Ways to attract a girl's attention

Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 17 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
10 Ways To Grab A Woman’s Attention Without Talking | How To Attract Women Without Talking
Video: 10 Ways To Grab A Woman’s Attention Without Talking | How To Attract Women Without Talking


Getting a girl's attention might seem like a difficult task to climb to the top of Mount Everest, but, it doesn't have to be! Follow these methods to capture that particular girl's gaze and you will become an irresistible person.


Method 1 of 3: Capture attention with your personality

  1. Humor without bluntness. Everyone loves to laugh. Making a girl laugh can be an important part of getting (and maintaining) her attention. This doesn't mean you have to turn yourself into the comedian Xuan Hinh, but it does mean you need to define the type of humor you're best at. You should also remember that you don't have to be funny all the time, but adding a little humor to your conversation is a great way to get a girl to notice you.
    • No matter what kind of joke you use, never wait for her to laugh. Be quick, a funny joke that stops for a while is the best way. If she thinks it's interesting, she laughs. But don't expect her to laugh freely at your joke and never say something like "Oh, don't you think that's very interesting?" if she doesn't smile. This will only cause confusion between the two.
    • Practice at home. If you feel like you are not a funny person, watch the comedy on TV or study the funny characters in the movie. Consider how they convey their jokes, but don't just memorize and repeat them - it can be quite rigid and fake.
    • Use situational humor. While making fun or witty jokes can make a girl giggle, try adding to your sense of humor by commenting on the situation or a school around you in an interesting way. .
    • Laughter when you really think something interesting. Avoid fake laughter, because it is usually quite easy to recognize. A sincere, heart-born smile can be very attractive.
    • Don't use malicious jokes. While a little teasing can initially be fun, don't use it over and over again. No girl likes a guy who spends an entire evening humming her with words - even jokingly. On the other hand, the self-deprecating humor (making itself a joke) can help a girl quickly become comfortable with you because it shows her that you are so confident in yourself that you are. can easily ridicule himself.

  2. Do your best in the things you enjoy. If you show enthusiasm for whatever you're involved in, you'll probably get more than just a few glances from women. Enthusiasm and being talented at something is a very attractive point - it shows that you care about things other than yourself, you are a hard-working and enthusiastic person. It also shows that you have ambition - not only do you want to get involved in something, you want to do the best you can.
    • If you're on a sports team, work hard to be the star or captain. If you join an argument club, do your best to stay ahead of the debates. If you're in photography or painting classes, don't be afraid to show off your aesthetic (and skills) side.
    • Don't hide the things you like. If you are happy, confident, and enthusiastic, people will gradually begin to care about what you love. Don't act like you hate something that you really care about; Just act like it's no big deal and show the coolest parts of the activity you love.

  3. Show her that you have depth of soul. You don't have to cry if it comes to a sad topic, but make sure you're not an emotional robot with her. This means that you should talk to her from time to time about how something makes you feel. Saying something like “Oh my gosh, the movie we watched in class today made me wonder what it would be like to be stuck on the Titanic. Just thinking about it makes you feel scared and sad ”will show her that you have sympathy - you can show understanding of what other people are feeling and you are feeling. take.

  4. Shows good qualities. Most girls like guys who are polite and courteous. Do not say or do things that many people consider offensive, including swearing and joking or commenting about sex / racism / etc. If you behave like a gentleman, proving your respect for women and others in general, the girls will usually be more than happy to accompany you.
    • Saying things that you know that would offend someone is not a great way to make friends or keep friends. Maybe to your friends, it looks pretty "cool", but that's a big minus for most women. Criticizing something is quite easy; but to believe something is much more difficult. Act like a man and believe in something.
  5. Show her that you are "adventurous". You don't have to be a boat captain or a world-class climber - but you should be ready for anything. Invite her to go hiking, camping, and enjoy a day in the city near you. Go with everything when you go out with her and something exciting happens.
  6. Respect all girls equally. You have a much better chance of making a good impression if you treat the girls you don't care about as well as the people you like. This doesn't mean you need to talk or flirt with every girl, but don't ignore or treat them casually. You never know when a girl suddenly becomes sexy or who she will be friends with. The best way is to treat them the way you would like to be treated.
    • Don't talk to one girl about another girl's charms; It's annoying and can cause her to lower her opinion of herself. Plus, it's easy to say something wrong or say something you didn't mean.
    • Normally, you shouldn't talk about your old relationships, or girls who might like you with the girl you notice. No girl wants to compare herself to your old relationships and she doesn't really want you to compare her to them. Make her feel like she is the only one in your world and that world will smile at you at ease.
  7. Focus. When you talk to a girl, focus on her completely. Listen carefully to what she has to say and you will probably get to know her a lot and discover common interests between the two.
    • Ask her many questions. This will let her know that you really care about her, not just the looks. Ask her about activities she likes, the genre of music she's interested in, and movies she's been watching recently. Ask her about her family, her wishes, and her wishes. Any question asked honestly and respectfully will be a plus for you.
    • Give her time to speak. If you ask her, give her time to respond, and don't feel bad if she talks too much. Remember that is a good sign!
  8. Be confident in yourself. Confidence is a big plus for most girls. If you speak with your head held high, without hesitation in discussing something you understand well, or simply walk over to a girl without hesitation, you will be noticed. Understand that you're a great guy - when you show confidence in yourself it will shine and girls will notice you.
    • Remember, you shouldn't be too presumptuous. Confidence and pride are two completely different things. When you are confident, you have confidence in yourself without showing off to anyone. When you're cocky, you're confident and you want everyone (really everyone) to know it. Pride can be a minus for women. They like someone who believes in themselves without letting people know how great he is.

Method 2 of 3: Capture attention with your actions

  1. Eye contact. If you want a girl to notice you, start by paying attention to her first. Whether you're in class or in a bar, making eye contact is an extremely important part of getting a girl's attention. Look at her, but when she sees you looking, turn away. Repeat this and then look her in the eye for a moment and smile if you feel it's the right time to do so, then look away again. This will poke her interest and will also indirectly hint her that you care. If she is interested, she will glance at you to see if you're still looking at her. It is a circle that will tell her the fact that you like her.
    • If she doesn't make eye contact with you, or if she doesn't glance at you, she's either very shy or she doesn't care. You will have to use the other measures outlined in this article to determine which option.
    • When you talk to girls, do your best to make lots of eye contact with her. This shows her that you are very confident and that you are really interested in her.
  2. Acting like a gentleman around the girls. Females tend to have a sense of humor and a different attitude from men, so it's important to be able to enjoy and be sensitive to these differences to attract (and maintain). ) a girl's attention.
    • Do the usual polite things, like opening the door to a girl, get her to line up in front of you and say "sorry". These little things are easy to do and women are much more concerned with them than men.
    • Don't comment on or make fun of sex. Girls already assume that boys are obsessed with sex, so don't make it worse by being obsessed with sex. Be mature and respectful when it comes to sexual issues, at least when you're with a woman, and you will definitely get her attention.
  3. Don't treat women like objects or talk about them like they are of the lower class. This may sound very basic, but many guys usually assume that women won't notice or care, when men treat them as if they were inferior. This is completely wrong, and it will keep you from having many female friends. As a rule of thumb, pretend that your grandparents are standing in front of you every time you say something about girls - it will also stop you from saying something too irrelevant.
  4. Be comfortable around girls. Even if you are feeling restless, behaving calmly and calmly around girls will give them the impression that you are a confident and easygoing guy. When you are stressed or anxious, you will be more likely to feel embarrassed if you make a few small mistakes. This is a minus point for most girls. Staying calm will help you enjoy being with her, maintain your confidence, and show her who you really are.
    • Keeping your confidence is hard, but try to imagine that the girl you're trying to impress is just a friend. You won't feel nervous around your friends, so why do you feel restless around her? If you are confident and try to keep yourself calm and calm, you will be loved. And soon she will notice you.
  5. Honestly laugh. Laughter is the common language of happiness. If you show people in general, and especially to her, that you're a cheerful guy, she'll want to be closer to you. Girls often like guys who are funny and smile easily. Laugh often, happily and without flinching.
  6. Help someone. It could be her or someone else in the room. Helping others shows that you are humble and truly kind. Be a kind and generous person. Not only does it get her to notice you, it also makes you feel better about yourself. Girls are often attracted to guys who have sympathy for others - be the one to carry her heavy crate and she will never forget it.
    • Is she carrying something heavy? Say "Let me help you" and let it help her. Hold the door for her as she carries a lot of things. Give her a jacket when she's cold, or offer her to share an umbrella with you in the rain.
    • Someone is short of money? Lend them a few tens of thousands so they can have lunch.
    • Don't be fake and only do good things when she's around. Help people all the time, in different ways. She will recognize it and people she knows will recognize it, and at times when your name comes up in a conversation, people will say "He's a great guy!" And she will start thinking, "Yeah, right, right?"
    • One of the things many guys don't dare go for is for fear that she might get them wrong. For example, you don't want to bring something to help her because you're worried she might think you are a patriarch and you are implying that she doesn't bring it herself. However, let go of the fear and think about what you really do. You're just helping her because you want to, and what's wrong with that? If you have no intention of judging her abilities, then she's not a nice girl because she thinks of you that way, right? So go ahead. If what you're doing comes out of your heart, a nice girl will understand that.
  7. Give her a sincere compliment. For example, you could praise her for having good eyes or a bright smile. However, only say those things if you want to make it clear that you intend to take the next step, not just flirting. Choose something great just for her; it will make her feel special, charmed, and beautiful.
  8. Ask her to join you in your activities. When you do something, and it's only men, be brave and invite the girls you want to join. You don't have to do this all the time (it's important to spend time with your comrades sometimes), but don't be afraid to bring in a few more girls.
    • If your friends criticize you, understand that they are only jealous when they don't have the courage to invite the girls. There's no reason girls can't join your group.
  9. Find physical contact with the girl you're trying to get your attention to. Physical contact is a great way to get the feeling between you and her. However, don't make it too obvious that you will find all kinds of ways to reach her - something that might make her feel scared if she doesn't know you like her. Do subtle things, like touching her arm when she says something that makes you laugh.
    • If there are eyelashes or hair strands on her face (or even none), bend over, look into her eyes, and slowly brush it off her cheeks (but be gentle!)

Method 3 of 3: attract attention with your looks

  1. Take care of yourself. Depending on your style, this step can be changed but basically: regular baths and brushing. These are very basic things, but they will help you a lot in improving her ability to get attention. No one wants to cuddle a guy who smells of sweat and breakfast is still on his teeth. Start using shower gel and invest in an effective toothbrush.
    • In addition to the basics above, there are lots of ways you can take care of yourself to look your best. Foam can make your curly hair look like a wax statue. Don't put too much glue on your head, though - for many girls, having excessively shiny hair can be a downside.
    • If you have a beard, keep it under control. Some women really like bearded men, but even the most masculine beards can turn into ridiculously long beards like Rip Van Winkle's if they aren't taken care of. Invest in a razor.
    • In addition to the beard, take care of other hairs as well. Pull out the hair that connects the sides of your eyebrows, pluck your nose hair and minimize the amount of eyebrows you have. Most girls - even those who like mustaches - don't like guys with too much hair anywhere other than the chin, chest, and more sensitive places.
    • Cut the nail. Girls are more likely to pay attention to the hands, so make sure your hand doesn't look like the hand of the jungler. Cut and remove dirt under your fingernails.
    • Use cosmetics for the skin. While this may not sound too manly, when you hug your dream girl, you don't want your arms to be too dry or rough. Use skin cream to keep your skin soft so she won't be able to resist touching.
  2. Note your wardrobe. Everyone has a certain style of dress, that's completely normal, but you better avoid the 'sleazy' style. Don't wear t-shirts every day and try to change your shirt before leaving the house every day. Also, try to remember that girls often like guys who care for their looks, whether it's just a trendy flannel shirt, tight pants, or thick plastic-rimmed glasses.
    • If you're trying to catch the eye of a girl at work, make an effort to emphasize your career. Invest in a few classic suits and a matching tie. If you don't know how to do it, enlist the help of her best friend.
  3. Pay attention to your body language. Body shape plays a very important role in the way women view men. If a guy crouches in a corner of the room, avoids eye contact and doesn't talk to anyone, most of them won't come and talk to them. Stand up straight, make eye contact, and smile. Always remember that you want to look good, but you don't want to make it so confusing by standing the tape upright there. Please behave comfortably.
    • If you don't know how to behave comfortably, look at your role model. Watch the male lead in the movies, try to do everything to charm the female lead's heart.
    • Note her body language as well. If she's constantly changing positions and doesn't make eye contact, she may be feeling uncomfortable. Maybe it's the topic of conversation, the distance you stand or sit too close for her, or some other reason. Respect her feelings and change the subject or step back, if necessary, depending on what's causing her discomfort.
  4. Keep fit. Even though you may be another great guy, you should still keep in mind that some girls really like bodybuilders. Plus, the gym was a great place to get the girl's attention. If you want to attract the stunningly beautiful girl you have a crush on, you also need to take good care of your figure. Start with an exercise that includes cardio and weight lifting so you can both build muscles and get in shape.
    • Always remember that most women like a muscular guy, but not a guy who looks like Ly Duc when he was an Asian champion athlete. If you're having trouble raising your hands in class because your muscles are about to rip your sleeves, it may be time to reduce your weightlifting intensity.


  • Don't panic if you do something embarrassing. Lots of girls think a clumsy guy is adorable, especially if you can fix it with your sense of humor.
  • Don't let bad past experiences prevent you from looking for new opportunities that open up for you. If you've ever had a broken relationship, learn from experience and let it drift into the past. Over-indulging in failed relationships is not good at all, and probably not very appealing either. Take what life is giving you, instead of what it could have done to you in the past.
  • Be careful not to put all your hope on a girl; That will only make you feel more pain if things don't go as you expected. Remember that there is still a lot of fish out there. If things don't work out for one girl, simply move on to the next girl. That may make her feel sad for ignoring you in the first place.
  • If you have a good relationship with a sister or sister close to your age, see them as a model for how to act and talk around girls.