How to increase breast size quickly

Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 17 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Do you want to increase your BREAST SIZE? These tips might be the answer!
Video: Do you want to increase your BREAST SIZE? These tips might be the answer!


  • Practice 3 times with 10-12 beats each time.
  • Squats are one of the best exercises for butt development, so incorporate squats into your strength-strengthening regimen.
  • If doing squats with body weight is too easy, use extra weights. While squatting, hold the bar with both hands and place the bar across your shoulders behind your head.
  • Do one-leg squats to increase the difficulty. Stand on one leg with your knees bent slightly, making sure the knees don't cross over your toes. While doing this, raise your opposite leg slightly above your knee. You can spread your arms wide, cling to the wall or chair for balance. Use your heels to carry weight and hold this position for 10-15 seconds.
    • Exercise 3 times with 5-10 beats per leg.
    • At first, just lower yourself a little, and try to lower with each beat.

  • Practice the first step. Stand with your shoulders back, feet shoulder width apart. Step one leg forward and lower until the knees of both legs are at a 90 degree angle. Make sure your front knee is just above the ankle - you can strain your muscles if you let the knee cross your ankle. Keep the back knee slightly above the floor, but not touching the floor. Hold this for 3-5 seconds before returning to the starting position.
    • Practice 3 times with 10 beats for each leg.
    • Use weights to increase the weight of the slack exercise. Hold a dumbbell in each hand for more difficult exercise and effective muscle growth.
    • Slack steps can help build strength in your glutes in preparation for heavier exercises like traditional weight lifting and squats.

  • Challenge yourself with a sagging walk. Instead of returning to the starting position after a sagging position, push yourself up with your front leg to step your back foot forward into slack position on the opposite leg.
    • Practice 3 times with 10 beats for each leg.
    • Reduce pressure on your knees by taking short, slow steps. The key is engineering, positioning accuracy and balance - not speed.
  • Incorporate bridge movements. Lie on your back on the floor. Bend your knees so feet are flat on the floor and shoulder-width apart. Raise your hips while squeezing your glutes so that your body forms a straight line from shoulder to knee. Hold this position for 3 seconds, then lower back to the starting position.
    • Practice 2 sessions per week, each session 3 times, each time 10 beats, rest for a while after each exercise.
    • The bridge movement gives you a round butt, and can prevent injuries as the muscles of your buttocks and lower back stretch and grow.
    • To make the exercise harder, lift one leg off the ground and straighten your leg above your hips. Then just use one leg to raise the body.

  • Do the plank. Enter a push-up position on the floor. Bend elbows 90 degrees and lower forearms to the ground. Elbows, forearms and fists should be on the ground to support body weight. Make sure your elbows are just below your shoulders, rest your feet on your toes, and tuck in your stomach. Keep your body on a straight line from your heels through your spine, to your neck and head. Finally, force your core and butt muscles into the exercise by squeezing your abs and glutes. Hold this position for at least 30 seconds, then relax.
    • Repeat the exercise 3 times.
    • A plank is a great full-body exercise that is great for building and toning your buttocks, core muscles, shoulders, and arms.
    • Try lifting each leg while you're in the plank and hold it for 5-10 seconds. Incorporating leg lifts into a plank will help you move your glutes more.
    • Use a yoga mat or carpeted floor to avoid injury while exercising.
    • Plank is a great introductory exercise before you start lifting weights. If you can hold the plank for 1-2 minutes, then you are well enough to start heavy weight exercises.
  • Traditional weightlifting. Place the bar with or without the barbell on the floor in front of you. Take a deep breath and squat down. Pull the dumbbells off the floor by straightening your legs, you have to keep your back and arms straight, holding the bar close to your body. Your shoulders, torso and hips must move up in sync. As you stand up, imagine your feet pushing through the floor. Exhale while you are standing up straight. Continue lifting the weights until you are fully upright. Legs should be kept straight, shoulders back and chest outstretched. Keep your arms straight and don't raise the bar above your hips. Take a breath at the highest position, then exhale as you slowly lower the dumbbells.
    • Practice 3-5 times with 6-10 repetitions each time. Try to practice rhythm after rhythm. If you have to rest, take a few seconds off. You can take a longer break (1-2 minutes) between sessions.
    • Don't drop the dumbbell while you are placing it on the floor. Only release the dumbbells when the dumbbells have reached the floor.
  • Method 2 of 3: Wear clothes that highlight your butt

    1. Wear clothes that draw attention to the hips and buttocks. Choose pants, short skirts and long skirts with decorative details on the back. By choosing such an outfit, you can easily create the illusion of a big butt. Some good options are:
      • Choose a contrasting color, like light pants and darker tops.
      • Costumes with beads, diamonds, or other details on the buttocks.
      • Dressed or ruffled clothes around the buttocks and hips.
    2. Choose clothes that highlight your waistline. Clothing that makes the waist look smaller will make the hips and butt appear bigger. Try wearing a tight long skirt, miniskirt or croptop to flatter your waist, or wear a belt around your waist.
    3. Wear shaping underwear. You can wear a shaping underwear and tights underneath to flatten your thighs and / or belly, creating a very nice hourglass look. Tight socks and shorts also help your butt look bigger. You can combine visuals to highlight or highlight body parts.
      • Outfits that taper your thighs and belly without squeezing your butt will contribute to a firmer and more rounded butt.
      • Buy a shaping outfit designed to flatten your tummy while lifting and separating your buttocks, making your butt appear bigger and standing.
      • Don't buy styling clothing that is too small. They are not only difficult to put on, but also cause health problems.
    4. Choose clothes that highlight your beauty and fit around your butt. Show off what you have with pants, long skirts, and miniskirts that hold your butt close, but not so tight that your butt is pressed down. This means you can wear long pants, long skirts and tight-fitting short skirts. Wearing clothes that highlight your body also helps your butt look better.
      • If you have a big bust and a slim waist (triangular shape), you should minimize your breasts while drawing attention to your hips and buttocks. Choose a skirt with letter A and a skirt that extends at the hips. Highlight your waist with a jacket with a waistband, a short top or a skirt. Avoid wearing jeans or short ankle pants, as well as clothing that is too tight.
      • If you are athletic or masculine, try jeans, pants or a short skirt with waistband 3-5 cm below your waist. Flatter your curves with a tailored jacket and strapless skirt. If you have a slim body, choose jeans with a decorative pattern - like designs with embroidery or beaded on the back pocket. Avoid wearing loose clothing or pants.
      • If you have a small but broad upper body on your butt (pear shaped or waterdrop), try to create balance by wearing tight pants or skirts at the waist. These can be high-waisted skirts, A-short skirts and strapless skirts.Avoid jeans or short ankle pants, do not tuck shirts into pants or wear coats that fall over the waist.

    Method 3 of 3: Make your butt look better in another way

    1. Improve your posture. Standing correctly will help your butt look a lot better, as well as your shoulders, waist, and back. It is important to make a habit of maintaining correct posture while standing and sitting.
      • When standing, balance your body weight on top of feet, knees slightly bent, legs shoulder width apart and arms lying naturally on the body side. Your shoulders should lean back, tummy tuck in and ears should lie in line with the shoulders.
      • When sitting, place your feet on the floor or footrest and ankles in front of your knees, maintain a small gap between your thighs and avoid crossing your legs. Sit with your shoulders relaxed, with your ears, shoulders, and hips aligned.
      • Avoid sitting for too long as this can cause the glutes to atrophy.
    2. Weight loss to make your butt look bigger than your waistline. If your waist is smaller, your butt will look bigger, so lose weight if you're overweight. Choose a diet rich in protein and fiber, low in carbohydrates, and focus on lean meats, the good fats found in salmon, nuts, and olive oil.
      • Eat breakfast every day, eat fruits and vegetables between meals to maintain appetite and boost metabolism, eat slowly and chew foods well, avoid white bread and foods packaged in cans or bags .
    3. Consider surgery to increase your buttock size. Plastic surgery can give you the results you want if diet and exercise are ineffective. However, this is an expensive option and requires careful consideration. The average cost of surgery is about 100 million VND, including fat transplantation, butt implantation and butt lift.
      • You should only consider plastic surgery when you have used all the other options, and should only have your doctor perform surgery in a sterile environment.
      • Complications in butt enlargement surgery include infection, bleeding, nerve damage, scarring, implant rupture, hematoma, deep vein thrombosis, imbalance, and other risks.


    • Before a heavy workout, you need to warm up for 5-10 minutes with a cardio exercise with simple movements (like sagging legs) to allow blood to circulate.
    • Be patient. While the right clothes and posture can help your butt appear bigger quickly, exercise and weight loss can take weeks to months to be effective.
    • Avoid heavy daily exercise. You must let your muscles rest for at least a day between workouts.


    • Never do weights alone. Make sure someone is watching you while you exercise.
    • Avoid tight clothing. Tight clothing not only makes you uncomfortable, but also makes your butt appear flatter instead of protruding.
    • There have been many deaths from people injecting homemade substances. Never try surgery at home. Always work with a general practitioner for a referral to a reputable plastic surgeon.