, consisting of 5-10 minutes. The purpose of this is to train continuously but for a very short time.

  4. Give your rabbit her favorite food. Since training is based on encouragement, you need to find the food that gives the most positive response. If you don't know what your rabbit likes to eat, you can experiment with different varieties. If the rabbit doesn't touch the test food at all, this proves it doesn't like it. In the event that your rabbit devoured something else, you've found success.
    • You can offer new foods, in small amounts to avoid digestive problems, once a day and observe your rabbit's response.

Method 2 of 2: Training Rabbit

  1. Sit on the floor at close range. Bring healthy rabbit treats, such as carrots and celery. Hold the food in your hand and say ", come here."
  2. Give your rabbit a treat and praise it when it approaches you. This step will help the rabbit continue to act. Also, you need to repeat the command as the rabbit approaches.
  3. Move away. At the beginning of training, don't sit too far away from the rabbit; just a few steps is enough. Over time you can slowly step away from the rabbit.
  4. Hold the food in hand and give a command again. If the rabbit follows but you have not yet spoken a command, you can start talking when the rabbit is approaching. If the rabbit doesn't follow the command and ignore the food, return to the same position and repeat each step.
  5. Repeat these training steps regularly. During the day, you can call your rabbit from time to time. Feed your rabbit every first few weeks to get the rabbit to associate the command with the treat. When the rabbit moves at a close distance, you can move away and call it.
  6. Replace food with toys or caresses. This time you can reward your rabbit with cuddles and toys, but it's still a good idea to use food to reinforce her behavior from time to time. This will not only bring the rabbit closer every time it is called, but also help the rabbit in good health.
  7. Consider using clicker training. Many people suggest using this tool to increase affiliation. Each time you feed the rabbit, you can click the clicker so the rabbit associates the sound with the food. Then, it's time to train, the clicker clicker will notify the rabbit that food will be brought out.
    • Press the switch at the moment the desired behavior occurs, so the pet knows what they did to get the reward. Feed your rabbit a treat or something else they like within seconds of the sound and every time you press the button, even if you accidentally click it right. Rabbits will know that clickers are synonymous with food and will try to get this sound.