How to Kiss the First Time

Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 13 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024


Are you ready to kiss - or OK kiss yet? Is there someone special that you want to kiss? If you have never experienced your first kiss, this may be a big challenge for you. This article assumes the reader is heterosexual, but feel free to apply the advice if you like!


Method 1 of 2: For Her

  1. Create a sexy look that makes him want to kiss you. These tips not only help you feel more confident when experiencing the kiss, but you can also gently "turn on the green light" to let him know that you are ready for a kiss.
    • Apply lipstick or lip balm. Do not apply sticky lip gloss.
    • Keep your breath fresh. Eating a mint first instead of chewing mint gum causes you to find a way to spit it out.
    • Has a seductive scent. Before you meet him, take a shower and use a scented moisturizer or a spray of perfume.

  2. Lean and look into his eyes. Rest your head on his shoulder as if you were about to fall asleep. Look up at him - if his arm is around you to let you fall in, go for a kiss. If he doesn't seem to act like you, he probably isn't ready. At this point you should relax.

  3. Hints for a kiss. There are a few things you can do to instill in a guy the idea of ​​wanting to kiss. Try the following:
    • Look at his lips. Lower your lids with half-closed eyes, then slowly look up at him and smile invitingly.
    • Reach up and wrap your arms around the nape of his neck, or play with the strands of hair in his collar. He'll know you've been prepared for a more intimate and personal gesture.
    • Slowly lean your face against his. The movement is a sign that you are ready to make more intimate contact.

  4. Consider taking an active role. Some boys are very shy, and there are guys who have never experienced accidental touch. Consider kissing him lightly on the cheek to let him know that you don't mind being touched. Many boys worry that they are going too far.
  5. Invite him to kiss you. Yes, some guys really need an enthusiastic invitation. For example, you are trying to let him know that you are ready, and he seems interested, but you still can't get him to kiss you. So say something like, "Can we kiss now?" If he doesn't kiss you then, he doesn't want to kiss.
  6. Be gentle first. Do not use your tongue, teeth or squeeze when you first kiss your first kiss. You should loosen your lips, slightly part your lips, and avoid frowning.
    • For more tips on kissing methods, read “How to Kiss.”

Method 2 of 2: For Guys

  1. Be confident. You have confidence! So please act like that. Do not slouch, flinch, get embarrassed, or avoid her gaze. Show her that you are comfortable and that she will be comfortable with you too. Make eye contact with her, speak clearly, and generally act as though confident.
  2. Keep her body clean and let her feel like she wants to kiss you. If you have natural charisma, you won't have to "work hard" to convince her that you deserve a kiss.
    • Shave or not. Most girls like a guy with a smooth face, but some like a guy with a rough face. Find out what style she likes.
    • Have some mint candies on hand. Take one pill if you feel your breath starting to smell heavy.
    • Try to be as clean as possible. Take a shower, wear clean clothes and use deodorant, and can use a little perfume if you like.
  3. Respect her privacy. Many girls and women will not want to show love in front of others, especially with their first kiss. Find a suitable time when you are in a private place. Privacy is the key here.
  4. Observe the signals. Watch carefully, because sometimes the signals can be confusing - maybe she flirting teases you, and then knocks you on the head again. Maybe this is just a shy game, or maybe she's really contradictory.
    • Ask yourself the following questions: Did you and your partner have an intimate, cozy, passionate time together? Does she flirt with you through her body language? Does she lick her lips or bite her lips when looking at you? Does she often make excuses to touch you? If you feel sure of all this, then get ready to kiss!
  5. Make eye contact. If she is comfortable and doesn't shy away, then she is ready. Make eye contact with her when you speak to her, when you hear her speak, and in quiet times.
  6. Break the touch barrier. Start with the slightest touch of your body to warn her what is coming, and give her a chance to step back if she's uncomfortable. Try the following gestures if you're not sure what to do:
    • Put your arm around her shoulder
    • Hold her hand
    • Reached out to brush the hairs on her cheeks.
  7. Slowly pulled her close to the body. Wrap her arms around her waist with one or both arms, and gently pull her close to her friend. If she is interested, she will receive a signal and will nestle on her friend. However, if you feel her resist, stop.
    • Are not squeezed her against herself and pressed the pelvis against her.
    • Are not use your first kiss as an excuse for groping or slouching. Be a polite man.
  8. Kissing starts. Once she's around and you're pretty sure she wants a kiss, now's the time to take action!
    • Look into her eyes. Remember we mentioned eye contact twice? This is very important. Let her know that you are really seeing her.
    • Look at her lips. Take aim, man! You have to be sure where you are going.
    • Slowly lean over, and gently brush your lips against hers. For the first few kisses, don't worry about the unusual technique or the quick kisses - you can adjust later.
  9. Step across that thin line and make your first kiss wonderfully romantic, tender and memorable. You should not open your mouth large or tight, nor too light or too tight (let loose). Don't kiss for too long (more than 20 seconds) or too fast (3 seconds isn't enough) - about 10 seconds might be just right. The hint of the tongue is also lovely if she seems to agree, but act like it's flirting and don't be too demanding. For more on kissing techniques, see “Ways to Kiss”.
  10. Smooth ending. Keep quiet and hug her, ending the kiss with a lovely, intimate moment.


  • Remember that many people are shy - but that doesn't mean they don't want to kiss you. Pay attention to body language. If you think your partner might be in this mood, try kissing him! But you need to pay attention to their reactions. If they step back, or are surprised, or are not interested in the kiss, react maturely and don't be offended. You can try it again later unless it is flatly rejected.
  • Don't worry about details. How to tilt your head, when to close your eyes, how long should the kiss last, etc. Everyone has intuition, and kissing is an intuitive activity. Everything will be fine.
  • The best way to have your first kiss is to go to the movies. Simple but effective. Hopefully the person holds your hand, then slowly move closer, so close you can't help but kiss. She will receive a signal soon and if not, he / she may not be ready yet.
  • If you are not afraid of a casual first kiss, join the game "great challenge". The biggest challenge is kissing someone. But be wary: you may end up having to kiss someone you don't like (unless a friend dares someone you love to kiss you). The same is true of the game "spinning the bottle". (Remember you have no control in the second game)
  • Please relax. This will make your kisses feel better.
  • It is often said that this will be a moment you will remember for life, and should not miss it - forget you. Most of the time, first kisses are clumsy, nervous, and you will probably make stupid mistakes, such as stepping on her (him) feet. If small incidents do happen, it doesn't matter. Have fun - the other is too, and they're busy worrying, afraid of doing something wrong. You will realize when the right time is right: everything will come automatically because that's natural.
  • If you know he wants to kiss you - for example, he told your friend - but just because he's too nervous, don't be afraid to ask him to do it! It certainly worked.


  • In case of mononucleosis and oral herpes, don't kiss someone with a cold sore or something like that around the mouth; That could be a sign of herpes disease.