Ways to be pleased with yourself

Author: Robert Simon
Date Of Creation: 18 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Be Happy Every Day: It Will Change the World | Jacqueline Way | TEDxStanleyPark
Video: How to Be Happy Every Day: It Will Change the World | Jacqueline Way | TEDxStanleyPark


Feeling truly satisfied with yourself means loving who you are, both internally and externally. It takes a lot of effort and great change for an individual to learn to accept himself and deal with misfortunes in life. If you want to feel good about yourself, start by shaping the thoughts, feelings, and behaviors that are preventing you from it. Next, you can gradually form a lifestyle that helps you feel valued, loved, and fulfilled. If you want to know how to be satisfied with yourself, check out these simple steps.


Part 1 of 4: Nurturing Love with Yourself

  1. Love your personality. Try to avoid comparing yourself to others and cherishing your personality. Comparing yourself to others will not help you feel good about yourself because you are a different person from everyone else. No one in this world like you, no one can experience what you have ever experienced or hold the abilities that you have.
    • Comparing yourself to others will have a negative effect on your self-esteem, as you will always find people healthier, smarter, or prettier than you. Instead, focus on being the person you want to be, not imitating your neighbor, the cool girls at school, or your sister. Once you've defined what your concept of success is, you'll be able to achieve it.
    • Perhaps you will feel like everyone around you is better than you are. But you seem to have forgotten how great strengths you also have. You may not have realized it in time, that you have your strengths, that someone else is wishing for them to be like you.

  2. Develop your confidence. Confidence is key to being satisfied with yourself and loving who you are now and who you are going to be. Make an effort to feel confident in yourself and in the achievements you can achieve, no matter how long they take. You must always remind yourself that you are a great person and that you deserve to feel confident in yourself. If you think you have value, so is the truth.
    • To look more confident, correct your body language. Stand more upright, posture better, eyes straight instead of bent to the ground. Try to sit still or stand in an open posture to create positive, friendly energy.
    • Find something that you are truly good at, or make an effort to excel at something you are passionate about. If you are already good at it, see how great you are to do it. Try to focus on your skills and talents. You will be more satisfied with yourself when you are good at doing what you enjoy.
    • When you are faced with a vague situation, think about the best possible outcomes instead of negative ones.

  3. Take pride in your strengths. Each individual always has something that makes them happy. Take a moment to sit down and make a list of the things you like about yourself. Force yourself to sit still until you have completed the page. Dig deep to find the points that show you are a great person. Think of the qualities you have like compassion, a sense of humor, how trustworthy you are, how ethical you work. The longer and more honest the list, the better.
    • The qualities used to describe you can be loving, inquisitive, hard-working, friendly, strong, intelligent, sharp, easygoing, and humorous. You can also add features that you like, as long as they are really important to you. List all of your aspects on this list. Update it every time you think of something that makes you proud.
    • Keep this list around and use it often to feel satisfied. You can fold it and put it in your wallet.
    • If you are having trouble not being able to enumerate yourself, consult with people who know you well. Ask a friend or colleague to describe your strengths; Maybe someone will surprise you!

  4. Accept that there will be bad days. Sometimes you will have to endure bad feelings and tell yourself they will pass. People often think that being satisfied with themselves means that they have to be in a good mood at all times. If you're having a bad day, especially when it happens right after a great time, avoid blaming yourself and understand that everything will go well.
    • If you are feeling overwhelmed, talk to someone who cares about you and listen to you. If you have been so upset for at least half a year, consult a medical professional.
    • When you are in a bad mood, your body will know. Research which part of your body begins to function weakly when you are upset or upset. If you notice your body's cues, you will be able to figure out what you are watching on your lap and how to feel more comfortable.
  5. Try to have a positive attitude. This can be very difficult. It can take a long time to stay active all the time, but you can make it a part of your life. Building a positive attitude is a decision you must make for yourself and follow on a daily basis.If you have a more positive attitude, you will feel more satisfied with yourself, as well as about your future prospects and everything you will achieve.
    • You can learn to recognize when your thoughts become too negative and turn them around to lead you back to positive thinking. Every time you think of a negative thing, overwhelm it with at least two or three positive thoughts. For example, if you think, "I looked so tired today," you could say, "But my hair looks good and my smile is still very bright."
    • On a deeper level, if you think of things like, "I'm very awkward in social situations," you should say, "But I know how to make people laugh and people seem very comfortable around. around me. ”
    • Practice doing this every day. Even if no one will notice it, still practice a positive attitude. You wouldn't know how much of a difference that could make, and the practice will make that attitude easier.
    • Practice saying nice words about yourself to your friends. Talk about your accomplishments or what excites you. You will find that optimism is contagious, and saying it out loud will make you feel more satisfied with yourself. If your friends don't like talking about the good parts of your life, rethink whether they really make you happy or feel good about yourself.
    • Assess the magnitude of the problem before you get angry. For example, a lot of people resent unpredictable things, like traffic jams.
  6. Know that you can give others a lot. Whether you feel like no one needs you or you are helpless, it is not. Talk to loved ones to see how much they need you and how much people value you. Let your family members or friends know what you are thinking, they will respond with the great qualities you possess. Tell your friends your problems and they will tell you that you've underestimated you and that they need you in life.
    • The more you remember that you are a valuable person and that those around you are fortunate to know you, the sooner you will realize that you have much left to give. And when you feel you have value, you will gradually become more satisfied with yourself.
    • Even though you are currently going through a difficult time in your life, you still have the opportunity to broaden your interests and hone your skills and passion for something. You can even share them with everyone. Those are the reasons why you should be pleased with yourself.
  7. Make a list of things that you appreciate. Maybe you just think badly of yourself because you feel like you don't have anything to be satisfied with. Negative self-thinking stems from your perceptions of who you are as well as your feelings about things around you. Start by making a list of gratitude and making a list of all the things you are grateful for, from your health to your brothers and sisters or even a fine weather day. They will help you realize that you have a right to feel contentment because there is still so much joy, luck and hope with you.
    • Making this list is similar to making a list of the things you love about yourself. Write a full page and regularly reread and add more whenever you think of a new idea.
    • If it's hard to find things that make you grateful, turn this into an opportunity to practice optimism. Think about times when you got angry, and push yourself to find at least 2 good things in every bad situation. For example, you might argue, "I was going crazy because the sound of a dog barking made me and my baby wake up at 5 a.m." equals “1. I took a little more time to play with her this morning, so I calm her down; Every moment we are with our children is precious; and 2. I can hear birds singing at sunrise. ”
    • If you're still having trouble, ask people for things that make them grateful. Maybe you will find common ground.
  8. Avoid focusing too much on your appearance. Each of them is beautiful in their own way. There's nothing wrong with wanting to see change or daydreaming about the future. But your self-esteem should be based on your own qualities and who you are; not appearance. If you want to be pleased with yourself, your top priority should be yourself; And only in the case of some connection, then what kind of appearance do you look like.
    • Limited preparation time. If you spend all your time wishing for the perfect look, you are focusing on the less positive and constructive parts of your life. Plan how much time you need to do your hair, make-up and look in the mirror before going out. Find a cycle that matches that time frame. If you go past that time, you will definitely only see the ugly spots you imagine.
    • You have more cherished values ​​than you appear. You should put strength and confidence in every action and your accomplishments rather than your appearance. For example, you have a great day because a project you've spent so many weeks working on is commendable. When you get home, you finally have time to look in the mirror and notice your mascara has been smudged under your eyelids. Regardless of the fact that you have a stain on your face, you still get a great result and you should be more confident in your abilities.
    • If people compliment you on your looks, feel free to embrace them. However, ignore any negative comments, and it's much more important to recognize the compliments of your personality.
  9. Be less interested in other people's thoughts. Focus on what you think about yourself rather than what others think. Focus on having positive, emotional thoughts from yourself instead of what others say about you. Because in the end, you are the only one who has to live in your body, your opinion is the most important.
    • People who offend others often do this to feel more powerful. This means that they have the same guilt as you. They are the ones who lack confidence, so avoid comments and try not to respond to them with insults. The best you can do is live your life the way you want with no regrets.
    • Saying this might be easier than done. Instead of denying the fact that you care, ask your heart what it's like to please everyone. Ask yourself if the people who hurt you are worth the effort. Sooner or later, you will also realize that they are nothing more than a hindrance to your happiness, not a means to help you towards it.
    • Know how to choose people, as well as the time, to send trust. For example, many people will say that they trust their mother the most. However, some people trust their mothers so blindly that they dare to let her, say, fly an airplane or cheat the lottery. If you want to consult with others, choose a consultant wisely.

Part 2 of 4: Dealing with guilt

  1. Understand the origin of these guilt. Some guilt may have originated in us from a young age. Some children who are criticized too hard or neglected often have a great deal of self-esteem. Some people feel guilty about their first setback, or when they're in a new environment. Understand where your guilt comes from, and what makes them worse, to learn how to handle them better.
  2. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy - Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (LPNTHV). There are many ways to change your view of yourself so you can feel good about yourself. However, this is a long process. The brain can grow and change long after our bodies have stopped growing, a phenomenon called brain plasticity. It allows you to continue learning or change your mindset at any age.
    • Cognitive change is a way for you to change your behavior.
    • You can practice LPNTH by yourself or with a psychotherapist. Remember, if you find a step is too difficult, you should see a therapist knowledgeable about IUD for help.
  3. Define your mindset. The first step of LPNTHV is to define thinking. There are many self-pessimists who believe they are of no value, and also often believe there is nothing they can do to turn the situation around. You need to start changing the way you see yourself by identifying how you feel.
    • Seeing yourself at first can be difficult. Good friends wishing to help may simply tell you to "just let it go" and acknowledge your strengths. There is something more profound than the mere thought of wanting to change.
  4. Start writing a diary. You should start taking notes about your thoughts every day, both positive and negative. Write about situations that revolve around events, what your feelings are, and how you handle the situation. This will help you define your thoughts over time so you can begin to change those negative thoughts.
    • Be honest with yourself in your journal. You need to know all your different thoughts to get the big picture. The more honest you are, the more habits you can change.
    • Keep up the pace. It's important to write down all your thoughts; or recount what happened at work; or vent worries about your partner when you have to go away.
  5. Accept that your thoughts are valid. When you have been journaling for a while, you should look back on what you have recorded. This way, you will have a more objective view of your thoughts so that you can accept them and accept yourself.
    • Try to remember your feelings as you write, and instead of feeling ashamed or embarrassed about your negative thoughts, accept them. It's the same for everyone and if you accept them, you can change them.
    • By allowing yourself to feel negative thoughts, you take control of them and begin to change. Once you find the flow of thinking that makes you feel inferior, you can change your way of thinking.
  6. Change your mindset. Once you've written down all of your thoughts and feelings for a few weeks and accept your feelings as valid, you need to consider your thoughts and start changing your thinking. Read a diary, looking for duplicate thoughts. Find a common topic or pick a harsh thought. Take those pessimistic thoughts and try to turn them in the positive direction.
    • For example, you may have felt bad about not getting a job done on time. Instead of focusing on the mistake, think about times when you achieved a big achievement or survived a very difficult project. Tell yourself, “I can turn the situation around because I've done a lot of good things already. I just need to focus on doing it, just like the previous projects. "
    • Accept all of your emotions and turn them into positive situations. Understand that it's okay to have such feelings, but know that there are more effective ways of seeing yourself that will make you much more satisfied.
    • Forgive your mistakes from the past. There is no way to change the past, and you will have to give yourself a chance to improve. Do you know the saying, "Dress up for the job you want, not the job you have"? Treat yourself as you want to be, not as you were in the past. This way, it will be easier for you to become who you want to be.
  7. Learn to endure. When you look back on your past, you can see that you missed out on a few situations because of your low self-esteem. If you notice a habitual thought or routine, such as a refusal to participate in social activities because of anxiety or negativity, find ways to overcome them. Once you change your perception of these events, you can push yourself to deal with them without worrying about a pessimistic outcome.
    • For example, you often refuse to hang out with coworkers because you're afraid they'll find you bored and you'll just make yourself look stupid. Instead of thinking so, direct yourself to the more positive things and the benefits from them. You also have other friends who love you and like to be with you, so you must be interesting. Maybe you will make more friends and become closer to your colleagues.
    • If you calculate the possibilities that might happen in a situation instead of just imagining the horrors, you will be able to see yourself in a positive direction.
  8. Practice. These feelings take time to change. Learning to see yourself in a different way takes a lot of practice, but don't be afraid to think positively about yourself. It can be difficult at first, but as you gradually understand your emotions and realize your negative lifestyle, you can make small increments. After a while, you will instinctively find yourself doing this so often that your day is filled with positive rather than negative thoughts.
    • If you have trouble, make an appointment with a psychotherapist. LPNTHV, with the help of a trained expert who knows about methods, will be able to help you see more of yourself without your knowledge.
    • During IUD sessions, the therapist works with you to reach your goal.

Part 3 of 4: Action

  1. Do what you think is right. People sometimes underestimate themselves because they did something they thought was wrong or bad. Following your own ethical standards every day will help you boost your self-esteem and confidence.
  2. Show off your friends and family about your accomplishments. When you do something that makes you proud, đó is the moment when you become the most beautiful. Recognize your efforts, congratulate yourself, and invite everyone to celebrate. This will help you be more proud of yourself, because you have everyone's cheers.
    • Call your grandparents or email your beloved aunt to share the good news and celebrate with family and friends.
    • Please understand that this is good for you and everyone. If you only talk to family or friends, this is meant to be shared with those you love. And it's likely that when you want to feel good about yourself, you will have a lot of achievements to tell people.
  3. Sincerely accept praise. When you hear your friends say, "I love your presentation," try not to get rid of it and say, "I'm so nervous, forgot all about the whole page!" Simply say "Thank you," and let the compliment get in your way. If you look down on yourself or underestimate yourself every time people want to make you happy, they may hesitate and stop doing so. Instead, every time you hear someone praise you, be genuinely happy and accept it instead of opposing them.
    • Look the person in the eye and say thank you sincerely.
    • If a compliment upsets you, you don't need to accept it. However, if you enjoy being praised like that, then accept it.
  4. Take care of yourself. For some people, taking the time to clean their bodies will help them feel like they deserve good care. Taking care of your body is just as important as nourishing the soul, and some hygiene techniques help relax as well.
    • For example, you can soak in a bath or pamper your skin with fragrant soap and lotions.
    • This is different from heavy makeup or fashionable clothes shopping. This means that your body needs time to take care of.
  5. Wear comfortable clothing. You know that shirt keeps you alert and which pants confuse you. If you have one, donate it all to charity. Dress in your favorite color. If you feel comfortable, your confidence will be shown. If someone makes fun of your clothes, ignore it and say, "Wow, at least I still like it!"
    • Remember that the people around you are not actually looking at you nor talking about you as much as you think.
    • Avoid wearing clothes that make you uncomfortable just because you think they are trendy. Do what makes you comfortable and everyone will find that you feel better doing it.
    • In some cases, the right clothes for the setting actually make you more comfortable. For example, if you are preparing for a business meeting, dress in the style of your boss, no matter how annoying it is.
  6. Create your own style. Try out a variety of outfits to find out which one feels best for you. Maybe sometimes you want to dress up, other times you like to be comfortable. It's normal. Try visiting the clothing store with your friends and try out some new stylish and colorful outfits. There is a chance you will find something that is right for you.
    • Focusing on your appearance is not critical because your appearance is the most comprehensive way of expressing who you are. For example, wearing clothes with your favorite color is also a way of expressing your taste.
    • If you encounter something that doesn't suit you, just laugh. Perhaps they are more suitable for others.
    • Changing your style can help you discover an aspect you don't know about yourself.
    • Also try changing your hairstyle. Long-haired girls can be in braids, curls, or neat buns. Try different styles to find the style that best represents yourself and remember, there isn't necessarily one right choice. They are all friend as long as you are satisfied.
  7. Make friends with people who make you feel good about yourself. If you are with friends and they start chatting about topics that are uncomfortable, change the topic. If you find yourself making friends with people who take looks too seriously, try turning the conversation into something less superficial. If the situation is happening too often, you might want to find other friends who know where true value lies.
    • Ask yourself if your friends often give you compliments and encouragement, or just take a look at every action you do. If they are too negative, you need to end the relationship as quickly as possible. This may sound cruel, but it will help you feel better about yourself.
    • For example, try to change the topic if your friends start talking about their weight or diet and you don't like talking about it. Show them that there are a lot more interesting topics to the table, like their soccer team playing very well or how big their puppy is this month.
  8. Learn something new. Read newspaper about world situation. You will find more understanding of some contemporary events, and break out of the routine and make you feel more exposed. Take a pottery course or watch a documentary. Do something that inspires you to learn and appreciate the world. Soon, you will feel stronger because of the will to change and all the knowledge you have learned.
    • If you learn something interesting, share it with others. That will make you feel like you can give a lot.
  9. Do exercise. Exercise will cheer you up both physically and mentally. Losing weight and getting in shape can be secondary, the exercise itself is very important, and it will make you feel like you are taking care of your body better and creating a healthy lifestyle. On the plus side, the amount of endorphins - also known as the happy hormone, will help you. Exercise for at least 30 minutes a day and learn to love what you do. You will feel good about yourself by just adding a small change to your daily life.
    • Find a friend or two to practice with to make the practice more fun and encouraging. Better yet, have a friend who always cheers for you when you want to give up.
    • If you are not satisfied with your current training regimen or have not found a subject you like, go ahead and try a new sport. Having a workout routine that's right for everyone, it's important to find what works for you.
    • There are many inexpensive forms of exercise, such as jogging around the neighborhood or park, aerobics or weightless exercises, and burpee exercises (squatting and high bounce).

Part 4 of 4: Perseverance

  1. Charity. Charity is a great way to feel good about yourself and a great way to give back to your community and appreciate your contributions to the world. Find a form of charity that works for you, from teaching to reading, or simply talking to them. Make a habit of charity at least a few times a month. Once you do charity work, you will find a lot of people who believe you are valuable, and that you shouldn't spend too much time underestimating yourself.
    • You can get involved in charity by teaching adult or children's reading, cleaning a park, donating to a library or bookstore, or volunteering at a homeless cooking kitchen. .
    • Depending on your ability, there will be specific charity forms suitable for you. For example, lawyers can accept free-of-charge defense, architects helping build houses for free.
  2. Continue to write in the diary. Keep journaling whether you have finished OP therapy, or you have not yet been in therapy, as it can potentially help you see yourself to be satisfied with it. Write at least a day or two per week and make a chart on the track, noting what you did to make yourself better and worse. It can help pave the way towards happiness, but there will always be obstacles and depressing days. You need to be honest and always wonder what makes you feel better.
    • Remember that you are on a journey and that it will take some time. Be patient and tolerant with yourself. Sometimes it takes a while for things to work.
    • Take some time to go through the diary at least once a month. This will help you realize how much you have grown.
  3. Motivate yourself when you need it. If you are feeling sad, accept it as normal and sometimes sadness is a good sign as well. However, you can also take control of your emotions and choose not to dwell on your sadness if you don't want to. Try doing things that make you happy, or asking for help from a friend. Most people have an activity of their own to find the joys of sadness.
    • Examples include fishing, shopping, rock climbing, home improvement, meditation, bowling, meeting friends, exercising, or writing.
    • If it's morning, open windows and catch some fresh air and early sunlight. If it's night time, change into a clean pajamas and snuggle with your favorite book, movie, or music record. When you feel stressed, take a shower or soak in warm water. Imagine water washing away your worries.
    • You should also create your own meditation ritual. When you feel angry or pressured, take three deep, long, slow breaths. Play some music you like. Find ways to calm yourself down, and repeat each time you feel anxious.
    • Understand that feeling sad is not a crime. The faster you solve the problem, the faster it will feel better.
  4. Make a dream list. Find a notebook and list the places you want to visit, experiences you want to have, people you want to meet, and skills you want to learn. A dream list will be a great starting point to gradually shape a life full of fun, adventure, and exciting experiences. Draw a box next to each item in the list to check it when you have achieved it.By setting such compelling plans for the future, and really setting them up as a priority to be accomplished, they will make you feel good about yourself because you have so much to look forward to Future.
    • Make sure the adventures on your list are doable, no matter how far away they are. Try not to discourage yourself with goals you will never achieve.
  5. Inspired by a certain pattern. Imagine what you need to live like the person you admire, whether that person is your mother, a singer, or your math teacher. Think of the generosity that the person gives to everyone, how he or she copes with disappointing or humiliating situations, and how they cherish every little moment in their life and cherish the reason they exist. . Especially if you are in a bad mood, close your eyes and imagine what your role model would do to handle the situation.
    • Having an outside source of inspiration will help you visualize what you need to do in difficult situations, and will help you feel like you can get through a disaster.
  6. Maintain a strong support network. If you want to continue to feel good about yourself, you may need help. You must trust your friends, siblings, parents, or a spouse, and anyone else important in your life. It could be colleagues, neighbors, or classmates. You need to turn to people in times of trouble and someone who listens to help you when you need help. Keep only the kind and generous people with you so you can feel excited about the future ahead.
    • Achieving personal goals is important, but social inclusion is just as important. Make it a habit to spend time with others a few times a week.
    • Spending time with loved ones is very important, but remember to spend time meeting new friends as well. Having lots of friends and loved ones in your life will help you to broaden your worldview and make you feel more satisfied with yourself.