How to lose arm fat (for women)

Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 20 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Women! How to Lose Excess Arm Fat - 7 Simple Steps
Video: Women! How to Lose Excess Arm Fat - 7 Simple Steps


Perhaps you are trying to lose weight to have toned arms, no more fat fluttering and shaking. For women, to lose arm fat, you need to perform hand exercises, play sports and participate in activities that build arm muscles, and maintain a healthy diet. Most women are overweight in the hips and abdomen. In fact, toning your arms is not too difficult when there are exercises that target a specific position, especially if you are trying to lose weight overall. Remember you cannot lose weight in a single body position, but with the right diet and exercise, you can lose weight all over the body, thereby reducing arm size.


Method 1 of 3: Perform exercises for the arms

  1. Strengthen your triceps and chest muscles with triceps push ups. The triceps push-ups are simple exercises that can be used for the triceps, chest muscles, and shoulder muscles. If you are new to push-ups, try adjusting the exercise by placing your feet on the ground so that you can develop arm strength gradually.
    • Do push ups by placing your hands under your shoulders on the mat. Remember to keep your fingers open and evenly distribute the weight between your hands. Squeeze your stomach muscles and straighten your legs back, lifting over the tops of your feet. Activate your leg muscles and push up your heels. Your body must be firmly supported, your lower back straight, and not sagging or shaking from the sides.
    • If you are unable to hold your starting position, adjust by lowering your knees and keeping your arms and shoulders straight. Keep your head in line with your back and lower your chest to the floor. The elbows are pressed against the hips as the body moves up and down on the hands. If you can only lower yourself a few centimeters, that's okay. The more you practice, the easier this will be.
    • Exhale as you push yourself back to the starting position. It is a beat. Do 3 sets of 8 push-ups each time to start developing the biceps.

  2. Challenge yourself with push ups 2-2-2. If you find the regular push ups too easy, try tweaking this exercise. The "2-2-2" push-up method is to do three push-ups, each with 2 push-ups with different hand placement: narrow, normal and wide. Narrow hand pushups will help with triceps movement, and wide arm pushers develop chest muscles.
    • Start in a plank with your hands shoulder-width apart and just below your shoulders. Tighten the abdominal muscles and move the leg muscles so that the plank is steady and straight.
    • Do 2 push-ups with normal hand placement. Then move the wider hand to contact the edge of the mat. Do 2 push-ups with wide arms. Finally, move your hands to the center of the mat so that the arms form a triangle just below the chest. Do 2 push-ups with narrow hand placement.
    • Repeat the sequence three times, doing 2 reps with each hand placement.

  3. Dip your biceps in the chair. This exercise only requires a chair, but will help develop the biceps and the muscles here will be shaped more sharply.
    • Place the chair on a solid surface against the wall with the chair facing you. You can also practice dipping your biceps on the ladder (2nd or 3rd step from bottom), or on the bench. Stand about 30-60cm from the edge of the chair. Place your hands behind, shoulder-width apart, and grip the edge of the chair with your fingers. Bend your knees at a 90 degree angle so that they are above your ankles.
    • Make sure to evenly distribute the weight in your arms and legs. Inhale as you bend your elbows and push your butt off the floor. Look forward as you lower your body and remember to bend your arms at a 90 degree angle. Only fold your arms until you feel your arm muscles working.
    • Exhale as you lift your body back to the starting position. Do it gently and slowly so you don't stretch the shoulder muscles excessively. Remember to pull your shoulder blades back and keep your shoulders open, steady (don't slide forward or push up). As soon as you find it difficult to stabilize and pull your shoulders back, stop here. It is a beat. Repeat this exercise twice for 10 reps each time. You should feel your biceps after getting tired after the two exercises.
  4. Do the biceps kick with dumbbells. To do this arm exercise you'll need dumbbells and a bench or regular chair. If you are new to weight training, start with weights that weigh 1-3kg, to develop arm strength without getting injured.
    • Start holding a dumbbell in your right hand. Place your left hand and bend your left leg on the bench. The left and right hand is just below the left shoulder to support the body. Pull your right hand up while holding the dumbbells, making sure to keep your back straight and your upper body almost parallel to the floor. Make a 90 degree angle between the forearm and upper arm. Tilt your head up and keep your neck straight.
    • Exhale and use your biceps to lift the weights until your right arm is completely straight behind. Lift palms up as arms move back, so palms are facing the ceiling. Move only forearm and do not use left arm or leg. Pause for a moment when your right arm is fully straight, inhale and exhale as you return the dumbbells to the starting position.
    • Repeat this exercise on the right 10 times, then move to the left. Practice twice, with 10 beats each on both sides.
  5. Practice the biceps roll first. This exercise helps to move the muscles in the front of the biceps, also known as the biceps. You must have a set of 3kg weights for this exercise.
    • Start with your feet shoulder-width apart, release your knees, and balance your weight on your legs. Hold a 3 kg dumbbell in each hand, with palms facing forward.
    • Exhale as you roll the dumbbells up to your chest. Look straight ahead and distribute your body weight on your legs. Breathe in and lower the dumbbells down until they are 3/4 of the way down from above, it's all over. Use your biceps during exercise. Repeat this exercise twice for 10 reps each time.
  6. Punching hook with dumbbells. Firm your biceps and strengthen shoulder muscles with weightlifting exercises. You must have a set of 0.5-1kg dumbbells for this exercise.
    • Start with your feet hip-width apart, holding a 0.5-1 kg dumbbell in each hand. Hold your hands in front of you with palms facing each other.
    • Keep your left fist steady as you inhale and punch your right fist as high as you can. Be sure to keep your arms slightly bent and not keep your elbows stiff while punching. Exhale as you return your right fist to the starting position. Inhale as you punch your left fist as high as you can.
    • Take turns punching your right and left hand for 60 seconds. Slowly increase your speed until you can punch upwards as fast as you can. Repeat this exercise for 1-2 minutes every day.
  7. Raise the dumbbells in a side plank. This exercise helps to move the arm muscles and central muscles at the same time. You will need a 1-3kg dumbbell or free dumbbell for this exercise.
    • Start in a one-sided plank with your right elbow just below your shoulder, and feet stacked. Raise the dumbbells with your left hand.
    • Raise your hips up so that your body forms a straight line from shoulder to ankle. Clasp your right hand into a fist to create balance and activate the arm muscles. Then inhale while stretching your left arm so that it is just above your right shoulder. Grasp the dumbbells as you raise your left arm.
    • Exhale as you lower your left arm so that it is parallel to the ground and in front of your body. Keep your hips high while you lower your arms. Repeat this exercise 10 times on each side.

Method 2 of 3: Play sports to develop arm muscles

  1. Play tennis or other racquets. These sports are great for the arm muscles and for the whole body. Join your local tennis club or tennis lessons. If you have someone who is familiar with playing tennis ask them to guide you on how to play and practice your skills. You will feel the improved arm strength and better shaping arm muscles when playing many sports using the racket.
  2. Join in rowing. Playing sports that use the arm muscles will tone the arm. Consider finding a hobby that focuses on arm like rowing, which requires arm strength and core muscle.You can start with the paddle machine at the gym, then join a rowing lesson. You can also join a local recreational rowing team to practice your rowing skills, and to live a more active life.
  3. Learn boxing. Another sport that requires intense arm use is boxing, where you must have strong arms and good physical health. Take a boxing class at the gym or practice with a punching bag at home. Self-punching at home can develop arm strength, and punching exercises in class can also tone arms. advertisement

Method 3 of 3: Maintain a healthy diet

  1. Adjust your daily calorie intake. Adjust your calorie intake so you don't overeat or eat empty calories to avoid accumulating arm fat. After calculating your daily calorie intake based on your age, weight and activity level, try to consume enough calories each day to be able to exercise.
    • Eat plenty of green vegetables, healthy fats, and lean protein. Include one serving of protein, one or two servings of green vegetables / fruits at each meal, and one serving of complex carbohydrates like whole grains. Remember that carbohydrate intake should be in the recommended range of 20-50g per day.
    • Reduce your intake of carbohydrates, sugars and animal fats. Eating foods rich in carbohydrates and sugars causes the body to release insulin, the main hormone that causes fat storage in the body. When insulin levels drop, your body can burn fat. Low insulin levels also help the kidneys to excrete excess sodium and water, thus helping you lose weight due to water retention.
    • Eliminate foods rich in starches and carbohydrates such as French fries and white bread. Avoid foods rich in artificial sweeteners like soft drinks, cakes, candies and junk food.
  2. Determined to pursue a seven-day diet. Develop a seven-day diet consisting of three main meals (breakfast, lunch, dinner) with fixed meal times for the day, and two small meals (between breakfast and lunch, lunch and dinner) also with fixed meal times during the day. Diet will help you eat at the same times each day, and not skip meals. Consuming about 1,400 calories per day, combined with exercise, can help you lose weight healthily.
    • Make a list of things to buy based on that diet and go shopping early in the week. Keep enough food in the fridge for a week, with all the necessary ingredients so you can easily cook without the thought of being lazy or skipping meals.
  3. Drink water instead of soft drinks. Staying hydrated with filtered water will help maintain the health of your immune system, and ensure you are hydrated during your daily workout.
    • You can replace soft drinks like soda with water and add a few slices of lemon juice for flavor.
    • Try unsweetened green tea as a substitute for sugary drinks. Unsweetened green tea has a very good amount of antioxidants that can promote health.
  4. Eat well before and after exercise. To help you lose weight, you should eat healthy before and after you exercise. Eat a small meal 1-2 hours before training so you will have enough energy during the workout.
    • Post-workout meals should be high in protein and carbohydrates, and should be eaten within two hours of finishing. A meal of low-fat yogurt, a few tablespoons of oatmeal with fruit, or peanut butter and banana sandwiches made from whole-grain bread can help your body recover from a workout, improving muscle health corn.