How to help thin your arms

Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 11 February 2021
Update Date: 28 June 2024
Slim Arms in 30 DAYs! | 8 Min Beginner Friendly Standing Workout ( No Equipment )
Video: Slim Arms in 30 DAYs! | 8 Min Beginner Friendly Standing Workout ( No Equipment )
  • Use hair removal cream. The depilatory loosens hair from underneath, meaning your arms should be smooth in about a week. After that, hair still grows back but is softer than using shaving. You should try to apply hair removal cream to a small area of ​​skin first to make sure there is no allergic reaction, then apply it all over your arm according to the instructions on the product label. Exfoliate the skin after using an exfoliating cream to remove any remaining hair.
    • It's best to avoid sun exposure for 24 hours before and after using depilatory.
    • Consider applying a depressant between hairs to make the hair thinner and softer.

  • Hand bleaching. For people with light skin tones and thin hairs, you can consider hair bleaching methods. Bleaching is the use of hydrogen peroxide to remove pigmentation from hairs.This greatly reduces the appearance of the hair by making the hairs less visible.
  • Try waxing at home. Waxing helps keep hair smooth for about 4 weeks, so this is an effective long-term solution and relatively inexpensive. You can clean it with a cold wax kit to prevent burns. Place the wax patch on your arm according to the directions on the package.
    • The bristles must be at least 0.5 cm long for the patch to stick properly. Let the hair grow for a few weeks and reach the right length before waxing.
    • You can also make a home wax with sugar and vinegar. Pour 1 cup sugar, 2 tablespoons vinegar, 2 tablespoons water into a pot and boil. Lower the heat and heat until the mixture turns brown in the ginger ale. Pour the mixture into a glass jar and let it cool before using a butter knife to spread it over your skin. Pull your hand vigorously from the bottom up, and the sugar mixture will help remove the hairs. Apply cornstarch to the skin before waxing to remove excess moisture.
  • Method 2 of 2: Try a professional hair removal method

    1. Professional hair removal. Many salons offer a professional hair removal service. They use a hot wax to pull the hair out of the hair follicle. Professional hair removal provides more thorough hair removal, but is often more expensive than using at-home methods. The salon can perform half or full arm hair removal, depending on where the hair is growing. If you choose to use professional hair removal, make sure it is done by an experienced professional and hygienic.
    2. Try laser hair removal. Laser hair removal is a method of using a focused beam of light to penetrate the hair follicle to destroy the hair. This is a method approved by the US Food and Drug Administration FDA to permanently remove hair, which means it will gradually grow less and completely disappear within a few years. Many patients need repeated treatments to prevent the hair from regrowth. This is not a long-term solution, but it can be effective over many years. This method has minimal side effects, but you may experience some pain after waxing. You can take over-the-counter medications for pain relief.
      • See a dermatologist for laser hair removal. You need to see a doctor who is experienced and trained to do laser hair removal.

    3. Permanent hair removal by electrolysis. According to the FDA and the American Medical Association, electrolysis is the only method of permanent hair removal. In this method, an electrode is inserted into the skin and electric current is passed through the hair follicle, helping to inhibit hair growth. Electrolysis is painless but may result in a slightly reddened skin after treatment. Patients need electrolysis hair removal several times, each treatment usually lasting 15-20 minutes.
      • Electrolytic hair removal must be performed by a licensed and certified professional. Be sure to see a licensed doctor when you want to use this method of hair removal.