How to reduce fat in the body

Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 27 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Diet To Lose Fat FOR GOOD (4 Phases)
Video: How To Diet To Lose Fat FOR GOOD (4 Phases)


You may find it difficult to start losing weight when there are so many different tips in every media. Luckily, you don't need to buy expensive diet aids and aids to lose fat. You just need to make a plan that fits your body's needs and persevere in order to become slim. Sounds simple, right?


Method 1 of 3: Start Losing Fat with a New Diet

  1. Get the right amount of protein and fat your body needs. Research has shown that eating protein from chicken or lean beef and good fats from fish, avocados and nuts helps to speed up fat burning. Choose proteins and fats from unprocessed and uninfected growth hormone products.
    • Avoid getting the protein and fat found in dairy products as the studies show that dairy will build up more fat.
    • Choose olive oil and grape seed oil over canola oil and butter when cooking.

  2. Drink a lot of water. Research shows that drinking plenty of water will increase the metabolism in the body to help reduce fat. You should drink at least 8 glasses of water a day.
    • Make it a habit to drink plenty of fluids instead of alcohol, carbonated drinks (including those for diets) and coffee.
    • You should drink a glass of water each morning when you wake up and before breakfast.

  3. Do not skip breakfast. Starting your day with a nutritious breakfast will be a stepping stone to healthy eating all day. When you skip breakfast, you will tend to eat more than your body needs or you will lose the determination to eat a nutritious diet.
    • A high-protein and fiber-rich breakfast will keep you full for longer. Therefore, vegetables, eggs, and fruit smoothies are great breakfast options.
    • Avoid sweets in the morning. These foods only help you get more sugar and not provide good nutrients for your body so you will quickly feel hungry. Furthermore, it will adversely affect your diet.

  4. Add more fiber. Soluble fiber found in fruits, vegetables and whole grains helps reduce insulin levels in the body, thereby helping to burn fat. Eating more fiber at each meal will also fill you up faster, so you will have less cravings for high calorie foods.
    • Include more fruits and vegetables in your diet. Fresh vegetables and fruits like apples, cherries, oranges, broccoli, spinach, kale, and sweet potatoes contain a lot of fiber.
    • Don't skip whole grains. Eat whole-grain oats instead of instant varieties, and choose whole wheat over bleached ones. Quinoa is a delicious whole wheat that you can add to your diet.
    • Do not drink fruit juice. Sugar is abundant in fruit, if taken with fiber, it will be very good for the body. However, when the fruit is pressed into water, the sugar is compressed and the fiber is lost, so you will only consume all of that sugar.
  5. Don't eat foods that are low in nutrients. This sounds simple but not everyone can do it. Some foods provide many calories but do not contain the nutrients and fiber your body needs. Therefore, when loaded into the body, they will easily convert into excess fat. The first step you need to take to reduce excess fat is to stop eating the following foods:
    • Food is high in sugar. Soft drinks, baked goods, and candies can cause more fat accumulation. You should notice a significant reduction in fat in the first week of stopping eating foods high in sugar.
    • White flour. Processed white flour products such as bread, cakes, pasta, and some other products should be eliminated.
    • Fried dishes. The process of frying food will lose the inherent nutrients and increase the amount of fat. Cut back on french fries, fried chicken, and anything that is deep fried. Fast food also falls into this category.
    • Industrially processed foods and meats. Biscuits, pre-packaged foods, bacon and ham use preservatives or chemicals to prepare them, so they are not good for health. These foods contain many calories but do not provide enough nutrients, so if you want to lose weight then give up these foods right away.

Method 2 of 3: Exercise for Weight Loss

  1. Do resistance exercises. Strength training will build muscles and boost your metabolism to help you lose weight. If you are new to these exercises, head over to the gym and ask a trainer to teach you how to do them for beginners. In addition, you should note the following:
    • Exercise separately for each muscle group. To lose excess fat, you should do exercises for the arms, back, chest, abs, and legs.
    • Choose the heaviest weight you can lift. Lifting 2kg is not necessarily enough for your muscles to develop. So choose the heaviest exercise you can tolerate to make you sweat a lot and gasp at the end of the exercise.
    • Don't overdo it. Combine rest days between workouts and not working out the same muscle group for two days in a row because your muscles need time to recover from workouts to become toned.
  2. Exercise for cardio. Combining resistance and cardiovascular exercise is the key to successful weight loss. Cardio helps to improve the heart's pumping efficiency and helps you burn more calories. Choose an exercise you love to get motivated to keep up with your workout regimen.
    • Cycling, swimming and jogging are all heart-healthy activities. You should combine them or do one of these activities for 30 minutes a day, 4 days a week.
    • Practice with a friend. Sometimes practicing with a partner will make you forget the fatigue during the training session. Find a friend with similar goals and motivation to plan to practice together several times per week.
  3. Find ways to be more active. We burn calories through daily activities, not just when we exercise. Getting more exercise makes a difference in burning energy each day. Try these tips to become more active, especially if you have to sit a lot:
    • Take the stairs. This is an old piece of advice, but still very effective. Instead of using the elevator, take the stairs. You should use the stairs when leaving home or office.
    • Go for a walk during lunch break. Even if it's just going out of the office to buy lunch, get up and walk.
    • Go for an evening walk with a lover or a friend. Walking after dinner not only helps you digest food, but also helps burn calories.
    • Walk, cycle or take public transport. Driving won't need to be as active as taking a bus because you have to walk to pick it up first.

Method 3 of 3: Self Motivating to Lose Weight

  1. Consult a doctor. Before starting your weight loss plan, you should see your doctor for advice on how to do weight loss for good health. Losing weight is a good thing if it helps you feel confident and comfortable, but you should know that we can be healthy whether we are fat, thin or slim.
    • Make sure that losing weight does not adversely affect your inherent health.
    • Check your Body Mass Index (BMI) to see how weight loss will affect your health.
  2. Set goals. Use the advice of your doctor and understanding your body to set goals. It will help you draw up a weight loss plan to maintain for the next 6 months. Set a milestone you will need to achieve during your weight loss to stay motivated.
    • Aim to lose 0.5 - 1 kg per week if you are of average weight. Trying to lose more will affect your health.
    • Set reasonable and within-reach goals. Trying to lose weight quickly in a short period of time or setting unrealistic goals will disappoint you when you don't.
  3. Make a promise to yourself. Losing weight takes a lot of time, energy and difficult choices. There will come a time when you feel like you've been robbed of your favorite foods or get tired of your training sessions. Determination is an important factor in successful weight loss. Without it, you'll revert to old habits that could make you gain weight again.
    • Think positively about your body. See yourself as a healthy, energetic person to experience the world around them. Loving your body will make you more motivated to take care of it better.
    • On the contrary, if you underestimate yourself lead because you don't have the body you want it to be difficult to make up your mind to take care of yourself and pay attention to losing weight.


  • Regardless of the training process, please do your best and always think positively. Nothing is impossible if you do it with your full mind.
  • The more muscle rubs, the faster the fat is burned!
  • You can download the app to track your exercise and diet progress.
  • Jumping rope for 10 minutes is also a good exercise for the heart or warm up.
  • Love your body, exercise too hard or go on a diet too fast. Reward yourself or take some time to rest when you've consistently achieved your goal. This is also a way to motivate yourself.
  • Learn to control your diet and be aware of a healthy lifestyle. Remember, these are for your own benefit. If you control and have a good sense, you will get the rewards.